FBI apprehends Christian terror group on US soil

Until he was tracked down and caught I had a terrorist around here -- and this wasn't a gang-on-gang thing, he was blowing up innocent people regardless of who happened to be around, BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. And doing it for the specific purpose of terrorizing people.

His name was Eric Rudolph. He's a Catholic, which I'm pretty sure is not "Islamic".

Then there was Scott Roeder, in Kansas. I uh, don't think he was yelling "Allahu Akhbar" as he murdered a doctor in cold blood in a church BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. But it's a fair bet he might have yelled an English equivalent.

See the difference between "Islamic" and "Christian" terrorism?
Me neither.

This is the part you wags stick your head in the sand and refuse to get -- anybody can claim to do what they do because the Flying Spaghetti Monster told them to. That doesn't mean His Holiness the FSM (praised be his noodly name) even knows a thing about it.

Son of Sam claimed a dog was giving him orders. By the mob mentality logic popular this week we should have already rounded up and deported all dogs.

Same thing. What the hell, pun intended, makes the word of a psychotic murderer suddenly "reliable" on religious matters?
I mean break a brain cell sweat and think for a moment.

Eric Rudolph did not have a large population base that sympathized with his goals and views, neither did Berkowitz. You don't see abortion clinics getting blown up weekly, or guys who's dogs talk to them terrorize a city weekly. But here you have a plane blown up, a city assaulted, and now a hotel attacked and hostages taken, all in the name of Islam.

Your heading being in the sand because it is politically damaging for your "leaders" is more telling than anything else you are posting.

So logic depends on frequency on your planet, does it?

What IS the frequency, Kenneth? At what point does logic kick in and Double Standard retire? 42?

While you're ducking your head so as to miss the point, Rudolph, Roeder, and we can name many more*, acted on exactly the same kind of zealotry you're bending over backward to see a different way. Berkowitz isn't considered a terrorist; that's simply another illustration that anyone can claim anything as a source. It's illuminative that you guys are not above taking the word of lowlifes as angelic pure truth when it suits your purpose to do so.

"Depends on how often it happens" --- what an enormous cop-out.

(* - Griffin, Salvi, Hill, Grace, Markley, Goldsby, Simmons, Simmons, Wiggins, Uphoff, Kopp, Earl, Hughes, Donahoe, McMenemy, Altman, Baca, Derosia, Rogers, Waagner and maybe more seriously an equal number who were never caught. And btw at least three of those names are preceded with the title "Reverend")

Yes, it depends on how often it happens, and the chance it has on destabilizing society in general.

But keep defending the ineptitude of your dear leader if it makes you feel better.

My "dear leader" is The Truth and historical fact.
Got a problem with that?

never trust a person who talks about "Truth," they are usually lying to themselves.

Interesting, as that's what you just did.

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


To be fair, the same people who don't want Syrian refugees into the US are the same ones that want to seal the US border with Mexico.

Secondly, you call Mexican gangs Christians? I guess anyone not yelling Allah Akbar when they kill are now labelled Christians.

As I showed in the other thread, MS13 have Christian themed tattoos and use Catholic imagery. But we don't call them Christian terrorists hence the hypocritical double standard.

It's only a double standard if you are some progressive apologist trying to create moral equivalence.

These are drug gangs, economic criminals of the lowest order, their concern is money and local economic power. All the tats and other superficial things are meaningless.

ISIS desires the creation of a Islamic State, built on Islamic principles, and recruits people with Islamic beliefs.
and illegal immigrants who were not vetted.

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.

So they committed their crimes in Jesus's name did they?

What were they shouting while committing their crimes ,"Jesus Saves"?
Eric Rudolph did not have a large population base that sympathized with his goals and views, neither did Berkowitz. You don't see abortion clinics getting blown up weekly, or guys who's dogs talk to them terrorize a city weekly. But here you have a plane blown up, a city assaulted, and now a hotel attacked and hostages taken, all in the name of Islam.

Your heading being in the sand because it is politically damaging for your "leaders" is more telling than anything else you are posting.

So logic depends on frequency on your planet, does it?

What IS the frequency, Kenneth? At what point does logic kick in and Double Standard retire? 42?

