Zone1 For 2023, Consider a Bible Reading Plan!

Sorry, but I don’t answer to a so-called ChristIan who mocks the teachings of other religions - and proudly admits to doing so.

Lisa I'm sorry you had to read that. I don't know if the poster is Christian, but most Christians I know understand full well why OT laws are largely not followed.
This is vastly ignorant. The laws can be broken into three categories:

Civil Law
Ceremonial Law
Moral Law

The civil and ceremonial laws are no longer necessary; they are outgrown. Civil Law was for a tribe of Israelites basically living in the desert. Ceremonial Law was for the tabernacle. We are not Israelites, and there is no longer a tabernacle in which to worship.

They are not bad laws; just no longer necessary, in the way you make a bedtime for a young child but later, the child doesn't need it. It no longer applies.

What's really sad here is how you gloat and dance around like this is the biggest "gotcha" and it's really....not. Even close.

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
-- Matthew chapter 5 ... Sermon on the Mount ...

[shrugs shoulders] ...

You forgot Ecclesiastical Law ... the subject at hand ... there's no salvation through Christ under the Law, that doesn't invalidate the Law ...


You're the OP ... you put this under Zone 1 rules ... may I violate these rules as you do? ... I like making rude comments about other people's beliefs ... undo the Zone 1 rules and we can go at it ... if you dare ...
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
-- Matthew chapter 5 ... Sermon on the Mount ...

[shrugs shoulders] ...

You forgot Ecclesiastical Law ... the subject at hand ... there's no salvation through Christ under the Law, that doesn't invalidate the Law ...


You're the OP ... you put this under Zone 1 rules ... may I violate these rules as you do? ... I like making rude comments about other people's beliefs ... undo the Zone 1 rules and we can go at it ... if you dare ..

Oh so NOW that you've met someone who actually reads the Bible, you want to moan about forum rules?

Tell me this:

How was I WRONG in what I said about civil/ceremonial laws?
Oh so NOW that you've met someone who actually reads the Bible, you want to moan about forum rules?

Tell me this:

How was I WRONG in what I said about civil/ceremonial laws?

I have Strong's Concordance here in front of me ... the word "civil" does not appear in the Bible ... the word "ceremonies" only has one reference: "In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, ye shall keep it in his appointed season: according to all the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies thereof, shall ye keep it" -- Numbers 9:3

I speak of Levitical Law ... those laws found in the first five books of the Bible ... these are the laws of the Jewish people at the time, the ones He insisted He didn't come to do away with ... His example was giving sight to the blind on the Sabbath ... strictly prohibited under Biblical Law ... but it was a merciful thing to do ... the lesson is mercy trumps law ...

I don't know if you go to church on Sundays ... but when the siren went off, all the firemen jumped up and left in the middle of the sermon ... mercy before the law ...
Christians will need to be very very careful making that distinction ... not a one of us measure up either ... we Americans divorced God, we don't let our government even have their own religion, government has to support all religions, or none at all ...

The Jewish Government in Israel is outside my experience ... all I know for sure is that it is a Republic, and the government answers to her citizens, not her enemies ... I have a FB friend in Israel and when she's between boyfriends, we get rocket-by-rocket accounting of everyday life in Israel ...

Most Palestinians rockets land on Palestinians ... you'd be surprised how many people who don't know that ...

I read three to four Israeli newspapers online at least once a week if not every day. For European news there are several English editions and for Asian and Chinese news there are a couple of good ones.
howabout ~ 33 ad and till the crucifiers are brought to justice - there will be no more.
They be dead yo.

All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!” Matthew 27:24-25

the jews say otherwise - the crucifiers wrote the - c-bilble - the book vasud and company are so enamored they need repeat reading and study groups to absorb the intent of those in the 4th century that wrote it -

containing not one word written by jesus nor the events of liberation theology those during that time gave their life's for.
I read three to four Israeli newspapers online at least once a week if not every day. For European news there are several English editions and for Asian and Chinese news there are a couple of good ones.

