Flatten The Curve, Not The Economy - Let's Get Back To Work Now

Why would the country re-elect Trump after the made such a colossal and costly mistake?

To save the country from Sleepy Joe and the Corrupt Biden Clan.
So reelect the guy who helped crash the economy?
If you say so.

President Trump didn't cause the Coronavirus, the Red Chinese did. And they have been working to collude and rig the 2020 election in favor of the Biden Family with whom they have huge business relations with.
So Coronavirus is part of China’s plot to elect Biden?

I don't know. I think its important for President Trump to seek FISA warrants against the DNC and the Biden campaign to find out. If there is Red Chinese collusion, ferreting it out and taking down the Biden Administration will be the first order of business if Sleepy Joe would be elected.
Why would the country re-elect Trump after the made such a colossal and costly mistake?

To save the country from Sleepy Joe and the Corrupt Biden Clan.
So reelect the guy who helped crash the economy?
If you say so.

President Trump didn't cause the Coronavirus, the Red Chinese did. And they have been working to collude and rig the 2020 election in favor of the Biden Family with whom they have huge business relations with.
So Coronavirus is part of China’s plot to elect Biden?

I don't know. I think its important for President Trump to seek FISA warrants against the DNC and the Biden campaign to find out. If there is Red Chinese collusion, ferreting it out and taking down the Biden Administration will be the first order of business if Sleepy Joe would be elected.
It’ll only happened if Trump is successful at filling the DoJ full of delusional morons.

"Fox host Steve Hilton, a Trump supporter and self-described "positive populist," argued that -- described Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who is helping lead the government's coronavirus response effort, as part of the country's "ruling class" -- 'Our ruling class and their TV mouthpieces whipping up fear over this virus — they can afford an indefinite shutdown. Working Americans can't, they'll be crushed by it," Hilton said. "You know that famous phrase, 'the cure is worse than the disease?' That is exactly the territory we're hurtling towards."

Just a couple of hours after saying that -- Trump tweeted that same argument -- great minds think alike....Steve is right, this national lockdown thing is worse for our economy than a few elderly people dying or a few younger people dying who already sick with something else....Do you honestly think America can't withstand a few hundred deaths or so?? We been thru WW1, WW2, Vietnam, 9/11 -- so this crisis is nothing to shut businesses or schools down over....

Worst mistake Trump made was changing his tone and bowing down to the Democrat propaganda and hysteria -- he was right to treat this virus the way he did previously -- but he is beginning to learn now how overblown this thing was and hopefully this week or next week he will officially declare America is back in business -- Wall Street will definitely respond positively and his re-election win will definitely be won by the largest margin in US history...
Hey biff, why don't you take your money hungry ass back to work....Rand Paul and the GOP need their ass's licked clean of the virus!! 12 bucks an hour, dude

"Fox host Steve Hilton, a Trump supporter and self-described "positive populist," argued that -- described Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who is helping lead the government's coronavirus response effort, as part of the country's "ruling class" -- 'Our ruling class and their TV mouthpieces whipping up fear over this virus — they can afford an indefinite shutdown. Working Americans can't, they'll be crushed by it," Hilton said. "You know that famous phrase, 'the cure is worse than the disease?' That is exactly the territory we're hurtling towards."

Just a couple of hours after saying that -- Trump tweeted that same argument -- great minds think alike....Steve is right, this national lockdown thing is worse for our economy than a few elderly people dying or a few younger people dying who already sick with something else....Do you honestly think America can't withstand a few hundred deaths or so?? We been thru WW1, WW2, Vietnam, 9/11 -- so this crisis is nothing to shut businesses or schools down over....

Worst mistake Trump made was changing his tone and bowing down to the Democrat propaganda and hysteria -- he was right to treat this virus the way he did previously -- but he is beginning to learn now how overblown this thing was and hopefully this week or next week he will officially declare America is back in business -- Wall Street will definitely respond positively and his re-election win will definitely be won by the largest margin in US history...
Hey biff, why don't you take your money hungry ass back to work....Rand Paul and the GOP need their ass's licked clean of the virus!! 12 bucks an hour, dude
You mad?
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Why would the country re-elect Trump after the made such a colossal and costly mistake?
Why should America elect a Democrat who will enact a “lockdown” on every citizen regardless of their situation?

If you believe that, you’re beyond reaching.
Exactly what is “#PresidentCuomo” doing in New York? He’s outraged over people in parks.

By the way lefties, will people who have recovered from COVID-19 be subject to lockdowns as well?
Why would the country re-elect Trump after the made such a colossal and costly mistake?
Why should America elect a Democrat who will enact a “lockdown” on every citizen regardless of their situation?

