FBI apprehends Christian terror group on US soil


Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.

WTF do a bunch of Mexican thugs have to do with terrorism? Do you understand what terrorism is?
To Leftards terrorism is standing up for your Constitutional rights.
Islamic Terrorist do their attacks in support of and because of Islam. Remind us of the times MS-13 has done the same BECAUSE of Christian beliefs and teachings?

ISIS desires the creation of a Islamic State, built on Islamic principles, and recruits people with Islamic beliefs.

Until he was tracked down and caught I had a terrorist around here -- and this wasn't a gang-on-gang thing, he was blowing up innocent people regardless of who happened to be around, BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. And doing it for the specific purpose of terrorizing people.

His name was Eric Rudolph. He's a Catholic, which I'm pretty sure is not "Islamic".

Then there was Scott Roeder, in Kansas. I uh, don't think he was yelling "Allahu Akhbar" as he murdered a doctor in cold blood in a church BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. But it's a fair bet he might have yelled an English equivalent.

See the difference between "Islamic" and "Christian" terrorism?
Me neither.

This is the part you wags stick your head in the sand and refuse to get -- anybody can claim to do what they do because the Flying Spaghetti Monster told them to. That doesn't mean His Holiness the FSM (praised be his noodly name) even knows a thing about it.

Son of Sam claimed a dog was giving him orders. By the mob mentality logic popular this week we should have already rounded up and deported all dogs.

Same thing. What the hell, pun intended, makes the word of a psychotic murderer suddenly "reliable" on religious matters?
I mean break a brain cell sweat and think for a moment.
The difference is that ISLAM teaches its followers to do violence Christians are not taught that by the religion. Islam TEACHES its followers to take control of the Government and the world, Christians are not taught that. Islam TEACHES its followers it is ok to murder non believers Christians are not taught that. Getting the idea yet?

Yeah yeah yeah, heard it all before -- when "they" do it they're faithfully following their religion and we take their word on motivation as absolute gospel, no pun intended, but when "we" do it, they're outliers and lying about being Christian.

Poster please. Wtf do you think "double standard" MEANS?
We need a vetting process for those allowed to start threads on these boards.

Finding exposure of a double standard inconvenient are we?

Nope. You fail the simple test of actually pointing out a double standard that would make your statement valid.

in your mind some gang-bangers with tattoos = ISIS. all of that from your mind, with no facts of any kind to back it up, just a convoluted grasp at a straw.

nice try though.

I've already demonstrated it, in spades. See 30, 35 and 41. Like the double standard fallacy itself, those aren't going away. All I get back is a lot of whining from your end and Googly Image facepalms from the butthurt. And a lot of desperate spinning -- one guy thinks it depends on frequency; another wag says "they had it coming"....

-- and your response is to stick your head in the sand and pretend all that isn't there. Courageous. Very well not played. Beautifully not done anything about.

Double standard is double standard. There's no evading it. But it CAN be abandoned...

You've demonstrated exactly nothing. Saying it and continuing to say it doesn't make it so.

If you'd like to demonstrate something, demonstrate what you yourself are saying and actually back it up with facts. Give us something to back up the apparent core assertion that these people are driven by Christian fundamentalism in anything remotely resembling the way ISIS is driven by it's fundamentalism.

to this point this rises nicely to the level of gibberish. It does demonstrate a lot, but not, apparently, what you think it does.

It takes a special kind of abject moron to pretend specifics staring him in the face aren't really there. Life in :lalala: land...

You're dismissed, wimp.

The irony of that statement may win the internet today.

And I'll also point out, again, that you did not bother to point out a single fact to back up your position. Dig around and find one.

I would dismiss you, but I'm having such fun waiting to see what tumbles out of the Lack of Logic Funhouse next that it would be mean to myself to do so.....
Islamic Terrorist do their attacks in support of and because of Islam. Remind us of the times MS-13 has done the same BECAUSE of Christian beliefs and teachings?

ISIS desires the creation of a Islamic State, built on Islamic principles, and recruits people with Islamic beliefs.

Until he was tracked down and caught I had a terrorist around here -- and this wasn't a gang-on-gang thing, he was blowing up innocent people regardless of who happened to be around, BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. And doing it for the specific purpose of terrorizing people.

His name was Eric Rudolph. He's a Catholic, which I'm pretty sure is not "Islamic".

