Fauci slams Trump for taking advice from Scott Atlas, "a neuroradiologist with no experience in infectious diseases"

Being criticized this sharply by our top coronavirus guru is not a good look for Donald Trump two days before the elections:
But Fauci's restraint appeared to have evaporated in a Washington Post interview that was published Saturday night, in which he called out the White House for allowing its strategy for fighting the virus to be shaped in part by a neuroradiologist with no training in the field of infectious disease and said he appreciated chief of staff Mark Meadows' honesty when he admitted to CNN's Jake Tapper during a recent interview that the administration has given up controlling the spread of the virus.
Trump is going to listen only to those who toe the talk radio line.

He would be siding with Atlas if Atlas were a proctologist or a veterinarian.
you are a moron. you scum of the demonrats would side with aunt jemimah if she was against TRUMP
fauci's days are numbered; & he probably knows it.

if i were getting on a plane, i would want capt. sully in the cockpit.

if i was dining out at a 5 star restaurant, i would want wolfgang puck in the kitchen.

& if i wanted the best medical advise about a brand spanking new infectious virus, i would want someone who has made it his life's work researching & combatting such diseases, & not a trump humping x ray tech who has zero training in the field.

Dr. Atlas isn't an "x ray tech" , he's a neuro-radiologist. You have to be pretty precise when you are aiming photons into someone's brain or you could really fuck things up.

I saw Doc Atlas on TV, he's unbelievably brilliant.
Coronavirus is not a brain tumor. He's a neuroradiologist who should be doing neuroradiology (X-rays of the head).

Dr. Atlas was only brought onboard in August after months of failure by Dr. Fauci and other supposed experts. The idea is to move this situation along. No one really knows anything about corona, but getting new people with new perspectives was a tremendous idea from President Trump.
Failure..as defined by Trump: "You did not tell me what i wanted to hear and/or you disagreed with me..publicly!".
you're still being a douche? not surprising..when you get some TRUTH together, get back to us. you should work on your brain dead brain
The late Homo Activist Larry Kramer called Fauci an "incompetent idiot" and that was long before he fouled up the Corona crisis.
Larry Kramer also went to the NIH to be treated for his infection by Fauci.

As usual, y’all are acting like experts when only having a sliver of information.

‘We Loved Each Other’: Fauci Recalls Larry Kramer, Friend and Nemesis
fauci tested this guys balls and determined it may be corona...beer
America respects Fauci far MORE than the Orange Fraud, so of course Trump's minions hate Fauci.

Again...he predicted 100,000 infections in the fall and was attacked for that.

We hit that number this week.

Trump is telling us we're turning the corner.

How can you attack Fauci and defend Trump given that
Do you think the increase in the number of positive tests has anything to do with us testing 10X more every day than we did just a few months ago?

I predict you will run from this post..............again Lesh
First you can document your claim of "10X the tests"

Then you can look at hospitalizations
134K a few months ago, 1.362 MILLION on Oct 30.

Now how are you going to dodge the question Lesh :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Oct 30, 2020561,362,3768,987,631119,061,648473,00046,688221,3563,578,452144,794,227

Apr 3, 202056134,926283,4531,176,56036,68225,7297,78210,8611,517,228
Dude...that was lame

Aug 1....60 million tests That's " a few months ago"

Now...140 million...that 2.5X NOT 10X. Not even close

And guess what dope?

Yea infections have doubled in that time.
Please explain how proving my claim with a link and figures is lame, Cupcake?

This should be good :abgg2q.jpg:
Hey douchebag, Your own link showed only 2.5 X more tests than Aug 1. NOt the 10X you fraudulently claimed

Trying to compare testing in October to testing in in April is not only dishonest but just plain stupid

Over the last 8 weeks, hospitalization have almost DOUBLED...a test doesn't put you in the hospital
Hey douchebag, Your own link showed only 2.5 X more tests than Aug 1. NOt the 10X you fraudulently claimed

I never said anything about Aug 1, Dumbfuck.

I gave the numbers. They prove what I said, Idiot.
So what did you dishonestly claim?

Testing increased ten times in a couple months?

And then you point to APRIL?

That's either stupid or dishonest.

Care to tell us which?
Testing increased ten times in a couple months?

Not what I said, liar.
If Fauci is such an expert, why is he so often wrong?
Loaded question. The person who has been wrong more than anyone else is Donald trump, your idol.

This thread isn't about Trump its about Fauci. I know it's hard for a liberal to do but try to remember what the thread is about.

Maybe you can ask George or even let Biden know he's not running for senate.
This thread is about Fauci and the dumbass Donald Trump, as well as the guy with no experience Scott Atlas.

The thread is about Fauci attacking Trump, that means its about Fauci, not Trump.

I don't expect liberals to be able to comprehend shit above 3rd grade.
why, is that as far as you got, and you assume every body followed your stupidity
If Fauci is such an expert, why is he so often wrong?
Loaded question. The person who has been wrong more than anyone else is Donald trump, your idol.

This thread isn't about Trump its about Fauci. I know it's hard for a liberal to do but try to remember what the thread is about.

Maybe you can ask George or even let Biden know he's not running for senate.
This thread is about Fauci and the dumbass Donald Trump, as well as the guy with no experience Scott Atlas.
fauci the hypocrite. this quack doesnt even listen to itself....lets go to a ball game and sit right next to each other, with no mask.....you assholes buy right into their shit. how brain dead are you scum demonrats? extremely is the answer
Being criticized this sharply by our top coronavirus guru is not a good look for Donald Trump two days before the elections:
But Fauci's restraint appeared to have evaporated in a Washington Post interview that was published Saturday night, in which he called out the White House for allowing its strategy for fighting the virus to be shaped in part by a neuroradiologist with no training in the field of infectious disease and said he appreciated chief of staff Mark Meadows' honesty when he admitted to CNN's Jake Tapper during a recent interview that the administration has given up controlling the spread of the virus.

