Firing Mueller would be the ultimate obstruction of justice act....

Gnat: Mueller is a Republican

kaz: Prove he's a Republican

Gnat: Prove he isn't.


The sequence is a bit off, eternal idiot.......

It is YOU who are making the false claim that Mueller is NOT a republican.......I don;t give a hit if he is or is not......He is doing an excellent job busting your gonads....

NOW, this thread is NOT about whether Mueller likes to join your right wing cult...IT'S about whether your orange charlatan wants to fire him.......

Bull shit. I responded to the claim that Mueller was a Republican. I didn't bring it up.

If you're saying someone else actually claimed Mueller is a Republican and you just took up the cause for them, fine, but that's a distinction without a difference. It was your choice to take up the Mueller is a Republican cause.

He was appointed by Obama in 2011. Yeah, he's a "Republican"

He was reappointed to an additional two years by Obama. Because he knew Mueller was an impartial and very capable prosecutor. Not that it matters, but Mueller was appointed four years earlier by a Republican, by the name of Bush. For the same reason that Obama later re-appointed him.
Sorry, you will never understand, because you are a con troll. And brain dead.

That's what I said. You think W appointing him makes him a Republican, but Obama appointing him doesn't make him a Democrat. That's what I said, you have a flagrant double standard.

He was in an apolitical position. In reality, neither makes him a member of his party. You're just a lying, hypocritical leftist
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.

It is called preemptive protection I guess. But I think Mueller should be fired. Who is going to do something about it? Trump will not lose one Trump voter if he does. And he wont gain even one if he doesn't. Easy choice. Fire him.
We readily see our beloved Trump "floating" the idea of his firing Mueller and gauging what the popular reaction would be.......

Confidants of Trump tacitly acknowledge that such an action is being contemplated, while Trump's lawyers label such an action as false.

DiGenova's appointment partially supports the idea of firing the special counsel since, DiGenova is a big advocate of the "deep state" mantra.

Bear in mind that democrats would scream bloody murder is Mueller was indeed fired, that Mueller could actually sue the government over his firing, and that several states would appoint Mueller to pursue (and fund) the on-going investigation.

Firing Mueller would indeed precipitate a constitutional challenge.....What do you think?
I don't think he will fire Mueller.... I think he will do 1 of 2 things.....

promote the ridiculous conspiracy theory that everyone is out to get the poor little baby, and he's as innocent as a new born lamb, so that his flock believes him and promotes the deep state (like Russia wants him to)....but ultimately for getting R's in the Senate an excuse not to impeach him out of office....


Fire Rosenstein or Sessions, so Trump can replace the person Mueller reports to, who will then quash or restrain the investigation, give Trump a get out of jail free card, and never let us see what the Mueller investigators found out....
So, ewe don’t think the libtards are out to get him? Why exactly dew ewe think that?
Mueller is a Republican, Brennan is a Republican, McCabe is a Republican, Comey is a Republican, Rosenstein is a Republican, and Director Ray is a Republican.....

so NOOOOOOOOOOO, I do not think libtards are out to get him....

I thought Trump had a very suspicious relationship with the Russians from all of his own comments starting back in 2015/early 2016.... For the life of me, I could not understand why he had this love affair with Putin and Russia, yet hated and disparaged America....

That was LONG before the FBI caught on and MONTHS before Chris Steele and Fusion GPS was hired, and long long long before the dossier came out, Trump was showing himself as a pawn for Russia.....and so was his campaign team.

This came from Trump and Trump actions BEFORE anyone thought he would win the primary let alone become the candidate.....

Sooooooo, no, I do not think this is some made up witch hunt..... I ask, WHY THE HECK did it take our government law agencies and the Obama administration so LONG to notice it and start investigating it....????

There were signs of it, a year earlier than when they noticed....
I do not doubt that Trump may have done something wrong, but it is very unlikely he and the Russians colluded to steal the election. As your Messiah said (see below) you think he was lying like he often did?

“We were frankly more concerned in the run up to the election to the possibilities of vote tampering, which we did not see evidence of,” he said. “And we’re confident that we can guard against.”

During an interview with the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah, Obama downplayed the hack of a private email account of Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, defending his administration for revealing in October that the Russian government was connected.

“None of this should be a big surprise,” Obama said, “Russia trying to influence our elections dates back to the Soviet Union.”

Obama dismissed the hack and the leaked emails as “not very interesting” and lacking “explosive” revelations. He puzzled as to why it was an “obsession” by the news media despite the knowledge that the Russians were responsible.

