February Wal Mart sales total disaster...

The peole paying don't qualify for the entitlements...
The ones who get the entitlements don't pay the taxes.

Yep, that sounds fine - just like it should be. The giving up of your wages for those who don't work for wages. Socialism IS communism (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - formerly known as the communist block contries)

We have close to 8% UE. That basically means that 92% of the people that can work..do.

That means a majority of the people in this country are gainfully employed.

So. What the heck are you talking about?


Part-time America.

I'm glad you are thrilled. Not shocked, just glad.
We have close to 8% UE. That basically means that 92% of the people that can work..do.

That means a majority of the people in this country are gainfully employed.

So. What the heck are you talking about?


Since when is 8% or close to 8% UE a good thing.....

Oh yeah.....When Obama is in the WH.
I bet even Clinton would not have gotten away with 8% UE...

This is just unbelievable. :cuckoo:

You really have a hard time following along, don't you? Sallow never said that 8 UE was a good thing. Pay attention please.
Yes he did.

Don't be such a blow hard.
I suppost this could show that people are spending their income tax refunds on more essiential items than wally world junk?
About $19.7 billion more in tax refunds had been delivered to shoppers by this time last year, according to an analysis prepared by Wal-Mart’s Global Customer Insights & Analytics division that was attached to Murray’s e-mail on Feb. 12. The retailer expected returns to be delayed by three to four weeks because of the late release of tax forms and additional, federally mandated tax-fraud scrutiny.

When a payroll-tax break expired Dec. 31, Americans began paying 2 percentage points more in Social Security taxes on their first $113,700 in wages. For a person making $40,000 a year, that is about $15 a week.
The extra tax bite is about equal to a year of car insurance for a family making $30,000 or a basket of groceries per month for a family making $50,000, according to Wal-Mart’s analysis.
Other retailers who court low-income Americans also are bracing for the rising taxes.

Wal-Mart Executives Sweat Slow February Start in E-Mails - Bloomberg
Yes, I do. The people who are working pay the newly reinstated Social Security taxes and the people on Social Security get paid without paying anything in - they already spent their whole working lives paying for someone elses benifits. I thought the sarchasm was dripping fast enough that a reasonable person could see it.

I see what you're saying, but on the other hand, poverty among seniors in America is a very slim shadow of its former self before the days of Medicare and Social Security came along.

I think it's to our benefit that that safety net is there because it drastically reduces costs we'd end up paying through the nose if we didn't have the entitlements.

If millions of seniors don't have mandated health insurance, I can't imagine what my premiums would be. They'd be astronomical because old people would be collecting massive bills at the hospital that we'd end up paying for anyway.
maybe not here in Naples. we are probably one of the few towns in the USA with at least 4 Super WalMarts (that I know of) we actually have two super-walmarts on the same road (the one that goes onto marco island) I would guess they are about 4? 5? miles apart? both are busy though. So how many wal-marts are in your town?

There are at least two Targets in Naples too. Guess rich people like to save money too.
I don't shop there. That place destroys American business' & lowers wages to the lowest common denominator.

What business has walmart destroyed?

How much lower are Walmart wages as compared to Kmart or Target?

This is bad news for the country but I see that the left has no problem not seeing it and reveling in the fact that the poor, who frequent Walmart because of price, is obviously doing badly. Sad what the left really thinks of people.
maybe not here in Naples. we are probably one of the few towns in the USA with at least 4 Super WalMarts (that I know of) we actually have two super-walmarts on the same road (the one that goes onto marco island) I would guess they are about 4? 5? miles apart? both are busy though. So how many wal-marts are in your town?

Walmart.com - Store Finder Results
Businesses run in cycles. Think back to the late 90s, KMart was in ruins until they were bought out by Sears. Still, a lot of KMarts are gone forever. There used to be a department store chain in the northeast US called Hills. They're all gone.

Is WalMart doomed? I don't think so. But I expect sales to continue declining and some stores to close.

Kmart bought Sears. Kmart, Sears to merge in $11B deal - Nov. 17, 2004

WalMart is the big dog, if it goes it will be on the ashes of Target and Kmart. We have all three stores within 5 miles of each other. For an informal poll I can go to each of those stores and the amount of traffic in Walmart far exceeds the amount in both the other two stores and the price is cheaper.

I don't understand the left's hatred of Walmart. Maybe there is an argument about how much they pay their employees but that is up to the employees do fix. If it was so bad Walmart would be begging, and paying, people more to work for them. What Walmart does do is negotiate their suppliers for the lowest possible price which they DO pass on to their customers. So we have Walmart helping the low income people and forcing the big businesses to sell at the lowest price and the left hates them, seems idiotic.
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Really? And you have PROOF of these claims, right?

The easiest way to identify a LIBERAL, besides the obvious (low IQ, zero integrity, factually challenged, zero logic, etc.) , is if the person hates Wal Mart and accuses Wal Mart of paying lower wages and selling Chinese-made products.

Wal Mart haters completely IGNORE the fact that Target, K-Mart, Meijer, and all other major discount retailers ALSO pay low wages and sell a lot of Chinese-made products.

