Ferguson Is 67% Black And Has A Voter Turnout Of 6% Six Percent!!

Then they turn around and bitch about only being represented by whites?

What has Rderp taught us all about 6%?

Seems to me that democrats want to bitch about blacks being suppressed at the polls by GOP tactics but if you look at these stats the reason is obvious & it has nothing to do with the GOP.
Then they turn around and bitch about only being represented by whites?

What has Rderp taught us all about 6%?

Seems to me that democrats want to bitch about blacks being suppressed at the polls by GOP tactics but if you look at these stats the reason is obvious & it has nothing to do with the GOP.

Simple question: Do you think money is involved in politics? Whoever has the money wins regardless of if it's Ferguson, MO or anywhere else.
Do you only vote for the candidate who spends the most?

Can you answer the question?
Whoever has the most money doesn't always win. Now answer mine. Do you always vote for the candidate who spends the most?

Your question is stupid and your naivete is boundless.
I disagree.You're an ignorant piece of trash.
You mean the city or the shooting or the schools? because I'd like you to show a quote from anyone that spun Ferguson as being right wing racism.

Are you seriously suggesting Democrats and the MSM have not been desperate for an event to foment racial division?

No what I said was this: I'd like you to show a quote from anyone that spun Ferguson as being right wing racism.

If you have to ask what I mean again then you're just stalling

I've never claimed racism, I claimed RW voter fraud BS from the git go, then I posted a link proving my claim.

Like I said Liberace, do keep up.

Riiiiiiight I for one believe you. /sarcasm

if you weren't too stupid to read the thread before you shot off your stupid trap you wouldn't have to believe anyone.
You really believe rightwingers are responsible for the lack of black voters in Ferguson? Why isn't there an FBI investigation into that?
I dont get your point unless this is just another complain about black people thread. Turnout for mid term elections are always low and especially low in areas of poverty.

Yes that includes white people too
The last election was not a midterm.

This thread just goes to show that certain segments of the population want to complain about shit but when it comes to fixing the problems they remain awol.

Certain segments like everyone in every midterm election? Or just the black ones?
Stay on point....
The last presidential election black voter turnout was 6%....There is no ambiguity there.
67% Black And Has A Voter Turnout Of 6%

rules out voter fraud doesn't it?

oh, wait ..
Yep...it's Whiteys fault. Typical victim conspiracy diatribe. Perhaps the stupid, lazy, bastards won't vote. Hard to get up in morning and go vote after you been slinging crack all night.
So what are the numbers for voter turnout? Did more than the 6% cast a ballot? Or did Democratic machine just vote for them?
at the end of the day the only thing that will prevail is RW stupidity.
I dont get your point unless this is just another complain about black people thread. Turnout for mid term elections are always low and especially low in areas of poverty.

Yes that includes white people too
The last election was not a midterm.

This thread just goes to show that certain segments of the population want to complain about shit but when it comes to fixing the problems they remain awol.

Certain segments like everyone in every midterm election? Or just the black ones?
Stay on point....
The last presidential election black voter turnout was 6%....There is no ambiguity there.

I thought the point was about Ferguson?
67% Black And Has A Voter Turnout Of 6%

rules out voter fraud doesn't it?

oh, wait ..
Yep...it's Whiteys fault. Typical victim conspiracy diatribe. Perhaps the stupid, lazy, bastards won't vote. Hard to get up in morning and go vote after you been slinging crack all night.

Why is it you played the victim card when no one said anything about whitey? You sound like a insecure fat girl going "Oh you dont like me because I'm fat, right? RIGHT?"

Its called Self esteem for a reason...
Who's fault is it? I say the black men and women that don't vote.

Cry me a river!

Another victim. No one blamed you and no one said its anyones fault. I swear you guys jump into arguments just fall on the floor and scream "leave me alone"
I dont get your point unless this is just another complain about black people thread. Turnout for mid term elections are always low and especially low in areas of poverty.

