Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

I think someone needs to send you a bag of dicks next time you complain and/or protest something.
So funny thing, the FBI gave an update today and they are still saying that the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air. ooops, does someone have bad information in here? Maybeeeeeee..

And oh, still no video of the killing. so whoever on here said that, LOL you are a liar.

Oh and for setting the facts straight, the militia never said they'd fire on FBI or anyone first. They also said they never pointed their guns at anyone and the abc news clip stated it was peaceful. So, what do you supposed is behind all of this? Uranium? hmmmmm anyone hear about this? Ooops did ole jc let that slip out? hahahahahaahhahaha It was peaceful and then badda boom, this? Isn't also funny the white dude was killed at a traffic stop. just like them old black folk.
Where is this update?
here go to this link...it's abc

Armed Militants Still Occupying Wildlife Refuge, FBI Says
Thanks...can't hear video, just write up....I assume it's in the video only where they say "the dude was shot and killed with his hands in the air"?
Aw..another one of those "Hands up, don't shoot" affairs, hunh?
With shots fired, I'd say that's quite likely. You try and kill law enforcement officers conducting a lawful probable cause arrest.......daylight isn't something you're likely to worry about for a very long time.

Again, prove who fired first. We already have good evidence on who fired first, but here you are (were last night) just assuming who fired first without anything to back you up spewing your BS.
Ammon Bundy, one of the Oregon standoff leaders arrested Tuesday night, asked for the remaining self-styled militiamen to stand down and return home in a statement read by his attorney.
Mike Arnold delivered the statement, in which Bundy instructed everyone to go home and said that "this fight is ours for now in the courts." The FBI had already instructed those who were still occupying the land on Wednesday to leave.

Ammon Bundy Asks Remaining Militiamen In Oregon To Go Home

We will have more to say later but right now I am asking the federal government to allow the people at the refuge to go home without being prosecuted.

Ammon Bundy Asks Remaining Militiamen In Oregon To Go Home

Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Ammon may want to ask his attorney what 'accomplice' and 'co-conspirator' mean.

I saw where the Feds said they could leave. Amazing. They break federal laws, steal private and public property, threaten to kill people and more- but the Feds say they can just toddle on home.

Oh well, they're probably running low on pork rinds and beer.

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Oh, they may allow them to leave the refuge. But as the arrest in Arizona demonstrates, leaving the Refuge doesn't mean you've left behind legal consequences.

Jon Ritzheimer, 32, a key militant leader, surrendered to police in Arizona on the conspiracy charge. He gained national fame for complaining on a video about the delivery of sex toys to the refuge in response to the occupiers' plea for supplies

Oregon standoff spokesman Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum killed, Bundys in custody after shooting near Burns
Alas, they probably have far less lube where Jon is at now.
The US Government is not the Crown of England...its what the Founding Fathers Created.....

But they also tried to put into place checks to keep the .gov from being just like the Crown. TRIED, and I think it has finally failed.
It cant have failed yet because we have not exhausted all options yet.

There is still an Article V Convention.
Go for it...tho it takes effort.
The Feds and the establishment of both parties are making it a hell of a lot easier in terms of ginning up support for one.

Right now more than the required number of states have already called for said convention, but for different reasons. This raises a question whether such a convention has to be called for the same reason to be valid or not.

Speaker Boehner was sure to punt that issue down the road before he resigned.
With shots fired, I'd say that's quite likely. You try and kill law enforcement officers conducting a lawful probable cause arrest.......daylight isn't something you're likely to worry about for a very long time.

Again, prove who fired first. We already have good evidence on who fired first, but here you are (were last night) just assuming who fired first without anything to back you up spewing your BS.

Who 'fired first'? I don't think you get how the law works. There's no scenario where firing on a cop serving a lawful probable cause warrant for arrest isn't a crime.

And where did I indicate that they 'fired first' in my post? You were saying about 'assumptions'?
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who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
so I don't get it. A black kid threatens an innocent store owner, steals from him, smacks him, in Ferguson, MO, later smacks around a cop and takes his weapon and he's a victim and these folks are bad old guys who are bunked up in an empty building and that infuriates you.
Michael Brown isn't a victim. We just wonder why the cops don't shoot whites with guns as fast as blacks who are unarmed.
Why is that important?
Because it makes Back parents afraid to let their sons even go to the store to buy skittles and tea. White parents don't have to worry about that.
Imagine if Waco were a cult of blacks. Do you think these people would feel the same?

