Folks, it's already too late.

But Trump did not run as a republican, he merely got more delegates than anyone else in their primary. The gop had opposed tariffs since Reagan.
Yup, but Trump did run as a Republucan for one reason. They are a gullible lot that buys into the simplest explanation for everyone of their ills. Trickle down economics , voter suppression, immigration etc are all complicated issues that the righties see with simpleton eyes. Don’t trust science, don’t believe institutions and listen to the Charlton who claimed building walls, denying science and handing the nations wealth over to the very rich is a solution to everything.

Nope, todays gop is a fascist, white supremest lot of deniers. .
I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.
You morally bankrupt assclowns haven't refuted jack shit.
What purpose does it serve to prove you wrong if you refuse to accept the facts?

The fraudulent activity was found and ruled upon by the state Supreme Court, sub-cretin.
So you revel in the cheers of kool aide drinkers? Got it.
You know, you actually had me on 90% of what you originally posted as being pretty sound and reasonable, until you went off on a tangent with this election stuff. Then you come out with this copy/paste bullshit same as every other tard on here tries to claim.

I keep hearing how there will be evidence. One day. Eventually. That totally proves the stolen election. So far all I’ve seen is obvious lies and idiocy.
Then you must really be looking in all the wrong places on purpose, as I have enough evidence that the election was rigged that it would take weeks to read through it all.
But let's start right here with the 2/3/21 ADMISSION bragging that they rigged it naming all the names, people and organizations involved in a year long effort to ASSURE that no matter what, Trump would NOT be reelected president in national print! Of course, they try to spin the story as a GOOD thing that so many people orchestrated a nearly half-billion dollar year-long effort to fix the election outcome as a means of "saving" democracy. They "saved" democracy by walking all over it.

I keep hearing how there will be evidence. One day. Eventually.

Thanks for the Funny. The fact that this is all you can muster upon the article presented after claiming no fraud and no evidence is proof that you are either a cognitively-challenged idiot buffoon or an itinerant liar. Either way, you're just another leftard utterly incapable of processing the facts much less rationally defending them.
Thanks for the Funny. The fact that this is all you can muster upon the article presented after claiming no fraud and no evidence is proof that you are either a cognitively-challenged idiot buffoon or an itinerant liar. Either way, you're just another leftard utterly incapable of processing the facts much less rationally defending them.
You’re funny…..or mentally incompetent . Where are your fking facts ? Why aren’t they in the hands of MTG and her band of lunatics ?
Amazing that you say that with a straight face after Trump's failed coup, McTreason's duplicitous denial of a hearing for Garland, WI Repubs threatening the impeachment of an elected SC judge who threatens to undo their heavily gerrymandered districts, the nationwide Repub voter suppression campaign, Kari Lake's refusal to admit defeat, this.....
..........and much more.

All within the legal processes, unlike vote manipulation.
All within the legal processes, unlike vote manipulation.
Maga failed in over twenty court cases to prove vote manipulation to overturn an election. And maga's go to argument was court's cheated too. I realize you are impervious to those facts, and the importance of beliefs such as yours is that you will continue voting for Trump.

But the people who voted for Biden, are not impervious to proven facts.
Persist all you want, it will be for naught. I’m no conspiracy theorist nor Trumpist, but I can honestly tell you that there is nothing in the leftist/progressive/Democrat ideology that I will EVER agree with. My Conservstive ideals are far too firmly entrenched to bend even a little to thst which I find deplorable. It’s just that simple.

We may agree the sky is blue, but I doubt we would agree on why it is.
Conservatism is not in question.

Calling a devotion to lies and criminality "conservative" is.
Conservatism is not in question.

Calling a devotion to lies and criminality "conservative" is.
I voted for W the first time, but ..... he started a war in Mesopetemia, which didn't attack us, and proceeded to not only lose that one, but also lose the one against the folks who did, at least harbor, those who did. And that's not all, lol.

And then Obama bailed out banks, but not homeowners who lost jobs and couldn't pay mortgages on inflated property values, because W allowed the bond market to become opaque.

So, I can't really criticize anyone's vote in 16 (unless it was for Stein)

but we all saw Jan 6 on tv .... live
But Trump did not run as a republican, he merely got more delegates than anyone else in their primary. The gop had opposed tariffs since Reagan.

Honestly, I'd have some empathy for the Maga's ... bleating ... except it's not about issues - it's about a guy who lost an election and tried a coup. That goes beyond any partisan issue.
Not only did he not run as a Repub, he didn't govern like one either. Because he isn't one. He's whatever he needs to be at any given time to ensure he keeps the support of his cult following.
Not only did he not run as a Repub, he didn't govern like one either. Because he isn't one. He's whatever he needs to be at any given time to ensure he keeps the support of his cult following.
Well he did sign Mitch's tax cuts that were supposed to create 4% growth and end the ever increasing deficts (acually deficts under Obama decreased in six of his eight years, although that first one was a doozy (-:). He also ended Roe, which was truly so stupid it defies any logic outside what passes in the Sup Ct. And he didn't let non-citizens stay here while their asylum claims were processed.

So those are three gop "biggies," and I'm sure there are others. He forced Mitch to waste a year trying to repeal Obamacare, despite being repeatedly told there weren't 50 gopers who'd vote to do that.

So, while I'd agree that he's more or less a populist, in the Huey Long vein, he is the face of today's gop. And the gop ceased any attempt to even pretend it's a conservative party, in the image of Goldwater.
Pelosi refused Trump's request for additional security that day and it ended in a bit of violence and damage to the building that after folks went inside, they mostly walked around, l
An absolute lie. Total made up shit. ONLY TRUMP has that authority, not Pelosi. Obviously, you bozos totally disregard the testimony if the police and the video. Just like you disregard every agency in the world who’s job it is to track our climate. Just like you disregard every state in the 7nion who’s job it is to certify elections. There is a name for people who think they are right and the entire world is wrong…’s bat shit crazy.
Maga failed in over twenty court cases to prove vote manipulation to overturn an election. And maga's go to argument was court's cheated too. I realize you are impervious to those facts, and the importance of beliefs such as yours is that you will continue voting for Trump.

But the people who voted for Biden, are not impervious to proven facts.

Because no court wants to be the one to say our voting system can be compromised.

The rot is too deep.
Jack Smith and the grand jury he enjoined disagrees the failed coup was within the legal processes.

Because Jack Smith is a SJW reichsprosekutor, and he found a SJW grand jury of political lemmings.

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