He also criticized President-elect Donald Trump for calling on the Russian government to hack Hillary’s emails to reveal the contents of the deleted emails from her private server, and reminded the audience that Trump had campaign officials connected to Russia.

“What’s happened to our political system where some emails that were hacked and released ended up being the overwhelming story, and the constant source of coverage – breathless coverage – that was depicted as somehow damning in all sorts of ways when the truth of the matter was it was fairly routine stuff?” he said.

do you have a link?

And like I said, they were very slow in reacting and catching on and in notifying the public.....

it WAS NOT FAIRLY ROUTINE STUFF, and the investigations have shown such....

so, The Big O, was wrong.
There is no link there and it doesn't say how they know he's a Republican other than he was appointed by W to an apolitical position. And it doesn't explain why if being appointed by a Republican makes him a Republican but being appointed by a Democrat doesn't make him a Democrat.

start a campaign to waterboard Mueller to find out if he is a republican........LOL

You keep claiming he is. That you can't prove it proves what a liar you are

Problem is, Kaz, you have been provided proof. And everyone but you knows the truth. But, as has been said, you will never, ever believe it. Because you are a stupid con troll It is congenital, I am sure. So don't worry about it. It is, indeed, just plain bad luck.

A statement in fake news is "proof." This word you keep using, proof. I do not think it means what you think it means.

So if your argument that he's a Republican because he was appointed by W in 2001 is true, that means in 2011 when he was appointed by Obama he's a Democrat.

I'm going to shatter your leftist world by letting you know that you can't have it both ways. That is in fact not a right of being a leftist

What I said was apparently too complex for a simple minded con troll. I simply said you called the quote in Wickipedia fake news. Which was stupid. Just trying to help you to understand what the rest of the world understands. So, I forgot, you are a con troll and congenital idiot, which makes you incapable of conversation. And not worth my time.
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Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.

It is called preemptive protection I guess. But I think Mueller should be fired. Who is going to do something about it? Trump will not lose one Trump voter if he does. And he wont gain even one if he doesn't. Easy choice. Fire him.

Uh, he can not. As everyone, with the exception of you and a couple other nut cases, he has to get an FBI superior to fire Mueller. And what will happen there will loose trump lots of votes. Many. But not his most loyal trumpets like yourself. Just way more than he can afford to loose.
Trump could fire Mueller, however he won't and it wouldn't be obstruction of justice in the legal sense but it would trigger the left nuts.

Actually it would be obstruction of justice. There's an ongoing criminal investigation, and firing Mueller would be like firing Comey, an attempt to stop an ongoing investigation. Whether or not it works, like it didn't when he fired Comey makes no difference. It's the attempt, not the result which matters.

Nice try but it wouldn't be but keep trying, show me case law that it is.
There is no link there and it doesn't say how they know he's a Republican other than he was appointed by W to an apolitical position. And it doesn't explain why if being appointed by a Republican makes him a Republican but being appointed by a Democrat doesn't make him a Democrat.

start a campaign to waterboard Mueller to find out if he is a republican........LOL

You keep claiming he is. That you can't prove it proves what a liar you are

Problem is, Kaz, you have been provided proof. And everyone but you knows the truth. But, as has been said, you will never, ever believe it. Because you are a stupid con troll It is congenital, I am sure. So don't worry about it. It is, indeed, just plain bad luck.

A statement in fake news is "proof." This word you keep using, proof. I do not think it means what you think it means.

So if your argument that he's a Republican because he was appointed by W in 2001 is true, that means in 2011 when he was appointed by Obama he's a Democrat.

I'm going to shatter your leftist world by letting you know that you can't have it both ways. That is in fact not a right of being a leftist

What I said was apparently too complex for a simple minded con troll. I simply said you called the quote in Wickipedia fake news. Which was stupid. Just trying to help you to understand what the rest of the world understands. So, I forgot, you are a con troll and congenital idiot, which makes you incapable of conversation. And not worth my time.

Right, you can't prove your claim that Mueller is a Republican and you know it, so you're feigning a huffy snit and running away.

And that Wikipedia article was quoting fake news, moron. I didn't say Wikipedia itself is fake news. Though we don't know that article isn't since we don't know who wrote it
Trump could fire Mueller, however he won't and it wouldn't be obstruction of justice in the legal sense but it would trigger the left nuts.

Actually it would be obstruction of justice. There's an ongoing criminal investigation, and firing Mueller would be like firing Comey, an attempt to stop an ongoing investigation. Whether or not it works, like it didn't when he fired Comey makes no difference. It's the attempt, not the result which matters.

