Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

Are the Feds keeping track of how nucj Bundy owes tax payers for grazing federal land? I assume he is still doing that.
Next you're going to tell us that Timothy McVeigh was a patriot.
McVeigh has nothing to do with this case.....'over-reach'?

Neither does the murder of Tamir Rice but the yee-hadist welfare queens compared their unlawful actions to that child's death.
Well it's the same thing. Funny how that can happen cause it isn't just black folks. Hmmmmmm

Nonsense. It is, in NO way, "the same thing".

The two incidents have nothing in common and its disgusting, truly disgusting that the domestic terrorists in Oregon are hiding behind the outright murder of a 12 year old child.
Sure it is
The Bundy militants and their supporters are trying to turn LaVoy Finicum into a right-wing martyr, but two witnesses deny that he was shot and killed in cold blood by law enforcement officers.
Reports are a bunch of ex-Green Berets are coming to the militias aid.
And a bunch of Seals are reinforcing the feds. Grow the fuck up.
poor Steve, a fat hick sitting in his trailer park cheering others on
Hahahaha show us those witnesses! Oh right, you can't cause there weren't any. Thanks for the laugh
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario

is that the garbage the neoconfederate insurrectionists are making up?
Another one of jills wild tangents here...the 5th grade reject probably doesn't even know what a neo confederate or an insurrectionist is yet uses them both when describing the situation in OREGON ya know about 2500 MILES from the CONFEDERACY. Continue being ignorant honey....
confederate has multiple definitions and not necessarily specific to the civil war confederacy. Do you know what Neo means? If one interprets the confederate term to indicate a description of an assembled group of people as conspirators, then the phrase neo-confederate is an accurate description and definition. The only problem in the way it was used is that grammar requires it to be two words separated by a hyphen.
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario
And what will you do when the video comes out and shows you are wrong?
What video?

Hopefully it won't be a Ruby Ridge situation.

I don't think it can be Waco II, as there's been no reports that Obama and Valerie Jarrett have been asking for advice from Janet Reno.

I find it highly partisan of you to bring politics into it and only democratic politicians.

You do know that Ruby Ridge happened in 1992 don't you? The president at the time was bush the first. His attorney general was wiliam barr.

They are republicans so I guess partisans don't want to bring that fact up.

I'm aware that Ruby Ridge was 1992. I wasn't being partisan, which is illustrated by my mentioning Ruby Ridge.

But you don't mention who was president and attorney general in 1992.

Yet you mention a democratic president and attorney general.

If you had not been partisan you would have left out the snarky remark about Obama and Janet Reno. Or you would have included a snarky remark about the first bush and william barr.

But you didn't.

It was partisan.
A star is born! You don't get it, but that doesn't surprise me!

Hopefully it won't be a Ruby Ridge situation.

I don't think it can be Waco II, as there's been no reports that Obama and Valerie Jarrett have been asking for advice from Janet Reno.

I find it highly partisan of you to bring politics into it and only democratic politicians.

You do know that Ruby Ridge happened in 1992 don't you? The president at the time was bush the first. His attorney general was wiliam barr.

They are republicans so I guess partisans don't want to bring that fact up.

I'm aware that Ruby Ridge was 1992. I wasn't being partisan, which is illustrated by my mentioning Ruby Ridge.

But you don't mention who was president and attorney general in 1992.

Yet you mention a democratic president and attorney general.

If you had not been partisan you would have left out the snarky remark about Obama and Janet Reno. Or you would have included a snarky remark about the first bush and william barr.

But you didn't.

It was partisan.
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario
And what will you do when the video comes out and shows you are wrong?
What video?

You really don't know?

Hopefully it won't be a Ruby Ridge situation.

I don't think it can be Waco II, as there's been no reports that Obama and Valerie Jarrett have been asking for advice from Janet Reno.

I find it highly partisan of you to bring politics into it and only democratic politicians.

You do know that Ruby Ridge happened in 1992 don't you? The president at the time was bush the first. His attorney general was wiliam barr.

They are republicans so I guess partisans don't want to bring that fact up.

I'm aware that Ruby Ridge was 1992. I wasn't being partisan, which is illustrated by my mentioning Ruby Ridge.

But you don't mention who was president and attorney general in 1992.

Yet you mention a democratic president and attorney general.

If you had not been partisan you would have left out the snarky remark about Obama and Janet Reno. Or you would have included a snarky remark about the first bush and william barr.

But you didn't.

It was partisan.

It wasn't partisan. My mentioning Ruby Ridge was sufficient for all intelligent people to understand what I meant.
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario
And what will you do when the video comes out and shows you are wrong?
What video?

You really don't know?

Hopefully it won't be a Ruby Ridge situation.

I don't think it can be Waco II, as there's been no reports that Obama and Valerie Jarrett have been asking for advice from Janet Reno.

I find it highly partisan of you to bring politics into it and only democratic politicians.

You do know that Ruby Ridge happened in 1992 don't you? The president at the time was bush the first. His attorney general was wiliam barr.

They are republicans so I guess partisans don't want to bring that fact up.

I'm aware that Ruby Ridge was 1992. I wasn't being partisan, which is illustrated by my mentioning Ruby Ridge.

But you don't mention who was president and attorney general in 1992.

Yet you mention a democratic president and attorney general.

If you had not been partisan you would have left out the snarky remark about Obama and Janet Reno. Or you would have included a snarky remark about the first bush and william barr.

But you didn't.

It was partisan.

