FBI Document Shows Joe Biden Took $5M From Burisma As part of a Bribery Scheme


Show us the money! Where's the beef?
"Show us the money!" Are you that naive?

That would kind of defeat the purpose of taking ILLEGAL BRIBES, would it not?

IF you were to receive an illegal payment, for no apparent reason, for say three to four times your usual annual income, would you just pop that $2 million into your checking or brokerage account? IT'S ILLEGAL, you need to HIDE that money.

Come on man, don't be so silly!
"Show us the money!" Are you that naive?

That would kind of defeat the purpose of taking ILLEGAL BRIBES, would it not?

IF you were to receive an illegal payment, for no apparent reason, for say three to four times your usual annual income, would you just pop that $2 million into your checking or brokerage account? IT'S ILLEGAL, you need to HIDE that money.

Come on man, don't be so silly!
The GOP Committees: Show us the money.

It's an euphemism.

time to retire.
Do some research moron

Ogles’ articles accuse Biden of having "weaponized" the presidency, both in his tenure as president and vice president, to "shield the business and influence peddling schemes of his family from congressional oversight and public accountability."

Trump hand head 2.jpg
It's all from the FD-1023, which means nothing in it has been verified. Maybe it's true; maybe it's not. It's not even known if there are any such tapes or not. It's not known if the FBI has any such tapes.
Curious. You must have gone to some of your legacy media sources and found that the information is legitimate. How awkward it is for you!

In the shake of a tail feather, you went from calling anyone who said they existed a LIAR to ...well, "maybe it's true, maybe it's not".

Quite a turnabout. Perhaps there is hope for you yet! :D
there are 17 recordings of joe and hunter scamming the burisma guy...the guy taped it...LOLOLOLOLOL....just breaking.see grassley
This one says he _believes_ Grassley.


Talk about a gullible rube ...

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a thousand times, I must be a Trump cultist.

The butthurt and stupidity of the Trump cult losers, they're related. Because they're so butthurt about losing so big and having the whole world laughing at them, they'll latch on to any conspiracy theory that allows them to tell themselves that they haven't spend the last decade being morons.
Yer spinnin' yer wheels......

"The 1023 produced to that House Committee redacted reference that the foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversations with them," Grassley continued. "17 total recordings."

"According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden," Grassley said. "According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between him and then-Vice President Joe Biden."
Grassley said the recordings were "allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case he got into a tight spot."

"The 1023 also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden," Grassley said.
The Burisma executive explained to the confidential source that Burisma had to "pay the Bidens" because Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating Burisma, and explained how difficult it would be to enter the U.S. market in the midst of that investigation.
The confidential source further detailed that conversation, suggesting to the Burisma executive that he "pay the Bidens $50,000 each," to which the Burisma executive replied, it is "not $50,000," it is "$5 million."
A source familiar said according to the document, the $5 million payments appeared to reference a kind of "retainer" Burisma intended to pay the Bidens to deal with a number of issues, including the investigation led by Shokin. Another source referred to the arrangement as a "pay-to-play" scheme.

You realize an FD-1023 is an unverified document, right?
Don't you wish! :D

"Sen. Chuck Grassley said Monday that the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Joe Biden and Hunter Biden kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them as an "insurance policy," citing the FBI FD-1023 form that the bureau briefed congressional lawmakers on."

Be sure to let the forum know when this gets verified.
Laughing is no substitute for your lack of a defendable argument.

You make shit up and you fucking lie. I've read your prior posts, and in none them is there single documented fact. You rely on second and third hearsay as your proof. You are a laughing stock Get the fuck over it.
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Can Jim Jordan order the Capitol Police or US Marshals to arrest Biden for treason??

No, the Capitol Hill have zero jurisdiction over the President of the United States. The Secret Service would NOT allow on the grounds of the White House.

There are no plausible reason for arresting the President. You are well and truly pathetic.

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