For the first time I think Trump might actually be in trouble.

Should Trump be concerned about th he Flynn testimony?

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It sure is easy to create a perception with fucking liberals isn't it? They are so pathetic. Every day it is revealed how pathetic, hypocritical and ridiculous they are.

Remember when these fucking idiots cheered about Manaforte?

You would think these fucking losers would have learned a lesson. We know by now that these fucking idiots learn nothing.

There is NO CRIME. Collusion (even if that happened and it didn't) is NOT a crime you dumb losers. LOL!!!

The carvinal of being able to create and maintain perceptions on these pathetic useless gasbags is just fun to watch. Look at how well the identity politics works on these same pathetic losers.


Not sure when it is going to happen, but the day we all fully understand what the intentions of these fucking American hating losers are, will be the day we are closer to just kicking the shit out of liberals. That is where it is going people. The sooner the better.
Why did Trump and team repeatedly LIE about their connections and meetings and deals with Russian operatives? WHY? What were they trying to hide this past year?
Can you quote Trump's lie? I do believe what they have been saying is there was no collusion which is still true. What Flynn lied to the FBI about happened after the election and was perfectly normal. Why Flynn lied would be something to ask him.
Could have sworn Flynn was fired by Trump for lying about something.

I wonder why this is ignored by the left?

Dossier shows Democrat, Russian collusion; no proof of Trump gossip

Go ahead Care, please explain that. You continue to support the liars the perverts. Those that hate Christianity and you claim to follow Christ.

Not that I am this saint or anything. Very far from that. However, you better wake up to what is happening and how manipulated you are.
Trump was cornered, by the Justice Dept and had to fire him....he did not want to fire him because he knows, he is the one who ultimately gave the ok for Flynn to tell the Russian Ambassador that the sanctions put on them that day by President Obama would be reneged by Trump when he got in to office....that's on tape.

Trump waited 23 days before firing Flynn after the Justice Dept notified Trump that Flynn lied to the FBI and was compromised by the said, Trump did not want to fire him, he was cornered in to it, and then proceeded to praise Flynn for the next week in every press comment he made ....and met with comey to try to get Comey to drop his investigation on Flynn, and then fired Comey when he did not stop the Russian investigation and Flynn investigation in to possible crimes....

I'm sorry you can not see what is right in front of you....

something is just NOT RIGHT with all this constant lying about all the trump team connections with all of these Russian operatives....
Trump fired Flynn because he was dishonest with the VP. Let that shit sink in. He was fired for lying to his boss.

I would be more suspicious if he was still in the administration, but Trump fired the bastard.
Shit, Obama kept his liars on his staff till the end. Susan Rice was a perfect example.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.
Kind of slow, aren't you?
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


Bullshit. He asked them to vote against the Resolution. That’s illegal.
And none of that is wrong, let alone illegal.
He disagreed with Obama's sanctions, and wanted that government to know about it. Doesn't mean anything. But naturally, this is not going to stop the MSM from fiercely implying that it is wrong and shows collusion. This same media that stood in front of Hillary and Obama carrying a heavy shield to deflect the Benghazi scandal.
A President instructing an underling to communicate for him is as common as a rainy day in Seattle.

Its been reported that Orange was still a candidate, not COC at the time. Thus, he's still a private citizen at that point. Thus, cutting a deal with a foreign power that evidence now shows has a history of attacking US elections, including the very same election he was running in, is compelling at the very least.
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Your first mistake is listing to abc anything...

They are FAKE NEWS..

Just look at brian ross's fake report yesterday.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.
Kind of slow, aren't you?
Slow? No

I don't follow this shit like a lemming. I wait for facts. Today a few supposed facts released and it caught my attention so I posted on it.