If you believe that, you’re beyond reaching.
Exactly what is “#PresidentCuomo” doing in New York? He’s outraged over people in parks.

By the way lefties, will people who have recovered from COVID-19 be subject to lockdowns as well?

Are there very many cases of COVID-19 in New York?
I find it hard to believe that we are applying such broad and untargeted measures.

Is there really a need to shut down an entire state when most cases are concentrated in just a few counties?
There is no doubt in my mind we could go back to work and not have a massive outbreak.

This is going to get out sooner or later....New York is fucked.

People wearing masks...limiting meetings....strenuous testing....limited travel....work from home if you can.

All will help flatten the curve.

Anyone thinks we won't have millions of cases is kidding themselves.

We can't wait for that to happen and then wait for it to pass.....we'll have a depression and anarchy.
Back to the actual topic.. :rolleyes-41: Just saw Texas Lt Gov Patrick speak DIRECTLY to this question.. He's turning 70 and has "some issues" that put him at high risk.. What he said was to the effect,

I owe my grandchildren a country like the one I'm lived in and served.. And there's a good chance we could break the economy for decades to come by shutting it down.. So when I weigh that against the "mostly known" virus risks, I'm more than willing to err on the side of the FUTURE of this nation...

Just aired on Tucker Carlson.. No clips available yet.. LOOK for it... It's pretty much the way I feel looking at the alternatives today...

The big problem with this kind of thinking is the spread of the virus would explode and hospitals will be overwhelmed and 1,000's of people will die every day..it will be babies, children, young adults and the elderly. The point of social distancing is to slow the spread of the virus so that hospitals can keep up with and care for those that need intensive care to survive. Once hospitals get overwhelmed, which they will if we open everything back up now, doctors will have to set up some kind of system to decide who will live and who will die...that's before the doctors and nurses get it then everybody that needs hospitals dies.

GOP in 2010 screamed dems are creating death panels.
GOP in 2020 dems please create death panels.
Crushing the economy is the dempanic's last hope. As long as they can prevent Trump from turning things around they might win in November.
I read it differently. The 1% crowd will be the ones pushing to get things back to work, as they're the ones with the money, the businesses that are folding, and the lobby money. We are all taking it on the chin hard, but in sheer losses theirs are going to be higher.

As per usual, what they say will matter more in this instance than Average Joe. They won't want to ride this out one day longer than necessary. Time is money. These people understand that.
Back to the actual topic.. :rolleyes-41: Just saw Texas Lt Gov Patrick speak DIRECTLY to this question.. He's turning 70 and has "some issues" that put him at high risk.. What he said was to the effect,

I owe my grandchildren a country like the one I'm lived in and served.. And there's a good chance we could break the economy for decades to come by shutting it down.. So when I weigh that against the "mostly known" virus risks, I'm more than willing to err on the side of the FUTURE of this nation...

Just aired on Tucker Carlson.. No clips available yet.. LOOK for it... It's pretty much the way I feel looking at the alternatives today...

The big problem with this kind of thinking is the spread of the virus would explode and hospitals will be overwhelmed and 1,000's of people will die every day..it will be babies, children, young adults and the elderly. The point of social distancing is to slow the spread of the virus so that hospitals can keep up with and care for those that need intensive care to survive. Once hospitals get overwhelmed, which they will if we open everything back up now, doctors will have to set up some kind of system to decide who will live and who will die...that's before the doctors and nurses get it then everybody that needs hospitals dies.

GOP in 2010 screamed dems are creating death panels.
GOP in 2020 dems please create death panels.

They will be overwhelmed in six months if we waited that long.

What part of that don't you get.
Back to the actual topic.. :rolleyes-41: Just saw Texas Lt Gov Patrick speak DIRECTLY to this question.. He's turning 70 and has "some issues" that put him at high risk.. What he said was to the effect,

I owe my grandchildren a country like the one I'm lived in and served.. And there's a good chance we could break the economy for decades to come by shutting it down.. So when I weigh that against the "mostly known" virus risks, I'm more than willing to err on the side of the FUTURE of this nation...

Just aired on Tucker Carlson.. No clips available yet.. LOOK for it... It's pretty much the way I feel looking at the alternatives today...

The big problem with this kind of thinking is the spread of the virus would explode and hospitals will be overwhelmed and 1,000's of people will die every day..it will be babies, children, young adults and the elderly. The point of social distancing is to slow the spread of the virus so that hospitals can keep up with and care for those that need intensive care to survive. Once hospitals get overwhelmed, which they will if we open everything back up now, doctors will have to set up some kind of system to decide who will live and who will die...that's before the doctors and nurses get it then everybody that needs hospitals dies.