NPR, BBC and DW cover what I'm interested in ... oh, ESPN and NBC Bay Area ... Israel, South Africa, Argentina are places where I base my entire opinion of what a single person says ... a boy-crazy young lady prancing around Israel is still a military veteran, thus we bond ... she likes the idea of strapping a Glock on all Arab women ... ask them to keep their men-folk in line ...
I definitely agree with you about context. Many people think the surprising and violent aspects of the OT are God-endorsed. Just because something appears in the Bible does NOT mean God endorsed it, for one.

For me, a good study Bible is a great start.
Exactly. The Bible is a out 1/3 History. Reciting historical events does not mean God endorses those events.
Christians will need to be very very careful making that distinction ... not a one of us measure up either ... we Americans divorced God, we don't let our government even have their own religion, government has to support all religions, or none at all ...

The Jewish Government in Israel is outside my experience ... all I know for sure is that it is a Republic, and the government answers to her citizens, not her enemies ... I have a FB friend in Israel and when she's between boyfriends, we get rocket-by-rocket accounting of everyday life in Israel ...

Most Palestinians rockets land on Palestinians ... you'd be surprised how many people who don't know that ...

there is no distinction, the scriptural desert religions - they knew best who wrote the u s constitution and the perils of religious fanaticism.

and certainly the account of their temple and the land they occupy, indeed - have never measured up for the jews ... "you'd be surprised how many people who don't know that".
the jews say otherwise - the crucifiers wrote the - c-bilble - the book vasud and company are so enamored they need repeat reading and study groups to absorb the intent of those in the 4th century that wrote it -

containing not one word written by jesus nor the events of liberation theology those during that time gave their life's for.

A book that lasts longer than 400 years will be around forever. Your fantasy of erasing the Bible from existence has been attempted multiple times by men more powerful than you are I. The Bible is a great book. That goes for every book older than 400 years old. That type of literature doesn’t ever disappear. You can hate it if you wish but disrespecting the Bible is very misguided in my opinion. Which book do you possess that has the words of Jesus? Surely that book is older than 400 years old as well and commands the same respect that I give to the Bible.
I have Strong's Concordance here in front of me ... the word "civil" does not appear in the Bible ... the word "ceremonies" only has one reference: "In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, ye shall keep it in his appointed season: according to all the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies thereof, shall ye keep it" -- Numbers 9:3

I speak of Levitical Law ... those laws found in the first five books of the Bible ... these are the laws of the Jewish people at the time, the ones He insisted He didn't come to do away with ... His example was giving sight to the blind on the Sabbath ... strictly prohibited under Biblical Law ... but it was a merciful thing to do ... the lesson is mercy trumps law ...

I don't know if you go to church on Sundays ... but when the siren went off, all the firemen jumped up and left in the middle of the sermon ... mercy before the law ...

You know what other word is not in the text of the Bible, probably? Chapters and verses. Yet we categorize Biblical knowledge by chapters and verses. In fact I don't even think the word "Bible" is in the Bible.

Jesus **fulfilled** the law, as in a child adhering to a reasonable bedtime, therefore growing well and healthy, therefore into adolescence, not needing that 7:30 PM bedtime. The law served its purpose--its work is done. It is fulfilled.

The Civil and Ceremonial laws are fulfilled. They served their purpose. They are not abolished; they are not made void. That would be like saying "these were bad laws". They weren't. But like my bedtime example above, they have done their job.

When you refer to "mercy", you are talking about the Moral Law. The Moral Law is ongoing. Rather like you give your child a bedtime of 7:30 (which can be fulfilled, this is like a civil law), but you teach your child also to be kind (a moral law), which you hope they do not outgrow.
You know what other word is not in the text of the Bible, probably? Chapters and verses. Yet we categorize Biblical knowledge by chapters and verses. In fact I don't even think the word "Bible" is in the Bible.

Jesus **fulfilled** the law, as in a child adhering to a reasonable bedtime, therefore growing well and healthy, therefore into adolescence, not needing that 7:30 PM bedtime. The law served its purpose--its work is done. It is fulfilled.

The Civil and Ceremonial laws are fulfilled. They served their purpose. They are not abolished; they are not made void. That would be like saying "these were bad laws". They weren't. But like my bedtime example above, they have done their job.

When you refer to "mercy", you are talking about the Moral Law. The Moral Law is ongoing. Rather like you give your child a bedtime of 7:30 (which can be fulfilled, this is like a civil law), but you teach your child also to be kind (a moral law), which you hope they do not outgrow.