Nice try but it wouldn't be but keep trying, show me case law that it is.

You want someone to take the time to find the case law, dipshit. Please. All a rational person has to do is listen to the lawyers talk, and you will understand. If that is not good enough for you, maybe you should show me the case law that says it is not. Dipshit.
We readily see our beloved Trump "floating" the idea of his firing Mueller and gauging what the popular reaction would be.......

Confidants of Trump tacitly acknowledge that such an action is being contemplated, while Trump's lawyers label such an action as false.

DiGenova's appointment partially supports the idea of firing the special counsel since, DiGenova is a big advocate of the "deep state" mantra.

Bear in mind that democrats would scream bloody murder is Mueller was indeed fired, that Mueller could actually sue the government over his firing, and that several states would appoint Mueller to pursue (and fund) the on-going investigation.

Firing Mueller would indeed precipitate a constitutional challenge.....What do you think?

Ad yet, only you stupid fuck's are talking about. Go figure.
Trump could fire Mueller, however he won't and it wouldn't be obstruction of justice in the legal sense but it would trigger the left nuts.

Firing Mueller would not be a good idea for Trump to do, it would force the Republicans to choose Trump or re-election and we all know the two parties crave power.

Trump has no way of firing Mueller. He would have to get a FBI official to do the deed for him. None now say they will do so. Net is, he has to fire FBI members and replace them with someone willing to fire Mueller. That, of course, has been done before. Check out the Nixon experience. And see how it worked for Tricky Dick. You may remember his parting shot on the airplane, flashing the v for victory sign.

So, have you always been that ignorant. Or are you just working on it now. Does it hurt, being that stupid. Dipshit.

So nat, who started this thread, telling us that Trump could fire Mueller is the real dip shit, yet you say nothing to him. Which makes you a partisan dip shit. Congrats on proving how dishonest and bigoted you are.
start a campaign to waterboard Mueller to find out if he is a republican........LOL

You keep claiming he is. That you can't prove it proves what a liar you are

Problem is, Kaz, you have been provided proof. And everyone but you knows the truth. But, as has been said, you will never, ever believe it. Because you are a stupid con troll It is congenital, I am sure. So don't worry about it. It is, indeed, just plain bad luck.

A statement in fake news is "proof." This word you keep using, proof. I do not think it means what you think it means.

So if your argument that he's a Republican because he was appointed by W in 2001 is true, that means in 2011 when he was appointed by Obama he's a Democrat.

I'm going to shatter your leftist world by letting you know that you can't have it both ways. That is in fact not a right of being a leftist

What I said was apparently too complex for a simple minded con troll. I simply said you called the quote in Wickipedia fake news. Which was stupid. Just trying to help you to understand what the rest of the world understands. So, I forgot, you are a con troll and congenital idiot, which makes you incapable of conversation. And not worth my time.

Right, you can't prove your claim that Mueller is a Republican and you know it, so you're feigning a huffy snit and running away.

And that Wikipedia article was quoting fake news, moron. I didn't say Wikipedia itself is fake news. Though we don't know that article isn't since we don't know who wrote it

I know it is not possible to prove anything to a congenital idiot like you. So I have stopped trying. You can say Mueller is not a Republican all you want. Everyone, me boy, knows you are simply a congenital idiot, and can not understand anything.
As for Wikipedia, there WAS NO ARTICLE for you to call fake news, dipshit. They simply said he was a republican. And you called WICKIPEDIA fake news. Again, we all understand you can not be helped. You prove the famous statement that stupid is as stupid does. Dipshit.
Trump could fire Mueller, however he won't and it wouldn't be obstruction of justice in the legal sense but it would trigger the left nuts.

Actually it would be obstruction of justice. There's an ongoing criminal investigation, and firing Mueller would be like firing Comey, an attempt to stop an ongoing investigation. Whether or not it works, like it didn't when he fired Comey makes no difference. It's the attempt, not the result which matters.

Nice try but it wouldn't be but keep trying, show me case law that it is.

You want someone to take the time to find the case law, dipshit. Please. All a rational person has to do is listen to the lawyers talk, and you will understand. If that is not good enough for you, maybe you should show me the case law that says it is not. Dipshit.

So you can't show case law, got it.
You keep claiming he is. That you can't prove it proves what a liar you are

Problem is, Kaz, you have been provided proof. And everyone but you knows the truth. But, as has been said, you will never, ever believe it. Because you are a stupid con troll It is congenital, I am sure. So don't worry about it. It is, indeed, just plain bad luck.