While you're ducking your head so as to miss the point, Rudolph, Roeder, and we can name many more*, acted on exactly the same kind of zealotry you're bending over backward to see a different way. Berkowitz isn't considered a terrorist; that's simply another illustration that anyone can claim anything as a source. It's illuminative that you guys are not above taking the word of lowlifes as angelic pure truth when it suits your purpose to do so.

"Depends on how often it happens" --- what an enormous cop-out.

(* - Griffin, Salvi, Hill, Grace, Markley, Goldsby, Simmons, Simmons, Wiggins, Uphoff, Kopp, Earl, Hughes, Donahoe, McMenemy, Altman, Baca, Derosia, Rogers, Waagner and maybe more seriously an equal number who were never caught. And btw at least three of those names are preceded with the title "Reverend")

Yes, it depends on how often it happens, and the chance it has on destabilizing society in general.

But keep defending the ineptitude of your dear leader if it makes you feel better.

My "dear leader" is The Truth and historical fact.
Got a problem with that?

never trust a person who talks about "Truth," they are usually lying to themselves.

Interesting, as that's what you just did.

No, I'm voicing an opinion and my observations, I am not claiming "Truth" explicitly.
After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.

Since I could care less whether a murderer is a Christian, Muslim, Jew or gangbanger your post means nothing to me.

Religion is the bane of the world in my mind. Especially when you consider how many wars have been fought over religion and the millions who have died fighting those wars.

An also take in the many inhumane acts that have been committed in the name of religion.
Last edited:
After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.

Since I could care less whether a murderer is a Christian, Muslim, Jew or gangbanger your post means nothing to me.

Religion is the bane of the world in my mind. Especially when you consider how many wars have been fought over religion and the millions who have died fighting those wars.

An also take in the many inhumane acts that have been committed in the name of religion.

Pedal your bullshit elsewhere.
Minus the 160 million murdered by their own Godless communist governments in the past century of course.
After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.

Since I could care less whether a murderer is a Christian, Muslim, Jew or gangbanger your post means nothing to me.

Religion is the bane of the world in my mind. Especially when you consider how many wars have been fought over religion and the millions who have died fighting those wars.

An also take in the many inhumane acts that have been committed in the name of religion.

EXACTLY THE POINT. Religion is irrelevant. :clap2:

Somebody gets it.

Maybe the mouth-breathers will pick up the infection.... :eusa_shifty:
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After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.

Since I could care less whether a murderer is a Christian, Muslim, Jew or gangbanger your post means nothing to me.

Religion is the bane of the world in my mind. Especially when you consider how many wars have been fought over religion and the millions who have died fighting those wars.

An also take in the many inhumane acts that have been committed in the name of religion.

Pedal your bullshit elsewhere.

Your last line is weirdly ironic, since everything that comes before it is EXACTLY THE POINT HERE.

Here we are saying the same thing and you're calling it "bullshit".
That's kinda weird. But thanks for the confirmation, however befuddled.

Your welcome and I'll to not befuddle you again. LOL
After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

The Klan wasn't founded until 1865 -- AFTER the War. And it was founded by Confederate veteran soldiers (young ones) -- not "Democrats" or any other political party. That one didn't last 15 years; the second (Simmons) iteration was founded by a salesman acting out a history fantasy -- again not a political party.

Might wanna break open the piggy bank and buy a history book. You can't just make it up here.

The point you're desperately trying to deflect is the religious basis. Deflection fails.
Yup from 1876 to 1964 the Democrats did NOT create Jim Crow laws, ban blacks from voting or any other Racist thing, right? The KKK was not card carrying members of the Democratic party right?
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.

Since I could care less whether a murderer is a Christian, Muslim, Jew or gangbanger your post means nothing to me.

Religion is the bane of the world in my mind. Especially when you consider how many wars have been fought over religion and the millions who have died fighting those wars.

An also take in the many inhumane acts that have been committed in the name of religion.

Pedal your bullshit elsewhere.

Your last line is weirdly ironic, since everything that comes before it is EXACTLY THE POINT HERE.

Here we are saying the same thing and you're calling it "bullshit".
That's kinda weird. But thanks for the confirmation, however befuddled.

Your welcome and I'll to not befuddle you again. LOL

Re-edited to reflect assent. :beer:
'FBI apprehends Christian terror group on US soil'


So MS-13 is now designated a violent bunch of bible-thumpin' choir boys?! :confused:
After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

The Klan wasn't founded until 1865 -- AFTER the War. And it was founded by Confederate veteran soldiers (young ones) -- not "Democrats" or any other political party. That one didn't last 15 years; the second (Simmons) iteration was founded by a salesman acting out a history fantasy -- again not a political party.