Yes that includes white people too
You don't get my point? Were you educated in a public school system run by liberals and unions? That might explain why you don't get it.

Hey, all you have to say is uncle. Makes you look silly when you cant answer a question
What is the dropout rate in Ferguson public schools?

Whats the child molestation rate amongst white males?
What is the extent you will go to deflect or derail a thread?
You don't get my point? Were you educated in a public school system run by liberals and unions? That might explain why you don't get it.

Hey, all you have to say is uncle. Makes you look silly when you cant answer a question
What is the dropout rate in Ferguson public schools?

Whats the child molestation rate amongst white males?
That's not the problem. We're talking about black voters. Why is black voter turnout so low in Ferguson?

Oh so we're not talking about Molestation OR Dropout rates. Ok cool, I thought we were bringing up random questions for no reason.

The same reason the voter turnout is low in all poverty areas. Black, white or hispanic.

What I dont know is why you are concerned about the voting from one race of one party in one city.
No..YOU asked these random unrelated to the thread questions.
You don't get my point? Were you educated in a public school system run by liberals and unions? That might explain why you don't get it.

Hey, all you have to say is uncle. Makes you look silly when you cant answer a question
What is the dropout rate in Ferguson public schools?

Whats the child molestation rate amongst white males?
That's not the problem. We're talking about black voters. Why is black voter turnout so low in Ferguson?
You don't get my point? Were you educated in a public school system run by liberals and unions? That might explain why you don't get it.

Hey, all you have to say is uncle. Makes you look silly when you cant answer a question
What is the dropout rate in Ferguson public schools?

Whats the child molestation rate amongst white males?
That's not the problem. We're talking about black voters. Why is black voter turnout so low in Ferguson?

VOTER FRAUD, why else ?

Yeah right. How could the black vote be suppressed?
The place is run by democrats. Black people ARE the town....Sheesh
Somehow a community that is 67% African American and run by Democrats, all their problems are the GOP's fault. /sarcasm

relax Liberace, with a voter turnout of only 6% where were the RW's on election day ? home bitching about Dems running the community?

Let me put this in terms you can understand, a city run by Democrats that is 67% African American accuses the right of racism, shocker.

33.33% RW voters couldn't muster enough people to get to the polls and defeat 6% LW voters and shut up the Dems running the community ? ... and the RW is carping about the Dems yammering about racism ? SHOCKER INDEED.
Holy shit you are stupid. Black make up 2/3rds of the population. Based on their turnout, they seem totally disinterested in their right to vote.
And you people are lashing out.
at the end of the day the only thing that will prevail is RW stupidity.
Get the hell off the forum, you big dope. You're too stupid to realize you're embarrassing yourself. Someone has to save you.
How am I the victim Closedmindiness? I am not the one that doesn't vote then bitches about being ruled by WHITE PEOPLE.
look RW dupes, its simple .. Mizzou is a RED state, The RW' passed voter registration on a RW Governor's signature, the Dems played the race card because a COURT OF LAW found NO EVIDENCE of voter fraud the RW used as an excuse to pass voter registration ... deal with it.
Democrats and the MSM spun Ferguson from the get go as right wing racism, in spite of the city being run by Democrats and there being a 67% majority African American population. African Americans can own every single elected position in the city if they choose to and then staff the departments with whomever they please.

You mean the city or the shooting or the schools? because I'd like you to show a quote from anyone that spun Ferguson as being right wing racism.

Are you seriously suggesting Democrats and the MSM have not been desperate for an event to foment racial division?

No what I said was this: I'd like you to show a quote from anyone that spun Ferguson as being right wing racism.

If you have to ask what I mean again then you're just stalling

I've never claimed racism, I claimed RW voter fraud BS from the git go, then I posted a link proving my claim.

Like I said Liberace, do keep up.
If you want to discuss voter fraud, by all means start a thread on that...For now, stay on point.

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