Finish the sentence....

Finish the sentence: People here at USMB......

  • Need to grow up

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Take things too seriously

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Are oblivious to reality

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Are the most intelligent people on the internet

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Have no lives

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Have anger issues

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Are beyond the help of any professional

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Are angry assholes

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Post here because no one else will listen to them

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Are terrible spellers

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 35.0%

  • Total voters
.... people here....
.......are assholes. But the majority of them will be there for you when you need them. That outweighs the assholiness they exhibit when they are not needed.

In short....a bunch of blowhards with hearts of gold. Most of them anyway.
the world is kind of like that - in a time of desperate need, people will help.

but there are certain situations where the world will let you down. Normally, in instances where you need someone just to be there for your, where they can't really say or do anything to help.
I'll see those and raise you Mama Cass, Upton Sinclair, Alger Hiss and H.L. Mencken
Don't forget Wallis Simpson.

We Canadians don't like to mention her name.

Why zat? She was from Pennsylvania (not Baldy more).

Why you asked? Oh, I don't know, maybe because, as I've said before, as a citizen of Canada, Member of the Commonwealth of Nations, formerly "The British Commonwealth", once the British Empire (on which the sun never set), and still a loyal subject of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and Head of the Commonwealth, I'm obligated to ignore her or revile her name when mentioned, she being the shameless harlot who seduced poor helpless hapless King Edward VIII, a weak and sissified mommy's boy, (I'm not saying mind you, that he was fond of riding the rump, or was "a friend of Dorothy's" if you know what I mean) a mommy's boy who was unfortunately but an unloved child who had an overwhelming need to be dominated and to adore, and Wallis, ( whom a friend described as "a brawny great cow or bullock of a woman, a common, vulgar, strident second-rate American") had an obsessive need to dominate and though finding his adulation tiresome she, through intrigue and mischief caused him to abdicate his throne and marry her, a divorcee with two living Husbands, thereby interrupting the line of Succession to the British Throne, shocking and rocking the House of Windsor (Named by royal proclamation on 17 July 1917 by King GeorgeV, formerly Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, originally German, a branch of the House of Wettin) almost to it's foundation at a time, 1937, when relations between Britain and Germany were nearing crisis and war, a time when the Royal Family certainly did not need the pernicious scandal of this adulteress, (who was rumored to be either a lesbian, a nymphomaniac, a Nazi spy, or a man, and was vilified to the point she might have been all of these), this bawdy tart becoming the Duchess of Windsor, of course without the style "Her Royal Highness", instead styled as "Her Grace", normally reserved only for non-royal dukes and duchesses, perhaps fitting punishment for a gauche interloping poorly bred (after her marriage, another friend noted that her “appalling” accent became “nasal cockney” and she behaved like someone “whose insides have been taken out and replaced by an idea of what a king’s wife should be like”) a poorIy bred "American" (bringing no credit to her more worthy fellow colonials I assure you)....well I could go on but I think I hear you saying "That's enough already!", eh?

You're right, she was born in Pennsylvania.

Actually no, I thought "that's enough already" as soon as I saw the six-mile-long paragraph.

Ooh, sorry, make that 9.656 kilometre long paragraph :eusa_shifty:

Yeah I know all that, but she was still from PA, and besides --- you know you can renounce that royalty bit, right? Heard an interview about this just today on The Current.

P.S. I was wondering after that if you actually thought I was being serious with that post on royalty and I started worrying because if anybody didn't realize it was a joke they could be really offended by my insulting "colonial" remarks and so forth.. I though it was so far over the top, so ridiculously hyperventilating it was impossible anyone would think that was my real thoughts on wallis. Let me again make it very clear please. It was a joke, I am not a hyperventilating royalist, you Americans seemed to take all the celebrity hype about Dianna more seriously than I did, it was ridiculous to me, I don't feel one way or the other about wallis, I've got better things to worry about.

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