Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

So funny thing, the FBI gave an update today and they are still saying that the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air. ooops, does someone have bad information in here? Maybeeeeeee..

And oh, still no video of the killing. so whoever on here said that, LOL you are a liar.

Oh and for setting the facts straight, the militia never said they'd fire on FBI or anyone first. They also said they never pointed their guns at anyone and the abc news clip stated it was peaceful. So, what do you supposed is behind all of this? Uranium? hmmmmm anyone hear about this? Ooops did ole jc let that slip out? hahahahahaahhahaha It was peaceful and then badda boom, this? Isn't also funny the white dude was killed at a traffic stop. just like them old black folk.

link from abc..
Armed Militants Still Occupying Wildlife Refuge, FBI Says
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So funny thing, the FBI gave an update today and they are still saying that the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air. ooops, does someone have bad information in here? Maybeeeeeee..

And oh, still no video of the killing. so whoever on here said that, LOL you are a liar.

Oh and for setting the facts straight, the militia never said they'd fire on FBI or anyone first. They also said they never pointed their guns at anyone and the abc news clip stated it was peaceful. So, what do you supposed is behind all of this? Uranium? hmmmmm anyone hear about this? Ooops did ole jc let that slip out? hahahahahaahhahaha It was peaceful and then badda boom, this? Isn't also funny the white dude was killed at a traffic stop. just like them old black folk.
Where is this update?
So funny thing, the FBI gave an update today and they are still saying that the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air. ooops, does someone have bad information in here? Maybeeeeeee..

And oh, still no video of the killing. so whoever on here said that, LOL you are a liar.

Oh and for setting the facts straight, the militia never said they'd fire on FBI or anyone first. They also said they never pointed their guns at anyone and the abc news clip stated it was peaceful. So, what do you supposed is behind all of this? Uranium? hmmmmm anyone hear about this? Ooops did ole jc let that slip out? hahahahahaahhahaha It was peaceful and then badda boom, this? Isn't also funny the white dude was killed at a traffic stop. just like them old black folk.
Where is this update?
here go to this link...it's abc

Armed Militants Still Occupying Wildlife Refuge, FBI Says
So funny thing, the FBI gave an update today and they are still saying that the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air. ooops, does someone have bad information in here? Maybeeeeeee..

And oh, still no video of the killing. so whoever on here said that, LOL you are a liar.

Oh and for setting the facts straight, the militia never said they'd fire on FBI or anyone first. They also said they never pointed their guns at anyone and the abc news clip stated it was peaceful. So, what do you supposed is behind all of this? Uranium? hmmmmm anyone hear about this? Ooops did ole jc let that slip out? hahahahahaahhahaha It was peaceful and then badda boom, this? Isn't also funny the white dude was killed at a traffic stop. just like them old black folk.
Where is this update?
here go to this link...it's abc

Armed Militants Still Occupying Wildlife Refuge, FBI Says
Thanks...can't hear video, just write up....I assume it's in the video only where they say "the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air"?
So to graze some cattle Bundy got another human being killed. And that is just so far.

What a patriot.

And where were the rest of the 'we came unarmed this time' crowd? At home under their blanky. That 2nd amendment stuff is important as long as its only a mile or two away, any more than that and 'sorry, I have a tee time in the morning' and 'them thar feds gots guns! F#$k this!'

I don't claim to know much about this situation - I don't follow these nut jobs. However, in true FBI style - they get them away from the scene and then claim that "he shot first".

Funny - these leftists despise cops - until they do the work of taking a conservative out - THEN, they are law-abiding, "Go Cop Go" assholes.
And "CORNservatives do the same thing. When the cops kill unarmed people who are trying only to pull their pants up, they say that person was reaching for his waistband that justifies killing him/her and you give them a standing ovation. But when police shoot and kill a ARMED criminal wearing a cowboy hat who threatens them...OHHH...FOUL.... Ohhhhhh!
That is horse shit.

Cops will shoot anyone that presents the image of threatening them.
Hands up or charging? Conflicting reports on shooting of Oregon militia spokesman

Feds have murdered and martyred another Patriot.
Gordon Kahl and Robert Mathews in the 1980's
Samuel and Vicky Weaver and the Waco Family in the 1990's
Robert Lavoy Finicum-2016

RIP patriots!
I bet you feel somehow inadequate and a failure for not being there with your brothers-in-arms, right?
No, Odium is being a provocateur, and not more than that.
So funny thing, the FBI gave an update today and they are still saying that the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air. ooops, does someone have bad information in here? Maybeeeeeee..

And oh, still no video of the killing. so whoever on here said that, LOL you are a liar.

Oh and for setting the facts straight, the militia never said they'd fire on FBI or anyone first. They also said they never pointed their guns at anyone and the abc news clip stated it was peaceful. So, what do you supposed is behind all of this? Uranium? hmmmmm anyone hear about this? Ooops did ole jc let that slip out? hahahahahaahhahaha It was peaceful and then badda boom, this? Isn't also funny the white dude was killed at a traffic stop. just like them old black folk.
Where is this update?
here go to this link...it's abc

Armed Militants Still Occupying Wildlife Refuge, FBI Says
Thanks...can't hear video, just write up....I assume it's in the video only where they say "the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air"?
It is at about 1:20 and that the mans hands were in the air is a claim by the militia, and how reliable that is is anyone guess. They have an obvious vested interest in making the feds look as bad as possible.

These morons have hurt their cause like the Black Lies matter movement does when it interrupts peoples daily lives to be a pain in everyone's ass. These lunatics have disrupted the local business and made the whole town feel under seige.

