Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

Neither does the murder of Tamir Rice but the yee-hadist welfare queens compared their unlawful actions to that child's death.

So justifying doing something 'wrong' by pointing out 'Well, others did it, too' is your response? Got it. :p
<snip> why can't they petition their elected officials and seek the changes they desire <snip>

Have you ever written your elected official(s)? Have you ever been to even a city council meeting?

My life's experience when I have done so to object to what they want to do is for them to tell me (paraphrased), we know better than you and we're going to do it anyway.
So...it's hard, it takes work and persistance, and you need to have many people on your side. Awwwwwwww
Glad you had good results. I've been there where the whole room was against the proposal, and the council passes it anyways.
Neither does the murder of Tamir Rice but the yee-hadist welfare queens compared their unlawful actions to that child's death.

So justifying doing something 'wrong' by pointing out 'Well, others did it, too' is your response? Got it. :p

The two are not related in any way. Not by any stretch of the imagination can you say a child gunned down within 12 seconds of a cop seeing him with weeks of unlawful armed occupation by domestic terrorists being tolerated by law enforcement.

12 seconds, child
Armed thugs squatting for weeks on public land

The two are not related in any way. Not by any stretch of the imagination can you say a child gunned down within 12 seconds of a cop seeing him with weeks of unlawful armed occupation by domestic terrorists being tolerated by law enforcement.

12 seconds, child
Armed thugs squatting for weeks on public land


Don't 'preach' to me, LN. I'm the one who called YOU for doing the same exact thing by bringing up McVeigh....and you're still arguing / trying to justify it. You don't have to do that for my sake, but if it makes YOU feel better then go for it.
I see the media is still lying about the murder of Finicum AND about who is actually in control of the militia right now which ISN'T the idiot they claim it is who got himself arrested last night. There are a lot more than a half dozen left lol....sitting around a camp fire....the media cracks me up...their lies are so dumb its hard to understand why ANYONE would believe them. Watch a video I posted earlier in the thread. They got a TON of folks there and PLENTY of food.
Neither does the murder of Tamir Rice but the yee-hadist welfare queens compared their unlawful actions to that child's death.

So justifying doing something 'wrong' by pointing out 'Well, others did it, too' is your response? Got it. :p

The two are not related in any way. Not by any stretch of the imagination can you say a child gunned down within 12 seconds of a cop seeing him with weeks of unlawful armed occupation by domestic terrorists being tolerated by law enforcement.

12 seconds, child
Armed thugs squatting for weeks on public land


Right. The public "occupying" public land in the middle of nowhere in the middle of winter to protest a civil rights violation among other things. Can't believe they haven't called in the B-52's yet.
The two are not related in any way. Not by any stretch of the imagination can you say a child gunned down within 12 seconds of a cop seeing him with weeks of unlawful armed occupation by domestic terrorists being tolerated by law enforcement.

12 seconds, child
Armed thugs squatting for weeks on public land


Don't 'preach' to me, LN. I'm the one who called YOU for doing the same exact thing by bringing up McVeigh....and you're still arguing / trying to justify it. You don't have to do that for my sake, but if it makes YOU feel better then go for it.


You're lying - as usual.

I didn't bring up McVeigh and did not see anything where you called me out on it. Nor did I compare Oregon to the Tamir Rice murder.

FACT is, the yee-hadist domestic terrorists in oregon compared themselves to the murder of a 12 y/o child who was gunned down within 12 seconds of being sighted by cops while law enforcement has tolerated them illegally occupying federal land for weeks. See link in this thread.
LN, you're absolutely right - YOU were not the one who said, inferred, insinuated, or brought up McVeigh - it was 'Hangover'. My sincere apologies for making the error.

While I would not call the militia in Oregon 'Domestic Terrorists' I would definitely agree that they are idiots, especially if they attempted to compare themselves to the murder of a 12yo.

Although I wish the situation could have been resolved with a better outcome, I have said from the start that the Feds handled THIS much better than they did in Waco, doing now what they should have done then - back off, leave the premises, and catch the guys they were after off-site where no innocent people could be hurt. These guys took an action and knew the dangers....

Now we see one side claiming they were 'executed' while the other claims it was a 'justified shooting'. As we always learn, the truth is somewhere there in the middle. It will come to light eventually. In the meantime, the issue is 'resolved' (I hope).
I see the media is still lying about the murder of Finicum AND about who is actually in control of the militia right now which ISN'T the idiot they claim it is who got himself arrested last night. There are a lot more than a half dozen left lol....sitting around a camp fire....the media cracks me up...their lies are so dumb its hard to understand why ANYONE would believe them. Watch a video I posted earlier in the thread. They got a TON of folks there and PLENTY of food.
There are 870 posts in this thread. Do you expect people to go back and find your link on one of your many posts?
By supporting their illegal actions, you are tacitly agreeing with their demands - free land and freedom for the Hammond arsonists.

At least have the gumption to stand by your own words.
I'm done playing your childish game, your feigned ignorance, your half truths and lies, your double speak, etc.
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
He will be regaled as a folk hero at grange halls all across America.
If people don't figure out how to put themselves in the shoes of these folks then it will happen again if only to become martyrs.

What shoes? Are they the victims of government tyranny? What are their grievances? why can't they petition their elected officials and seek the changes they desire through our established political and legal processes? I have grievances too, but I'm not inclined to engage in an armed protest against the government. I'm not inclined to support others who use threats of armed violence as a means to get what they want. That's terrorism.

They feel they are victims of government tyranny.
Imbalance of Federal Land Ownership Sheds Light on Oregon Militia | Big Think
Armed men, led by Bundy brothers, take over federal building in rural Oregon

I am not asking you to support what they are saying. I'm simply stating that choosing to ignore it is simply going to amplify it.
No one is ignoring it. The protesters are pissed they are not getting their way. Tough.

Two guys do time and are released. Judge says, "Whoops! Bring them boys back in." and you cannot fathom how screwed over they feel?

You thinking they should trust the system?
Yes, and if I were living in Burns, I would have joined in the protest over that. But this is no longer about the Hammond's. It is about the militia that has taken over a Federal Property, devoted to preserving the unique wildlife of that area. A Federal Property that has existed as a Wildlife Refuge for over 100 years.

The screwball Bundy's just effectively ruined any chances the Hammond's had for a commuted sentence.

And the Hammonds knew it. Which is why they distanced themselves from Bundy like he was on fire. There was actually a chance that the Hammonds might have had their sentences commuted before.

Now, there's none. The Bundy Brothers squated over the Hammond's case and took a huge Sovereign Citizen shit all over it. All to push their *own* agenda. Not help the Hammonds.

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