A statement in fake news is "proof." This word you keep using, proof. I do not think it means what you think it means.

So if your argument that he's a Republican because he was appointed by W in 2001 is true, that means in 2011 when he was appointed by Obama he's a Democrat.

I'm going to shatter your leftist world by letting you know that you can't have it both ways. That is in fact not a right of being a leftist

What I said was apparently too complex for a simple minded con troll. I simply said you called the quote in Wickipedia fake news. Which was stupid. Just trying to help you to understand what the rest of the world understands. So, I forgot, you are a con troll and congenital idiot, which makes you incapable of conversation. And not worth my time.

Right, you can't prove your claim that Mueller is a Republican and you know it, so you're feigning a huffy snit and running away.

And that Wikipedia article was quoting fake news, moron. I didn't say Wikipedia itself is fake news. Though we don't know that article isn't since we don't know who wrote it

I know it is not possible to prove anything to a congenital idiot like you. So I have stopped trying. You can say Mueller is not a Republican all you want. Everyone, me boy, knows you are simply a congenital idiot, and can not understand anything.
As for Wikipedia, there WAS NO ARTICLE for you to call fake news, dipshit. They simply said he was a republican. And you called WICKIPEDIA fake news. Again, we all understand you can not be helped. You prove the famous statement that stupid is as stupid does. Dipshit.

You don't know that it's not possible to prove anything to me because you haven't offered anything resembling proof.

You provided a wiki link to a fake news story that just said Mueller is a Republican. That's it. Yet you state as a fact he is. Obviously it's because you want to believe that
You keep claiming he is. That you can't prove it proves what a liar you are

Problem is, Kaz, you have been provided proof. And everyone but you knows the truth. But, as has been said, you will never, ever believe it. Because you are a stupid con troll It is congenital, I am sure. So don't worry about it. It is, indeed, just plain bad luck.

A statement in fake news is "proof." This word you keep using, proof. I do not think it means what you think it means.

So if your argument that he's a Republican because he was appointed by W in 2001 is true, that means in 2011 when he was appointed by Obama he's a Democrat.

I'm going to shatter your leftist world by letting you know that you can't have it both ways. That is in fact not a right of being a leftist

What I said was apparently too complex for a simple minded con troll. I simply said you called the quote in Wickipedia fake news. Which was stupid. Just trying to help you to understand what the rest of the world understands. So, I forgot, you are a con troll and congenital idiot, which makes you incapable of conversation. And not worth my time.

Right, you can't prove your claim that Mueller is a Republican and you know it, so you're feigning a huffy snit and running away.

And that Wikipedia article was quoting fake news, moron. I didn't say Wikipedia itself is fake news. Though we don't know that article isn't since we don't know who wrote it

I know it is not possible to prove anything to a congenital idiot like you. So I have stopped trying. You can say Mueller is not a Republican all you want. Everyone, me boy, knows you are simply a congenital idiot, and can not understand anything.
As for Wikipedia, there WAS NO ARTICLE for you to call fake news, dipshit. They simply said he was a republican. And you called WICKIPEDIA fake news. Again, we all understand you can not be helped. You prove the famous statement that stupid is as stupid does. Dipshit.

You're projecting kid. You still think that there are two party's. You're an idiot.
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.

It is called preemptive protection I guess. But I think Mueller should be fired. Who is going to do something about it? Trump will not lose one Trump voter if he does. And he wont gain even one if he doesn't. Easy choice. Fire him.

Uh, he can not. As everyone, with the exception of you and a couple other nut cases, he has to get an FBI superior to fire Mueller. And what will happen there will loose trump lots of votes. Many. But not his most loyal trumpets like yourself. Just way more than he can afford to loose.

Will not cost him a single vote if he fires the man. And will not gain him a single vote if he doesnt. All in all itys a wash so fire him.

The media will get mad and run 24/7 about he should be impeached for it? Wait.,.,they would have to interrupt their 24/7 coverage of how he should be impeached. maybe the House democrats will stp demanding he be impeached for winning an election and demand he be impeached for firing Mueller?

Who cares what they do. The Democrats are beaten. The weakest they have been since the 1920's. Rejected across the country. They can be ignored.
Since Trump has said he's not firing Meuller your thread is FAKE NEWS.

It is called preemptive protection I guess. But I think Mueller should be fired. Who is going to do something about it? Trump will not lose one Trump voter if he does. And he wont gain even one if he doesn't. Easy choice. Fire him.

