Five tax lies from the 1% the RW presents as fact- "well known"

Nobody deserves a tax hike more than US's greedy, bloated rich. Many Dem rich are asking for one as part of a less austere program to raise the non rich's wealth and training opportunities to get some DEMAND and more qualified employment pool going, and some infrastructure/jobs bills going.

No compromise, "un-American GOP" (TIME), an ongoing disaster...
correct, pragmatic dem, since it seems 75% of the USA confuses socialism (known to be ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC for many years elsewhere) and communism FCS. I will accept social democrat, since every other modern country is SD, even us, just a corrupt, cruel, default Pub one. USA being USA, all we need is health reform, a living wage (10.50, eqiv. to 1980).

Dyed in the wool Dem. You?
Would you consider yourself a socialist Franco, or a progressive liberal?

He's a moron that has a 50 word vocabulary that includes 4 or 5 "words" that probably don't even exist.

His posts are generally one sentence crap, and when he does argue it is against stuff he has made up to argue against.

We wish he would move to Cuba where he could get his precious health care (after all, according to the WHO Cuba is as good as we are). We would be happy to be rid of him.

He blasts Rush (who I don't listen to) but then holds up Ed Shultz and Rhandi Rhoadkill as people who give good information. :lol::lol::lol:

He claims to have been a teacher (God help those kids), but must have suffered a brain injury that forced him to retire.
I have no confusion of communism and socialism. I also am not of the opinion that our country is a purely capitalist society, nor will it ever be. I do think there should be a balance between capitalist and socialist ideas in the US. A progressive tax rate that taxes the rich (not speaking of super-rich here) to a rate above 30-35% seems to cross the line for me. I don't see them as greedy, or bloated. I see them as successful, and someone worked hard for that wealth. I don't feel it should be anyone's decision to redistribute their own possessions. Oh well, difference of opinions. Fair enough.
I have no confusion of communism and socialism. I also am not of the opinion that our country is a purely capitalist society, nor will it ever be. I do think there should be a balance between capitalist and socialist ideas in the US. A progressive tax rate that taxes the rich (not speaking of super-rich here) to a rate above 30-35% seems to cross the line for me. I don't see them as greedy, or bloated. I see them as successful, and someone worked hard for that wealth. I don't feel it should be anyone's decision to redistribute their own possessions. Oh well, difference of opinions. Fair enough.

By virtue of the fact that people do, indeed, vote more than just their pocketbooks and don't have the same planning horizon....there is no such thing as pure capatilism.

I do have an issue with the concentration of wealth in this country.

What is so disgusting is that Fracblo can't see that it is the government that has facilitated it. Economics teaches that if there is all this money to be competition will arise.

Hard to have new competition when the government is propping up failures like GM. If they had let it die, it would have come back as something new with new ownership and people like me could have bought stock in the new entity thus allowing us the chance to capture some of that wealth. But, Obama chooses instead to give it back to the unions who paid nothing for it.
I disagree with government bailouts as well. Not every millionaire, or billionaire has recieved bail out money.

1. The Rich Pay Almost All the Taxes

That's simply not true. The percentage of total taxes paid by the very rich (the top 1%) is approximately the same as the percentage paid by middle class Americans (the 4th quintile, average income $68,700). Here are the details:

Internal Revenue Service figures show that the very rich paid 23% of their incomes in federal income taxes in 2006. The middle class paid about 8% of their incomes in federal income taxes. Based on U.S. Congressional Budget Office figures, the very rich pay just under 2% of their incomes toward social security, while the middle class pays just under 10%. According to a study by The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, the very rich pay about 7% of their incomes in state and sales and property and excise taxes, while the middle class pays approximately 10%. Another year of Bush tax cuts will reduce the taxes of the very rich by at least 3% more than the middle class.

So total taxes for the very rich are 29% of their incomes (23% + 2% + 7% - 3%). Total taxes for the middle class are 28% of their incomes (8% + 10% + 10%). These figures agree with CTJ's 2011 estimate of total taxes paid.

This is what is so funny.....about an Fracblo argument.

Who said the rich pay all the taxes.

What has been said is that a small population pays a disproportionate amount of the overall taxes being paid.

Your percentages are a nice smoke screen.

But they don't mean squat. The middle class pay more in terms of property tax...that means property is a higher percentage of their portfolio. So what ? It isn't apples to apples. But Fracblo just sits back, snug in his Rhandi Rhoadkill talking points convinced that if Rhandi said must be about a dupe.

Put the actual numbers up there Fracblo....the actual numbers.

And get the assertion right. Or quit posting BS claims and then arguing against them.

Don't listen to Rush.
Don't listen to Hannity.
Don't watch much Fox.

But you listen to Ed.
But you listen to Rhandi.

