Fellow Republicans need to understand why DeSantis is attacking Disney

DeSantis needs to start acting like a REAL candidate

Push his record in Florida, the economy, his COVID record, his major win in the last election

Instead, most Americans know him as that guy fighting Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse turned queer.
They're criticizing him for appearing to go after his state's biggest employer because of his political butthurt...and he keeps doubling down, when everyone else knows eventually, people will turn against him for his constant attacks on Disney...which is already happening. Again, Stillson isn't proving to be the politically saavy challenge to Trump everyone thought he might be.
DisneyWorld is the satanic corporation’s biggest cash cow

Disney should show more respect for Florida
With the next election approaching, Republicans need to come together. They need to quit bashing DeSantis, it's hurting the party.

---Trump, Other Republicans Criticize DeSantis for Disney Feud----

Lol, more like business owners need to think about how much the want the government taking over their business. How fun it will be to have the local mayor sitting at stock holder meetings mainf all your decisions for you. Sounds fun don't it! Business gets completely controlled by your local government just like communist Russia was. That should be awesome. Ww should all love it. How quickly can we get this done.
Lol, more like business owners need to think about how much the want the government taking over their business. How fun it will be to have the local mayor sitting at stock holder meetings mainf all your decisions for you. Sounds fun don't it! Business gets completely controlled by your local government just like communist Russia was. That should be awesome. Ww should all love it. How quickly can we get this done.
The government has a role to represent the voters. Citizens of a neighborhood in New York disapproved of the Stonewall Inn, so it was shut down. Businesses that the citizens don't approve of should face the wrath of the government.
The government has a role to represent the voters. Citizens of a neighborhood in New York disapproved of the Stonewall Inn, so it was shut down. Businesses that the citizens don't approve of should face the wrath of the government.
The Government is not responsible for supporting peoples hatred
The government has a role to represent the voters. Citizens of a neighborhood in New York disapproved of the Stonewall Inn, so it was shut down. Businesses that the citizens don't approve of should face the wrath of the government.
Lol, ya dude government gets to take over your business just like communist Russia. So now you are a commi huh. Not surprising.. Ducking commi. Sit and spin commie
With the next election approaching, Republicans need to come together. They need to quit bashing DeSantis, it's hurting the party.

---Trump, Other Republicans Criticize DeSantis for Disney Feud----

DeSantis is the one hurting the party. If it is Republicans vs Mickey Mouse, Republicans lose. This is a familiar pattern for DeSantis. Attack a corporation for using the free speech rights that the Supreme Court gave them. DeSantis is unAmerican.
The government has written laws about morals in the past and they have every right to do so in the future.
The Government has learned to get out of other peoples love life.
In spite of Conservative outrage, they no longer ban mixed marriages or same sex marriage.
Disney, IMHO, is an entity that is trying to tell the State of Florida that THEY can do whatever they want without repercussions...And, while I don't believe it is the State's responsibility to guide a business as to the direction they wish to go, but, I can see where a business like this needs to know that unacceptable values when it comes to children will NOT go un addressed....Disney brought this on themselves, just as Bud Light did....

Disney is a entity that used their free speech rights to criticize DeSantis' law. They have every right to do that. You right wing Nazis are the ones pushing unacceptable values. You are the biggest piece of bullshit.
DeSantis is the one hurting the party. If it is Republicans vs Mickey Mouse, Republicans lose. This is a familiar pattern for DeSantis. Attack a corporation for using the free speech rights that the Supreme Court gave them. DeSantis is unAmerican.

DeSantis was viewed as a sensible Republican more concerned with governing.
Since he became a Presidential hopeful, he has become more petty and spiteful. It may work with Republicans, but it turns off moderates and independents.

His inability to just “let it go” with Disney reveals his true character
It's a culture war...And one that liberals have been waging on America for decades...Liberals are only upset now because it seems America is saying ENOUGH!

Republicans are waging a culture war on America. Trying to impose their values on us at the point of a gun.
Yet, you're fine with Biden using the powers of HIS office to punish those who disagree with him....Why is it that when it comes back at ya, you're upset with it.....Typical.

Biden has done no such thing. You are a filthy lying piece of garbage.
The thread is supposed to be about criticism that DeSantis is getting from fellow Republican's....If you want to actually discuss about how Biden is abusing his office, I suggest you start a thread, and invite me....I'll be there....

You brought it up.

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