Fear of Becoming Minorities Sustains White Conservatism

how awesome

"Researchers from the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University may have determined what’s triggering the resurgence of conservatism.

I just hope I didn't pay for the UGLY shit propaganda
The unfortunate truth for you Loons, Socialists, Lesbians, Gays, Transvestites, Bisexuals and those lazing away the day on the Federal Plantation is that America is the greatest society thus far devised by humanity---and it was White Boys who concocted it!

So, what is going to be your model once you have taken down the White Boys?






The collapsed Soviet Union? (This one is my guess. Its certainly where the incompetent Marxist in the White House has us headed.)

You dumb-asses need to be careful what you wish for.
Let's go with Sweden, a mixed-economy with civil liberties and done pretty damn well. And sorry white-boy but the Founder white-boys were Liberals...


Sure they were.
Look at how awesome Rome was once they collapsed. Libs rooting for the Dark Ages.
Interesting that you mention them together since the Fall of Rome and the Dark Ages were both caused by Christianity.

There is no consensus on that to phrase it mildly; disease may hasve caused Romes decline, plus competing empires. And the Dark Ages are marked by less Latin writing, thus coincide with the decline of rome; I have never seen either attributed to Christianity. Many historians find the term inapplicable. Even the dates are in dispute, Petrarch coined the phrase. He termed "Dark" that which followed the collaspse of Rome, an obvious bias. Many use the phrase "Middle Ages".
If they want to overtake causcasians gee they better start pumping out the kids now. And guno you little old bigot you are obsessed with race. You need to get a hobby. Try macrame or gardening. Chill.

People QuickFacts USA
Population definition and source info Population, 2013 estimate 316,128,839
Population definition and source info Population, 2010 (April 1) estimates base 308,747,716
Population, percent change, April 1, 2010 to July 1 definition and source info Population, percent change, April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2013 2.4%
Population definition and source info Population, 2010 308,745,538
Persons under 5 years, percent definition and source info Persons under 5 years, percent, 2013 6.3%
Persons under 18 years, percent definition and source info Persons under 18 years, percent, 2013 23.3%
Persons 65 years and over, percent definition and source info Persons 65 years and over, percent, 2013 14.1%
Female persons, percent definition and source info Female persons, percent, 2013 50.8%

White alone, percent definition and source info White alone, percent, 2013 (a) 77.7%

Black or African American alone, percent definition and source info Black or African American alone, percent, 2013 (a) 13.2%

American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent definition and source info American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent, 2013 (a) 1.2%

Asian alone, percent definition and source info Asian alone, percent, 2013 (a) 5.3%

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent definition and source info Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent, 2013 (a) 0.2%

Two or More Races, percent definition and source info Two or More Races, percent, 2013 2.4%

Hispanic or Latino, percent definition and source info Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2013 (b) 17.1%

White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent definition and source info White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2013 62.6%

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau
The unfortunate truth for you Loons, Socialists, Lesbians, Gays, Transvestites, Bisexuals and those lazing away the day on the Federal Plantation is that America is the greatest society thus far devised by humanity---and it was White Boys who concocted it!

So, what is going to be your model once you have taken down the White Boys?






The collapsed Soviet Union? (This one is my guess. Its certainly where the incompetent Marxist in the White House has us headed.)

You dumb-asses need to be careful what you wish for.
Let's go with Sweden, a mixed-economy with civil liberties and done pretty damn well. And sorry white-boy but the Founder white-boys were Liberals...

Yes, white-boy, the founders were liberal, you and your ilk are not. You are self delusional socialists, and not even smart enought to realize it. However, the problem you cite is non-existant. White boys will be the largest minority for decades to come, and as many of you insist, Hispanics are mostly White, and generally conservative.

Many of them have already seen the ultimate results of one or more of your socialist utopias, and will not be too inclined to join your revolution.


Classic liberalism is a world apart from the Marxist lunacy that you dumb-asses and homosexuals spout today. You have even abandoned "Liberalism" because you gave it a bad name...and moved on to "Progressive."
The liberals of today sure aren't the ones marching and protesting under Bush...of course all they cared about was disruption OF OUR LIVES then

look at them today, meek sheep marching in lockstep to a party..no questions, no criticizing, no NOTHING

That's how a man like Obama was able to get elected, we all should be very afraid
The liberals of today sure aren't the ones marching and protesting under Bush...of course all they cared about was disruption OF OUR LIVES then

look at them today, meek sheep marching in lockstep to a party..no questions, no criticizing, no NOTHING

That's how a man like Obama was able to get elected, we all should be very afraid


I'm afraid for my children.

