Fauci Says Immigrants Are ‘Absolutely Not’ Driving Covid-19 Surge: ‘Let’s Face Reality Here, Republicans’ doesnt rule out banning Christmas gatherings

leftist tyrants always attack religion. Faith is a threat to their power and oppression. I have no doubt they are trying to cancel Christmas
Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective that those who’ve been vaccinated live in constant fear of getting the virus they’ve been vaccinated for, that medical professionals would rather destroy their careers than take it, that the government would hide the number killed/injured by the vaccines, the government would prevent you from suing should you be killed or injured by the vaccine.

‘Too Soon to Tell’ if We Can Get Together for Christmas.

Fauxi belongs in Gitmo
Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective that those who’ve been vaccinated live in constant fear of getting the virus they’ve been vaccinated for, that medical professionals would rather destroy their careers than take it, that the government would hide the number killed/injured by the vaccines, the government would prevent you from suing should you be killed or injured by the vaccine.

‘Too Soon to Tell’ if We Can Get Together for Christmas.
The trump Nazis must remain strong in their opposition to all attempts to stop the spread of COVID-19 and all variants that evolve from its continued surges.

And, while it isn't necessary to encourage the trump Nazis' ever-growing stupidity, it never hurts to press them to to increase their willingness to die from this disease to prove their devotion to their cheeto-in-chief.

Despite the trump Nazis' denial of all facts, the overwhelming percentage of deaths from COVID are now the unvaccinated. Sadly, some of these deaths are people unable to get the vaccine. But, for each anti-vaxxer COVID kills, the nation's collective IQ increases. So, there is a definite upside to this aspect of the trump Nazis' stupidity.

Augustine_ Another charming Leftist wishing death on people exercising their American rights.
Now now, Mikey….we should be thankful for useful idiots like Augustine_ for being a test subject for Big Pharma. Let’s them squeal all they want.

Good luck with your award
What is your reward going to be for being a test subject for a Big Pharma corporation?
Myocarditis? Heart attack? Blood clots?
Compromised immune system? Immune thrombocytopenic purpura?

So many prizes for you to win.
I don't care what you do. The more you do, the more of your herd is culled.
Well one thing is , that I've thought you vaxxers don't want to have anything to do with Christ. That you all like to celebrate Molech.

But in my religion, we have to leave it all in God's hands. So that His works be shown throughout this world. But if we leave it in men's hands that will become instruments for them. That we will be displaying their works.

God does create medicines for us, like penicillin. The way it was discovered was by an accident. That the scientist had accidentally left a petri dish full of blood from out of the fridge. But when they returned days later. The blood was moldy except for one spot. And that one spot had antibodies that killed the surrounding bacteria. And that is how it was discovered.

But I believe during the Tuskegee syphilis study. That those Black people that were used as their instruments were being used to produce antibodies for that disease. But instead they weren't able to produce antibodies themselves for that disease.

But I believe Henrietta Lack was one of their experiments. That they didn't treat her cancer but instead helped it to grow even more faster throughout her body until she died. But her body may have produced strong antibodies because they have removed organs that didn't get infected with the cancer cell. And kept it for other experiments.

Romans 6:13
Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.

John 9
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

obama boogie.gif

Duke U:
In one week 349 students and 15 employees tested positive for the virus. All but eight were fully vaccinated.
All that proves is how much covid there is out there circulating at high enough levels to cause breakthrough cases.
It shows the risk of gathering in large groups is very high.

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