Then there was Scott Roeder, in Kansas. I uh, don't think he was yelling "Allahu Akhbar" as he murdered a doctor in cold blood in a church BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. But it's a fair bet he might have yelled an English equivalent.

See the difference between "Islamic" and "Christian" terrorism?
Me neither.

This is the part you wags stick your head in the sand and refuse to get -- anybody can claim to do what they do because the Flying Spaghetti Monster told them to. That doesn't mean His Holiness the FSM (praised be his noodly name) even knows a thing about it.

Son of Sam claimed a dog was giving him orders. By the mob mentality logic popular this week we should have already rounded up and deported all dogs.

Same thing. What the hell, pun intended, makes the word of a psychotic murderer suddenly "reliable" on religious matters?
I mean break a brain cell sweat and think for a moment.
The difference is that ISLAM teaches its followers to do violence Christians are not taught that by the religion. Islam TEACHES its followers to take control of the Government and the world, Christians are not taught that. Islam TEACHES its followers it is ok to murder non believers Christians are not taught that. Getting the idea yet?

Yeah yeah yeah, heard it all before -- when "they" do it they're faithfully following their religion and we take their word on motivation as absolute gospel, no pun intended, but when "we" do it, they're outliers and lying about being Christian.

Poster please. Wtf do you think "double standard" MEANS?
Keep proving just how MORONIC and STUPID you are.
Islamic Terrorist do their attacks in support of and because of Islam. Remind us of the times MS-13 has done the same BECAUSE of Christian beliefs and teachings?

ISIS desires the creation of a Islamic State, built on Islamic principles, and recruits people with Islamic beliefs.

Until he was tracked down and caught I had a terrorist around here -- and this wasn't a gang-on-gang thing, he was blowing up innocent people regardless of who happened to be around, BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. And doing it for the specific purpose of terrorizing people.

His name was Eric Rudolph. He's a Catholic, which I'm pretty sure is not "Islamic".

Then there was Scott Roeder, in Kansas. I uh, don't think he was yelling "Allahu Akhbar" as he murdered a doctor in cold blood in a church BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. But it's a fair bet he might have yelled an English equivalent.

See the difference between "Islamic" and "Christian" terrorism?
Me neither.

This is the part you wags stick your head in the sand and refuse to get -- anybody can claim to do what they do because the Flying Spaghetti Monster told them to. That doesn't mean His Holiness the FSM (praised be his noodly name) even knows a thing about it.

Son of Sam claimed a dog was giving him orders. By the mob mentality logic popular this week we should have already rounded up and deported all dogs.

Same thing. What the hell, pun intended, makes the word of a psychotic murderer suddenly "reliable" on religious matters?
I mean break a brain cell sweat and think for a moment.
The difference is that ISLAM teaches its followers to do violence Christians are not taught that by the religion. Islam TEACHES its followers to take control of the Government and the world, Christians are not taught that. Islam TEACHES its followers it is ok to murder non believers Christians are not taught that. Getting the idea yet?

Yeah yeah yeah, heard it all before -- when "they" do it they're faithfully following their religion and we take their word on motivation as absolute gospel, no pun intended, but when "we" do it, they're outliers and lying about being Christian.

Poster please. Wtf do you think "double standard" MEANS?
Are you off your meds again?
Islamic Terrorist do their attacks in support of and because of Islam. Remind us of the times MS-13 has done the same BECAUSE of Christian beliefs and teachings?

ISIS desires the creation of a Islamic State, built on Islamic principles, and recruits people with Islamic beliefs.

Until he was tracked down and caught I had a terrorist around here -- and this wasn't a gang-on-gang thing, he was blowing up innocent people regardless of who happened to be around, BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. And doing it for the specific purpose of terrorizing people.

His name was Eric Rudolph. He's a Catholic, which I'm pretty sure is not "Islamic".

Then there was Scott Roeder, in Kansas. I uh, don't think he was yelling "Allahu Akhbar" as he murdered a doctor in cold blood in a church BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. But it's a fair bet he might have yelled an English equivalent.

See the difference between "Islamic" and "Christian" terrorism?
Me neither.

This is the part you wags stick your head in the sand and refuse to get -- anybody can claim to do what they do because the Flying Spaghetti Monster told them to. That doesn't mean His Holiness the FSM (praised be his noodly name) even knows a thing about it.

Son of Sam claimed a dog was giving him orders. By the mob mentality logic popular this week we should have already rounded up and deported all dogs.

