For the first time I think Trump might actually be in trouble.

Should Trump be concerned about th he Flynn testimony?

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...I posted a thread stating the Flynn story was deterioratung before our eyes...

I was attacked by the usual band of lying, personal insult-throwing snowflake trolls...

ABC has destroyed its credidibility, retracting its entire story, giving Trump the opportunity to gloat over another FAKE NEWS MEDIA being exposed!

Thank you ABC, and to the exposed trolls who attacked me...


'Trump in trouble THIS TIME'?! Yeah, if you listen to the snowflake trolls on this board and the fake bews media...but they have been pushing that lie for a year now...

:p Bwuhahahaha
And none of that is wrong, let alone illegal.
He disagreed with Obama's sanctions, and wanted that government to know about it. Doesn't mean anything. But naturally, this is not going to stop the MSM from fiercely implying that it is wrong and shows collusion. This same media that stood in front of Hillary and Obama carrying a heavy shield to deflect the Benghazi scandal.
A President instructing an underling to communicate for him is as common as a rainy day in Seattle.

Its been reported that Orange was still a candidate, not COC at the time. Thus, he's still a private citizen at that point. Thus, cutting a deal with a foreign power that evidence now shows has a history of attacking US elections, including the very same election he was running in, is compelling at the very least.
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

Legitimate source, please. Do you have a direct link to the ABC retraction from a non-blogger/alt-right source? I'd appreciate that.
How about this you fuck?

CNN: White House claims Obama admin approved Flynn calls with Russian ambassador

Nope. Try again, you fuck.
Illiterate ass.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
Maybe you should try commenting on what you know instead of what you don't know. Mkay?
He's just offering his opinion. That's all we have right now, opinion, as much as some (on both ends, as usual) want to think they magically know the whole story.
There are certainly those like Joy Behar who claim they know the whole story, right? Right?

Still waiting for your opinion on the golden dossier (folder in French just so us Americans know) and the link between Russians and clintons during the election.

What is your opinion on that?


Others are ignoring that question too. I have noticed.
I don't know enough about it to have formed an opinion.

When the indictments are handed down, though, I'll certainly read them.

When do you suppose that will be?

Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
Maybe you should try commenting on what you know instead of what you don't know. Mkay?
He's just offering his opinion. That's all we have right now, opinion, as much as some (on both ends, as usual) want to think they magically know the whole story.
I try to keep to the facts as known whenever possible.
What he is doing is speculating, nothing more.
When I speculate I admit it.
What these people do is try to turn their speculating into facts.
Well sure, all we can do is speculate until we know the whole story.

And then he asked for opinions.

That all seems perfectly reasonable.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
Maybe you should try commenting on what you know instead of what you don't know. Mkay?
He's just offering his opinion. That's all we have right now, opinion, as much as some (on both ends, as usual) want to think they magically know the whole story.
There are certainly those like Joy Behar who claim they know the whole story, right? Right?

Still waiting for your opinion on the golden dossier (folder in French just so us Americans know) and the link between Russians and clintons during the election.

What is your opinion on that?


Others are ignoring that question too. I have noticed.
I don't know enough about it to have formed an opinion.

When the indictments are handed down, though, I'll certainly read them.

When do you suppose that will be?
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
Maybe you should try commenting on what you know instead of what you don't know. Mkay?
He's just offering his opinion. That's all we have right now, opinion, as much as some (on both ends, as usual) want to think they magically know the whole story.
There are certainly those like Joy Behar who claim they know the whole story, right? Right?

Still waiting for your opinion on the golden dossier (folder in French just so us Americans know) and the link between Russians and clintons during the election.

What is your opinion on that?


Others are ignoring that question too. I have noticed.
I don't know enough about it to have formed an opinion.

When the indictments are handed down, though, I'll certainly read them.

When do you suppose that will be?
When they need something to distract the press.....
Its been reported that Orange was still a candidate, not COC at the time. Thus, he's still a private citizen at that point. Thus, cutting a deal with a foreign power that evidence now shows has a history of attacking US elections, including the very same election he was running in, is compelling at the very least.
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

Legitimate source, please. Do you have a direct link to the ABC retraction from a non-blogger/alt-right source? I'd appreciate that.
How about this you fuck?

CNN: White House claims Obama admin approved Flynn calls with Russian ambassador

Nope. Try again, you fuck.
Illiterate ass.

The headline link says ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story. Did I read that wrong? Unfortunately, the link is from a biased, non-legit source. All I am requesting is a direct link to the actual ABC retraction. Doesn't seem like a hard thing to find since it would kind of totally debunk the earlier report. It should be a snap if the retraction actually exists, right sparky? Where's the beef? You have it or you don't. Otherwise please drink a nice worm cup of STFU. K Thanks Bye. :biggrin:

Legitimate source, please. Do you have a direct link to the ABC retraction from a non-blogger/alt-right source? I'd appreciate that.
How about this you fuck?

CNN: White House claims Obama admin approved Flynn calls with Russian ambassador

Nope. Try again, you fuck.
Illiterate ass.

The headline link says ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story. Did I read that wrong? Unfortunately, the link is from a biased, non-legit source. All I am requesting is a direct link to the actual ABC retraction. Doesn't seem like a hard thing to find since it would kind of totally debunk the earlier report. It should be a snap if the retraction actually exists, right sparky? Where's the beef? You have it or you don't. Otherwise please drink a nice worm cup of STFU. K Thanks Bye. :biggrin:
Illiterate ass
Legitimate source, please. Do you have a direct link to the ABC retraction from a non-blogger/alt-right source? I'd appreciate that.
How about this you fuck?

CNN: White House claims Obama admin approved Flynn calls with Russian ambassador

Nope. Try again, you fuck.
Illiterate ass.

