FBI Document Shows Joe Biden Took $5M From Burisma As part of a Bribery Scheme

Curious. You must have gone to some of your legacy media sources and found that the information is legitimate. How awkward it is for you!

In the shake of a tail feather, you went from calling anyone who said they existed a LIAR to ...well, "maybe it's true, maybe it's not".

Quite a turnabout. Perhaps there is hope for you yet! :D

How is anything in that document legitimate until it's verified?

And where did I call anyone a liar over this? Looks like you're delirious. :cuckoo:
allegedly paid

"Allegedly Paid". In other words no actual evidence of single fucking thing.

You no proof a damn thing and you know it. You are trying and failing at hanging everything on the word "Allegedly".


"An adverb used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there no proof".

Come back when you have actual, factual evidence, right now you have nothing.
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No, the Capitol Hill have zero jurisdiction over the President of the United States. The Secret Service would NOT allow on the grounds of the White House.

There are no plausible reason for arresting the President. You are well and truly pathetic.

Biden took money from Zelen$ky and has been repaying him AND committing US military aid to the nation that bribed him. It's treason and he needs to be held to account and impeachment won't cut it
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View attachment 793052
Joe Biden playing golf with Hunter's Burisma co-workers he claimed he NEVER MET...

No wonder Wray risked Contempt of Congress charges to keep this hidden.

Track Biden's net worth from his first term with Obama till now. He should be investigated and charged, only cartel members grow their net worth that fast
Biden took money from Zelen$ky and has been repaying him AND committing US military aid to the nation that bribed him. It's treason and he needs to be held to account and impeachment won't cut it

Do you actual, factual, physical proof of this or are you just making shit up?
You make shit up and you fucking lie. I've read your prior posts, and in none them is there single documented fact. You rely on second and third hearsay as your proof. You are a laughing stock Get the fuck over it.
Wipe that unseemly drool from your keyboard.

You don't even know who it is, but you know they have a good track record.

You miss the boat, once again. It was Comer and Grassley, through the WB contacts that verified his track record.
The WB came to Comer and/or Grassley.
Comer and Grassley know the WB's identity, he came to them.
The WB told them of the 1023 and what was in it.
FBI fought tooth and nail to prevent any release of the 1023.
After several contempt threats, Wray let both Comer and Grassley view the unredacted 1023 in a FBI SCIF.
In viewing the 1023 in a SCIF, unredacted, it confirmed what the WB had told them.
Another threat of noncompliance, and Wray agreed to provide the 1023 to the rest of the committee in a SCIF. Wray complied, only this time, the 1023 was redacted, as was reported.
Grassely revealed, yesterday, on the Senate floor, the existence of some 17 odd tapes made by a high level Burisma offical as a CYA, of both the Biden's in question, revealed in the unredacted 1023, yet redacted in the viewing by the rest of the committee.
Grassley has vowed to release the unredacted 1023 to the public.

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