First he says we don't pay tariffs

I reply to your post in a logical manner and in reply I get an off ones meds rant.

America has 320 million consumers. China has 1.5 billion.
to reply to your openly displayed ignorant stupidity:

"China has 1.38 billion people, more than any other country in the world. China is still a relatively poor country in terms of its standard of living. Its economy only produces $18,120 per person. In comparison, the U.S. gross domestic product per capita is $62,518."

get back to me when you at least understand the fundamentals....boy, you are embarrassing.....

We make the huge mistake of not seeing the picture long term. That is why China currently has the upper hand.

Says who? China's economy has slowed tremendously. They do not have the upper hand. That is left-wing rhetoric at its best.
This statement is all anyone needs to know about you....we can't have this wild running capitalism

Freedom is not your thing, thanks for telling us, not that we did not already suspect. "Force the companies to contribute to society"...sounds a hell of a lot like communism to me.

all you can think in is extremes, eh?logic isn't your thing,right?

tell ,me, what happens when two very large companies want to merge? they have to ask for governemnt approval, right? how come?

see, you get your crayons out and your big coloring block and when you have figured the answer out, get back to me
he free market anarchy of globalism could well be debated
this is exactly, what President Trump addresses with his nationalistic economic model..and it's about time! we can't have this wild running doesn't know a flag and companies neither, so we have to force them to make a decision: either contribute to the society they want to sell to, or pay the penalty for grabbing the benefit...

can't have both!

Next stop: Walmart cooperate sociel welfare model....hope Trump tackles that as well..but we'll see

This statement is all anyone needs to know about you....we can't have this wild running capitalism

Freedom is not your thing, thanks for telling us, not that we did not already suspect. "Force the companies to contribute to society"...sounds a hell of a lot like communism to me.

i agree

we broke capitalism here

China did not create the imbalance. China has no reason to start importing expensive US made items and it would be foolish of us to think that is the solution to a problem we created.

My point you agreed to is the same point I made all along. China did not force US companies to come there and start production. Once can not blame them though for welcoming it. Some here were warning about the long term problems here. We didn't care. It made the next earnings statement look good.
besides the point politics and economics don't care for feelings...that's btw why trump clearly stated that he "doesn't blame the Chinese for the situation, but the useless US politicians both sides of the Ile"

For the current situation, emotions are completely irrelevant...sure, sucks for average Ping to have his once rosie future fucked up, but what are the alternatives? allow China it's aggressive policies and agenda? allow them to go on with their politically-economically entwined socialist cheating system to ever new hights?

There is nothing "aggressive" about China's policies. Business moved there to take advantage of their low labor costs so that is where products are going to come from.

Do YOU want to bow down to a dictatorship which has far more power over individuals than anything, a democracy would allow?

Why ask me this as opposed to the business that went there giving China the power that they have? Why ask me as opposed to the politicians that sold them our debt (and continues to do so) giving them their power? (this would also be Trump)

How about human rights violations? how about currency manipulations and cheap loans to state owned cooperations?
how is any free enterprise suppose to compete with such a monster apparatus and what is the fallout from that?

All things we have long participated in. We manipulate our currency. Trump has been calling for it for over a year. There is nothing we can do about their human rights issues. Only the Chinese can address that and they have been. We have our own issues with that here also.

Soviet Union on steroids..that's the answer...if the Soviets had such an economy, you would be speaking now Russian as your first (official) language....

Enough with the hyperbole.
all you can think in is extremes, eh?logic isn't your thing,right?

tell ,me, what happens when two very large companies want to merge? they have to ask for governemnt approval, right? how come?

see, you get your crayons out and your big coloring block and when you have figured the answer out, get back to me

Because we have an overreaching government that does not really believe in freedom, it is pretty simple. People like you think that our government is supposed to be our nanny, keeping us safe from all the bad people and from ourselves. Morons like yhou will give up your rights and freedoms so you can feel safe and warm in your cocoon of governmental safety.
I reply to your post in a logical manner and in reply I get an off ones meds rant.

America has 320 million consumers. China has 1.5 billion.
to reply to your openly displayed ignorant stupidity:

"China has 1.38 billion people, more than any other country in the world. China is still a relatively poor country in terms of its standard of living. Its economy only produces $18,120 per person. In comparison, the U.S. gross domestic product per capita is $62,518."

get back to me when you at least understand the fundamentals....boy, you are embarrassing.....

We make the huge mistake of not seeing the picture long term. That is why China currently has the upper hand.

Says who? China's economy has slowed tremendously. They do not have the upper hand. That is left-wing rhetoric at its best.

If you say so. China will remain the same slow economy or not. Here people will lose their jobs. And that isn't the biggest risk.

They hold our debt also, not the other way around. If they start dumping it..............

As a generalization the Chinese people do not own a lot. People with less to lose will always have the upper hand in situations like this.
There is nothing "aggressive" about China's policies. Business moved there to take advantage of their low labor costs so that is where products are going to come from.
road and belt, China's conduct in Africa or the South China sea....sorry if you confuse you by talking about CURRENT Chinese policies, but I tend to not live in the past like a left loon.
If you have no idea, how aggressive China is and how much they see themselves as the new superpower, well than you have to educate yourself...I just love how you idiots hate Russia, yet a power who is even more a threat to the world is much of a sheep do you need to be in order to be a leftist...oh well...Soviets, Nazis North Korean and Chinese...all leftists so yes...I get it

"All things we have long participated in. We manipulate our currency. Trump has been calling for it for over a year. There is nothing we can do about their human rights issues. Only the Chinese can address that and they have been. We have our own issues with that here also."

