Zone1 For 2023, Consider a Bible Reading Plan!

The important thing to remember is to NEVER EVER EVER EVER use cotton thread to sew buttons on a wool shirt ... I don't know why, but that is God's Law ...
I take it you do not do much sewing? The reason for not mixing different fibers and threads is because the different fibers do not respond to washing, drying, and wearing in the same way.
Anyway ... we can't simply read the OT and expect to understand it ... we have to LIVE the OT ... spend seven years under the letter of the Law ...
One of the best reasons to try to live under the Law is the blessings learning obedience and discipline bestow on one.
I freely mock those who pick and choose which laws they follow and who they condemn ... Jesus cured the blind on the Sabbath ... so it's not just me mocking the OT, when the OT needs mocking ...

I'm interested though ... what part does the OT play in your day-to-day Christian lifestyle? ... I bought a rundown apartment complex and turned into a safe and affordable haven for the widows and orphans of our community ... a resource for all the local churches ... but this is all strictly NT stuff ... mercy and forgiveness before legalities ...

Next she will be sniveling about 'The Holocaust' and yelling 'Antisemite' and finding a mod to complain, so don't waste your breath on her, she's one of those 'Jews Are The Master Race' types and no unwashed goys are allowed to disagree with her. AS for me, I ignore almost all of the post-exilic Babylonian scam rubbish and their 'oral Torah' nonsense; the Torah of Moses is complete as written.
Next she will be sniveling about 'The Holocaust' and yelling 'Antisemite' and finding a mod to complain, so don't waster your breath on her, she's one of those 'Jews Are The Master Race' types and no unwashed goys are allowed to disagree with her. AS for me, I ignore almost all of the post-exilic Babylonian scam rubbish and their 'oral Torah' nonsense; the Torah of Moses is complete as written.
^^^ and another Jew-hater joins the thread, full of lies.
Next she will be sniveling about 'The Holocaust' and yelling 'Antisemite' and finding a mod to complain, so don't waste your breath on her, she's one of those 'Jews Are The Master Race' types and no unwashed goys are allowed to disagree with her. AS for me, I ignore almost all of the post-exilic Babylonian scam rubbish and their 'oral Torah' nonsense; the Torah of Moses is complete as written.

Er ... my Bible says the Jews are God's Chosen People ... in fact, odds are Jesus Christ was a Jew, a rabbi no less ...

Maybe you missed the point about God only punishes those He loves ... and the Jews most of all ... I'm sure as soon as the Jews start behaving like orderly little children, God will return His blessings upon them ... until then, God wants His Muslims in charge of the Temple ... I'm a Christian, I don't care one way or the other ... my part is the care of widows and orphans ... not the making thereof over trivial shit, like money ...
Er ... my Bible says the Jews are God's Chosen People ... in fact, odds are Jesus Christ was a Jew, a rabbi no less ...

I never said otherwise; in fact I always point out Christianity is a Jewish sect. What passes as 'Judaism' today is a 2nd Century A.D. invention by Pharisees, at Jamnia. The Babylonians set themselves up as a racist cult, not a universalist religion.

I don't agree with literally everything in the book, but it gives the most comprehensive rundown of the facts and history. Modern Hassidics and 'Orthodox' Jews aren't the 'Jews' of the first covenants, they're a Babylonian fiction. See Ezra for how it became a racist cult, and see Joachim Jeremia's Jerusalem In The Time Of Jesus for exactly what kind of society it was Jesus was trying to reform as a Rabbi, along with a detailed study of the 'racial purity' laws they forced on Jews of the day.The latter covers over a third of the book, and relies entirely on Jewish sources from those times.

An Investigation into Economic and Social Conditions during the New Testament Period, including: Economic conditions in the city of Jerusalem, economic status, social status, and the maintenance of racial purity.

These two books will give a decent overview of what was going on then; Jeremia's book will also make a lot of the contemporary stuff in the Gospels make more sense as well, like why genealogies were a big deal, and why certain names were significant, etc.
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I never said otherwise; in fact I always point out Christianity is a Jewish sect. What passes as 'Judaism' today is a 2nd Century A.D. invention by Pharisees, at Jamnia. The Babylonians set themselves up as a racist cult, not a universalist religion.

I don't agree with literally everything in the book, but it gives the most comprehensive rundown of the facts and history. Modern Hassidics and 'Orthodox' Jews aren't the 'Jews' of the first covenants, they're a Babylonian fiction. See Ezra for how it became a racist cult, and see Joachim Jeremia's Jerusalem In The Time Of Jesus for exactly what kind of society it was Jesus was trying to reform as a Rabbi, along with a detailed study of the 'racial purity' laws they forced on Jews of the day.The latter covers over a third of the book, and relies entirely on Jewish sources from those times.

An Investigation into Economic and Social Conditions during the New Testament Period, including: Economic conditions in the city of Jerusalem, economic status, social status, and the maintenance of racial purity.

These two books will give a decent overview of what was going on then; Jeremia's book will also make a lot of the contemporary stuff in the Gospels make more sense as well, like why genealogies were a big deal, and why certain names were significant, etc.

I was referring to what was happening today ... my understanding is the God has been angry at the Jews since Adam ate of forbidden fruit ...

