February Wal Mart sales total disaster...

Is it good policy to do damage to the finances of Social Security and Medicare, or to the federal budget,

in order to shore up the corporate profits of Walmart and all their Chinese suppliers?

what an asinine comment. Where is all the outrage at Target? Sears? K-Mart?
They all pay similar to Walmart and buy from China yet for some strange reason noone ever gives them any trouble. Or what about Apple that works with China? Couldn't be they happen to support conservative causes, now could it? Or could it happen to do with being able to successfully keep out the damn unions?

Take your faux rage somewhere else.

The topic of the thread is WALMART you massive cornfed braindead TWAT.
The lost revenue from the payroll tax cut is being covered by general fund borrowing, so all of you fake deficit hawks who also supported the payroll tax cut need to get your heads out of your asses.
Is it good policy to do damage to the finances of Social Security and Medicare, or to the federal budget,

in order to shore up the corporate profits of Walmart and all their Chinese suppliers?

what an asinine comment. Where is all the outrage at Target? Sears? K-Mart?
They all pay similar to Walmart and buy from China yet for some strange reason noone ever gives them any trouble. Or what about Apple that works with China? Couldn't be they happen to support conservative causes, now could it? Or could it happen to do with being able to successfully keep out the damn unions?

Take your faux rage somewhere else.

The topic of the thread is WALMART you massive cornfed braindead TWAT.

oh, let's be real here, if you felt that way about the others, it wouldn't matter one iota, you would bring them up as well. So sad you have nothing more than insults to add. You feel like a real man now?
I don't shop there. That place destroys American business' & lowers wages to the lowest common denominator.

Really? And you have PROOF of these claims, right?

The easiest way to identify a LIBERAL, besides the obvious (low IQ, zero integrity, factually challenged, zero logic, etc.) , is if the person hates Wal Mart and accuses Wal Mart of paying lower wages and selling Chinese-made products.

Wal Mart haters completely IGNORE the fact that Target, K-Mart, Meijer, and all other major discount retailers ALSO pay low wages and sell a lot of Chinese-made products.

Singling out Wal Mart is just another case of liberals PUNISHING SUCCESS.
I don't shop there. That place destroys American business' & lowers wages to the lowest common denominator.

Really? And you have PROOF of these claims, right?

The easiest way to identify a LIBERAL, besides the obvious (low IQ, zero integrity, factually challenged, zero logic, etc.) , is if the person hates Wal Mart and accuses Wal Mart of paying lower wages and selling Chinese-made products.

Wal Mart haters completely IGNORE the fact that Target, K-Mart, Meijer, and all other major discount retailers ALSO pay low wages and sell a lot of Chinese-made products.

Singling out Wal Mart is just another case of liberals PUNISHING SUCCESS.

they have also been found to be locking their night crew in the store as well. Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins By Wal-Mart - New York Times

they charge less than every mom & pop store on Main Street, because they demand rock bottom prices from their suppliers, so they shutter & main street turns into a ghost town. :thup:
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you dopes are selling America out to china for the benefit of the 8 heirs to the wallyworld fortune: The Wal-Mart You Don't Know | Fast Company

Do you truly believe everything you are fed? Seriously? Or do you have a beef with the fact they have kept the unions away? Because it can't be what you are stating as they are comparable to just about every other outlet out there and is easy to find. Links in recent threads here show just that. And never a word regarding all the other companies out there that do business with China. Not a one.
Personally I would love to be able to check your home and see just exactly what you have and what actually is made in China. Do you drive? Are all your car parts totally made in the US? What about your computer you are spouting off from? Have you checked to see where all those components inside come from? What about your tv? Where did all its components come from? Have an iphone, ipad? Couldn't possilby have China made parts now could they? I could go on for hours, but will leave it at that.
I don't shop there. That place destroys American business' & lowers wages to the lowest common denominator.

Really? And you have PROOF of these claims, right?

The easiest way to identify a LIBERAL, besides the obvious (low IQ, zero integrity, factually challenged, zero logic, etc.) , is if the person hates Wal Mart and accuses Wal Mart of paying lower wages and selling Chinese-made products.

Wal Mart haters completely IGNORE the fact that Target, K-Mart, Meijer, and all other major discount retailers ALSO pay low wages and sell a lot of Chinese-made products.

Singling out Wal Mart is just another case of liberals PUNISHING SUCCESS.

they have also been found to be locking their night crew in the store as well. Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins By Wal-Mart - New York Times

they charge less than every mom & pop store on Main Street, because they demand rock bottom prices from their suppliers, so they shutter & main street turns into a ghost town. :thup:

You are absolutely correct.