Same thing. What the hell, pun intended, makes the word of a psychotic murderer suddenly "reliable" on religious matters?
I mean break a brain cell sweat and think for a moment.
The difference is that ISLAM teaches its followers to do violence Christians are not taught that by the religion. Islam TEACHES its followers to take control of the Government and the world, Christians are not taught that. Islam TEACHES its followers it is ok to murder non believers Christians are not taught that. Getting the idea yet?

Yeah yeah yeah, heard it all before -- when "they" do it they're faithfully following their religion and we take their word on motivation as absolute gospel, no pun intended, but when "we" do it, they're outliers and lying about being Christian.

Poster please. Wtf do you think "double standard" MEANS?

Where is "Thou Shalt do no murder," Which is one of God's commandments…and then you murder someone…..where is that an outlier vs not being a christian….you have essentially not followed Christian teachings…and yet the left says you are acting like a christian…..

Muslim teachings are all about killing infidels…and when they do…the left says they are not muslims…..

This is what is called Reality Dyslexia, a disorder that all hard core lefties have…...
Finding exposure of a double standard inconvenient are we?

Nope. You fail the simple test of actually pointing out a double standard that would make your statement valid.

in your mind some gang-bangers with tattoos = ISIS. all of that from your mind, with no facts of any kind to back it up, just a convoluted grasp at a straw.

nice try though.

I've already demonstrated it, in spades. See 30, 35 and 41. Like the double standard fallacy itself, those aren't going away. All I get back is a lot of whining from your end and Googly Image facepalms from the butthurt. And a lot of desperate spinning -- one guy thinks it depends on frequency; another wag says "they had it coming"....

-- and your response is to stick your head in the sand and pretend all that isn't there. Courageous. Very well not played. Beautifully not done anything about.

Double standard is double standard. There's no evading it. But it CAN be abandoned...

You've demonstrated exactly nothing. Saying it and continuing to say it doesn't make it so.

If you'd like to demonstrate something, demonstrate what you yourself are saying and actually back it up with facts. Give us something to back up the apparent core assertion that these people are driven by Christian fundamentalism in anything remotely resembling the way ISIS is driven by it's fundamentalism.

to this point this rises nicely to the level of gibberish. It does demonstrate a lot, but not, apparently, what you think it does.

It takes a special kind of abject moron to pretend specifics staring him in the face aren't really there. Life in :lalala: land...

You're dismissed, wimp.

The irony of that statement may win the internet today.

And I'll also point out, again, that you did not bother to point out a single fact to back up your position. Dig around and find one.

I would dismiss you, but I'm having such fun waiting to see what tumbles out of the Lack of Logic Funhouse next that it would be mean to myself to do so.....

I gave you three post numbers (30, 35, 41) that you keep editing out in your courageous hopes to not have to deal with them.

That ain't how this site works Gummo. But it speaks volumes about your guts. Wimp.
Islamic Terrorist do their attacks in support of and because of Islam. Remind us of the times MS-13 has done the same BECAUSE of Christian beliefs and teachings?

ISIS desires the creation of a Islamic State, built on Islamic principles, and recruits people with Islamic beliefs.

Until he was tracked down and caught I had a terrorist around here -- and this wasn't a gang-on-gang thing, he was blowing up innocent people regardless of who happened to be around, BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. And doing it for the specific purpose of terrorizing people.

His name was Eric Rudolph. He's a Catholic, which I'm pretty sure is not "Islamic".

Then there was Scott Roeder, in Kansas. I uh, don't think he was yelling "Allahu Akhbar" as he murdered a doctor in cold blood in a church BECAUSE of his religious beliefs. But it's a fair bet he might have yelled an English equivalent.

See the difference between "Islamic" and "Christian" terrorism?
Me neither.

This is the part you wags stick your head in the sand and refuse to get -- anybody can claim to do what they do because the Flying Spaghetti Monster told them to. That doesn't mean His Holiness the FSM (praised be his noodly name) even knows a thing about it.

Son of Sam claimed a dog was giving him orders. By the mob mentality logic popular this week we should have already rounded up and deported all dogs.

Same thing. What the hell, pun intended, makes the word of a psychotic murderer suddenly "reliable" on religious matters?
I mean break a brain cell sweat and think for a moment.
The difference is that ISLAM teaches its followers to do violence Christians are not taught that by the religion. Islam TEACHES its followers to take control of the Government and the world, Christians are not taught that. Islam TEACHES its followers it is ok to murder non believers Christians are not taught that. Getting the idea yet?