Bundy needs to spend the rest of his life in prison for being the leader of an incident that got innocent people killed.
So funny thing, the FBI gave an update today and they are still saying that the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air. ooops, does someone have bad information in here? Maybeeeeeee..

And oh, still no video of the killing. so whoever on here said that, LOL you are a liar.

Oh and for setting the facts straight, the militia never said they'd fire on FBI or anyone first. They also said they never pointed their guns at anyone and the abc news clip stated it was peaceful. So, what do you supposed is behind all of this? Uranium? hmmmmm anyone hear about this? Ooops did ole jc let that slip out? hahahahahaahhahaha It was peaceful and then badda boom, this? Isn't also funny the white dude was killed at a traffic stop. just like them old black folk.
Where is this update?
here go to this link...it's abc

Armed Militants Still Occupying Wildlife Refuge, FBI Says
Thanks...can't hear video, just write up....I assume it's in the video only where they say "the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air"?
It is at about 1:20 and that the mans hands were in the air is a claim by the militia, and how reliable that is is anyone guess. They have an obvious vested interest in making the feds look as bad as possible.

These morons have hurt their cause like the Black Lies matter movement does when it interrupts peoples daily lives to be a pain in everyone's ass. These lunatics have disrupted the local business and made the whole town feel under seige.

Bundy needs to spend the rest of his life in prison for being the leader of an incident that got innocent people killed.
I think we can pretty much guarantee there's gonna be a lot of dash cam, body cam, etc. video of this.
Feds didn't start anything. It was already started. By those idiots.
Them boots taste good as you lick them?

I chew them to nubbins.

Tell me more about how the Feds occupied this place and refused to leave even when the town asked them too.
The Feds have wanted that land for a long time. They have pushed their weight around as always.

How is it possible for the feds to want that land for a long time if the feds already own that land?

Ever hear of a president by the name of Theodore Roosevelt? He was a republican president at the beginning of the 20th century.

He's the guy who had the federal government BUY that land and had it turned into a national refuge for birds.

Do you know when that happened? In 1908. Over ONE HUNDRED years ago.

So the feds have owned that land for over 100 years and you believe they've wanted it for a long time?

Seriously here, who is feeding you those lies or do you make them up by yourself?

Hopefully it won't be a Ruby Ridge situation.

I don't think it can be Waco II, as there's been no reports that Obama and Valerie Jarrett have been asking for advice from Janet Reno.

I find it highly partisan of you to bring politics into it and only democratic politicians.

You do know that Ruby Ridge happened in 1992 don't you? The president at the time was bush the first. His attorney general was wiliam barr.

They are republicans so I guess partisans don't want to bring that fact up.

Hopefully it won't be a Ruby Ridge situation.

I don't think it can be Waco II, as there's been no reports that Obama and Valerie Jarrett have been asking for advice from Janet Reno.

I find it highly partisan of you to bring politics into it and only democratic politicians.

You do know that Ruby Ridge happened in 1992 don't you? The president at the time was bush the first. His attorney general was wiliam barr.

They are republicans so I guess partisans don't want to bring that fact up.

I'm aware that Ruby Ridge was 1992. I wasn't being partisan, which is illustrated by my mentioning Ruby Ridge.

Damn, he must have stood to close to a horse when his cell phone alarm went off...

Apparently, he was hit by a car as a kid and it damaged nerves in his face.
Some of these hard right members who are caricatures of the Sagebrush Rebellion seem quite willing to keep on violating the law. Their way is a non-constructive way to settle the problem of federal lands coveted by the states and businesses.

If people don't figure out how to put themselves in the shoes of these folks then it will happen again if only to become martyrs.

What shoes? Are they the victims of government tyranny? What are their grievances? why can't they petition their elected officials and seek the changes they desire through our established political and legal processes? I have grievances too, but I'm not inclined to engage in an armed protest against the government. I'm not inclined to support others who use threats of armed violence as a means to get what they want. That's terrorism.

They feel they are victims of government tyranny.
Imbalance of Federal Land Ownership Sheds Light on Oregon Militia | Big Think
Armed men, led by Bundy brothers, take over federal building in rural Oregon

I am not asking you to support what they are saying. I'm simply stating that choosing to ignore it is simply going to amplify it.
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Black folks feel like they are victims of racist tyranny ....which is denied by whites whining of "Government tyranny"....Government tyranny is when a 12 year old boy is gunned down in a park by Police and the Prosecutor says "its all good"
Ammon Bundy, one of the Oregon standoff leaders arrested Tuesday night, asked for the remaining self-styled militiamen to stand down and return home in a statement read by his attorney.
Mike Arnold delivered the statement, in which Bundy instructed everyone to go home and said that "this fight is ours for now in the courts." The FBI had already instructed those who were still occupying the land on Wednesday to leave.

Ammon Bundy Asks Remaining Militiamen In Oregon To Go Home
Some of these hard right members who are caricatures of the Sagebrush Rebellion seem quite willing to keep on violating the law. Their way is a non-constructive way to settle the problem of federal lands coveted by the states and businesses.

If people don't figure out how to put themselves in the shoes of these folks then it will happen again if only to become martyrs.
I don't think they were right at all and they went about voicing their complaints all wrong.

If the government/law says you're wrong you're wrong. Want to fight get an attorney or vote

And that's ok. Here's the deal. If you, and that is a general you, cannot figure out what they are saying or what they want then it is simply going to feed into it. It is..........like justifying their anger. I'm not asking you to think it's right. I'm not asking you to agree with it. In fact, I'm not really asking you, personally, to do anything.

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