Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

Chuck Norris is showing up too!

It's like that time that a million truckers were going to bring DC to a standstill, and millions of patriots would force Obama to leave! You liberals laughed, and how'd that turn out?

(Oh, that's right. Nobody showed up.)
Chuck Norris is showing up too!

It's like that time that a million truckers were going to bring DC to a standstill, and millions of patriots would force Obama to leave! You liberals laughed, and how'd that turn out?

(Oh, that's right. Nobody showed up.)
You evidently didn't see this liberal laughing...
You're the one who is arguing with lies, but I'm the ass?

You are moving the goalpost yet further. You said an armed protest at the start. You're now trying to redefine your statements altogether, eliminating the "protest" completely. You think you're sneaky, but in fact you're not. The more you babble, the more you sound like an idiot.

There is nothing inherently uncivil about an armed protest. This occupation has never been an armed protest. It is a hostile takeover of federal property by militant terrorists.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
so I don't get it. A black kid threatens an innocent store owner, steals from him, smacks him, in Ferguson, MO, later smacks around a cop and takes his weapon and he's a victim and these folks are bad old guys who are bunked up in an empty building and that infuriates you.
Michael Brown isn't a victim. We just wonder why the cops don't shoot whites with guns as fast as blacks who are unarmed.
Why is that important?
You don't see the problem when cops shoot blacks running away unarmed but hold their fire when confronted with an armed militia? They should have been drone striked and their property confiscated to teach other rabble rousers a lesson.
They're nothing but welfare queens. Tax payers already pay 93% of their grazing fees. Now the bums want all of for free.

And Finicum, who got $115K a year for his slave laborer kids said he would die rather than obey the law. He got what he wanted.

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It's too bad that they had to kill one. Would be better without any chance of martyrdom.

I strongly suspect that 'LaVoy' didn't give them a choice.

Yes. I'm sure they want to martyr anyone either.

Of course not. If they just wanted these folks dead, they could have stormed the buildings weeks ago. The method of their apprehending these suspects -away from the Refuge, away from the Town, away from as much of the Militia's weapontry as possible, away from the children the militia was using as human shields- demonstrates an attempt to prevent the loss of human life.

But you can't always save someone who has sworn never to be taken alive.
They're nothing but welfare queens. Tax payers already pay 93% of their grazing fees. Now the bums want all of for free.

And Finicum, who got $115K a year for his slave laborer kids said he would die rather than obey the law. He got what he wanted.

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Yup. Lavoy traded a concrete box for a wooden one.
Ammon Bundy, one of the Oregon standoff leaders arrested Tuesday night, asked for the remaining self-styled militiamen to stand down and return home in a statement read by his attorney.
Mike Arnold delivered the statement, in which Bundy instructed everyone to go home and said that "this fight is ours for now in the courts." The FBI had already instructed those who were still occupying the land on Wednesday to leave.

Ammon Bundy Asks Remaining Militiamen In Oregon To Go Home

We will have more to say later but right now I am asking the federal government to allow the people at the refuge to go home without being prosecuted.

Ammon Bundy Asks Remaining Militiamen In Oregon To Go Home

Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Ammon may want to ask his attorney what 'accomplice' and 'co-conspirator' mean.
More from the Obama "regime," stomping on our civil rights.
And of course - the Libbertoid brownshirts are elated.
Seig Heil motherfuckers....

Oh quit whining. Obama didn't pass the laws these bums broke. Just like he didn't pass the tax laws you brag about breaking.

You're just another welfare queen and real Americans support you.

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You're the one who is arguing with lies, but I'm the ass?

You are moving the goalpost yet further. You said an armed protest at the start. You're now trying to redefine your statements altogether, eliminating the "protest" completely. You think you're sneaky, but in fact you're not. The more you babble, the more you sound like an idiot.