GOP in 2010 screamed dems are creating death panels.
GOP in 2020 dems please create death panels.

They will be overwhelmed in six months if we waited that long.

What part of that don't you get.

What part don't you get?

The first reason is that much of the economic slowdown in response to COVID-19 was happening without government intervention. The National Basketball Association was not ordered to shut down by the government. Nor was Major League Baseball. Airlines didn’t start canceling flights because the government told them to. They took these actions because the economics of their businesses dictated that they do so. Even if the government did nothing, the costs of an economic slowdown would be enormous. What economists call the “marginal” impact of government action is not as large as government critics are making it appear.

Second, government has in its capacity the ability to mitigate the economic damages. Congress is currently debating it’s third bill in response to the COVID-19 epidemic. This bill is intended to help those who will suffer economically from the many disruptions to the national economy. If it is well crafted and money gets to the people who lose their jobs or have their hours cut back and to the small businesses who are most likely to suffer, then the worries about “going too far” in response to the virus will be lessened.

Finally, human beings are by their very nature risk averse. While the average outcome of the COVID-19 epidemic may be “only” tens of thousands of deaths, there are credible estimates that the death tolls in this country could be in the millions. Experts agree that extreme social distancing is the best way to minimize the likelihood of the worst-case scenarios. And the worst-case scenarios of allowing the disease to spread are much worse than the worst-case scenarios of an economic slowdown, especially if we take the types of actions we can take to make that slowdown less painful.

People hate horrible outcomes, and few outcomes could be more horrible than doing too little to contain COVID-19.
Back to the actual topic.. :rolleyes-41: Just saw Texas Lt Gov Patrick speak DIRECTLY to this question.. He's turning 70 and has "some issues" that put him at high risk.. What he said was to the effect,

I owe my grandchildren a country like the one I'm lived in and served.. And there's a good chance we could break the economy for decades to come by shutting it down.. So when I weigh that against the "mostly known" virus risks, I'm more than willing to err on the side of the FUTURE of this nation...

Just aired on Tucker Carlson.. No clips available yet.. LOOK for it... It's pretty much the way I feel looking at the alternatives today...

The big problem with this kind of thinking is the spread of the virus would explode and hospitals will be overwhelmed and 1,000's of people will die every day..it will be babies, children, young adults and the elderly. The point of social distancing is to slow the spread of the virus so that hospitals can keep up with and care for those that need intensive care to survive. Once hospitals get overwhelmed, which they will if we open everything back up now, doctors will have to set up some kind of system to decide who will live and who will die...that's before the doctors and nurses get it then everybody that needs hospitals dies.

GOP in 2010 screamed dems are creating death panels.
GOP in 2020 dems please create death panels.

Spend more time looking closely at what the numbers are and how Fauci and others interpret them.. Mortality rate predictions for the US have been constantly REVISED DOWN as we get "better guesses" about the ACTUAL number of infections.. Right now -- from the numbers, I can tell you confidently, that they are basing an overall death rate of 0.75% on GUESSES that the number of infections are TWICE the number of "diagnosed" cases... And even the diagnosed cases include "suspected" cases that have not yet been tested..

That mortality rate of 0.75% affects PREDOMINATELY those 60 years and older.. In MOST COUNTRIES -- that is 80% of the deaths...

I STILL FEEL closer to the quote I posted by Lt Gov of Texas... We OWE an INTACT COUNTRY to our grandchildren.. And if you haven't pondered the MISERY and MORTALITY of a 15 year FULL OUT ECONOMIC depression -- I suspect you dedicate an hour of your time to even ESTIMATING the SUICIDE rates that would result from that...
I find it hard to believe that we are applying such broad and untargeted measures.

Is there really a need to shut down an entire state when most cases are concentrated in just a few counties?
I don't think there should be any shutdown.....time for cooler heads to prevail....
....Do you honestly think America can't withstand a few hundred deaths or so?? We been thru WW1, WW2, Vietnam, 9/11 -- so this crisis is nothing to shut businesses or schools down over....

Worst mistake Trump made was changing his tone and bowing down to the Democrat propaganda and hysteria -- he was right to treat this virus the way he did previously -- but he is beginning to learn now how overblown this thing was and hopefully this week or next week he will officially declare America is back in business -- Wall Street will definitely respond positively and his re-election win will definitely be won by the largest margin in US history...