ALL discount retailers charge less than every mom & pop store on Main Street.

ALL discount retailers demand rock bottom prices from their suppliers.

ALL discount retailers are responsible for causing the shuttering of mom & pop stores, and turning Main Streets into ghost towns.

I will add that these discount retailers have created hundreds of thousands of jobs nationwide, and have generated billions of dollars in sales taxes, as well as provided local populations with discount prices on goods and services that many people would otherwise not be able to afford.

If you have a problem with that and you are losing sleep over it, then go shop at stores that charge FULL RETAIL, or shop at the mom and pop stores that have limited selection and high prices.
I was talking with a restaurant owner yesterday who was complaining about how slow sales were the past couple months. It is a very popular restaurant chain & there were only 5 people eating there at dinner time while I was dining there. I said that is weird because usually tax refunds are out by now driving sales up. He said that is usually right, but the government is delaying & has not paid out many refunds yet.

They say refunds are late because the "fiscal cliff" debate delayed the Internal Revenue Service's ability to prepare the appropriate tables and accept returns until January 30. Also refunds are likely to be lower this year in any event due to tax law changes. Then consumers are also dealing with higher gas prices and restored payroll taxes, which could sharply curtail spending. This is likely what is behind Walmart's problem.
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Businesses run in cycles. Think back to the late 90s, KMart was in ruins until they were bought out by Sears. Still, a lot of KMarts are gone forever. There used to be a department store chain in the northeast US called Hills. They're all gone.

Is WalMart doomed? I don't think so. But I expect sales to continue declining and some stores to close.
If you have a problem with that and you are losing sleep over it, then go shop at stores that charge FULL RETAIL, or shop at the mom and pop stores that have limited selection and high prices.

:lol: You believe Walmart is actually not charging you retail? :lol: What a dumbass! :cuckoo:

So does this mean Obama's payroll tax cut was a boost to the economy?

Now that payroll taxes have returned to what they were before Obama gave us all a two year tax cut, it will take people time to adjust to normal. They have become spoiled with not paying for their government entitlement programs.

You remember how the economy jumped after it passed?

Me either.
The peole paying don't qualify for the entitlements...
The ones who get the entitlements don't pay the taxes.

Yep, that sounds fine - just like it should be. The giving up of your wages for those who don't work for wages. Socialism IS communism (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - formerly known as the communist block contries)

We have close to 8% UE. That basically means that 92% of the people that can work..do.

That means a majority of the people in this country are gainfully employed.

So. What the heck are you talking about?


Since when is 8% or close to 8% UE a good thing.....

Oh yeah.....When Obama is in the WH.
I bet even Clinton would not have gotten away with 8% UE...

This is just unbelievable. :cuckoo:
So does this mean Obama's payroll tax cut was a boost to the economy?

Now that payroll taxes have returned to what they were before Obama gave us all a two year tax cut, it will take people time to adjust to normal. They have become spoiled with not paying for their government entitlement programs.

I love how both sides will use this issue as propaganda depending on how well it works for their cause. Dems are now blaming Republicans for allowing the "tax cut" to expire, and Republicans are telling everyone that this is proof that tax cuts work, and therefore we need more tax cuts, while at the same time complaining that we aren't paying for SS and Medicare. Funny shit if you ask me.
The peole paying don't qualify for the entitlements...
The ones who get the entitlements don't pay the taxes.

Yep, that sounds fine - just like it should be. The giving up of your wages for those who don't work for wages. Socialism IS communism (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - formerly known as the communist block contries)

Man, you need to stay away from those bath salts, because I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about.
Yes, I do. The people who are working pay the newly reinstated Social Security taxes and the people on Social Security get paid without paying anything in - they already spent their whole working lives paying for someone elses benifits. I thought the sarchasm was dripping fast enough that a reasonable person could see it.

So what is your point? SS is a pay as we go program, not a savings program.
The peole paying don't qualify for the entitlements...
The ones who get the entitlements don't pay the taxes.

Yep, that sounds fine - just like it should be. The giving up of your wages for those who don't work for wages. Socialism IS communism (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - formerly known as the communist block contries)

We have close to 8% UE. That basically means that 92% of the people that can work..do.

That means a majority of the people in this country are gainfully employed.

So. What the heck are you talking about?


Since when is 8% or close to 8% UE a good thing.....

Oh yeah.....When Obama is in the WH.
I bet even Clinton would not have gotten away with 8% UE...

This is just unbelievable. :cuckoo:

You really have a hard time following along, don't you? Sallow never said that 8 UE was a good thing. Pay attention please.

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