Flynn can drag down Pence in the wake of Trump

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How is it a coup d'etat if constitutional procedure is followed, Frank?

Congress is mandated to oversee executive actions and correct misdoings.

If Trump operatives colluded with the Russians and or covered up for such collusion, they cannot hold government office.

They should be incarcerated and water boarded.
Maddow Just Exposed A Scandal That Will Take Pence Down With Trump

The claims are, and they have the ring of truth and fact to them, that the three are inextricably interlinked on the Russian Scandal.

If Flynn goes down, he takes Trump and Pence with him.

President Ryan!

The one on the right in the picture is more masculine than Michael Pence, so who cares what a psychologically fucked up idiot like that is babbling it doesn't even know if its male or female :uhoh3:

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How is it a coup d'etat if constitutional procedure is followed, Frank?

Congress is mandated to oversee executive actions and correct misdoings.

If Trump operatives colluded with the Russians and or covered up for such collusion, they cannot hold government office.

They should be incarcerated and water boarded.

"They should be incarcerated and water boarded."

All Leftist Maniac Subversives should be incarcerated and water boarded and then locked up in secure institutions, they are bringing Borderline Insanity to a new level not to mention they are bringing a fanatical HATRED of Democracy to a new level.

Leftist Maniac Subversives are Fascist little bitches and should be treated as such.
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How is it a coup d'etat if constitutional procedure is followed, Frank?

Congress is mandated to oversee executive actions and correct misdoings.

If Trump operatives colluded with the Russians and or covered up for such collusion, they cannot hold government office.

They should be incarcerated and water boarded.

"They should be incarcerated and water boarded."

All Leftist Maniac Subversives should be incarcerated and water boarded and then locked up in secure institutions, they are bringing Borderline Insanity to a new level not to mention they are bringing a fanatical HATRED of Democracy to a new level.

Leftist Maniac Subversives are Fascist little bitches and should be treated as such.
^^^ :lol: ^^^ If the Trump operatives colluded with the Russians and or covered up such collusion, the anti-democracy actions by such Trumpers and associates will get them long, long jail sentences.
Flynn hasn't said a word and now he is taking out both the president and vice President?

You think anyone will believe that the VP is engaged in criminal activities? The biggest scandal he has been involved in is that he won't spend alone time with women other than his wife.

This is a pipe dream. You can't get Trump who is a lot shadier but you're going to get the boy scout.

I feel like we have entered an alternate reality where everyone is insane
Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.
How is this not a coup d'etat?

This crowd have had an Agenda for a year, it began when Trump started winning the Primary things, this after the ENTIRE Propaganda MSM insisted he WASN'T going to win ANYTHING.

Then they threw EVERYTHING at him, crapped out pathetic Character Assassination Hitjobs in print and on the airwaves, including dragging up about ten ugly, wrinkled fucking sluts who INSISTED Trump had fondled them 20 or even 30 years earlier, then they became increasingly desperate by vaguely suggesting Trump was fucking his OWN daughter and when ALL of this FAILED and he beat Hillary and prevented Hillary and her scum husband from getting into the White House....they then began Hearsay and Rumours about Russia and Putin.

EVERYTHING this crowd, the Propaganda MSM, the Marxist-Democrat Party, Cuckservatives, International Globalist wastes of human skin, Gender Confused Weirdos with the Buttfuckers in tow - EVERYTHING this crowd has attempted to DESTROY Donald J. Trump for ONE YEAR already has FAILED and this will fail also.

Donald J. Trump and Michael Pence will get the last laugh and the Seditious human waste are going to look GREAT dressed in orange jump suits and in prison.
Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.

Jake you have been wrong about everything, you will be wrong about this.

Michael Pence has done nothing wrong, neither did Michael Flynn.

What about the Democrats and Hillary, they all met with Putin and the Russians also....not to mention Hillary and Bill in bed for 20 years with the Chinese in return for filthy lucre.
Hopefully Trump wakes up and applies the Starkey Standard to these seditious deep State traitors
Flynn hasn't said a word and now he is taking out both the president and vice President?