Does the President of tha USA has the power, to order the fed to lower/raise interest rates? well...not the US president but surely the Chinese one!
Do you even understand what it means if a country can contol everything?

That Chinese companies are being propped with goverment loans? where do you have your head? up your ass?
There is nothing "aggressive" about China's policies. Business moved there to take advantage of their low labor costs so that is where products are going to come from.
road and belt, China's conduct in Africa or the South China sea....sorry if you confuse you by talking about CURRENT Chinese policies, but I tend to not live in the past like a left loon.

I've discussed this rationally and civilly. If all you want to do is call people names, I'm not interested.
If you say so. China will remain the same slow economy or not. Here people will lose their jobs. And that isn't the biggest risk.

They hold our debt also, not the other way around. If they start dumping it..............

As a generalization the Chinese people do not own a lot. People with less to lose will always have the upper hand in situations like this.
You just don't know China, do you?

Instability and crisis in China

there, from a real socialist site, so friends of you I guess...

a slow down in the coastal regions will bring devastaion inlands and that's where most people live...that has been the downfall of quite a few chinese dynasty's btw...the civil war of the 20-40s are another good example..China is a behemoth on clay legs
If you say so. China will remain the same slow economy or not. Here people will lose their jobs. And that isn't the biggest risk.

They hold our debt also, not the other way around. If they start dumping it..............

As a generalization the Chinese people do not own a lot. People with less to lose will always have the upper hand in situations like this.
You just don't know China, do you?

Instability and crisis in China

there, from a real socialist site, so friends of you I guess...

a slow down in the coastal regions will bring devastaion inlands and that's where most people live...that has been the downfall of quite a few chinese dynasty's btw...the civil war of the 20-40s are another good example..China is a behemoth on clay legs

From your link.

Despite its meteoric growth rates, China may not be the economic juggernaut the Western media portrays.

That is neither my argument not does it have anything to do with what I have argued.
Because we have an overreaching government that does not really believe in freedom, it is pretty simple. People like you think that our government is supposed to be our nanny, keeping us safe from all the bad people and from ourselves. Morons like yhou will give up your rights and freedoms so you can feel safe and warm in your cocoon of governmental safety.
No, quite the opposite, you moron.
Unrestricted globalist capitalism has failed cause it destroys the societies which depend on companies doing their share...has always been the principle, to protect ones own market until we had the libetarian loons taking it over and the outcome is surprise! a complete break down of our societies...why should I contribute if I can sell you my cheaply made stuff and get your good $ for it?

Sorry, your argument is just as barking mad as the leftist lunacy about state control of companies...two sides of the same looney coin..not buying that shit
Despite its meteoric growth rates, China may not be the economic juggernaut the Western media portrays.

That is neither my argument not does it have anything to do with what I have argued.
China will not remain "the same slow economy" what do you even mean by that?

China has bound itself to ever bigger growth rates and economic boom...their whole system depends heavily on an never ending gold rush and that's not happening...they are quite stupid to have thought they can pull that off.

You have to look at china as a whole in order to understand it and in that context, your point is no point at all...once the hunger breaks out in the interior, those millions of workers there will revolt...they have done that before, many times
Despite its meteoric growth rates, China may not be the economic juggernaut the Western media portrays.

That is neither my argument not does it have anything to do with what I have argued.
China will not remain "the same slow economy" what do you even mean by that?

China has bound itself to ever bigger growth rates and economic boom...their whole system depends heavily on an never ending gold rush and that's not happening...they are quite stupid to have thought they can pull that off.

You have to look at china as a whole in order to understand it and in that context, your point is no point at all...once the hunger breaks out in the interior, those millions of workers there will revolt...they have done that before, many times

If China is stupid or not really has nothing to do with me. If you want to simply make this some big rant about China, again, have at it.
Because we have an overreaching government that does not really believe in freedom, it is pretty simple. People like you think that our government is supposed to be our nanny, keeping us safe from all the bad people and from ourselves. Morons like yhou will give up your rights and freedoms so you can feel safe and warm in your cocoon of governmental safety.
No, quite the opposite, you moron.
Unrestricted globalist capitalism has failed cause it destroys the societies which depend on companies doing their share...has always been the principle, to protect ones own market until we had the libetarian loons taking it over and the outcome is surprise! a complete break down of our societies...why should I contribute if I can sell you my cheaply made stuff and get your good $ for it?

Sorry, your argument is just as barking mad as the leftist lunacy about state control of companies...two sides of the same looney coin..not buying that shit

Yep, I get how much you control freaks hate us freedom loving libertarians.

It is fun to watch you post your "it takes a village" philosophy while pretending to be a Conservative.
76% of farmers say they fully support Trump's efforts with China....we should all support it.....China is a bad nation...maybe the worst on the planet right now....

That is what happens when you give a group an extra 22 billion dollars on top of the 20 billion you give them every year.
You should know welfare queen.....

Yep, you are correct my tax dollars do pay for that welfare.

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