I have no confusion of communism and socialism. I also am not of the opinion that our country is a purely capitalist society, nor will it ever be. I do think there should be a balance between capitalist and socialist ideas in the US. A progressive tax rate that taxes the rich (not speaking of super-rich here) to a rate above 30-35% seems to cross the line for me. I don't see them as greedy, or bloated. I see them as successful, and someone worked hard for that wealth. I don't feel it should be anyone's decision to redistribute their own possessions. Oh well, difference of opinions. Fair enough.

The rich are bloated. UnderVoodoo, since 1983, their wealth has almost tripled (273%) while everyone else, our infrastructure, and the country have suffered. Demand has collapsed See sig pp1 . A corrupt cronyism S+L bubble in 1987, a Pub real estate bubble/depression and stupid wars... And the LIES> See OP and sig pp3
Once again I see stupid war(s). In November 2011, what were your feelings on a war with Afghanistan?
Once again I see stupid war(s). In November 2011, what were your feelings on a war with Afghanistan?

Like I said...a 50 word vocabulary. His last little post blames the rich for getting rich. Like it is all their fault. Franblo has no real program for spreading that stop proppping up insurance companies. And you'll not see him rebutt my earlier post. He just has some kind of electronic is mindless.

Me....I am a conservative and I was against the wars from the start.

First, I knew we could not afford them.

Second, I knew we would not properly fight them.

Third, we at home are not required to make any kind of sacrifice to let us know our best and brightest are off dyiing on foriegn soil. We should at least ration gasoline as token sacrifice.....but, then....I'd bet the wars would be very very unpopular.

Nobody cares that kids are dying somewhere else...unless it is their kid.....but, let gas get short......
I listen to Ed about ten minutes/week, Randi an hour, Rush an hour, PBS Newshour 2 hours, Nightly New EVERY MINUTE, 2 1/2 hours, Fox an hour, Buffalo News Sunday, NYT online, BBC on PBS 2 hours, online everyday, Stephanie Miller an hour. 60 Minutes, Frontline, American Experience, Rock Center.

Listening, you're a GD brainwashed MORON. LOL The Pub Propaganda Machine is totally FOS- Fox has some good news stuff but the BS spin NEVER stops, they just ignore stuff they don't like- Murdock troubles etc.. Savage, Rush, and Beck, RW blogs are a total hater disgrace. 25% of the country are functional morons, believe sig pp3, PURE BULLSHYTTE/hatespeak.
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I listen to Ed about ten minutes/week, Randi an hour, Rush an hour, PBS Newshour 2 hours, Nightly New EVERY MINUTE, 2 1/2 hours, Fox an hour, Buffalo News Sunday, NYT online, BBC on PBS 2 hours, online everyday, Stephanie Miller an hour. 60 Minutes, Frontline, American Experience, Rock Center.

Listening, you're a GD brainwashed MORON. LOL The Pub Propaganda Machine is totally FOS- Fox has some good news stuff but the BS spin NEVER stops, they just ignore stuff they don't like- Murdock troubles etc.. Savage, Rush, and Beck, RW blogs are a total hater disgrace. 25% of the country are functional morons, believe sig pp3, PURE BULLSHYTTE/hatespeak.

I watch C-Span.

What were you saying ?
Once again I see stupid war(s). In November 2011, what were your feelings on a war with Afghanistan?

Our war FOR Afghanistan, against the Taliban and Alqaeda should be won, after Reagan AND Booosh abandoned them to the Taliban. A disgrace. TWICE.

Iraq and Afghan. were incredible corrupt and incompetent wars... 9/11 also.
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I listen to Ed about ten minutes/week, Randi an hour, Rush an hour, PBS Newshour 2 hours, Nightly New EVERY MINUTE, 2 1/2 hours, Fox an hour, Buffalo News Sunday, NYT online, BBC on PBS 2 hours, online everyday, Stephanie Miller an hour. 60 Minutes, Frontline, American Experience, Rock Center.

Listening, you're a GD brainwashed MORON. LOL The Pub Propaganda Machine is totally FOS- Fox has some good news stuff but the BS spin NEVER stops, they just ignore stuff they don't like- Murdock troubles etc.. Savage, Rush, and Beck, RW blogs are a total hater disgrace. 25% of the country are functional morons, believe sig pp3, PURE BULLSHYTTE/hatespeak.

Frankie! listen to all them idiots and shows and your calling Listening a brainwashed moron?.......change the fucking channel Frankie.....
OOOH- Another Pubtroll LOL

Wow Fracblo....what a stinging retort !

You're nothing but a lemming. A braindead, fat-assed, leaching lemming.

You need Obama to win so you can continue to suck off the government tit.

Again...let me congratulate you on that comeback.

Did Rhandi teach you how to say that ? :lol:

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