Yeah yeah yeah, heard it all before -- when "they" do it they're faithfully following their religion and we take their word on motivation as absolute gospel, no pun intended, but when "we" do it, they're outliers and lying about being Christian.

Poster please. Wtf do you think "double standard" MEANS?
Keep proving just how MORONIC and STUPID you are.

Hey, I don't write the laws on what a Double Standard is -- I just enforce it.

Don't like it?

Then stop doing it.
Nope. You fail the simple test of actually pointing out a double standard that would make your statement valid.

in your mind some gang-bangers with tattoos = ISIS. all of that from your mind, with no facts of any kind to back it up, just a convoluted grasp at a straw.

nice try though.

I've already demonstrated it, in spades. See 30, 35 and 41. Like the double standard fallacy itself, those aren't going away. All I get back is a lot of whining from your end and Googly Image facepalms from the butthurt. And a lot of desperate spinning -- one guy thinks it depends on frequency; another wag says "they had it coming"....

-- and your response is to stick your head in the sand and pretend all that isn't there. Courageous. Very well not played. Beautifully not done anything about.

Double standard is double standard. There's no evading it. But it CAN be abandoned...

You've demonstrated exactly nothing. Saying it and continuing to say it doesn't make it so.

If you'd like to demonstrate something, demonstrate what you yourself are saying and actually back it up with facts. Give us something to back up the apparent core assertion that these people are driven by Christian fundamentalism in anything remotely resembling the way ISIS is driven by it's fundamentalism.

to this point this rises nicely to the level of gibberish. It does demonstrate a lot, but not, apparently, what you think it does.

It takes a special kind of abject moron to pretend specifics staring him in the face aren't really there. Life in :lalala: land...

You're dismissed, wimp.

The irony of that statement may win the internet today.

And I'll also point out, again, that you did not bother to point out a single fact to back up your position. Dig around and find one.

I would dismiss you, but I'm having such fun waiting to see what tumbles out of the Lack of Logic Funhouse next that it would be mean to myself to do so.....

I gave you three post numbers (30, 35, 41) that you keep editing out in your courageous hopes to not have to deal with them.

That ain't how this site works Gummo. But it speaks volumes about your guts. Wimp.
Total number of people murdered in abortion bombings in US history: Eight.
That's a slow half hour for a Muslim.
I've already demonstrated it, in spades. See 30, 35 and 41. Like the double standard fallacy itself, those aren't going away. All I get back is a lot of whining from your end and Googly Image facepalms from the butthurt. And a lot of desperate spinning -- one guy thinks it depends on frequency; another wag says "they had it coming"....

-- and your response is to stick your head in the sand and pretend all that isn't there. Courageous. Very well not played. Beautifully not done anything about.

Double standard is double standard. There's no evading it. But it CAN be abandoned...

You've demonstrated exactly nothing. Saying it and continuing to say it doesn't make it so.

If you'd like to demonstrate something, demonstrate what you yourself are saying and actually back it up with facts. Give us something to back up the apparent core assertion that these people are driven by Christian fundamentalism in anything remotely resembling the way ISIS is driven by it's fundamentalism.

to this point this rises nicely to the level of gibberish. It does demonstrate a lot, but not, apparently, what you think it does.

It takes a special kind of abject moron to pretend specifics staring him in the face aren't really there. Life in :lalala: land...

You're dismissed, wimp.

The irony of that statement may win the internet today.

And I'll also point out, again, that you did not bother to point out a single fact to back up your position. Dig around and find one.

I would dismiss you, but I'm having such fun waiting to see what tumbles out of the Lack of Logic Funhouse next that it would be mean to myself to do so.....

I gave you three post numbers (30, 35, 41) that you keep editing out in your courageous hopes to not have to deal with them.

That ain't how this site works Gummo. But it speaks volumes about your guts. Wimp.
Total number of people murdered in abortion bombings in US history: Eight.
That's a slow half hour for a Muslim.

Ah, we're back to the frequency canard again. In Duh Bubble they must think that somehow makes their own "they had it coming" double standard go away. Like going to confession or.... clearing the fallacy cache. :lol:

Deflection fails. Miserably.
Nope. You fail the simple test of actually pointing out a double standard that would make your statement valid.

in your mind some gang-bangers with tattoos = ISIS. all of that from your mind, with no facts of any kind to back it up, just a convoluted grasp at a straw.

nice try though.