Meh ... the 49ers named their new stadium after a Jew ... that makes them right in my book ...
Are there certain types of people that shouldn’t read the Bible? I have read it three times. The first two times I read the 1611 King James Bible. The third time I read the Holman Christian Standard Bible. The first time took me nine months. The second time it took me 4 months. The fourth time it took me 14 months. I tried to read it everyday and I kept a log on Microsoft excel of the date and portions that I read. I skipped days here and there but I mostly read at least something every day. January 1st is an excellent day to start a Bible reading plan. Just make sure to account for busyness and laziness when you make a plan. If your plan is too rigid you may end up getting discouraged and quit. Many people have read the book of Genesis dozens of times and never finished the Bible. I’m ready for my fourth reading. I’ll be reading the Holman Christian Standard Bible this time around.
I definitely agree with you about context. Many people think the surprising and violent aspects of the OT are God-endorsed. Just because something appears in the Bible does NOT mean God endorsed it, for one.

For me, a good study Bible is a great start.

I totally agree. A lot of the events are historical accounts. If I was to tell you a story about my car being stolen doesn’t mean that I endorse cars being stolen. Besides most of life is terrible so it would be ineffective to write a guide book that left the bad parts out. Also, life is full of contradictions so it would be ineffective to write a guide book to life that left contradictions out. The Bible is the most powerful book ever written. That power can be utilized by any reader whether they be good or evil. It teaches us about the dynamics of human interactions especially interactions between powerful people and powerless people. There is a way to manipulate powerful people. There is also a way to manipulate regular people and maximize your power over them. It’s in that Bible. It’s an amazing book. Read it. There is rarely a cult leader that isn’t well read on the Bible.
I was referring to what was happening today ... my understanding is the God has been angry at the Jews since Adam ate of forbidden fruit ...

Meh ... the 49ers named their new stadium after a Jew ... that makes them right in my book ...

that's quite a leap to imply ... adam and eve were jews, waiting for a messiah - to save them from the romans ...

and the heavens were angry ... a&e chose a fruit from a sacred tree and what consequences that would incur - they seem to have taken the jest in stride giving to the beings on earth a reason for their sustenance. and by their choice, possible failure and mortality.
I was referring to what was happening today ... my understanding is the God has been angry at the Jews since Adam ate of forbidden fruit ...

Meh ... the 49ers named their new stadium after a Jew ... that makes them right in my book ...

Well I'm not 'anti Jew', for one; that's just BS from morons who can't handle the historical record, and yes a lot of the OT is about Jews Behaving Badly. Lots of them are 'all right', and many of them are no better than Nazis. They can't even agree on who is a Jew and who isn't.
I was referring to what was happening today ... my understanding is the God has been angry at the Jews since Adam ate of forbidden fruit ...

Meh ... the 49ers named their new stadium after a Jew ... that makes them right in my book ...

What's happening today is the Israeli govt.'s swing to pandering to its right wing nutjobs, which is not a good thing. It's important for modern Christians to be able to distinguish between the 'Chosen' of Mose's era up to the exile and the fake scam that was invented after the return of the Babylonians. There is a reason there are no great prophets after the Babylonian conquest. Many evangelicals are suckered into believing they're obligated to support any idiot who calls itself a Jew. That is false.
that's quite a leap to imply ... adam and eve were jews, waiting for a messiah - to save them from the romans ...

and the heavens were angry ... a&e chose a fruit from a sacred tree and what consequences that would incur - they seem to have taken the jest in stride giving to the beings on earth a reason for their sustenance. and by their choice, possible failure and mortality.

Genesis chapter 1 to Revelations chapter 37 in one sentence ... yes .. one leap ... wait until you hear the encore ...
What's happening today is the Israeli govt.'s swing to pandering to its right wing nutjobs, which is not a good thing. It's important for modern Christians to be able to distinguish between the 'Chosen' of Mose's era up to the exile and the fake scam that was invented after the return of the Babylonians. There is a reason there are no great prophets after the Babylonian conquest. Many evangelicals are suckered into believing they're obligated to support any idiot who calls itself a Jew. That is false.

Christians will need to be very very careful making that distinction ... not a one of us measure up either ... we Americans divorced God, we don't let our government even have their own religion, government has to support all religions, or none at all ...

The Jewish Government in Israel is outside my experience ... all I know for sure is that it is a Republic, and the government answers to her citizens, not her enemies ... I have a FB friend in Israel and when she's between boyfriends, we get rocket-by-rocket accounting of everyday life in Israel ...

Most Palestinians rockets land on Palestinians ... you'd be surprised how many people who don't know that ...
I freely mock those who pick and choose which laws they follow and who they condemn ... Jesus cured the blind on the Sabbath ... so it's not just me mocking the OT, when the OT needs mocking ...

I'm interested though ... what part does the OT play in your day-to-day Christian lifestyle? ... I bought a rundown apartment complex and turned into a safe and affordable haven for the widows and orphans of our community ... a resource for all the local churches ... but this is all strictly NT stuff ... mercy and forgiveness before legalities ...

This is vastly ignorant. The laws can be broken into three categories:

Civil Law
Ceremonial Law
Moral Law

The civil and ceremonial laws are no longer necessary; they are outgrown. Civil Law was for a tribe of Israelites basically living in the desert. Ceremonial Law was for the tabernacle. We are not Israelites, and there is no longer a tabernacle in which to worship.

They are not bad laws; just no longer necessary, in the way you make a bedtime for a young child but later, the child doesn't need it. It no longer applies.

What's really sad here is how you gloat and dance around like this is the biggest "gotcha" and it's really....not. Even close.

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