You think anyone will believe that the VP is engaged in criminal activities? The biggest scandal he has been involved in is that he won't spend alone time with women other than his wife.

This is a pipe dream. You can't get Trump who is a lot shadier but you're going to get the boy scout.

I feel like we have entered an alternate reality where everyone is insane

"I feel like we have entered an alternate reality where everyone is insane"

The Leftists have always existed in Alternate Reality.

Only the Leftist Maniacs are insane, they illustrate this every day, they are attempting to make everyone else insane by constantly babbling the same crap over and over again....the trick is to just read, make a few responses, then remove yourself and concentrate on something else and let the Leftist Maniacs keep chasing their tail, they are the crazed dog that spends ALL day chasing it's tail.
Maddow Just Exposed A Scandal That Will Take Pence Down With Trump

The claims are, and they have the ring of truth and fact to them, that the three are inextricably interlinked on the Russian Scandal.

If Flynn goes down, he takes Trump and Pence with him.

President Ryan!

From the O/P cited article........

........Which means that President Trump and Mike Pence both knowingly handed our nation’s deepest secrets over to a man who they knew was operating as a paid agent of a foreign government, a man they knew was under potential blackmail by a different foreign power for lying to the public and the FBI, and Pence not only did nothing about it for three weeks but lied to the public about it as well.
Maddow Just Exposed A Scandal That Will Take Pence Down With Trump

The claims are, and they have the ring of truth and fact to them, that the three are inextricably interlinked on the Russian Scandal.

If Flynn goes down, he takes Trump and Pence with him.

President Ryan!

From the O/P cited article........

........Which means that President Trump and Mike Pence both knowingly handed our nation’s deepest secrets over to a man who they knew was operating as a paid agent of a foreign government, a man they knew was under potential blackmail by a different foreign power for lying to the public and the FBI, and Pence not only did nothing about it for three weeks but lied to the public about it as well.

Yes, if you only had a tiny bit of intelligence you'd know that is the OPINION of the JOURNALIST and as such means NOTHING except to the desperate crazy people.
Maddow is not the issue.

Flynn and what he says is the issue. If in fact Pence did know that Flynn was footsing with the Ruskies and Flynn took the fall for Pence and Trump, they are out.

Sure the credibility of your source isn't an issue...

So if the guy with the tin foil hats down the road starts claiming Obama is going to prison for murder. I can pretend that's somehow gospel truth and his track record on such things is irrelevant
Flynn hasn't said a word and now he is taking out both the president and vice President?

You think anyone will believe that the VP is engaged in criminal activities? The biggest scandal he has been involved in is that he won't spend alone time with women other than his wife.

This is a pipe dream. You can't get Trump who is a lot shadier but you're going to get the boy scout.

I feel like we have entered an alternate reality where everyone is insane

If you want to read something hysterically funny and also hysterical hysterical, the OP :uhoh3:

Also a clinical sign of insanity, it's responding to itself :rolleyes-41:

Why Flynn's testimony & plea for immunity are important...
How is it a coup d'etat if constitutional procedure is followed, Frank?

Congress is mandated to oversee executive actions and correct misdoings.

If Trump operatives colluded with the Russians and or covered up for such collusion, they cannot hold government office.

They should be incarcerated and water boarded.

"They should be incarcerated and water boarded."

All Leftist Maniac Subversives should be incarcerated and water boarded and then locked up in secure institutions, they are bringing Borderline Insanity to a new level not to mention they are bringing a fanatical HATRED of Democracy to a new level.

Leftist Maniac Subversives are Fascist little bitches and should be treated as such.
^^^[emoji38]^^^ If the Trump operatives colluded with the Russians and or covered up such collusion, the anti-democracy actions by such Trumpers and associates will get them long, long jail sentences.
Your senility has reached the terminal stage.

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