It is amazing how quickly your freedoms can erode if you are not vigilant in protecting them.

We are worried about usurpation today that we would have never thought to worry about just 6 and a half years ago.

Right here in this thread, we have Loons and Socialists and Homosexuals claiming that heroes like Thomas Jefferson are one of them...as if Thomas Jefferson would throw off a King just to accept Obama's dictatorial abuse of the Constitution.

Have any of you Loons or Socialists or Homosexuals ever read what Thomas Jefferson had to say about a debt owed by the Federal Government?

Obama will have booked 10 trillion dollars in debt during his 8 years. Maybe more. Buying votes. Jefferson would have called for impeachment in the first three months.

I'll tell you who was a legitimate Liberal--not a Loon or Socialist or Homosexual.

John F. Kennedy. And he would disown you Loons and Socialists and Homosexuals.....and you Loons and Socialists and Homosexuals would be accusing him of being in the Tea Party.

That's how much insanity has been unloosed during the Obama Administration.
The liberals of today sure aren't the ones marching and protesting under Bush...of course all they cared about was disruption OF OUR LIVES then

look at them today, meek sheep marching in lockstep to a party..no questions, no criticizing, no NOTHING

That's how a man like Obama was able to get elected, we all should be very afraid


I'm afraid for my children.

It is amazing how quickly your freedoms can erode if you are not vigilant in protecting them.

We are worried about usurpation today that we would have never thought to worry about just 6 and a half years ago.

Right here in this thread, we have Loons and Socialists and Homosexuals claiming that heroes like Thomas Jefferson are one of them...as if Thomas Jefferson would throw off a King just to accept Obama's dictatorial abuse of the Constitution.

Have any of you Loons or Socialists or Homosexuals ever read what Thomas Jefferson had to say about a debt owed by the Federal Government?

Obama will have booked 10 trillion dollars in debt during his 8 years. Maybe more. Buying votes. Jefferson would have called for impeachment in the first three months.

I'll tell you who was a legitimate Liberal--not a Loon or Socialist or Homosexual.

John F. Kennedy. And he would disown you Loons and Socialists and Homosexuals.....and you Loons and Socialists and Homosexuals would be accusing him of being in the Tea Party.

That's how much insanity has been unloosed during the Obama Administration.

I feel the same
I lived 60 years in this country
seeing it today, scares the hell out of me for my children
Well, fucking duh. White wouldn't it turn people conservative? There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your history and culture. This is especially true when faced with efforts to change our culture and to re-write history. When I was a kid Thomas Jefferson was a great man. Now he is a racist slave owner and a sexist. This is obviously intended to undermine the man and what he did. It is the standard M.O. of the left. That someone would even suggest that leaning conservative because you fear losing your history and culture is somehow racist is such a pathetically cynical and asinine notion.

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Well, I don't fear becoming a minority, I'm pretty sure I'll be dead before that kicks in. So I got that going for me,
What kind of mental defective would look forward to the day that their culture and history are gone, replaced by a sub culture derived of failed nations?

Answer, leftist minorities of all persuasions whose only hope is to dilute European mastery.

Not to worry, I got you covered. May I suggest you do what whites have told minorities for decades. Just assimilate and stop alienating yourselves. We're all Americans! huh? HUH? Sounds good right?
Well, fucking duh. White wouldn't it turn people conservative? There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your history and culture. This is especially true when faced with efforts to change our culture and to re-write history. When I was a kid Thomas Jefferson was a great man. Now he is a racist slave owner and a sexist. This is obviously intended to undermine the man and what he did. It is the standard M.O. of the left. That someone would even suggest that leaning conservative because you fear losing your history and culture is somehow racist is such a pathetically cynical and asinine notion.

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*Unless you are a minority then any attempt to hold on to your culture will be deemed as separating oneself and not assimilating. We are all Americans! Speak ENGLISH DAMMIT!*
The unfortunate truth for you Loons, Socialists, Lesbians, Gays, Transvestites, Bisexuals and those lazing away the day on the Federal Plantation is that America is the greatest society thus far devised by humanity---and it was White Boys who concocted it!

