Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

“He was not on his knees, none of that,” McConnell said. “He was none of that nonsense. You know, that was a miscommunication on somebody else’s part. But he went after them. He charged them. You know, LaVoy was very passionate about what he was doing up here.”

Finicum claimed early on during the occupation that he was willing to die for his interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

By 'miscommunication', I think they mean "What? They have a fucking video?! Oh, well then all that shit we made up, forget it. Okay?'
no video , that is a lie.

HE CHARGED THE OFFICERS! You think he left his rifle in the car? The video is on Facebook somewhere. I have noT found it. LIAR!
I have no fkn idea and neither did the non eyewitness.

The dude was driving and he jumped out of the car according to someone, not the guy being interviewed, but someone. Let's see he left the car in gear and made sure he got back in the car after jumping out to get a rifle that no one said was in the vehicle.
The moron was criminal. He tried to escape from law enforcement. He told law enforcement to fuck off. He tried to intimidate law enforcement. He tried to take over government buildings and land. He was anti-American. He got what he deserved. The rest should got to prison for aiding a terrorist.
Sober up!
By 'miscommunication', I think they mean "What? They have a fucking video?! Oh, well then all that shit we made up, forget it. Okay?'
no video , that is a lie.

HE CHARGED THE OFFICERS! You think he left his rifle in the car? The video is on Facebook somewhere. I have noT found it. LIAR!
I have no fkn idea and neither did the non eyewitness.

The dude was driving and he jumped out of the car according to someone, not the guy being interviewed, but someone. Let's see he left the car in gear and made sure he got back in the car after jumping out to get a rifle that no one said was in the vehicle.
The moron was criminal. He tried to escape from law enforcement. He told law enforcement to fuck off. He tried to intimidate law enforcement. He tried to take over government buildings and land. He was anti-American. He got what he deserved. The rest should got to prison for aiding a terrorist.
Sober up!
Nice family portrait of you and your wife.
My family has been on US land for a few hundred years too. Should I be given free land?
Does your family claim the land as their own?
Are they using the land or did they 'steal' it?

Are you saying / you are defending the practice of ... because a millionaire politician wants to use public lands for his own profit that another American is using it is then, therefore, ok for the BLM to by-pass the DOJ, take on their role as 'law enforcer', aim sniper rifles at innocent people's (women and children's) heads, steal a man's cattle and slaughter them, and try to INTIMIDATE them off the land instead of having the DOJ step in and enforce the law?
...cause that is what it sounds like you are saying...

How about we include some facts with your rant ...

Hands up or charging? Conflicting reports on shooting of Oregon militia spokesman

Feds have murdered and martyred another Patriot.
Gordon Kahl and Robert Mathews in the 1980's
Samuel and Vicky Weaver and the Waco Family in the 1990's
Robert Lavoy Finicum-2016

RIP patriots!
I bet you feel somehow inadequate and a failure for not being there with your brothers-in-arms, right?
It's safer for him to hide behind his computer.

What are all these fascist right wingers gonna say when the police video comes out showing the asshole was pointing his gun at the cops?
“He was not on his knees, none of that,” McConnell said. “He was none of that nonsense. You know, that was a miscommunication on somebody else’s part. But he went after them. He charged them. You know, LaVoy was very passionate about what he was doing up here.”

Finicum claimed early on during the occupation that he was willing to die for his interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

By 'miscommunication', I think they mean "What? They have a fucking video?! Oh, well then all that shit we made up, forget it. Okay?'
no video , that is a lie.

HE CHARGED THE OFFICERS! You think he left his rifle in the car? The video is on Facebook somewhere. I have noT found it. LIAR!
I have no fkn idea and neither did the non eyewitness.

The dude was driving and he jumped out of the car according to someone, not the guy being interviewed, but someone. Let's see he left the car in gear and made sure he got back in the car after jumping out to get a rifle that no one said was in the vehicle.
The moron was criminal. He tried to escape from law enforcement. He told law enforcement to fuck off. He tried to intimidate law enforcement. He tried to take over government buildings and land. He was anti-American. He got what he deserved. The rest should got to prison for aiding a terrorist.
So dude do you have a link I can get to where he said that? The shit you fools make up is hilarious.
Hands up or charging? Conflicting reports on shooting of Oregon militia spokesman

Feds have murdered and martyred another Patriot.
Gordon Kahl and Robert Mathews in the 1980's
Samuel and Vicky Weaver and the Waco Family in the 1990's
Robert Lavoy Finicum-2016

RIP patriots!
I bet you feel somehow inadequate and a failure for not being there with your brothers-in-arms, right?
It's safer for him to hide behind his computer.

What are all these fascist right wingers gonna say when the police video comes out showing the asshole was pointing his gun at the cops?
Just like you right?
Hands up or charging? Conflicting reports on shooting of Oregon militia spokesman

Feds have murdered and martyred another Patriot.
Gordon Kahl and Robert Mathews in the 1980's
Samuel and Vicky Weaver and the Waco Family in the 1990's
Robert Lavoy Finicum-2016

RIP patriots!
I bet you feel somehow inadequate and a failure for not being there with your brothers-in-arms, right?
It's safer for him to hide behind his computer.

What are all these fascist right wingers gonna say when the police video comes out showing the asshole was pointing his gun at the cops?
Too bad dipshit, there isn't one.
Can you answer my question?

Why should the occupiers be given free land?

Great Question. Our history is built upon the foundation of TAKING land from occupiers. 'You want it? Take it. Those with the most guns / force - the government - gets to keep it.'

'Manifest Destiny' - 'I want the land you are own, so I am going to take it, even if I have to kill you for it.'

You buy a house. You 'own' the house. You 'occupy' the house. The government shows up and says they can make more money with the property than you provide as a home-owner or they need to put a freeway in, 'we're taking your land - here's a 'few bucks' (the value of your house as THEY see it) - get out.'

Claiming ownership or seizing land as your own and claiming it is yours when you are not the government is down-right un-American. :p
Or an airport runway
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I love how Liberals accuse others of what THEY are doing.

Yeah, especially in this thread. . .


Can you answer my question?

Why should the occupiers be given free land?
I never opined that they should.

By supporting their illegal actions, you are tacitly agreeing with their demands - free land and freedom for the Hammond arsonists.

At least have the gumption to stand by your own words.
jc, just wait until the facts come out. And, as was said, the courts will decide.

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