Are you making up these terms as you go along ... or is there any formal definitions for this ... as I said above, the Bible itself makes no distinction between Laws ... all 622* of the statutes proclaimed in the first five books are to be followed IF you worship under the First Covenant ... like Abraham, Moses and David ...

So what you're saying is that God approves of homosexuality, beastiality and incest ... and so do you ... that's sick ...

I can see why you need to study the Bible ... start with Leviticus Ch 20 ... then tell me this is only for children ...

* = different rabbatical traditions given different numbers here ... the "622" number is about the median value ...
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Are you making up these terms as you go along ... or is there any formal definitions for this ... as I said above, the Bible itself makes no distinction between Laws ... all 622* of the statutes proclaimed in the first five books are to be followed IF you worship under the First Covenant ... like Abraham, Moses and David ...

So what you're saying is that God approves of homosexuality, beastiality and incest ... and so do you ... that's sick ...

I can see why you need to study the Bible ... start with Leviticus Ch 20 ... then tell me this is only for children ...

* = different rabbatical traditions given different numbers here ... the "622" number is about the median value ...


Homosexuality, beastiality and incest are all SEXUAL sins. That falls under Morality. The Moral Law
Are you making up these terms as you go along ... or is there any formal definitions for this ... as I said above, the Bible itself makes no distinction between Laws ... all 622* of the statutes proclaimed in the first five books are to be followed IF you worship under the First Covenant ... like Abraham, Moses and David ...

So what you're saying is that God approves of homosexuality, beastiality and incest ... and so do you ... that's sick ...

I can see why you need to study the Bible ... start with Leviticus Ch 20 ... then tell me this is only for children ...

* = different rabbatical traditions given different numbers here ... the "622" number is about the median value ...

You can get started here on learning about moral, ceremonial and civil (or judicial) laws here. This is common Christian understanding.

A book that lasts longer than 400 years will be around forever. Your fantasy of erasing the Bible from existence has been attempted multiple times by men more powerful than you are I. The Bible is a great book. That goes for every book older than 400 years old. That type of literature doesn’t ever disappear. You can hate it if you wish but disrespecting the Bible is very misguided in my opinion. Which book do you possess that has the words of Jesus? Surely that book is older than 400 years old as well and commands the same respect that I give to the Bible.
- and commands the same respect that I give to the Bible.

were that the purpose of the crucifiers - to write their book in lite of their victim the opposite of liberation theology jesus died for - to disguise the events of the 1st century for a false religion of servitude ...

then those people have not been brought to justice for their crime the reason for the initial post - whether you like it or not as not everyone is enamored with a book of corruption and deceit.

writing the book jesus would have written than being murdered is the task at hand to bring the criminals to justice - those in this thread.


the remorseless history of the desert religions - their persecution and victimization of the innocent. jesus.

- where are the tablets etched in the heavens with 10 commandments ... liars.
You can get started here on learning about moral, ceremonial and civil (or judicial) laws here. This is common Christian understanding.

The Ten Commandments are ETERNAL -- That includes the 4th (the Sabbath) which is rejected by the Catholic cult and her daughter churches.

Many of the other laws (lower case) are NATIONAL LAWS for the Nation of Israel, like the law that a railing must be built on a flat top roof.

This stuff isn't hard to understand. But yes, homosexuality and adultery and fornication are sins from Genesis to Revelation
I wish I were the type of person to pick up my Bible and read it just because, but no.

Therefore, Bible Reading Plans are helpful for me. In the last few years, I've read the Bible cover to cover, the Bible chronologically, the Bible in two years plus a Psalm or Proverb every day, and today I will read Revelation 22 to finish my New Testament in a year plan.

There are plans to suit all kinds of needs and readers here:

And plenty of sites where you can read the Bible for free, even with commentary and study notes. Happy (almost) 2023!
I will put odds that most Christians have never read the Bible cover to cover
PART Of what Jesus meant by "fulfilling the law" was in the meaning of the word "fulfill" -- MAKE FULL.

In the Sermon on the Mount He did just that:

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,[a] and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[b][c] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[d] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[e] 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

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