Facts have been coming out for over a year. Trumpsters have been ignoring them.
Speculation =/= facts

Facts were facts...dismissed by Trumpsters as "fake news".
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story
And none of that is wrong, let alone illegal.
He disagreed with Obama's sanctions, and wanted that government to know about it. Doesn't mean anything. But naturally, this is not going to stop the MSM from fiercely implying that it is wrong and shows collusion. This same media that stood in front of Hillary and Obama carrying a heavy shield to deflect the Benghazi scandal.
A President instructing an underling to communicate for him is as common as a rainy day in Seattle.
Isn't the problem that he/his team were trying to negotiate with a foreign power BEFORE taking office? And I thought that was a crime no?
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

it matters NAUGHT, whether Trump was a Candidate or President elect...undermining a sitting president's sanctions which were put on that foreign govt that day is illegal, we have just one President at a time

do you have a link to ABC ACTUALLY correcting that? Not someone saying they did, but their actual retraction?
"aren't supposed to talk to other governments. "

Can I use the swing set after you, before pre-school recess is over?

You keep avoiding the question buddy, if what Trump did was legit, then why did he fire Flynn and lie about what he did for a year?

Now Flynn is cooperating to keep his kid out of jail...
I don't know why you hold the views you hold any more then I know why Flyinn would lie about something that isn't even a crime. Could be he misspoke and really didn't realize what he was saying. The FBI twisted that into a lie and Flynn has to now agree or face a legal battle he might lose. Flynn is being Libby'ed. He plead guilty to a lie about a meeting that wasn't a crime or even something not done by other administrations, why he lied is anyone's guess.
Flynn was questioned on several occasions and all of his questioning was written down and recorded. This was used to bring the single charge which will result in a plea-deal of maybe 6 months in prison.

Notice how Hillary was allowed to get away with only a single interview and strangely, none of it was either recorded or the transcripts allowed to be taken.
This is a huge example of negligence by the FBI. Everything Hillary said should have been recorded. Transcripts put in writing. But none of this was done. Guess what, Trump said that this was the reason for firing James Comey.
This is the best tool the FBI has to find inconsistencies in testimony and they ignored it.
In Flynn's case this was strictly adhered with to generate a "Process Crime" of lying to the FBI.
It sure is easy to create a perception with fucking liberals isn't it? They are so pathetic. Every day it is revealed how pathetic, hypocritical and ridiculous they are.

Remember when these fucking idiots cheered about Manaforte?

You would think these fucking losers would have learned a lesson. We know by now that these fucking idiots learn nothing.

There is NO CRIME. Collusion (even if that happened and it didn't) is NOT a crime you dumb losers. LOL!!!

The carvinal of being able to create and maintain perceptions on these pathetic useless gasbags is just fun to watch. Look at how well the identity politics works on these same pathetic losers.


Not sure when it is going to happen, but the day we all fully understand what the intentions of these fucking American hating losers are, will be the day we are closer to just kicking the shit out of liberals. That is where it is going people. The sooner the better.
Why did Trump and team repeatedly LIE about their connections and meetings and deals with Russian operatives? WHY? What were they trying to hide this past year?
Can you quote Trump's lie? I do believe what they have been saying is there was no collusion which is still true. What Flynn lied to the FBI about happened after the election and was perfectly normal. Why Flynn lied would be something to ask him.
Could have sworn Flynn was fired by Trump for lying about something.

I wonder why this is ignored by the left?

Dossier shows Democrat, Russian collusion; no proof of Trump gossip

Go ahead Care, please explain that. You continue to support the liars the perverts. Those that hate Christianity and you claim to follow Christ.

Not that I am this saint or anything. Very far from that. However, you better wake up to what is happening and how manipulated you are.
Trump was cornered, by the Justice Dept and had to fire him....he did not want to fire him because he knows, he is the one who ultimately gave the ok for Flynn to tell the Russian Ambassador that the sanctions put on them that day by President Obama would be reneged by Trump when he got in to office....that's on tape.

Trump waited 23 days before firing Flynn after the Justice Dept notified Trump that Flynn lied to the FBI and was compromised by the said, Trump did not want to fire him, he was cornered in to it, and then proceeded to praise Flynn for the next week in every press comment he made ....and met with comey to try to get Comey to drop his investigation on Flynn, and then fired Comey when he did not stop the Russian investigation and Flynn investigation in to possible crimes....

I'm sorry you can not see what is right in front of you....

something is just NOT RIGHT with all this constant lying about all the trump team connections with all of these Russian operatives....
Ok, so you are not going to address the dossier (French for folder for normal Americans), got it.