In fact I think i saw a documentary about the watts riots or black panthers were in a burning building and some think the police shot anyone that came out. Only one young black child escaped. Where was conservative Americas outrage. Such hypocrites
Just read that these domestic terrorists haves vowed to kill FBI agents in a "bloodbath". Bums need to get jobs and stop sucking on the gubt teat.

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<snip> why can't they petition their elected officials and seek the changes they desire <snip>

Have you ever written your elected official(s)? Have you ever been to even a city council meeting?

My life's experience when I have done so to object to what they want to do is for them to tell me (paraphrased), we know better than you and we're going to do it anyway.
who did they take it away from? Did they move it? I'm unclear how it becomes a take over if no one was in it?
Hey dumbfuck, they took it but our law enforcement agencies are going to take it back. What happens if they decide to use those guns they have is their responsibility. If they are all killed, it will be a sad outcome, but they brought it on themselves.
so I don't get it. A black kid threatens an innocent store owner, steals from him, smacks him, in Ferguson, MO, later smacks around a cop and takes his weapon and he's a victim and these folks are bad old guys who are bunked up in an empty building and that infuriates you.
Michael Brown isn't a victim. We just wonder why the cops don't shoot whites with guns as fast as blacks who are unarmed.
Why is that important?
You don't see the problem when cops shoot blacks running away unarmed but hold their fire when confronted with an armed militia? They should have been drone striked and their property confiscated to teach other rabble rousers a lesson.
I blame their soft approach to old man Bundy and his thugs.
It only encouraged them to try again.
Just read that these domestic terrorists haves vowed to kill FBI agents in a "bloodbath". Bums need to get jobs and stop sucking on the gubt teat.

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All it would take is the appearance of one of those old Green Dragon helicopters with mini guns. All the gunner would have to do is shoot and destroy an empty outhouse nearby and the siege would be over....no more occupiers in sight... 4x4 dust trails leading out of town would be the only thing left to briefly remind anyone they had been there at all ..
Then write your legislators, <snip>

Please tell me how that works out for you.

Are you advocating for people to abandon the democratic process in favor of anarchy?

That's the sovereign citizen movement in a nutshell. If any individual doesn't like how government is going, they can pick up a gun and make up the law as the go along.

Though an avowed Sovereign Citizen would actually make that argument. Rather than merely allude to it.
Recon seems to be of the idea that any resistance to, argument with, and opposition to anything the government wants to do is 'criminal'. 'You must assimilate'! :p

A rancher grazes his cows on public lands that his family has used for approx. 100 years. One day a politician comes across a business opportunity that will make him - a millionaire already - a lot of money. The catch is, however, the opportunity involves using those very same public lands for personal gain the rancher has his cattle on and required driving the rancher off the land. Pressure is applied to affect this...but the rancher refuses to go. So, the Bureau of Land Management, which to everyone's surprise has been militarized, rolls in to drive the rancher off the land so the millionaire liberal politician can use public lands for personal gain. Bureau of land management SNIPERS target the heads of the rancher's wife and children. They steal almost 100 head of his cows and butchers them.... Liberals think this is totally acceptable... Some Americans disagree and show up with legal weapons to defend the rancher and his family. Liberals scream about how dangerous the militia - that shows up to protect the rancher, his wife, and kids from government snipers and cow thieves - is.

Liberals portray the government, to include the millionaire politician who started the situation because a rancher was using the public lands he wanted to use to make a lot of money, as 'the good guys' and the 'evil' rancher whose family had used that land for 100 years and his 'evil' wife and daughters/sons who were so much of a public threat that the heavily armed Bureau of land management had to target them with sniper rifles as the 'bad guys'.

And, it seems, opposing such governmental abuse of power is 'criminal', unjustifiable, and wrong.

:rolleyes: Whatever...

Hmmm, but you know it is much much more subtle than all that.

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