Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

According to Pete's woman she heard Blaine say "he's gonna stand his ground and die up there!"

Looks like the Standoff is turning into a siege now.

Wow, she just said one of the militia (Kenny) was "shot three times with his hands in the air!"

I'm relaying this from the livefeed on Pete Santilli's channel btw.

Shooting people in back or with hands up or while holding infants in their arms...the US government way!
Lon Horiuchi must have come out of retirement.
Piece of shit should be in prison on death row
Bullshit. At worst it was manslaughter from an ACCIDENTAL shooting.
AIMING at a door when you KNEW a woman was there since the only other male had been murdered already is MURDER. PERIOD. He aimed,he pulled the trigger KNOWING it was a female there and he saw no weapon either. Its alright even if that pos dies before we get justice we will dig his god damn grave up and torch his bones.
If the someone tries and apologizes for this they also have to own
A boy getting shot in the back

And shooting a helpless dog
Front..... back, what does it matter? Police shoot UNARMED kids quite frequently in certain neighborhoods from all kinds of positions.
and I'm WINNING thank you very much!!!

So to graze some cattle Bundy got another human being killed. And that is just so far.

What a patriot.

And where were the rest of the 'we came unarmed this time' crowd? At home under their blanky. That 2nd amendment stuff is important as long as its only a mile or two away, any more than that and 'sorry, I have a tee time in the morning' and 'them thar feds gots guns! F#$k this!'

I don't claim to know much about this situation - I don't follow these nut jobs. However, in true FBI style - they get them away from the scene and then claim that "he shot first".

Funny - these leftists despise cops - until they do the work of taking a conservative out - THEN, they are law-abiding, "Go Cop Go" assholes.
And "CORNservatives do the same thing. When the cops kill unarmed people who are trying only to pull their pants up, they say that person was reaching for his waistband that justifies killing him/her and you give them a standing ovation. But when police shoot and kill a ARMED criminal wearing a cowboy hat who threatens them...OHHH...FOUL.... Ohhhhhh!
Yeah if blacks did this they would've been smashed right? Except.....blacks burned and looted Baltimore and Ferguson and the police basically stood back and watched.

Yeah....spare us the crybaby act. Yall burn loot and riot and get....what was the phrase...."space to destroy"?
Whites have done the same thing to Black neighborhoods in the past..only worse!
Ammon Bundy is the leader of a group of protesters occupying a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon.
(CNN)Federal authorities arrested Ammon Bundy, the leader of a group of protesters occupying a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon, and several of his followers in a traffic stop Tuesday, a law enforcement official told CNN.

Shots were fired after authorities made the stop, the source said. It's not clear who fired first.

Developing story - more to come

CNN's Evan Perez contributed to this report.
Oregon protest leader Ammon Bundy is arrested - CNN.com
Good thing they are not black, they would have had to shoot first, answer questions later...

Like when the Fed's shot up Black Lives Matter protesters in Baltimore? Wait, that didn't happen...did it?

Maybe you could give us an example from this century of the Fed's shooting up Black folks?
If large groups of ARMED blacks occupied federal lands or buildings without a permit for ANY reason, I think the end results would be the same or worse than the fate of the Bundy boyz gang.
There is nothing civil about an ad hominem post, we can disagree but name calling is far and beyond civil discourse too.

You mean like how you called me an "ass" just because I disagreed with you?

To be honest I said, "don't be an ass", for in my opinion your post was something an ass would do.

I did not call you stupid, a moron or an idiot, the usual sort of commentary I get from - and I'm not suggesting you are one - the fools on the right.

Usually I agree with your reasoning, on this thread we have a different view, and your response to my characterization was both hostile and uncalled for.
Hands up or charging? Conflicting reports on shooting of Oregon militia spokesman

Feds have murdered and martyred another Patriot.
Gordon Kahl and Robert Mathews in the 1980's
Samuel and Vicky Weaver and the Waco Family in the 1990's
Robert Lavoy Finicum-2016

RIP patriots!
One man's patriot is another man's terrorist!
Your opinion is about as useless as the governments. So.
The ISIS operatives in your neighborhood don't think so. They love their "patriots" too!
Don't be an ass. They were armed, and they did engage in Brinkmanship, something obvious from their statements from day one.

You're the one who is arguing with lies, but I'm the ass?

You are moving the goalpost yet further. You said an armed protest at the start. You're now trying to redefine your statements altogether, eliminating the "protest" completely. You think you're sneaky, but in fact you're not. The more you babble, the more you sound like an idiot.

There is nothing inherently uncivil about an armed protest. This occupation has never been an armed protest. It is a hostile takeover of federal property by militant terrorists.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
so I don't get it. A black kid threatens an innocent store owner, steals from him, smacks him, in Ferguson, MO, later smacks around a cop and takes his weapon and he's a victim and these folks are bad old guys who are bunked up in an empty building and that infuriates you.
Michael Brown isn't a victim. We just wonder why the cops don't shoot whites with guns as fast as blacks who are unarmed.
Don't be an ass. They were armed, and they did engage in Brinkmanship, something obvious from their statements from day one.

You're the one who is arguing with lies, but I'm the ass?

You are moving the goalpost yet further. You said an armed protest at the start. You're now trying to redefine your statements altogether, eliminating the "protest" completely. You think you're sneaky, but in fact you're not. The more you babble, the more you sound like an idiot.

There is nothing inherently uncivil about an armed protest. This occupation has never been an armed protest. It is a hostile takeover of federal property by militant terrorists.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
so I don't get it. A black kid threatens an innocent store owner, steals from him, smacks him, in Ferguson, MO, later smacks around a cop and takes his weapon and he's a victim and these folks are bad old guys who are bunked up in an empty building and that infuriates you.
Michael Brown isn't a victim. We just wonder why the cops don't shoot whites with guns as fast as blacks who are unarmed.
They do but they don't make the news because it doesn't outrage whites as much as blacks because we realize do something stupid you might get shot for it. Blacks coddle criminals.
Don't be an ass. They were armed, and they did engage in Brinkmanship, something obvious from their statements from day one.

You're the one who is arguing with lies, but I'm the ass?

You are moving the goalpost yet further. You said an armed protest at the start. You're now trying to redefine your statements altogether, eliminating the "protest" completely. You think you're sneaky, but in fact you're not. The more you babble, the more you sound like an idiot.

There is nothing inherently uncivil about an armed protest. This occupation has never been an armed protest. It is a hostile takeover of federal property by militant terrorists.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
so I don't get it. A black kid threatens an innocent store owner, steals from him, smacks him, in Ferguson, MO, later smacks around a cop and takes his weapon and he's a victim and these folks are bad old guys who are bunked up in an empty building and that infuriates you.
Michael Brown isn't a victim. We just wonder why the cops don't shoot whites with guns as fast as blacks who are unarmed.
Why is that important?

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