Might wanna break open the piggy bank and buy a history book. You can't just make it up here.

The point you're desperately trying to deflect is the religious basis. Deflection fails.
Yup from 1876 to 1964 the Democrats did NOT create Jim Crow laws, ban blacks from voting or any other Racist thing, right? The KKK was not card carrying members of the Democratic party right?

Correct. In Indiana they ran the state through the Republican party, putting a governor and a senator in office. Did the same in Colorado and other places in the west. But we're talking religious terrorism here, not political parties.
Last edited:
That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.

Since I could care less whether a murderer is a Christian, Muslim, Jew or gangbanger your post means nothing to me.

Religion is the bane of the world in my mind. Especially when you consider how many wars have been fought over religion and the millions who have died fighting those wars.

An also take in the many inhumane acts that have been committed in the name of religion.

Pedal your bullshit elsewhere.

Your last line is weirdly ironic, since everything that comes before it is EXACTLY THE POINT HERE.

Here we are saying the same thing and you're calling it "bullshit".
That's kinda weird. But thanks for the confirmation, however befuddled.

Your welcome and I'll to not befuddle you again. LOL

Re-edited to reflect assent. :beer:

Yup. LOL
After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.
Look dumb ass, the DIFFERENCE is that ISLAM TEACHES murder and slaughter and calls on its members to do so. Christians are NOT taught by the religion to kill and maim. You see dumb ass Christians about 700 years ago started to change the bent of the religion and began putting a stop to such activities. Remind me when Islam did so? Ohh wait, they HAVEN'T.

So STUPID the difference is one religion glorifies and encourages its members to murder none members while the other condemns and ostracizes anyone that does so in its name.
After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.
Look dumb ass, the DIFFERENCE is that ISLAM TEACHES murder and slaughter and calls on its members to do so. Christians are NOT taught by the religion to kill and maim. You see dumb ass Christians about 700 years ago started to change the bent of the religion and began putting a stop to such activities. Remind me when Islam did so? Ohh wait, they HAVEN'T.

So STUPID the difference is one religion glorifies and encourages its members to murder none members while the other condemns and ostracizes anyone that does so in its name.

Doesn't it now?
This is conveniently lifted from a recent unrelated thread:

Deuteronomy 21:18-21
“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Leviticus 24:16
Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.

Acts 7:59-60
And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Numbers 15:32-36
While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. And the Lord said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the Lord commanded Moses.

Leviticus 20:27
“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”

Deuteronomy 13:10
You shall stone him to death with stones
, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

(all listed here)

--- and that was only specifically stonings, not the bits about bashing babies' heads. All that's in the Holey Babble -- right now.

As is plainly laid out in the post you quoted, sitting right above:

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.
After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.
Look dumb ass, the DIFFERENCE is that ISLAM TEACHES murder and slaughter and calls on its members to do so. Christians are NOT taught by the religion to kill and maim. You see dumb ass Christians about 700 years ago started to change the bent of the religion and began putting a stop to such activities. Remind me when Islam did so? Ohh wait, they HAVEN'T.

So STUPID the difference is one religion glorifies and encourages its members to murder none members while the other condemns and ostracizes anyone that does so in its name.

Well you are right there. Islam does encourage the followers to murder, behead, rape and maim.

Don't see other religions encouraging that's at least not in this day and age. In the past though they sure weren't pure as the driven snow. None of them.

If you have ever read the bible its full of war, incest, murder and rape. Of course those were the bad old days. You don't see the Christian religion encouraging any of that now.
Look dumb ass, the DIFFERENCE is that ISLAM TEACHES murder and slaughter and calls on its members to do so. Christians are NOT taught by the religion to kill and maim.

"Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks".

I have to agree, that is disgusting.

Oh wait -- Psalm 139:7


2 Kings 8:12
"Why is my lord weeping?" asked Hazael. "Because I know the harm you will do to the Israelites," he answered. "You will set fire to their fortified places, kill their young men with the sword, dash their little children to the ground, and rip open their pregnant women."

Isaiah 13:16
Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated.

Hosea 13:16
The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open."

Still want to pretend it isn't there?


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