There is nothing inherently uncivil about an armed protest. This occupation has never been an armed protest. It is a hostile takeover of federal property by militant terrorists.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
so I don't get it. A black kid threatens an innocent store owner, steals from him, smacks him, in Ferguson, MO, later smacks around a cop and takes his weapon and he's a victim and these folks are bad old guys who are bunked up in an empty building and that infuriates you.
Michael Brown isn't a victim. We just wonder why the cops don't shoot whites with guns as fast as blacks who are unarmed.
They do but they don't make the news because it doesn't outrage whites as much as blacks because we realize do something stupid you might get shot for it. Blacks coddle criminals.

Aw gee, where do people like you come from? You just didn't understand the question or you are just an idiot.
Pay attention.

1. Armed White guy gets shot by cops= no outrage from White folks, except idiots like you.
2. Armed Black guy gets shot by cops= no outrage from Blacks
3. Unarmed White guy gets shot by cops on rare occasion= moderate response by Whites because it happens infrequently.
4. Unarmed Black male/females frequently get shot by cops-= outrage by Blacks and rightly so.

Do you get it now, idiot?
Ammon Bundy, one of the Oregon standoff leaders arrested Tuesday night, asked for the remaining self-styled militiamen to stand down and return home in a statement read by his attorney.
Mike Arnold delivered the statement, in which Bundy instructed everyone to go home and said that "this fight is ours for now in the courts." The FBI had already instructed those who were still occupying the land on Wednesday to leave.

Ammon Bundy Asks Remaining Militiamen In Oregon To Go Home

We will have more to say later but right now I am asking the federal government to allow the people at the refuge to go home without being prosecuted.

Ammon Bundy Asks Remaining Militiamen In Oregon To Go Home

Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Ammon may want to ask his attorney what 'accomplice' and 'co-conspirator' mean.

I saw where the Feds said they could leave. Amazing. They break federal laws, steal private and public property, threaten to kill people and more- but the Feds say they can just toddle on home.

Oh well, they're probably running low on pork rinds and beer.

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You're the one who is arguing with lies, but I'm the ass?

You are moving the goalpost yet further. You said an armed protest at the start. You're now trying to redefine your statements altogether, eliminating the "protest" completely. You think you're sneaky, but in fact you're not. The more you babble, the more you sound like an idiot.

There is nothing inherently uncivil about an armed protest. This occupation has never been an armed protest. It is a hostile takeover of federal property by militant terrorists.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
so I don't get it. A black kid threatens an innocent store owner, steals from him, smacks him, in Ferguson, MO, later smacks around a cop and takes his weapon and he's a victim and these folks are bad old guys who are bunked up in an empty building and that infuriates you.
Michael Brown isn't a victim. We just wonder why the cops don't shoot whites with guns as fast as blacks who are unarmed.
Why is that important?
Because it makes Back parents afraid to let their sons even go to the store to buy skittles and tea. White parents don't have to worry about that.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
so I don't get it. A black kid threatens an innocent store owner, steals from him, smacks him, in Ferguson, MO, later smacks around a cop and takes his weapon and he's a victim and these folks are bad old guys who are bunked up in an empty building and that infuriates you.
Michael Brown isn't a victim. We just wonder why the cops don't shoot whites with guns as fast as blacks who are unarmed.
They do but they don't make the news because it doesn't outrage whites as much as blacks because we realize do something stupid you might get shot for it. Blacks coddle criminals.

Aw gee, where do people like you come from? You just didn't understand the question or you are just an idiot.
Pay attention.

1. Armed White guy gets shot by cops= no outrage from White folks, except idiots like you.
2. Armed Black guy gets shot by cops= no outrage from Blacks
3. Unarmed White guy gets shot by cops on rare occasion= moderate response by Whites because it happens infrequently.
4. Unarmed Black male/females frequently get shot by cops-= outrage by Blacks and rightly so.

Do you get it now, idiot?
I think they want to be more outraged but realize the hypocrisy.

And that's the point. Abusive trigger happy cops are OK till they shoot someone you care about.

Remember how mad they were about Waco? Those same people were not champions of civil rights.

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