Uh, he can not. As everyone, with the exception of you and a couple other nut cases, he has to get an FBI superior to fire Mueller. And what will happen there will loose trump lots of votes. Many. But not his most loyal trumpets like yourself. Just way more than he can afford to loose.

Will not cost him a single vote if he fires the man. And will not gain him a single vote if he doesnt. All in all itys a wash so fire him.

The media will get mad and run 24/7 about he should be impeached for it? Wait.,.,they would have to interrupt their 24/7 coverage of how he should be impeached. maybe the House democrats will stp demanding he be impeached for winning an election and demand he be impeached for firing Mueller?

Who cares what they do. The Democrats are beaten. The weakest they have been since the 1920's. Rejected across the country. They can be ignored.

Washington (CNN)On Tuesday night, Democrats flipped two Republican-held state legislative seats -- one in Oklahoma, one in New Hampshire -- that Donald Trump carried in the 2016 election.

That makes six turnovers from Republican to Democrat in contested state House and Senate races so far in 2017 -- and 26 out of 35 races (at the state legislative and congressional level) in which the Democratic nominee has overperformed Hillary Clinton's showing last November. (Worth noting: Republicans have yet to flip a Democratic-controlled seat so far this year.)
Democrats have won 6 GOP-held seats in 2017. Republicans have won 0 Democratic seats. - CNNPolitics

Democrats are in the catbird's seat in the 2018 midterms
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Updated 8:50 PM ET, Tue January 30, 2018
Washington (CNN)Congressional Democrats, benefiting from President Donald Trump's low approval ratings and historic trends working against the party in power, sit in the catbird seat in the battle for control, according to new House and Senateratings from CNN.

The House, in which Democrats need a 24-seat pickup to win the majority they lost in 2010, looks more favorable at the moment -- largely due to the wide number of GOP-held seats in some level of jeopardy.
The 2018 midterms are looking very good for Democrats - CNNPolitics

So, I know you are way wrong.
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Trump could fire Mueller, however he won't and it wouldn't be obstruction of justice in the legal sense but it would trigger the left nuts.

Actually it would be obstruction of justice. There's an ongoing criminal investigation, and firing Mueller would be like firing Comey, an attempt to stop an ongoing investigation. Whether or not it works, like it didn't when he fired Comey makes no difference. It's the attempt, not the result which matters.

Nice try but it wouldn't be but keep trying, show me case law that it is.

It would be helpful if Trump cultists FIRST look up how "obstruction of justice " is defined in the U.S. Code

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
Trump could fire Mueller, however he won't and it wouldn't be obstruction of justice in the legal sense but it would trigger the left nuts.

Actually it would be obstruction of justice. There's an ongoing criminal investigation, and firing Mueller would be like firing Comey, an attempt to stop an ongoing investigation. Whether or not it works, like it didn't when he fired Comey makes no difference. It's the attempt, not the result which matters.

Nice try but it wouldn't be but keep trying, show me case law that it is.

It would be helpful if Trump cultists FIRST look up how "obstruction of justice " is defined in the U.S. Code

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Does Hillary's smashing phones and bleaching hard drives count?
Trump could fire Mueller, however he won't and it wouldn't be obstruction of justice in the legal sense but it would trigger the left nuts.

Actually it would be obstruction of justice. There's an ongoing criminal investigation, and firing Mueller would be like firing Comey, an attempt to stop an ongoing investigation. Whether or not it works, like it didn't when he fired Comey makes no difference. It's the attempt, not the result which matters.

Nice try but it wouldn't be but keep trying, show me case law that it is.

It would be helpful if Trump cultists FIRST look up how "obstruction of justice " is defined in the U.S. Code

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Well, I'd rather have Pence as President over Trump, he is a real conservative, however I still don't see it as obstruction since your colleague rsherman said that Trump could not fire Mueller, you will need to take it up with him.

You both are giving conflicting stories and putting me in the middle.
Trump could fire Mueller, however he won't and it wouldn't be obstruction of justice in the legal sense but it would trigger the left nuts.

Actually it would be obstruction of justice. There's an ongoing criminal investigation, and firing Mueller would be like firing Comey, an attempt to stop an ongoing investigation. Whether or not it works, like it didn't when he fired Comey makes no difference. It's the attempt, not the result which matters.

Nice try but it wouldn't be but keep trying, show me case law that it is.

It would be helpful if Trump cultists FIRST look up how "obstruction of justice " is defined in the U.S. Code

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Does Hillary's smashing phones and bleaching hard drives count?

That would not count, she is a Democrat therefore her thoughts and intents are driven by the purity of the Democratic Party. :)

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