I've already demonstrated it, in spades. See 30, 35 and 41. Like the double standard fallacy itself, those aren't going away. All I get back is a lot of whining from your end and Googly Image facepalms from the butthurt. And a lot of desperate spinning -- one guy thinks it depends on frequency; another wag says "they had it coming"....

-- and your response is to stick your head in the sand and pretend all that isn't there. Courageous. Very well not played. Beautifully not done anything about.

Double standard is double standard. There's no evading it. But it CAN be abandoned...

You've demonstrated exactly nothing. Saying it and continuing to say it doesn't make it so.

If you'd like to demonstrate something, demonstrate what you yourself are saying and actually back it up with facts. Give us something to back up the apparent core assertion that these people are driven by Christian fundamentalism in anything remotely resembling the way ISIS is driven by it's fundamentalism.

to this point this rises nicely to the level of gibberish. It does demonstrate a lot, but not, apparently, what you think it does.

It takes a special kind of abject moron to pretend specifics staring him in the face aren't really there. Life in :lalala: land...

You're dismissed, wimp.

The irony of that statement may win the internet today.

And I'll also point out, again, that you did not bother to point out a single fact to back up your position. Dig around and find one.

I would dismiss you, but I'm having such fun waiting to see what tumbles out of the Lack of Logic Funhouse next that it would be mean to myself to do so.....

I gave you three post numbers (30, 35, 41) that you keep editing out in your courageous hopes to not have to deal with them.

That ain't how this site works Gummo. But it speaks volumes about your guts. Wimp.

I looked at your posts. I still do not see any ties, inferred, much less proven, to back up your baseless assertion that these are somehow equivalent groups.

you have not presented these facts because they do not exist, your utterly vacuous attempts to continue to argue the contrary notwithstanding.

"look I said something stupid in posts x, y, z - so I'm clearly right" ummm, no, that proves nothing other than you need a good class in logic.

your position is baseless, thoughtless, and, most importantly, factless- and I don't know how a discussion/debate site works. you might want to crack out a manual and come back after you've had a nappy.
You've demonstrated exactly nothing. Saying it and continuing to say it doesn't make it so.

If you'd like to demonstrate something, demonstrate what you yourself are saying and actually back it up with facts. Give us something to back up the apparent core assertion that these people are driven by Christian fundamentalism in anything remotely resembling the way ISIS is driven by it's fundamentalism.

to this point this rises nicely to the level of gibberish. It does demonstrate a lot, but not, apparently, what you think it does.

It takes a special kind of abject moron to pretend specifics staring him in the face aren't really there. Life in :lalala: land...

You're dismissed, wimp.

The irony of that statement may win the internet today.

And I'll also point out, again, that you did not bother to point out a single fact to back up your position. Dig around and find one.

I would dismiss you, but I'm having such fun waiting to see what tumbles out of the Lack of Logic Funhouse next that it would be mean to myself to do so.....

I gave you three post numbers (30, 35, 41) that you keep editing out in your courageous hopes to not have to deal with them.

That ain't how this site works Gummo. But it speaks volumes about your guts. Wimp.
Total number of people murdered in abortion bombings in US history: Eight.
That's a slow half hour for a Muslim.

Ah, we're back to the frequency canard again. In Duh Bubble they must think that somehow makes their own "they had it coming" double standard go away. Like going to confession or.... clearing the fallacy cache. :lol:

Deflection fails. Miserably.
You've demonstrated exactly nothing. Saying it and continuing to say it doesn't make it so.

If you'd like to demonstrate something, demonstrate what you yourself are saying and actually back it up with facts. Give us something to back up the apparent core assertion that these people are driven by Christian fundamentalism in anything remotely resembling the way ISIS is driven by it's fundamentalism.

to this point this rises nicely to the level of gibberish. It does demonstrate a lot, but not, apparently, what you think it does.

It takes a special kind of abject moron to pretend specifics staring him in the face aren't really there. Life in :lalala: land...

You're dismissed, wimp.

The irony of that statement may win the internet today.

And I'll also point out, again, that you did not bother to point out a single fact to back up your position. Dig around and find one.

