For political news who do you think is more honest and reliable?

Which network do you trust the most?

  • CNN

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • CBS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ABC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NBC

    Votes: 1 7.1%

    Votes: 1 7.1%

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • PBS

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
I don't trust any one source implicitly. Instead, I try to understand the biases from various sources and take that into consideration when reading their news and political commentary. For instance:

Conservative leaning sources - WSJ, National Review, Fox
Libertarian leaning sources - Daily Caller, FBN (Stossel, Judge Napolitano), Reason magazine
Progressive leaning sources - MSNBC, NYT, Huffington Post

Heck, even within each of these sources, you'll find individuals with differing points of view, though MSLSD is pretty much composed entirely government suck's really painful to watch but I occasionally try.
Incidentally CNN came in second.

I record a bit from each of them. MSNBC has become increasingly hard to watch because I tire of listening to the hate
msnbc was the ONLY station (olberman) telling the truth about the war.

The rest towed the Bush admin line on the lies.
C-Span is the only place to get unbiased coverage.

MSNBC has standards for accuracy that FOX does not have. They are both biased....but FOX is intentionally deceitful.

How is a frog on a cross odder than a man on a cross? Your symbol of worship depicts an execution. I find that odd.
The press did fail miserably in its Constitutional mandate with regard to the illegal invasion of Iraq, it shares equal blame with GWB and Congress.

Fox is the least reliable of those noted in the poll, needless to say; its identifying Mark Foley and Mark Sanford as democrats, for example, was infamous and reprehensible.
How could CBS even be on the list when it was only a few years ago that the network authorized the use of forged documents to try to influence a presidential election?
How could CBS even be on the list when it was only a few years ago that the network authorized the use of forged documents to try to influence a presidential election?

Guess you missed the part where the people who put up that story were let go.

And the "forged" part is still disputed..
C-Span is the only place to get unbiased coverage.

MSNBC has standards for accuracy that FOX does not have. They are both biased....but FOX is intentionally deceitful.

How is a frog on a cross odder than a man on a cross? Your symbol of worship depicts an execution. I find that odd.

Excuse me? My symbol of worship.....For all you know I worship cats.

Does your idiocy ever cease?
I saw a poll the other day that put MSNBC in last place with 3% Made me curious about you guys

This is an interesting phenomenon, and I'm not trying to pick a fight here, but an objective analysis reveals the following.

Fox ID's themselves as the most trusted news source due to a study that found just that some time ago. They're not wrong. But it's certainly not because they're "Fair" and certainly not because they're "Balanced."

Turns out that conservatives 'trust' Fox, but needless to say do not 'trust' the others. Lefties on the other hand, do not trust Fox obviously, but also do not trust the others.

I forget where I read that (years ago) but it does make perfect sense.
C-Span is the only place to get unbiased coverage.

MSNBC has standards for accuracy that FOX does not have. They are both biased....but FOX is intentionally deceitful.

How is a frog on a cross odder than a man on a cross? Your symbol of worship depicts an execution. I find that odd.

typical left wing kool aid drinker. jaysus.
C-Span is the only place to get unbiased coverage.

MSNBC has standards for accuracy that FOX does not have. They are both biased....but FOX is intentionally deceitful.

How is a frog on a cross odder than a man on a cross? Your symbol of worship depicts an execution. I find that odd.

Excuse me? My symbol of worship.....For all you know I worship cats.

Does your idiocy ever cease? I mistaken regarding your creed? Sorry 'bout that. That would make me wrong. Not the first time.....not the last.
The press did fail miserably in its Constitutional mandate with regard to the illegal invasion of Iraq, it shares equal blame with GWB and Congress.

Fox is the least reliable of those noted in the poll, needless to say; its identifying Mark Foley and Mark Sanford as democrats, for example, was infamous and reprehensible.

and I bet you DIDN"T think MSNBC portraying the guy as white racist with a gun at the obama rally,, was really a black man with a gun didya??? see what I mean about stupid?
I would have chosen PBS in the past but them and NPR now have a very blatant Left/Democrat bias. I'll have to go with Fox News although i don't watch much News anymore. It has been proven Fox News has more balance than the big Networks,CNN,and MSNBC. They have far more Liberal on-air personalities than CNN & MSNBC have Conservative on-air personalities. So their 'Fair & Balanced' slogan is accurate. I know all the usual suspects hate to hear that but it is fact.
C-Span is the only place to get unbiased coverage.

MSNBC has standards for accuracy that FOX does not have. They are both biased....but FOX is intentionally deceitful.

How is a frog on a cross odder than a man on a cross? Your symbol of worship depicts an execution. I find that odd.

typical left wing kool aid drinker. jaysus.

What are you talking about? I said they are both biased. How is that being a koolade drinker?

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