First Gay Marriage, Then Pedophilia

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These are the best threads. They do the most to help marriage equality. Normal people read the bigoted posts and it pushes them right over to the equality side.

You're right. I hear some of the most idiotic arguments coming from the far right. I think it pushes people to the left.

But then I hear an idiot from the far left and it pushes me back right.

Clowns to the left of me ... jokers to the right ...
These are the best threads. They do the most to help marriage equality. Normal people read the bigoted posts and it pushes them right over to the equality side.

Actually normal people see where the arguments lead and are horrified. That's why no one has been able to answer the questions on pedophilia and age of consent. They simply deflect and refuse to believe what logic suggests.
These are the best threads. They do the most to help marriage equality. Normal people read the bigoted posts and it pushes them right over to the equality side.

You're right. I hear some of the most idiotic arguments coming from the far right. I think it pushes people to the left.

But then I hear an idiot from the far left and it pushes me back right.

Clowns to the left of me ... jokers to the right ...

Marriage equality isn't partisan. Looks like it's breaking down into sane and insane.
These are the best threads. They do the most to help marriage equality. Normal people read the bigoted posts and it pushes them right over to the equality side.

No, what they do is show how dishonest and perverted the gay agenda is.

You are the bigots because you denigrate anyone that does not subscribe to your disengenuous lies about why you want gay marriage.

you are the intolerant ones, the bigoted ones, the biased ones.

I have no issue with you being gay and doing whatever you want with your female partner. But don't demand that the govt force me to agree that its normal and acceptable for all human beings.

your goal is not equality, its forced societal validation of your lifestyle.

STFU about it and you might be more successful, keep ramming it in everyone's face and you will lose the battle.
These are the best threads. They do the most to help marriage equality. Normal people read the bigoted posts and it pushes them right over to the equality side.

You're right. I hear some of the most idiotic arguments coming from the far right. I think it pushes people to the left.

But then I hear an idiot from the far left and it pushes me back right.

Clowns to the left of me ... jokers to the right ...

Marriage equality isn't partisan. Looks like it's breaking down into sane and insane.
Pedophiles also want equality. You are a bigot.
These are the best threads. They do the most to help marriage equality. Normal people read the bigoted posts and it pushes them right over to the equality side.

You're right. I hear some of the most idiotic arguments coming from the far right. I think it pushes people to the left.

But then I hear an idiot from the far left and it pushes me back right.

Clowns to the left of me ... jokers to the right ...

These are the best threads. They do the most to help marriage equality. Normal people read the bigoted posts and it pushes them right over to the equality side.

Actually normal people see where the arguments lead and are horrified. That's why no one has been able to answer the questions on pedophilia and age of consent. They simply deflect and refuse to believe what logic suggests.

Normal people do not think that marriage equality for consenting adult gays will lead to legalized child rape, crazy people do.
These are the best threads. They do the most to help marriage equality. Normal people read the bigoted posts and it pushes them right over to the equality side.

You're right. I hear some of the most idiotic arguments coming from the far right. I think it pushes people to the left.

But then I hear an idiot from the far left and it pushes me back right.

Clowns to the left of me ... jokers to the right ...

These are the best threads. They do the most to help marriage equality. Normal people read the bigoted posts and it pushes them right over to the equality side.

Actually normal people see where the arguments lead and are horrified. That's why no one has been able to answer the questions on pedophilia and age of consent. They simply deflect and refuse to believe what logic suggests.

Normal people do not think that marriage equality for consenting adult gays will lead to legalized child rape, crazy people do.
You define what is normal now? The arguments are identical. There is literally no discernible difference. I have yet to see one person on this thread explain at what age children can give consent and why. You engage in age discrimination. That makes you a bigot and a hater.
Marriage equality isn't partisan. Looks like it's breaking down into sane and insane.

Yes, it appears it has. For once, Seawytch and Silhouette agree...well at least on the breakdown...not the specifics...:
Well straight guys don't go for men, so yeah, I see your point. But it makes you wonder why "lesbian" women go for manly lesbians. Something ain't right there. There is definitely some closet hetero stuff crammed way back in the dark, inaccessible and forbidden etiology behind the dogma of the church of LGBT.

Imagine for a minute if a hetero guy was attracted to women who dressed like men, acted like men etc. gays would INSTANTLY proclaim him as a closet homosexual. There would be no debate about it. It simply would be declared as fact. Yet when I point out how many of their ranks, about half of them actually, are attracted to all the trappings of the opposite gender, yet proclaim themselves "gay", you have to apply the law of equals here and say, "no, actually, they are heterosexual and just have issues coming to terms with that".

Equally mysterious is the law in California forbidding minors from discussing [free speech] with their therapist their own wishes and plans to throw off unwanted homophilia, even when that is gotten by having been molested. Yet simultaneously, the church of LGBT holds evangelizing events enticing teens and even younger who are "bi-curious" [all kids are sexually curious and forming their identities at that age] to "come and join the fun!", with cookies, cake, punch, bands and activities all set up to complete the enticement.