I would dismiss you, but I'm having such fun waiting to see what tumbles out of the Lack of Logic Funhouse next that it would be mean to myself to do so.....

I gave you three post numbers (30, 35, 41) that you keep editing out in your courageous hopes to not have to deal with them.

That ain't how this site works Gummo. But it speaks volumes about your guts. Wimp.
Total number of people murdered in abortion bombings in US history: Eight.
That's a slow half hour for a Muslim.

Ah, we're back to the frequency canard again. In Duh Bubble they must think that somehow makes their own "they had it coming" double standard go away. Like going to confession or.... clearing the fallacy cache. :lol:

Deflection fails. Miserably.
Like everyone knows, the left have zero ability to recognize evil. You'd rather rant about Christians and Gorebal warming because you're pathetic lovers of evil.
We really need to find a way to deal with these radical, murderous Presbyterians.
Where is "Thou Shalt do no murder," Which is one of God's commandments…and then you murder someone…..where is that an outlier vs not being a christian….you have essentially not followed Christian teachings…and yet the left says you are acting like a christian…..

According to the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security's joint Terrorism Knowledge Base, the Army of God is an underground terrorist organization active in the United States formed in 1982, which has been responsible for a substantial amount of anti-abortion violence. In addition to numerous property crimes, the group has committed acts of kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder. While sharing a common ideology and tactics, members claim to rarely communicate;[16] the organization forbids those who wish to "take action against baby killing abortionists" from discussing their plans with anyone in advance.[17]

In August 1982, three men identifying as the Army of God kidnapped Hector Zevallos (a doctor and clinic owner) and his wife, Rosalee Jean, holding them for eight days.[18] In 1993, Shelly Shannon, a very active member of the Army of God, was found guilty of the attempted murder of Dr. George Tiller.[19] That same year, law enforcement officials found the Army of God Manual, a tactical guide to arson, chemical attacks, invasions, and bombings buried in Shelly Shannon's backyard.[18] Paul Jennings Hill was found guilty of the murder of both Dr. John Britton and clinic escort James Barrett.

The Army of God published a "Defensive Action Statement" signed by more than two dozen supporters of Hill, saying that "whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child... if in fact Paul Hill did kill or wound abortionist John Britton, and accomplices James Barrett and Mrs. Barrett, his actions are morally justified if they were necessary for the purpose of defending innocent human life".[20][17] The AOG claimed responsibility for Eric Robert Rudolph's 1997 shrapnel bombing of abortion clinics in Atlanta and Birmingham.[21] The organization embraces its description as terrorist.[22] -- Wiki

Mind you... we're still only citing Christian terrorism within the United States...

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


So how do you know they're Christians?
And you're right about one thing....stop illegal immigration!!!

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


To be fair, the same people who don't want Syrian refugees into the US are the same ones that want to seal the US border with Mexico.

Secondly, you call Mexican gangs Christians? I guess anyone not yelling Allah Akbar when they kill are now labelled Christians.

As I showed in the other thread, MS13 have Christian themed tattoos and use Catholic imagery. But we don't call them Christian terrorists hence the hypocritical double standard.

These guys are just a bunch of gangbangers.

If you want to equate them with terrorist, feel free.

Let me know when they behead those they murder, burn some alive and put it on Al Jazeera.

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


Yes, we should close the border to these types. We've been saying that for years now.

I guess Trump was right, many of these immigrants are criminals.

It's always fun to see progressives get so twisted in their asinine Agenda that it backfires on them.
We really need to find a way to deal with these radical, murderous Presbyterians.

They're damn near as bloodthirsty as Methodists.
Yeah, the Methodists really crossed the line with those internet beheadings.

Ah, you mean like this?


Portrait of Will James. Circa 1907, Cairo, illinois. Gelatin silver print. James (alias) Froggie."

"Half- Burned Head of James on Pole" in Candee Park. November 11, 1909, Cairo, Illinois. Gelatin silver print. Real photo postcard. 3 1/2 x 5 1/2" ink inscription on reverse: "This Pole is in Candee Park. Enter section of Washington avenue and Elm st which have Will James (alia) Froggie half Burnt Head." Etched into negative, "Half Burned Head of James" and photographers name, "leBlock."

--- James was hung, riddled with bullets, dragged for a mile, then set afire in front of ten thousand spectators. (source)
You must have a special program to identify Methodists and Presbyterians. I don't see the distinction but that's me.

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