I was hearing on news that Michigan Militia is talking about going to help the people of Flint, who have they say been failed by Government.

With regard to Oregon Militia, I'm not sure what is happening today. If they're still hold up or if they're surrendering....Ammon Bundy I'm meaning specifically.
These guys were a bunch of well armed yahoos who really wanted a full out frontal assault from the government. Instead, their stand for publicity ala Waco-style fizzled with none of the hoped for drama. Even the guy who was shot expected and desired a shoot out. It's just plain crazyness.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario
And what will you do when the video comes out and shows you are wrong?
What video?

You really don't know?

Do you really not know there's a video?
Hopefully it won't be a Ruby Ridge situation.

I don't think it can be Waco II, as there's been no reports that Obama and Valerie Jarrett have been asking for advice from Janet Reno.

I find it highly partisan of you to bring politics into it and only democratic politicians.

You do know that Ruby Ridge happened in 1992 don't you? The president at the time was bush the first. His attorney general was wiliam barr.

They are republicans so I guess partisans don't want to bring that fact up.

I'm aware that Ruby Ridge was 1992. I wasn't being partisan, which is illustrated by my mentioning Ruby Ridge.

But you don't mention who was president and attorney general in 1992.

Yet you mention a democratic president and attorney general.

If you had not been partisan you would have left out the snarky remark about Obama and Janet Reno. Or you would have included a snarky remark about the first bush and william barr.

But you didn't.

It was partisan.

I was hearing on news that Michigan Militia is talking about going to help the people of Flint, who have they say been failed by Government.

With regard to Oregon Militia, I'm not sure what is happening today. If they're still hold up or if they're surrendering....Ammon Bundy I'm meaning specifically.
They left, you could find that if you actually looked.
I find it highly partisan of you to bring politics into it and only democratic politicians.

You do know that Ruby Ridge happened in 1992 don't you? The president at the time was bush the first. His attorney general was wiliam barr.

They are republicans so I guess partisans don't want to bring that fact up.

I'm aware that Ruby Ridge was 1992. I wasn't being partisan, which is illustrated by my mentioning Ruby Ridge.

But you don't mention who was president and attorney general in 1992.

Yet you mention a democratic president and attorney general.

If you had not been partisan you would have left out the snarky remark about Obama and Janet Reno. Or you would have included a snarky remark about the first bush and william barr.

But you didn't.

It was partisan.

I was hearing on news that Michigan Militia is talking about going to help the people of Flint, who have they say been failed by Government.

With regard to Oregon Militia, I'm not sure what is happening today. If they're still hold up or if they're surrendering....Ammon Bundy I'm meaning specifically.
They left, you could find that if you actually looked.

The BBC earlier said Ammon Bundy was still there.
I'm aware that Ruby Ridge was 1992. I wasn't being partisan, which is illustrated by my mentioning Ruby Ridge.

But you don't mention who was president and attorney general in 1992.

Yet you mention a democratic president and attorney general.

If you had not been partisan you would have left out the snarky remark about Obama and Janet Reno. Or you would have included a snarky remark about the first bush and william barr.

But you didn't.

It was partisan.

I was hearing on news that Michigan Militia is talking about going to help the people of Flint, who have they say been failed by Government.

With regard to Oregon Militia, I'm not sure what is happening today. If they're still hold up or if they're surrendering....Ammon Bundy I'm meaning specifically.
They left, you could find that if you actually looked.

The BBC earlier said Ammon Bundy was still there.

He's been in police custody for two days now.
No he didn't. He was MURDERED with his hands up and surrendering. Eyewitness accounts beat your fantasy scenario
And what will you do when the video comes out and shows you are wrong?
What video?

You really don't know?

Do you really not know there's a video?
Yes, I know there isn't a video. If there's one where is it? Why didn't the Fbi just put it out?
I'm aware that Ruby Ridge was 1992. I wasn't being partisan, which is illustrated by my mentioning Ruby Ridge.

But you don't mention who was president and attorney general in 1992.

Yet you mention a democratic president and attorney general.

If you had not been partisan you would have left out the snarky remark about Obama and Janet Reno. Or you would have included a snarky remark about the first bush and william barr.

But you didn't.

It was partisan.

I was hearing on news that Michigan Militia is talking about going to help the people of Flint, who have they say been failed by Government.

With regard to Oregon Militia, I'm not sure what is happening today. If they're still hold up or if they're surrendering....Ammon Bundy I'm meaning specifically.
They left, you could find that if you actually looked.

The BBC earlier said Ammon Bundy was still there.
i heard this morning on radio news they were leaving. The number arrested at 13
And what will you do when the video comes out and shows you are wrong?
What video?

You really don't know?

Do you really not know there's a video?
Yes, I know there isn't a video. If there's one where is it? Why didn't the Fbi just put it out?
But you don't mention who was president and attorney general in 1992.

Yet you mention a democratic president and attorney general.

If you had not been partisan you would have left out the snarky remark about Obama and Janet Reno. Or you would have included a snarky remark about the first bush and william barr.

But you didn't.

It was partisan.

I was hearing on news that Michigan Militia is talking about going to help the people of Flint, who have they say been failed by Government.

With regard to Oregon Militia, I'm not sure what is happening today. If they're still hold up or if they're surrendering....Ammon Bundy I'm meaning specifically.
They left, you could find that if you actually looked.

The BBC earlier said Ammon Bundy was still there.
i heard this morning on radio news they were leaving. The number arrested at 13

Go take some Valium and wash it down with Brandy.

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