The headline link says ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story. Did I read that wrong? Unfortunately, the link is from a biased, non-legit source. All I am requesting is a direct link to the actual ABC retraction. Doesn't seem like a hard thing to find since it would kind of totally debunk the earlier report. It should be a snap if the retraction actually exists, right sparky? Where's the beef? You have it or you don't. Otherwise please drink a nice worm cup of STFU. K Thanks Bye. :biggrin:
Illiterate ass


Legitimate source, please. Do you have a direct link to the ABC retraction from a non-blogger/alt-right source? I'd appreciate that.
How about this you fuck?

CNN: White House claims Obama admin approved Flynn calls with Russian ambassador

Nope. Try again, you fuck.
Illiterate ass.

The headline link says ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story. Did I read that wrong? Unfortunately, the link is from a biased, non-legit source. All I am requesting is a direct link to the actual ABC retraction. Doesn't seem like a hard thing to find since it would kind of totally debunk the earlier report. It should be a snap if the retraction actually exists, right sparky? Where's the beef? You have it or you don't. Otherwise please drink a nice worm cup of STFU. K Thanks Bye. :biggrin:
Here you go asshole!
ABC's Brian Ross Issues On-Air 'Clarification' to Correct Report 'Candidate' Trump 'Ordered Him' to Contact Russians - Breitbart
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
Maybe you should try commenting on what you know instead of what you don't know. Mkay?
He's just offering his opinion. That's all we have right now, opinion, as much as some (on both ends, as usual) want to think they magically know the whole story.
I try to keep to the facts as known whenever possible.
What he is doing is speculating, nothing more.
When I speculate I admit it.
What these people do is try to turn their speculating into facts.
What did I not admit to? And how am I "these people"?
Trying to turn my speculation into facts? Lol

You're acting like a fucking child who just dropped his Ice cream on the floor.
NINETY PERCENT OF MY POSTS ABOUT TRUMP are typically positive and the one time I share my doubts about the position he finds himself in you lose your mind and freak out?

Legitimate source, please. Do you have a direct link to the ABC retraction from a non-blogger/alt-right source? I'd appreciate that.
How about this you fuck?

CNN: White House claims Obama admin approved Flynn calls with Russian ambassador

Nope. Try again, you fuck.
Illiterate ass.

The headline link says ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story. Did I read that wrong? Unfortunately, the link is from a biased, non-legit source. All I am requesting is a direct link to the actual ABC retraction. Doesn't seem like a hard thing to find since it would kind of totally debunk the earlier report. It should be a snap if the retraction actually exists, right sparky? Where's the beef? You have it or you don't. Otherwise please drink a nice worm cup of STFU. K Thanks Bye. :biggrin:
Here you go asshole!
ABC's Brian Ross Issues On-Air 'Clarification' to Correct Report 'Candidate' Trump 'Ordered Him' to Contact Russians - Breitbart
The loser gets fucking news FROM CNN and MSNBC and makes fun of Breitbart....

They are so pathetic.

Golden dossier? No one wants to address that?


Thought not.
Then again, they are the types that think shit like this is amusing.

NINETY PERCENT OF MY POSTS ABOUT TRUMP are typically positive and the one time I share my doubts about the position he finds himself in you lose your mind and freak out?


ah, Gramps, I think you are learning the main problem of being in a cult.

Don't ever, ever ask questions.
What if (citizen) Trump directed FlynN to talk to the Russians? What crime was committed? If the Russians interfered with the election (which is doubtful) it was on Hussein's watch and the FBI and CIA were either criminally negligent or they were ordered to do so by Hussein.
Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.

except they aren't supposed to talk to other governments.

If there was nothing wrong with what they were doing, why have they spent most of the last year LYING about it?

Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

Quote the lie and the context. What the "crime" Trump is suppose have broken? Talking to the Russians after the election or collusion before the election? Is either really a crime?

Yes, they probably are.

Especially if there was a quid-pro-quo for the collusion. The Russians didn't interfere in our election because they had too much Vodka at the Kremlin one night and said, "Do you know what would be really funny, Sergei, if we tank the American election and elect the bad hairpiece!"

Nope. If they helped Trump, they were promised something. Something Turmp can't really deliver on now.

Your ignorance is showing, Russia has been trying to interfere in our elections for decades, social media and email is just making it easier. Don't act like this election was somehow unique and according to congress they bought ads on both sides of issues just trying to cause division. You folks are doing what they could only dream of.

Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

There is nothing here.....the left wingers have been trying to do a happy dance over a nothing burger.......Flynn did nothing wrong except lie to the FBI......

There is absolutely nothing here.....President Elect Trump......had Flynn, his soon to be appointee, talking to foriegn governments for the transition...just like every other President Elect before fact, obama actually violated the Logan ACt by sending his people to Iran...while only a candidate, to tell them not to negotiate with Bush, to wait till he won before they made any agreement....

Of the two, only obama actually broke the law....
Quote the lie and the context. What the "crime" Trump is suppose have broken? Talking to the Russians after the election or collusion before the election? Is either really a crime?

Yes, they probably are.

Especially if there was a quid-pro-quo for the collusion. The Russians didn't interfere in our election because they had too much Vodka at the Kremlin one night and said, "Do you know what would be really funny, Sergei, if we tank the American election and elect the bad hairpiece!"

Nope. If they helped Trump, they were promised something. Something Turmp can't really deliver on now.

Your ignorance is showing, Russia has been trying to interfere in our elections for decades, social media and email is just making it easier. Don't act like this election was somehow unique and according to congress they bought ads on both sides of issues just trying to cause division. You folks are doing what they could only dream of.

Wasting your breath on these fucking losers. Dont take time to point out facts to these pathetic commiecrat asswipes.

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