So, what is going to be your model once you have taken down the White Boys?






The collapsed Soviet Union? (This one is my guess. Its certainly where the incompetent Marxist in the White House has us headed.)

You dumb-asses need to be careful what you wish for.

Look up where the term "Caucasian" orginates:lol::lol::lol:
"Researchers from the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University may have determined what’s triggering the resurgence of conservatism. Research suggests that the more whites understand about the changing demographics in America, the more likely they are to embrace conservatism. So in a sense, the embrace of right wing rhetoric could be, at least for some, a self-preservation mechanism.

The Census reports that by 2042, minorities will become the majority, and researchers say that this shift is pushing some whites toward conservatism. In the study, self-identified independents were asked to learn about minority to majority shifts in California as well as how the number of Hispanics nearly equals the number of African-Americans in the U.S."

Right in line with other studies

Fear of Becoming Minorities Sustains White Conservatism, Study Suggests | breakingbrown.com

They could lead if they didn't hate education, have no skills, and weren't totally indoctrinated by teanuts.
The unfortunate truth for you Loons, Socialists, Lesbians, Gays, Transvestites, Bisexuals and those lazing away the day on the Federal Plantation is that America is the greatest society thus far devised by humanity---and it was White Boys who concocted it!

So, what is going to be your model once you have taken down the White Boys?






The collapsed Soviet Union? (This one is my guess. Its certainly where the incompetent Marxist in the White House has us headed.)

You dumb-asses need to be careful what you wish for.

I'm curious. Why are Red States so poor? Why do Red State Governors go to California and New York looking for "skilled workers"?

Of the 254 counties where food stamp usage doubled, 213 voted for Mitt Romney. Yea, the same Romney who is a "Pioneer of Outsourcing" (which is probably why many of them are unemployed). The same Romney who told them we need to cut food stamps from lazy moochers (or in other words, the 47%, in other, other words, the GOP base).

What do we have to fear from people this dumb?
Well, fucking duh. White wouldn't it turn people conservative? There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your history and culture. This is especially true when faced with efforts to change our culture and to re-write history. When I was a kid Thomas Jefferson was a great man. Now he is a racist slave owner and a sexist. This is obviously intended to undermine the man and what he did. It is the standard M.O. of the left. That someone would even suggest that leaning conservative because you fear losing your history and culture is somehow racist is such a pathetically cynical and asinine notion.

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*Unless you are a minority then any attempt to hold on to your culture will be deemed as separating oneself and not assimilating. We are all Americans! Speak ENGLISH DAMMIT!*

It is not the majority's burden to assimilate. Rather, that burden is on the minorities.


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
What kind of mental defective would look forward to the day that their culture and history are gone, replaced by a sub culture derived of failed nations?

Answer, leftist minorities of all persuasions whose only hope is to dilute European mastery.

The white trash christer Kulture is not my culture, and good riddance
Well, fucking duh. White wouldn't it turn people conservative? There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your history and culture. This is especially true when faced with efforts to change our culture and to re-write history. When I was a kid Thomas Jefferson was a great man. Now he is a racist slave owner and a sexist. This is obviously intended to undermine the man and what he did. It is the standard M.O. of the left. That someone would even suggest that leaning conservative because you fear losing your history and culture is somehow racist is such a pathetically cynical and asinine notion.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

*Unless you are a minority then any attempt to hold on to your culture will be deemed as separating oneself and not assimilating. We are all Americans! Speak ENGLISH DAMMIT!*

It is not the majority's burden to assimilate. Rather, that burden is on the minorities.


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And soon the now white christian majority WILL be the minority
The unfortunate truth for you Loons, Socialists, Lesbians, Gays, Transvestites, Bisexuals and those lazing away the day on the Federal Plantation is that America is the greatest society thus far devised by humanity---and it was White Boys who concocted it!

So, what is going to be your model once you have taken down the White Boys?






The collapsed Soviet Union? (This one is my guess. Its certainly where the incompetent Marxist in the White House has us headed.)

You dumb-asses need to be careful what you wish for.

Your fear is well noted

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