Also, tons and tons and tons of funding, groups and outreach entities exist to help coerce teens and younger "out of the closet" to "discover they are gay". All this with arguably truckloads of coercion and suggestion involved. But if a kid himself wants to rid his compulsive homosexuality after being "tampered with" by being molested...un, way! That's forbidden by law.

So properly, the cult of LGBT has already made indoctrinization of their dogma a matter of secular law. You see, they don't want themselves declared a behavioral grouping...and therefore properly a "cult" [they call themselves a "subculture" or refer to "culture wars"], because if people recognize that they are, then what they're doing with laws becomes a matter of separation of church and state. And of course the cannot simultaneously lobby to remove christian practices in schools at the same time they require by law that kids in California celebrate their messiah/gay pedophile Harvey Milk each May 22nd.

Dogma is dogma. Learn to recognize it when it's mauling your kids at school and in the therapist's office... and "bi-curious" events with cake, cookies, bands and FUN! .....might also want to brush up on law enforcement profiles of pedophiles and what they refer to as "grooming behaviors" when pedophiles are targeting the kids they're after to eventually molest. Often those grooming behaviors including enticements of cake, cookies, entertainment and "FUN"...
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Letting a grown man suck another grown man's dick is just as harmful as letting a grown man rape a ten year old. Everybody knows that! And that is why we will naturally have to allow both. Because that is the agenda here. To harm society, amiright?

Or something.

Didnt bother to read the linked article, eh? It's not like I redacted it (you know the word, right?).
No one is talking about rape. It's consensual sex between a man and a 10 year old boy. That's what the article said.

A ten year old cannot give consent to sex. That's why in the eyes of the law it is rape.
Letting a grown man suck another grown man's dick is just as harmful as letting a grown man rape a ten year old. Everybody knows that! And that is why we will naturally have to allow both. Because that is the agenda here. To harm society, amiright?

Or something.

Didnt bother to read the linked article, eh? It's not like I redacted it (you know the word, right?).
No one is talking about rape. It's consensual sex between a man and a 10 year old boy. That's what the article said.

A ten year old cannot give consent to sex. That's why in the eyes of the law it is rape.
That's untrue in the basic physical sense. But why dont you elaborate on why you think that?
Yeah yeah the fudgpackers and carpet munchers will loudly tell us there is absolutely nothing in common between these two. But everyone knows the truth: sexual deviance is sexual deviance. And the arguments legitimating one are the same for all of them.

That's just ridiculous.
you libs and fags can minimize this all you want, but you are wrong.

once gay marriage becomes legal it will set a valid precedent for all forms of "marriage".

All the lawyer has to say is " my clients are being discriminated against because of who they love and want to live with and commit to, and I claim the gay marriage laws as precedent because they are based on exactly the same premise"

Its coming, the ACLU is gearing up.

what will be your legal argument against it, libs?

Nope. No more than legal hetero marriage did. But you keep on flapping them sound just like the anti-interracial marriage people did in the 60s & 70s.

I have been consistent on this from the beginning. When I said all forms of marriage, it was limiting it to consenting adults, I should have made that clear. I was not talking about animals or kids.

interracial and interfaith marriage is not a valid comparison to gay marriage. those involved a man and a woman, not two men or two women.

It is exactly the same. Instead of trying to restrict marriage to being between two people of the same race, you are now trying to restrict marriage to being between two people of separate sexes.

You clods even use the same Bible the racists did to justify their position.
Nope. No more than legal hetero marriage did. But you keep on flapping them sound just like the anti-interracial marriage people did in the 60s & 70s.

I have been consistent on this from the beginning. When I said all forms of marriage, it was limiting it to consenting adults, I should have made that clear. I was not talking about animals or kids.

interracial and interfaith marriage is not a valid comparison to gay marriage. those involved a man and a woman, not two men or two women.

It is exactly the same. Instead of trying to restrict marriage to being between two people of the same race, you are now trying to restrict marriage to being between two people of separate sexes.

You clods even use the same Bible the racists did to justify their position.

Are you in favor of age discrimination in marriage and other relationships? You are like one of those Bull Connor types turning the water hose on innocents who just want to lead their lives.
why are you confused? its a simple question. how do you respond to their claim of discrimination?
its stupidity

polygamy has no rational basis for being illegal in a free society except for the state benefits part being the only rationale

it doesn't matter if I personally like polygamy or not

I like fast and loose rules


on Tuesdays specially
There ya go. Polygamy down. What's next? Oh yeah, pedophilia. Just as predicted. There is no rational basis for an age of consent being 18. Ot 16. Or any other arbitrary number.

Actually, there is a rational basis. It is a physiological fact that the brain of a minor is not fully developed, particularly in the area responsible for judgement. A child is literally incapable of making adult decisions.
These are the best threads. They do the most to help marriage equality. Normal people read the bigoted posts and it pushes them right over to the equality side.

Actually most people just view the OP's argument as nutty as yours and no minds are changed.
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