Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

Don't be an ass. They were armed, and they did engage in Brinkmanship, something obvious from their statements from day one.

You're the one who is arguing with lies, but I'm the ass?

You are moving the goalpost yet further. You said an armed protest at the start. You're now trying to redefine your statements altogether, eliminating the "protest" completely. You think you're sneaky, but in fact you're not. The more you babble, the more you sound like an idiot.

There is nothing inherently uncivil about an armed protest. This occupation has never been an armed protest. It is a hostile takeover of federal property by militant terrorists.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make' comment

So...you snip a comment out of context and think we won't check? :lol:
I love whacking the exposed nerves of Liberals who have no sense of humor because they are defensive about their liberal leaders' F* Ups (which making that statement on camera before Congress was. Meaning to or not she gave her opposition 'ammo'. Don't blame ME for it - I didn't say it.)
You got caught.....:lol:
Yup, I made a JOKE...made light of what Hillary said...and your panties got gnarled up in a bunch. Hillary made the comment, and after all this time you are defensive about it. Let it go. Find the humor in it. Liberals have no sense of humor....primarily because, it seems, the jokes hit a little bit to close to home for them.

Or maybe you are just uptight and need to 'get some'... :p
:lol: You got caught. :lol:
We've all read the right wings feelings on such cases as when a little kid in Chicago or Cleveland is waiving around a toy gun, you say he had it coming when the cops shoot him. Or a young black kid is running away with a knife or running away from a cop unarmed. The cops blow them away. And the right does not think black lives matter. So this guy had a gun and he was breaking the law too. He had it coming. Just like young black men need to respect the law, so do right wing nutjobs.
I have never said any such thing, so thanks for demonstrating hos Liberals love to 'generalize' to condemn a whole group of people they disagree with / don't like. You like to cherry-pick the cases then declare all shootings are the same, which is BS.

Ever read the article about how the leader of one anti-cop protest group was invited so 'suit up', carry a pistol, and go through the police training in which you walk down a simulated street while 'pop-up' citizens are presented? The article tells how during the scenario the activist shot 2 'civilians' and was 'killed' 3 times because he refused to fire at 'perps'/'bad guys' that popped up. In the end he said he got a new perspective regarding how tough it is for cops to make some life-or-death decisions in split second situations. I'm not saying that is what happens all the time, but I am pointing out that like HIM you find it easy to condemn all cops when you don't know what the hell you're talking about or how tough it is to do the job. After going through the training course his perception was partially changed...maybe you ought to try it.

And why do we see all you Liberals bitching and crying every time there is a case where a policeman shoots someone yet keep your mouth shut when Cops are hunted, targeted, and murdered by punks, thugs, and murderers...like was the case not long ago? You don't respect the police. You don't appreciate the police...until they save your ass, and you sit back and wait to condemn them but never come to their defense. If you were a little more balanced in your arguments I would respect you more on the issue, but you're not. With you - Got it: Cops - Bad...
My slam wasn't against cops. It's you people who defend cops when they kill black people but the government is over reaching when they kill ranchers waiving guns.

You are anti cops. Who went and shot those people in Waco? Those were cops. Maybe they were FBI or CIA or State troopers or MP's or just regular deputy's. I consider them all cops. Officers of the law. I always say respect the law and do what they say. So when you go waiving your gun around and occupying federal property, you should be treated like any other terrorist.

Imagine a bunch of arab Americans doing that. Or Mexican Americans protesting the fact that we stole Texas from them. So they occupy the Texas State House with guns and have a standoff with the gringos?
We've all read the right wings feelings on such cases as when a little kid in Chicago or Cleveland is waiving around a toy gun, you say he had it coming when the cops shoot him. Or a young black kid is running away with a knife or running away from a cop unarmed. The cops blow them away. And the right does not think black lives matter. So this guy had a gun and he was breaking the law too. He had it coming. Just like young black men need to respect the law, so do right wing nutjobs.
I have never said any such thing, so thanks for demonstrating hos Liberals love to 'generalize' to condemn a whole group of people they disagree with / don't like. You like to cherry-pick the cases then declare all shootings are the same, which is BS.

Ever read the article about how the leader of one anti-cop protest group was invited so 'suit up', carry a pistol, and go through the police training in which you walk down a simulated street while 'pop-up' citizens are presented? The article tells how during the scenario the activist shot 2 'civilians' and was 'killed' 3 times because he refused to fire at 'perps'/'bad guys' that popped up. In the end he said he got a new perspective regarding how tough it is for cops to make some life-or-death decisions in split second situations. I'm not saying that is what happens all the time, but I am pointing out that like HIM you find it easy to condemn all cops when you don't know what the hell you're talking about or how tough it is to do the job. After going through the training course his perception was partially changed...maybe you ought to try it.

And why do we see all you Liberals bitching and crying every time there is a case where a policeman shoots someone yet keep your mouth shut when Cops are hunted, targeted, and murdered by punks, thugs, and murderers...like was the case not long ago? You don't respect the police. You don't appreciate the police...until they save your ass, and you sit back and wait to condemn them but never come to their defense. If you were a little more balanced in your arguments I would respect you more on the issue, but you're not. With you - Got it: Cops - Bad...
My slam wasn't against cops. It's you people who defend cops when they kill black people but the government is over reaching when they kill ranchers waiving guns.