Over 600 American dead as of this morning. How many is a few hundred?
out of 320 million. do the math and let me know what that tells you.
Back to the actual topic.. :rolleyes-41: Just saw Texas Lt Gov Patrick speak DIRECTLY to this question.. He's turning 70 and has "some issues" that put him at high risk.. What he said was to the effect,

I owe my grandchildren a country like the one I'm lived in and served.. And there's a good chance we could break the economy for decades to come by shutting it down.. So when I weigh that against the "mostly known" virus risks, I'm more than willing to err on the side of the FUTURE of this nation...

Just aired on Tucker Carlson.. No clips available yet.. LOOK for it... It's pretty much the way I feel looking at the alternatives today...

The big problem with this kind of thinking is the spread of the virus would explode and hospitals will be overwhelmed and 1,000's of people will die every day..it will be babies, children, young adults and the elderly. The point of social distancing is to slow the spread of the virus so that hospitals can keep up with and care for those that need intensive care to survive. Once hospitals get overwhelmed, which they will if we open everything back up now, doctors will have to set up some kind of system to decide who will live and who will die...that's before the doctors and nurses get it then everybody that needs hospitals dies.

GOP in 2010 screamed dems are creating death panels.
GOP in 2020 dems please create death panels.

Spend more time looking closely at what the numbers are and how Fauci and others interpret them.. Mortality rate predictions for the US have been constantly REVISED DOWN as we get "better guesses" about the ACTUAL number of infections.. Right now -- from the numbers, I can tell you confidently, that they are basing an overall death rate of 0.75% on GUESSES that the number of infections are TWICE the number of "diagnosed" cases... And even the diagnosed cases include "suspected" cases that have not yet been tested..

That mortality rate of 0.75% affects PREDOMINATELY those 60 years and older.. In MOST COUNTRIES -- that is 80% of the deaths...

I STILL FEEL closer to the quote I posted by Lt Gov of Texas... We OWE an INTACT COUNTRY to our grandchildren.. And if you haven't pondered the MISERY and MORTALITY of a 15 year FULL OUT ECONOMIC depression -- I suspect you dedicate an hour of your time to even ESTIMATING the SUICIDE rates that would result from that...
320 million people 600 deaths, is not an epidemic.
Why would the country re-elect Trump after the made such a colossal and costly mistake?

Because the two Democrats left in the race are two colossal mistakes. Not sure why every election we have to pick between dumb and dumber.
Back to the actual topic.. :rolleyes-41: Just saw Texas Lt Gov Patrick speak DIRECTLY to this question.. He's turning 70 and has "some issues" that put him at high risk.. What he said was to the effect,

I owe my grandchildren a country like the one I'm lived in and served.. And there's a good chance we could break the economy for decades to come by shutting it down.. So when I weigh that against the "mostly known" virus risks, I'm more than willing to err on the side of the FUTURE of this nation...

Just aired on Tucker Carlson.. No clips available yet.. LOOK for it... It's pretty much the way I feel looking at the alternatives today...

The big problem with this kind of thinking is the spread of the virus would explode and hospitals will be overwhelmed and 1,000's of people will die every day..it will be babies, children, young adults and the elderly. The point of social distancing is to slow the spread of the virus so that hospitals can keep up with and care for those that need intensive care to survive. Once hospitals get overwhelmed, which they will if we open everything back up now, doctors will have to set up some kind of system to decide who will live and who will die...that's before the doctors and nurses get it then everybody that needs hospitals dies.

GOP in 2010 screamed dems are creating death panels.
GOP in 2020 dems please create death panels.

Spend more time looking closely at what the numbers are and how Fauci and others interpret them.. Mortality rate predictions for the US have been constantly REVISED DOWN as we get "better guesses" about the ACTUAL number of infections.. Right now -- from the numbers, I can tell you confidently, that they are basing an overall death rate of 0.75% on GUESSES that the number of infections are TWICE the number of "diagnosed" cases... And even the diagnosed cases include "suspected" cases that have not yet been tested..

That mortality rate of 0.75% affects PREDOMINATELY those 60 years and older.. In MOST COUNTRIES -- that is 80% of the deaths...

I STILL FEEL closer to the quote I posted by Lt Gov of Texas... We OWE an INTACT COUNTRY to our grandchildren.. And if you haven't pondered the MISERY and MORTALITY of a 15 year FULL OUT ECONOMIC depression -- I suspect you dedicate an hour of your time to even ESTIMATING the SUICIDE rates that would result from that...
320 million people 600 deaths is not an epidemic.

320 million people and over 20,000 dead is closer, but still isn't and this is the flu rate no one did anything about, the facts don't line up with the actions taken. We've again been given the shaft by our politicians and experts. I looked at all of the numbers, and if they ever actually let that out on the airwaves people would go, huh?

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