Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario

Haven't seen the facts come out yet. Have you?
hmmmm.....Report: LaVoy Finicum, armed with a handgun, reached for his waistband just before he was shot

Everyone knew that LaVoy Finicum kept a Colt .45 on his hip.

That common knowledge could help explain how the occupier in Oregon died.

In the moments before he was shot by authorities Tuesday afternoon, Finicum led a high-speed getaway attempt. He then reached for his waistband, prompting authorities to open fire, according to a CNN report.

The report, which cites anonymous law enforcement officials but has not been confirmed by The Washington Post, is corroborated by a statement from an occupier who said he was traveling with Finicum at the time of the traffic stop.

Another self-described witness disputes that, saying that authorities opened fire before the getaway chase and that Finicum had his hands up when he was shot.

Authorities have not provided details publicly on the incident. But the FBI pinned the blame squarely on the occupiers.

“The occupiers had ample opportunity to leave peacefully,” FBI Special Agent Greg Bretzing said Wednesday morning. “They brought this on themselves.”
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario
lol. you cant possibly believe that an armed man who said he would rather die than go to jail and who had just tried to run from the cops was peacefully surrendering.

i mean i already knew you were ignorant and stupid, but i had no idea just how gullible you were
<snip> why can't they petition their elected officials and seek the changes they desire <snip>

Have you ever written your elected official(s)? Have you ever been to even a city council meeting?

My life's experience when I have done so to object to what they want to do is for them to tell me (paraphrased), we know better than you and we're going to do it anyway.
So...it's hard, it takes work and persistance, and you need to have many people on your side. Awwwwwwww
Glad you had good results. I've been there where the whole room was against the proposal, and the council passes it anyways.
So you are describing only one try at getting your way? You need to be more persistent....it may take years.
hmmmm.....Report: LaVoy Finicum, armed with a handgun, reached for his waistband just before he was shot

Everyone knew that LaVoy Finicum kept a Colt .45 on his hip.

That common knowledge could help explain how the occupier in Oregon died.

In the moments before he was shot by authorities Tuesday afternoon, Finicum led a high-speed getaway attempt. He then reached for his waistband, prompting authorities to open fire, according to a CNN report.

The report, which cites anonymous law enforcement officials but has not been confirmed by The Washington Post, is corroborated by a statement from an occupier who said he was traveling with Finicum at the time of the traffic stop.

Another self-described witness disputes that, saying that authorities opened fire before the getaway chase and that Finicum had his hands up when he was shot.

Authorities have not provided details publicly on the incident. But the FBI pinned the blame squarely on the occupiers.

“The occupiers had ample opportunity to leave peacefully,” FBI Special Agent Greg Bretzing said Wednesday morning. “They brought this on themselves.”

Not to worry, any "occupier" who says anything corroborating law enforcement's account in any way will either be a government mole or secretly coerced.
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These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario
No doubt your fanciful version will be the source of many future conspiracy theories on Youtube.......whatever the real facts may be.
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario
You are lying or you are duped. Your agenda is obvious. Trot along.
Levoy just was too slow on the draw. At least the cowboy died with his boots on. He will go down in history as the dumb ass who got killed while his comrades went off to jail for snacks.
I see the media is still lying about the murder of Finicum AND about who is actually in control of the militia right now which ISN'T the idiot they claim it is who got himself arrested last night. There are a lot more than a half dozen left lol....sitting around a camp fire....the media cracks me up...their lies are so dumb its hard to understand why ANYONE would believe them. Watch a video I posted earlier in the thread. They got a TON of folks there and PLENTY of food.

yes 8 500lb fat crackers are two tons of people
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario

is that the garbage the neoconfederate insurrectionists are making up?
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario

is that the garbage the neoconfederate insurrectionists are making up?
Another one of jills wild tangents here...the 5th grade reject probably doesn't even know what a neo confederate or an insurrectionist is yet uses them both when describing the situation in OREGON ya know about 2500 MILES from the CONFEDERACY. Continue being ignorant honey....
By supporting their illegal actions, you are tacitly agreeing with their demands - free land and freedom for the Hammond arsonists.

At least have the gumption to stand by your own words.
I'm done playing your childish game, your feigned ignorance, your half truths and lies, your double speak, etc.
Gee...don't go away mad.....
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario

is that the garbage the neoconfederate insurrectionists are making up?
Another one of jills wild tangents here...the 5th grade reject probably doesn't even know what a neo confederate or an insurrectionist is yet uses them both when describing the situation in OREGON ya know about 2500 MILES from the CONFEDERACY. Continue being ignorant honey....
So...have you made it to the Oregon compound yet?
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario
And what will you do when the video comes out and shows you are wrong?
They feel they are victims of government tyranny.
Imbalance of Federal Land Ownership Sheds Light on Oregon Militia | Big Think
Armed men, led by Bundy brothers, take over federal building in rural Oregon

I am not asking you to support what they are saying. I'm simply stating that choosing to ignore it is simply going to amplify it.
No one is ignoring it. The protesters are pissed they are not getting their way. Tough.

Two guys do time and are released. Judge says, "Whoops! Bring them boys back in." and you cannot fathom how screwed over they feel?

You thinking they should trust the system?
So the remedy is to grab federal property that does not belong to them? The remedy is to go to court.

Two of them did that. Why would they trust a system where they felt they were jacked?

I'm not asking you to agree with what they did.
So...what you are saying is that any one who feels they've been jacked by the courts should go grab some federal land with guns.....gee, that's a fair number of people.

Gee........where did you get that from again?
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario

is that the garbage the neoconfederate insurrectionists are making up?
Another one of jills wild tangents here...the 5th grade reject probably doesn't even know what a neo confederate or an insurrectionist is yet uses them both when describing the situation in OREGON ya know about 2500 MILES from the CONFEDERACY. Continue being ignorant honey....
confederate has multiple definitions and not necessarily specific to the civil war confederacy. Do you know what Neo means? If one interprets the confederate term to indicate a description of an assembled group of people as conspirators, then the phrase neo-confederate is an accurate description and definition. The only problem in the way it was used is that grammar requires it to be two words separated by a hyphen.
The Bundy militants and their supporters are trying to turn LaVoy Finicum into a right-wing martyr, but two witnesses deny that he was shot and killed in cold blood by law enforcement officers.
Reports are a bunch of ex-Green Berets are coming to the militias aid.
And a bunch of Seals are reinforcing the feds. Grow the fuck up.
poor Steve, a fat hick sitting in his trailer park cheering others on
Next you're going to tell us that Timothy McVeigh was a patriot.
McVeigh has nothing to do with this case.....'over-reach'?

Neither does the murder of Tamir Rice but the yee-hadist welfare queens compared their unlawful actions to that child's death.
Well it's the same thing. Funny how that can happen cause it isn't just black folks. Hmmmmmm

Nonsense. It is, in NO way, "the same thing".

The two incidents have nothing in common and its disgusting, truly disgusting that the domestic terrorists in Oregon are hiding behind the outright murder of a 12 year old child.

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