Singling out Wal Mart is just another case of liberals PUNISHING SUCCESS.

they have also been found to be locking their night crew in the store as well. Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins By Wal-Mart - New York Times

they charge less than every mom & pop store on Main Street, because they demand rock bottom prices from their suppliers, so they shutter & main street turns into a ghost town. :thup:

You are absolutely correct.

ALL discount retailers charge less than every mom & pop store on Main Street.

ALL discount retailers demand rock bottom prices from their suppliers.

ALL discount retailers are responsible for causing the shuttering of mom & pop stores, and turning Main Streets into ghost towns.

I will add that these discount retailers have created hundreds of thousands of jobs nationwide, and have generated billions of dollars in sales taxes, as well as provided local populations with discount prices on goods and services that many people would otherwise not be able to afford.

If you have a problem with that and you are losing sleep over it, then go shop at stores that charge FULL RETAIL, or shop at the mom and pop stores that have limited selection and high prices.

Walmart doesn't create jobs. Walmart simply replaces some of the jobs that are lost from the places it puts out of business. Having said that, it's a lost cause to fight against Walmart.
I don't shop there. That place destroys American business' & lowers wages to the lowest common denominator.

What business has walmart destroyed?

How much lower are Walmart wages as compared to Kmart or Target?

This is bad news for the country but I see that the left has no problem not seeing it and reveling in the fact that the poor, who frequent Walmart because of price, is obviously doing badly. Sad what the left really thinks of people.

So you would prefer that the government borrow the payroll tax difference out of the general fund and continue to keep the payroll tax cut in place?
I join those of you who do not understand "the LEFT's" hatred for WALMART.

WALMART is a symptom of what's wrong with this nation, but WALMART's did not invent the problem.

Issues like the above are why few liberals think I'm a good liberal (and they are right, I am not.. a liberal)
I don't shop there. That place destroys American business' & lowers wages to the lowest common denominator.

What business has walmart destroyed?

How much lower are Walmart wages as compared to Kmart or Target?

This is bad news for the country but I see that the left has no problem not seeing it and reveling in the fact that the poor, who frequent Walmart because of price, is obviously doing badly. Sad what the left really thinks of people.

So you would prefer that the government borrow the payroll tax difference out of the general fund and continue to keep the payroll tax cut in place?

I'd prefer that Government cuts start with it's own payroll. :)
they have also been found to be locking their night crew in the store as well. Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins By Wal-Mart - New York Times

they charge less than every mom & pop store on Main Street, because they demand rock bottom prices from their suppliers, so they shutter & main street turns into a ghost town. :thup:

You are absolutely correct.

ALL discount retailers charge less than every mom & pop store on Main Street.

ALL discount retailers demand rock bottom prices from their suppliers.

ALL discount retailers are responsible for causing the shuttering of mom & pop stores, and turning Main Streets into ghost towns.

I will add that these discount retailers have created hundreds of thousands of jobs nationwide, and have generated billions of dollars in sales taxes, as well as provided local populations with discount prices on goods and services that many people would otherwise not be able to afford.

If you have a problem with that and you are losing sleep over it, then go shop at stores that charge FULL RETAIL, or shop at the mom and pop stores that have limited selection and high prices.

Walmart doesn't create jobs. Walmart simply replaces some of the jobs that are lost from the places it puts out of business. Having said that, it's a lost cause to fight against Walmart.

I think you are just repeating talking points. Again, I can only go with what I see. When I moved to where I live 25 years ago, there was one box store and it was crap. Walmart bought them out and built their first store in the area. Since then it has become a super WalMart. We have also had many restaurants move in along with a Lowes, Target and strip mall with many other stores. Maybe there were some lost of small businesses but I know personally of none. I have seen some of the bigger named, and higher priced, department stores move out of our local mall. Even so, are we to pay higher prices, with less convenient for the same product? Just because it is a mom and pops store????? Mom and Pop stores were so named because that is who worked there and few others. Maybe what I am seeing is just the normal progression of business growth and has nothing to do with WalMart being first. The point is that Walmart didn't hold anyone back from opening a store, big or small.
What business has walmart destroyed?

How much lower are Walmart wages as compared to Kmart or Target?

This is bad news for the country but I see that the left has no problem not seeing it and reveling in the fact that the poor, who frequent Walmart because of price, is obviously doing badly. Sad what the left really thinks of people.

So you would prefer that the government borrow the payroll tax difference out of the general fund and continue to keep the payroll tax cut in place?

I'd prefer that Government cuts start with it's own payroll. :)
Well said.
I join those of you who do not understand "the LEFT's" hatred for WALMART.

WALMART is a symptom of what's wrong with this nation, but WALMART's did not invent the problem.

Issues like the above are why few liberals think I'm a good liberal (and they are right, I am not.. a liberal)

My gosh please inform us on what is "wrong with this nation."
What business has walmart destroyed?

How much lower are Walmart wages as compared to Kmart or Target?

This is bad news for the country but I see that the left has no problem not seeing it and reveling in the fact that the poor, who frequent Walmart because of price, is obviously doing badly. Sad what the left really thinks of people.

So you would prefer that the government borrow the payroll tax difference out of the general fund and continue to keep the payroll tax cut in place?

I'd prefer that Government cuts start with it's own payroll. :)

Government has been shrinking for 2 1/2 years.


Maybe all those jobs lost due to government cutbacks are affecting Walmart.
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