First "rat" to jump the Trumptitanic....

No...he just understands what happened to Scooter Libby....a guy who didn't do anything wrong till the federal prosecutor trapped him with a mistatement.......moron...

Bullshit....Libby was CONVICTED of obstruction of justice and perjury.....Had it not been for GWB wrongly giving Libby clemency (under the urging of the equally crooked Cheney,) Libby would still be in jail.
Sometimes they resign like Holder did in the Obama administration and sometimes they commit freaking suicide like they did during the Clinton administration. Vince Foster, Admiral Borda and how many others?
President Trump has liberals completely unhinged its a thing of beauty

You're confusing rejoicing over justice with being "unhinged"....Put your head right back where it has been for the last 5 months......LOL
Considering he made a lot of hay out of the Hillary/obama Benghazi witch hunt, Trump is getting his just comeuppance.

So is Flynn.

All the time they were lying about Hillary and President Obama, they all knew they guilty of doing what they accused them off.

It will be interesting to watch drumpf's dancing all around this. He'll be starting new fires, lying, tweeting and hoping we watch that instead of his Russian connections.

No surprise that RWNJs like the OP screeched "lock her up", in violation of the US Constitution but now want to invoke the same for their criminal heroes.

Just one more example of what drumpf is costing the US taxpayer and this will go to many millions.
I agree with his tweet 100%. This is a major witch hunt that is about to backfire in the best interest for Donald J. Trump, our divine glorious President of the United States of America. General Flynn is about to turn the tables upside down on Obama, whom he worked for and was fired by him.



  1. Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!
    Next step for Hillary.
    Thread by: TheGreatGatsby, Nov 8, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Rubber Room

  2. Thread
    Lock Her Up
    Along with larsky, gt, and pillars piss because we can now prosecute stupidity as a crime. I'm working on my pardon list for the rest of you...
    Thread by: Ricky LIbtardo, Nov 9, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Flame Zone

  3. Thread
    Lock Her Up
    Bernie Sanders Supporters Chant ‘Lock Her Up’ in Philadelphia Protest Against Clinton From.people.feeling the Bern This fall will be epic!!!
    Thread by: buckeye45_73, Jul 24, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: Politics

  4. Thread
    Orange Jesus Won't Lock Her Up chanted it over and over again at huge campaign rallies: “Lock her up!” But on Tuesday, Mr. Trump essentially said: “never mind,”...
    Thread by: pillars, Nov 22, 2016, 168 replies, in forum: The Flame Zone

  5. Thread
    Lock Her The F*ck Up Already. Do it!
    Brother Nat (a Jewish American patriot) weighs in! [MEDIA]
    Thread by: Snouter, Nov 5, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Politics

  6. Thread
    Instead of "lock her up", it's gonna be "meh, let her go".
    This morning, in an interview on Morning Joe, Conway said that Trump is no longer interested in pursuing criminal charges against Hillary for her...
    Thread by: ABikerSailor, Nov 22, 2016, 166 replies, in forum: Politics

  7. Thread
    The "Oh Shit" Moment: Hillary Wiped Her Server With BleachBit Despite Subpoena! LOCK HER UP!!!
    zero hedge ^ | 9/2/16 | tyler durden The story of how Hillary's "personal" emails came to be deleted using, the now infamous, BleachBit is quite...
    Thread by: Vigilante, Sep 2, 2016, 11 replies, in forum: Politics

  8. Thread
    Hillary Cancels Last Public Event Because Crowd Yelled “Lock Her Up”
    ...she abruptly canceled. Why? Because the crowd was chanting “Lock her up!” The New York Times featured a photo of Hillary Clinton being...
    Thread by: Vigilante, Nov 1, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: Politics

  9. Thread
    Dem Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Violated The Logan Act: Lock Her Up!
    The Logan Act: "Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly...
    Thread by: easyt65, Jan 26, 2017, 14 replies, in forum: Politics

  10. Thread
    President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!
    she's goin to jail, folks, she's goin to jail! Trump taps Sessions for AG
    Thread by: basquebromance, Nov 18, 2016, 692 replies, in forum: Politics

  11. Thread
    LOCK HER UP! Hillary Clinton told the FBI she didn't think drone strike plans were classified??!!!
    news dot vice ^ | 9-2-16 | Leopold Some of the classified information Hillary Clinton discussed in emails sent on her private server appears to...
    Thread by: Vigilante, Sep 2, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Politics

