Finally some one gets it on the Race thing

Good to see this article popup on my home page. Me and some others have been arguing this for years me since I was 12
Should've put this in Politics: Government Policies Forum. But...

I hope you're not of those who are always claiming to be Color Blind. And I hope you don't claim to be arguing you were for this, before the Genome project was finished. Because if you were, it was based on feelings, not science. Or am I wrong, and you're not under 33 years old.

In 2003, the completion of the Human Genome Project — which found that humans globally share 99.9 percent of their DNA — gave waste to the notion of “race” among the vast majority of scientists. But the public appears barely to have noticed. The idea still lives everywhere — in discrimination and criminal profiling, in the rise in hate speech and acts, in the recent Supreme Court decision ending affirmative action in college admissions, in the rhetoric of social justice advocates and the new capitalization of Black and White in the media. Racial categorization persists on job applications, medical forms, and most critically to Hoyt due to its high visibility, the Census.

The 63-year-old educational consultant and psychotherapist is part of a small but increasingly vocal group of people who favor phasing out racial categories. A diverse cohort of highly educated professionals and academics, they are trying to gain broader societal acceptance for their beliefs through a cottage industry of books, articles, websites, conferences and training.

Yet they recoil at the idea of being confused with people who call themselves “colorblind,” those “who are trying to deny that there is racism in the world,” Hoyt said. The government must account for harms caused by “race,” but without resorting to debunked categories that suggest it is biological, he said.

Hoyt read aloud the Census Bureau’s caveats, that “the racial categories included in the Census Questionnaire generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country, and not an attempt to define race biologically, anthropologically, or genetically.”

The US Census: "Race isn’t real, science says. Advocates want the census to reflect that."

"A small but vocal group of professionals and academics imagine a future where categories don’t matter"

Uh, good luck with that.

It's coming. The US Census is used for things the government get's involved with. This will happen, slowly. Ways to address minority representation and other issues will be addressed. It's all about the 'known, unknowns.'

I've long argued people choose to ignore or deny science as there is no gene for race, no gene for sexuality...

I wonder if lg325 believes in a gay gene?
Uh, good luck with that.
It's nothing new. People of decency have been aware of the truth for many years that there are no distinctions.
We can take this as the OP's attempt to free him/herself from his/her personal feelings of guilt, by trying to make 'race' distiinctions into being the same thing as his/her vile feelings of superiority over others. Racism

The attempt does nothing at all in trying to say that America's endemic racism is in any way related to science's findings that have been thoroughly understood for centuries.

Why do they continuously attempt to present the lie?

Because they can't find any inner peace with the fact that they are the most vile of the racists!

Who are the they? They will identify themselves over and over again with this sort of hopeless attempt to escape the 'racist' label.

(note that lg325 reliably keeps the racism issue alive)
It's coming. The US Census is used for things the government get's involved with. This will happen, slowly. Ways to address minority representation and other issues will be addressed. It's all about the 'known, unknowns.'

I've long argued people choose to ignore or deny science as there is no gene for race, no gene for sexuality...

I wonder if lg325 believes in a gay gene?
Correct I have seen no evidence of a ''Gay Gene''
It's nothing new. People of decency have been aware of the truth for many years that there are no distinctions.
We can take this as the OP's attempt to free him/herself from his/her personal feelings of guilt, by trying to make 'race' distiinctions into being the same thing as his/her vile feelings of superiority over others. Racism

The attempt does nothing at all in trying to say that America's endemic racism is in any way related to science's findings that have been thoroughly understood for centuries.

Why do they continuously attempt to present the lie?

Because they can't find any inner peace with the fact that they are the most vile of the racists!

Who are the they? They will identify themselves over and over again with this sort of hopeless attempt to escape the 'racist' label.

(note that lg325 reliably keeps the racism issue alive)
Only because of those who insist Race exists.

Good to see this article popup on my home page. Me and some others have been arguing this for years me since I was 12
The Ivory Tower Is All Dungeon

"Color of the skin" is a straw man. Despite the media's worship of that Commie goon, MLK, races are judged on the content of their character. The genome doesn't reveal anything about intelligence and character.
The Ivory Tower Is All Dungeon

"Color of the skin" is a straw man. Despite the media's worship of that Commie goon, MLK, races are judged on the content of their character. The genome doesn't reveal anything about intelligence and character.
Actually it does.

The genes can point to some things. Saying there is no gene for race or sexuality, is not saying genes play no role at all.

class dismissed.
It's nothing new. People of decency have been aware of the truth for many years that there are no distinctions.
We can take this as the OP's attempt to free him/herself from his/her personal feelings of guilt, by trying to make 'race' distiinctions into being the same thing as his/her vile feelings of superiority over others. Racism

The attempt does nothing at all in trying to say that America's endemic racism is in any way related to science's findings that have been thoroughly understood for centuries.

Why do they continuously attempt to present the lie?

Because they can't find any inner peace with the fact that they are the most vile of the racists!

Who are the they? They will identify themselves over and over again with this sort of hopeless attempt to escape the 'racist' label.

(note that lg325 reliably keeps the racism issue alive)
Evolution's Rejects Must Serve Us or They Won't Survive

Racism is part of the Survival Instinct and must be acted on. For inferior races threatening the survival of the fittest, racism is part of the Death Wish.

Anti-racism is nothing but snobbery. Whites who are born rich deplore, belittle, hate, and fear all other White people. Their ascendancy threatens the survival of the whole race, so they must be deprived of all power and influence, or this will be Terminal America.
The Ivory Tower Is All Dungeon

"Color of the skin" is a straw man. Despite the media's worship of that Commie goon, MLK, races are judged on the content of their character. The genome doesn't reveal anything about intelligence and character.

It kind of does.

Look at the entire history of the whole world and man's history in it.

Blacks have NEVER had a first world country, barely even a 2nd world country.

When everyone else was building ships and cities and setting up trade routes the blacks were sitting in huts with dirty balls enslaving their own people.

Of all of man's advances in science, medicine, architecture, aerospace, engineering, psychology, metallurgy, physics, manufacturing, electrical, communication, and so on how much of those contributions were attributed to blacks? Very very very very little.

Look at the blacks that contributed to mankind, they were all from the past few hundred years and all lived in white nations.

Even look at today. Blacks cause the majority of violence in America. American schools have tried to make it so non black students were graded by lower standards so blacks could keep up. Companies have to forcibly hire blacks and omit non blacks.

If you simply observe blacks you'll see tons of evidence that in general blacks are intellectually inferior to other skin colors on the whole.

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