Fauci is brilliant. Only wrong about 50% of the time.

so WAY better than trump. When has trump ever been correct in his public statements on COVID??
Being criticized this sharply by our top coronavirus guru is not a good look for Donald Trump two days before the elections:
But Fauci's restraint appeared to have evaporated in a Washington Post interview that was published Saturday night, in which he called out the White House for allowing its strategy for fighting the virus to be shaped in part by a neuroradiologist with no training in the field of infectious disease and said he appreciated chief of staff Mark Meadows' honesty when he admitted to CNN's Jake Tapper during a recent interview that the administration has given up controlling the spread of the virus.

Fauci is brilliant. Only wrong about 50% of the time.

so WAY better than trump. When has trump ever been correct in his public statements on COVID??
more than the quack fauci
If Fauci is such an expert, why is he so often wrong?
Loaded question. The person who has been wrong more than anyone else is Donald trump, your idol.

This thread isn't about Trump its about Fauci. I know it's hard for a liberal to do but try to remember what the thread is about.

Maybe you can ask George or even let Biden know he's not running for senate.
This thread is about Fauci and the dumbass Donald Trump, as well as the guy with no experience Scott Atlas.
fauci the hypocrite. this quack doesnt even listen to itself....lets go to a ball game and sit right next to each other, with no mask.....you assholes buy right into their shit. how brain dead are you scum demonrats? extremely is the answer
I wear a mask just about any time I leave my house...but I guarantee that if you followed me around 24/7, you'd "catch" me without one at some point.

Save your bullshit
If Fauci is such an expert, why is he so often wrong?
Loaded question. The person who has been wrong more than anyone else is Donald trump, your idol.

This thread isn't about Trump its about Fauci. I know it's hard for a liberal to do but try to remember what the thread is about.

Maybe you can ask George or even let Biden know he's not running for senate.
This thread is about Fauci and the dumbass Donald Trump, as well as the guy with no experience Scott Atlas.
fauci the hypocrite. this quack doesnt even listen to itself....lets go to a ball game and sit right next to each other, with no mask.....you assholes buy right into their shit. how brain dead are you scum demonrats? extremely is the answer
I wear a mask just about any time I leave my house...but I guarantee that if you followed me around 24/7, you'd "catch" me without one at some point.

Save your bullshit
im not the 1 that recommended it---duh. your idol, the quack fauci, is what you put first. save your bullshit asswipe
im not the 1 that recommended it---duh. your idol, the quack fauci, is what you put first. save your bullshit asswipe
Fauci is not my idol jerk off. He's a competent professional. Something sorely lacking and not tolerated in the Trump Administration
im not the 1 that recommended it---duh. your idol, the quack fauci, is what you put first. save your bullshit asswipe
Fauci is not my idol jerk off. He's a competent professional. Something sorely lacking and not tolerated in the Trump Administration
only in your and the quack faucis minds. sorry.. the idiot does not believe anything in its own study from years back regarding covid. you should choose someone else to idolize
If Fauci is such an expert, why is he so often wrong?
Loaded question. The person who has been wrong more than anyone else is Donald trump, your idol.

This thread isn't about Trump its about Fauci. I know it's hard for a liberal to do but try to remember what the thread is about.

Maybe you can ask George or even let Biden know he's not running for senate.
This thread is about Fauci and the dumbass Donald Trump, as well as the guy with no experience Scott Atlas.
Dr Atlas has been wrong about Covid-19 a lot less often than Fauci has!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

BULLSHIT - Scott Atlas is an unqualified (radiologist) idiot who hasn't practice medicine in over 10 years and is pushing Herd Mentality.

And what are your credentials?

I wasn't put in charge of the pandemic, and if asked .. I would tell President Poopstain that I'm not qualified.
do you have to hire the actors yet? is that why there is no tape....yet? you are stupid
Asked and answered. Don’t be lazy and read the thread.

Pro-tip. Don’t indict disinfectant into people’s bodies. I know, it seems like a good idea if you’re an idiot, but it will end badly.
the vile scum demonrats are the lazy ones...sadly you are delusional
Sott Atlas just went on RT the state owned Russian propaganda channel and whined about Fauci

What a douchebag


So, Fauci can whine about Atlas, but Atlas can't comment on Fauci???????

You really are a dumbass. :iyfyus.jpg:

when did fauci go on a foreign television network owned & operated by an adversarial nation?

huh? huh huh huh?

<pfffft> you are dismissed.
When did I say he did, Dumbass? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

never said that you did - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............ whatever fauci has to say - he'll say it on american TV unlike trump's bitch who had to go on RT to whine.
Sott Atlas just went on RT the state owned Russian propaganda channel and whined about Fauci

What a douchebag


So, Fauci can whine about Atlas, but Atlas can't comment on Fauci???????

You really are a dumbass. :iyfyus.jpg:

when did fauci go on a foreign television network owned & operated by an adversarial nation?

huh? huh huh huh?

<pfffft> you are dismissed.
When did I say he did, Dumbass? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

never said that you did - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............ whatever fauci has to say - he'll say it on american TV unlike trump's bitch who had to go on RT to whine.
So you admit it was just a dumbass question from a dumbass.

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