  12. Post
    Lock up hillary? Don't forget Aunt Barry and Uncle Michelle
    Obama committed a federal felony with his two amnesties that encouraged illegals to live here in violation of section 1324 of title 8 of the US...
    Post by: ShootSpeeders, Nov 9, 2016 in forum: Politics

  13. Thread
    Attorney General who was bought off by Trump chants "Lock her Up"
    ...general who dropped Trump U. inquiries: report She chants lock her up and seals in the irony with talks about being against "Washington" from...
    Thread by: ClosedCaption, Jul 21, 2016, 20 replies, in forum: Politics

  14. Thread
    My favorite part of the TRUMP rally last night: LOCK HER UP
    It never gets old. Hah! TRUMP CROWD Chants “Lock Her Up!” for a Full Minute at TRUMP Nashville Rally! (VIDEO)
    Thread by: Smedley VonBuren, Mar 16, 2017, 25 replies, in forum: Politics

  15. Thread
    Crowd boos, chants " Lock her up" as Hillary announced at inauguration
American Patriot Steve McGarrett agrees, LOCK HER UP!
President Trump has liberals completely unhinged its a thing of beauty

You're confusing rejoicing over justice with being "unhinged"....Put your head right back where it has been for the last 5 months......LOL

You have nothing on him or Trump...and you are rejoicing? Do you have a habit of being premature? I think we all know the answer. :laugh:
President Trump has liberals completely unhinged its a thing of beauty

You're confusing rejoicing over justice with being "unhinged"....Put your head right back where it has been for the last 5 months......LOL
It's evident, isn't it? They equate "justice" with "unhinged"....thus all the indictments and convictions in multiple GOP administrations.
It's funny to watch the right do a 180 and throw all their previous comments about immunity out the window.

You have to ask, what would Flynn be askin for immunity in advance for?

No one has offered it but he's asking. He'll be lucky if anyone gives him any kind of immunity as deep in doo doo he's in.
Of course, we are talking about the disgraced Flynn he himself once one would be asking and opting for immunity if one were not guilty.

Who will be next, Page, Manafort, Stone?
Hey, has anyone heard anymore about the "deal" Flynn wants to make in exchange for his testimony before the committee?

I'm sure the voices in your head have heard all about this.
President Trump has liberals completely unhinged its a thing of beauty

You're confusing rejoicing over justice with being "unhinged"....Put your head right back where it has been for the last 5 months......LOL
It's evident, isn't it? They equate "justice" with "unhinged"....thus all the indictments and convictions in multiple GOP administrations.

If only you libs had some power, its sad how far you have fallen Democrats are the minority in Washington and across the country. You can do little but bitch from the sidelines while Trump squashes you like bugs. :laugh:
I agree with his tweet 100%. This is a major witch hunt that is about to backfire in the best interest for Donald J. Trump, our divine glorious President of the United States of America. General Flynn is about to turn the tables upside down on Obama, whom he worked for and was fired by him.

Didn't you claim in several threads that Flynn asking for Immunity is FAKE NEWS?
Considering he made a lot of hay out of the Hillary/obama Benghazi witch hunt, Trump is getting his just comeuppance.

So is Flynn.

All the time they were lying about Hillary and President Obama, they all knew they guilty of doing what they accused them off.

It will be interesting to watch drumpf's dancing all around this. He'll be starting new fires, lying, tweeting and hoping we watch that instead of his Russian connections.

No surprise that RWNJs like the OP screeched "lock her up", in violation of the US Constitution but now want to invoke the same for their criminal heroes.

Just one more example of what drumpf is costing the US taxpayer and this will go to many millions.
Seems to be a pattern with the RussianW. All the time they were impeaching Clinton over lying about his affair with Lewinski, all the main GOP players were having affairs.
I agree with his tweet 100%. This is a major witch hunt that is about to backfire in the best interest for Donald J. Trump, our divine glorious President of the United States of America. General Flynn is about to turn the tables upside down on Obama, whom he worked for and was fired by him.

Didn't you claim in several threads that Flynn asking for Immunity is FAKE NEWS?

Yes he did, but now he's moved on to his newest defense. Trump is right!

...oh and it's fake news!

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