You are anti cops. Who went and shot those people in Waco? Those were cops. Maybe they were FBI or CIA or State troopers or MP's or just regular deputy's. I consider them all cops. Officers of the law. I always say respect the law and do what they say. So when you go waiving your gun around and occupying federal property, you should be treated like any other terrorist.

Imagine a bunch of arab Americans doing that. Or Mexican Americans protesting the fact that we stole Texas from them. So they occupy the Texas State House with guns and have a standoff with the gringos?
again, facts not in evidence. anytime though bubba post up some of those fact thingys for us.
The rallying cry for the next anti-gummint, it's our land not yurrin', we don't need no stinkin' baggges, we came unarmed last time not this time, weer startin' tha new revalushin' right here, rifle slung over yer shoulder, rootin' tootin'est right-wing whackamole and injun land grabbin' party, will be 'remember the Blue Tarp Revolution'.

Jade Helm '17! This time, its personal! And we still need snacks. "Aaron didn't you pack the dingdongs like a told ya' to? Where are the cheesits? I put 4 boxes of cheesits in this duffel bag right before we left. And who brought rice cakes, no one will eat these. We have ten twelve packs of meisterbrau but one case of water. Jesus H do I have to do everything? And where are the blue tarps? We have to have blue tarps, lawd have mercy you people don't know how to throw a revalushin...
Don't be an ass. They were armed, and they did engage in Brinkmanship, something obvious from their statements from day one.

You're the one who is arguing with lies, but I'm the ass?

You are moving the goalpost yet further. You said an armed protest at the start. You're now trying to redefine your statements altogether, eliminating the "protest" completely. You think you're sneaky, but in fact you're not. The more you babble, the more you sound like an idiot.

There is nothing inherently uncivil about an armed protest. This occupation has never been an armed protest. It is a hostile takeover of federal property by militant terrorists.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
The rallying cry for the next anti-gummint, it's our land not yurrin', we don't need no stinkin' baggges, we came unarmed last time not this time, weer startin' tha new revalushin' right here, rifle slung over yer shoulder, rootin' tootin'est right-wing whackamole and injun land grabbin' party, will be 'remember the Blue Tarp Revolution'.

Jade Helm '17! This time, its personal! And we still need snacks. "Aaron didn't you pack the dingdongs like a told ya' to? Where are the cheesits? I put 4 boxes of cheesits in this duffel bag right before we left. And who brought rice cakes, no one will eat these. We have ten twelve packs of meisterbrau but one case of water. Jesus H do I have to do everything? And where are the blue tarps? We have to have blue tarps, lawd have mercy you people don't know how to throw a revalushin...

Laughing! Its like some half assed Star Trek Movie.

Jade Helm '17: The Search for Snacks.
News reports say that the guy that was killed jumped from his car after it hit s snow bank and started shooting at the FBI and officers. He was killed. There is a video that corroborates the account of the FBI.
The rallying cry for the next anti-gummint, it's our land not yurrin', we don't need no stinkin' baggges, we came unarmed last time not this time, weer startin' tha new revalushin' right here, rifle slung over yer shoulder, rootin' tootin'est right-wing whackamole and injun land grabbin' party, will be 'remember the Blue Tarp Revolution'.

Jade Helm '17! This time, its personal! And we still need snacks. "Aaron didn't you pack the dingdongs like a told ya' to? Where are the cheesits? I put 4 boxes of cheesits in this duffel bag right before we left. And who brought rice cakes, no one will eat these. We have ten twelve packs of meisterbrau but one case of water. Jesus H do I have to do everything? And where are the blue tarps? We have to have blue tarps, lawd have mercy you people don't know how to throw a revalushin...

Laughing! Its like some half assed Star Trek Movie.

Jade Helm '17: The Search for Snacks.

'The Search for Snacks, hilarious. I mean these people write their own SNL skits.
News reports say that the guy that was killed jumped from his car after it hit s snow bank and started shooting at the FBI and officers. He was killed. There is a video that corroborates the account of the FBI.

Impossible. That would mean that the militia types are lying sacks of shit.
Don't be an ass. They were armed, and they did engage in Brinkmanship, something obvious from their statements from day one.

You're the one who is arguing with lies, but I'm the ass?

You are moving the goalpost yet further. You said an armed protest at the start. You're now trying to redefine your statements altogether, eliminating the "protest" completely. You think you're sneaky, but in fact you're not. The more you babble, the more you sound like an idiot.

There is nothing inherently uncivil about an armed protest. This occupation has never been an armed protest. It is a hostile takeover of federal property by militant terrorists.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
so I don't get it. A black kid threatens an innocent store owner, steals from him, smacks him, in Ferguson, MO, later smacks around a cop and takes his weapon and he's a victim and these folks are bad old guys who are bunked up in an empty building and that infuriates you.

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