Why then are you ignoring what Dannyboy keeps showing?

ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

Why are you ignoring those?
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

I don't know? I didn't hear that Flynn was going to testify....just heard that he is cooperating with them, so that simply means he's outing people.

the court papers say he was told to talk to the Russian Ambassador about reneging the sanctions once Trump was put Senior official transition team hierarchy and then reported back to them on the call to the ambassador

that could be Pence, Kushner, Sessions or perhaps President elect Trump.......

One thing is a fact, the Trump transition team and pres Trump lied a THOUSAND TIMES about their contacts with the Russians....and someone else on the Trump team knew that Spicer and Flynn and Pence were all lying to the American citizens at the time about the renegging sanctions via Trump.....

Flynn could be in jail the rest of his life from all the other laws he broke that the special council dropped, for the plea deal so this could imply that Flynn's singing like a bird is giving them something big. big. big.

Trump looks like he is up to his eyeballs in all of this, but Pence or Kushner could fall on the sword for him....
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story
"aren't supposed to talk to other governments. "

Can I use the swing set after you, before pre-school recess is over?

You keep avoiding the question buddy, if what Trump did was legit, then why did he fire Flynn and lie about what he did for a year?

Now Flynn is cooperating to keep his kid out of jail...
I don't know why you hold the views you hold any more then I know why Flyinn would lie about something that isn't even a crime. Could be he misspoke and really didn't realize what he was saying. The FBI twisted that into a lie and Flynn has to now agree or face a legal battle he might lose. Flynn is being Libby'ed. He plead guilty to a lie about a meeting that wasn't a crime or even something not done by other administrations, why he lied is anyone's guess.
Flynn was questioned on several occasions and all of his questioning was written down and recorded. This was used to bring the single charge which will result in a plea-deal of maybe 6 months in prison.

Notice how Hillary was allowed to get away with only a single interview and strangely, none of it was either recorded or the transcripts allowed to be taken.
This is a huge example of negligence by the FBI. Everything Hillary said should have been recorded. Transcripts put in writing. But none of this was done. Guess what, Trump said that this was the reason for firing James Comey.
This is the best tool the FBI has to find inconsistencies in testimony and they ignored it.
In Flynn's case this was strictly adhered with to generate a "Process Crime" of lying to the FBI.
Thanks, what you are pointing out is how the establishment protects one of their own. The left wing loves the establishment.
It sure is easy to create a perception with fucking liberals isn't it? They are so pathetic. Every day it is revealed how pathetic, hypocritical and ridiculous they are.

Remember when these fucking idiots cheered about Manaforte?

You would think these fucking losers would have learned a lesson. We know by now that these fucking idiots learn nothing.

There is NO CRIME. Collusion (even if that happened and it didn't) is NOT a crime you dumb losers. LOL!!!

The carvinal of being able to create and maintain perceptions on these pathetic useless gasbags is just fun to watch. Look at how well the identity politics works on these same pathetic losers.


Not sure when it is going to happen, but the day we all fully understand what the intentions of these fucking American hating losers are, will be the day we are closer to just kicking the shit out of liberals. That is where it is going people. The sooner the better.
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story
These Washington establishment clowns will not unseat a sitting president, the SCOTUS will smack this shit down hard. Its ridiculous considering the illegal crap Obama was allowed to get away with.
These Washington establishment clowns will not unseat a sitting president, the SCOTUS will smack this shit down hard. Its ridiculous considering the illegal crap Obama was allowed to get away with.
It is all about perception the little lambs lap up the milk put out by the American Pravda.

Look at how well they push identity politics. Mac shows it every day and yet he votes "against Trump."

Just classic stuff.
And none of that is wrong, let alone illegal.
He disagreed with Obama's sanctions, and wanted that government to know about it. Doesn't mean anything. But naturally, this is not going to stop the MSM from fiercely implying that it is wrong and shows collusion. This same media that stood in front of Hillary and Obama carrying a heavy shield to deflect the Benghazi scandal.
A President instructing an underling to communicate for him is as common as a rainy day in Seattle.
Isn't the problem that he/his team were trying to negotiate with a foreign power BEFORE taking office? And I thought that was a crime no?
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

it matters NAUGHT, whether Trump was a Candidate or President elect...undermining a sitting president's sanctions which were put on that foreign govt that day is illegal, we have just one President at a time

do you have a link to ABC ACTUALLY correcting that? Not someone saying they did, but their actual retraction?
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story
And none of that is wrong, let alone illegal.
He disagreed with Obama's sanctions, and wanted that government to know about it. Doesn't mean anything. But naturally, this is not going to stop the MSM from fiercely implying that it is wrong and shows collusion. This same media that stood in front of Hillary and Obama carrying a heavy shield to deflect the Benghazi scandal.
A President instructing an underling to communicate for him is as common as a rainy day in Seattle.

Its been reported that Orange was still a candidate, not COC at the time. Thus, he's still a private citizen at that point. Thus, cutting a deal with a foreign power that evidence now shows has a history of attacking US elections, including the very same election he was running in, is compelling at the very least.
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

Legitimate source, please. Do you have a direct link to the ABC retraction from a non-blogger/alt-right source? I'd appreciate that.
And none of that is wrong, let alone illegal.
He disagreed with Obama's sanctions, and wanted that government to know about it. Doesn't mean anything. But naturally, this is not going to stop the MSM from fiercely implying that it is wrong and shows collusion. This same media that stood in front of Hillary and Obama carrying a heavy shield to deflect the Benghazi scandal.
A President instructing an underling to communicate for him is as common as a rainy day in Seattle.
Isn't the problem that he/his team were trying to negotiate with a foreign power BEFORE taking office? And I thought that was a crime no?
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

it matters NAUGHT, whether Trump was a Candidate or President elect...undermining a sitting president's sanctions which were put on that foreign govt that day is illegal, we have just one President at a time

do you have a link to ABC ACTUALLY correcting that? Not someone saying they did, but their actual retraction?
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story
the ABC mistake was NOT EPIC in any manner what so ever...

and here is their correction...

Correction: During a live Special Report, ABC News reported that a confidant of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said Flynn was prepared to testify that then-candidate Donald Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the campaign. That source later clarified that during the campaign, Trump assigned Flynn and a small circle of other senior advisers to find ways to repair relations with Russia and other hot spots. It was shortly after the election, that President-elect Trump directed Flynn to contact Russian officials on topics that included working jointly against ISIS.
And none of that is wrong, let alone illegal.
He disagreed with Obama's sanctions, and wanted that government to know about it. Doesn't mean anything. But naturally, this is not going to stop the MSM from fiercely implying that it is wrong and shows collusion. This same media that stood in front of Hillary and Obama carrying a heavy shield to deflect the Benghazi scandal.
A President instructing an underling to communicate for him is as common as a rainy day in Seattle.

Its been reported that Orange was still a candidate, not COC at the time. Thus, he's still a private citizen at that point. Thus, cutting a deal with a foreign power that evidence now shows has a history of attacking US elections, including the very same election he was running in, is compelling at the very least.
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

Legitimate source, please. Do you have a direct link to the ABC retraction from a non-blogger/alt-right source? I'd appreciate that.
How about this you fuck?

CNN: White House claims Obama admin approved Flynn calls with Russian ambassador
And none of that is wrong, let alone illegal.
He disagreed with Obama's sanctions, and wanted that government to know about it. Doesn't mean anything. But naturally, this is not going to stop the MSM from fiercely implying that it is wrong and shows collusion. This same media that stood in front of Hillary and Obama carrying a heavy shield to deflect the Benghazi scandal.
A President instructing an underling to communicate for him is as common as a rainy day in Seattle.

Its been reported that Orange was still a candidate, not COC at the time. Thus, he's still a private citizen at that point. Thus, cutting a deal with a foreign power that evidence now shows has a history of attacking US elections, including the very same election he was running in, is compelling at the very least.
ABC Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story

Legitimate source, please. Do you have a direct link to the ABC retraction from a non-blogger/alt-right source? I'd appreciate that.
How about this you fuck?

CNN: White House claims Obama admin approved Flynn calls with Russian ambassador

Nope. Try again, you fuck.

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