For Trump haters only, when did you first realize you hated him?

You sound like a lazy bum who hates Trump because he took away your excuse for being on welfare instead of working.
Iā€™m not surprised youā€™d think that. A far shot from reality like most things I hear from you.
And I'm not surprised you would prefer a president who puts 13 million people on food stamps over a president who gives them jobs. I don't think my assessment of you is very far off the mark, nor is Jitss617's.
Thatā€™s a rather ignorant statement. The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that. And of course Iā€™d rather see people employed then on welfare. Your comparisons are either grossly dishonest or completely ignorant. Nice try though. Just donā€™t be so much of a partisan hack next time.
I know my job expanded because of tax cuts. Thanks trump
Good for you... tax cuts do give businesses more money so I hope they did some hiring gave some raises.
Nah, they mostly used it for stock buybacks and executive hoarding.
Iā€™m not surprised youā€™d think that. A far shot from reality like most things I hear from you.
And I'm not surprised you would prefer a president who puts 13 million people on food stamps over a president who gives them jobs. I don't think my assessment of you is very far off the mark, nor is Jitss617's.
Thatā€™s a rather ignorant statement. The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that. And of course Iā€™d rather see people employed then on welfare. Your comparisons are either grossly dishonest or completely ignorant. Nice try though. Just donā€™t be so much of a partisan hack next time.
I know my job expanded because of tax cuts. Thanks trump
Good for you... tax cuts do give businesses more money so I hope they did some hiring gave some raises.
Nah, they mostly used it for stock buybacks and executive hoarding.
Yeah, it wasnā€™t the smartest plan Iā€™ve seen but few of trumps plans fall under the ā€œwell thought outā€ category
You sound like a lazy bum who hates Trump because he took away your excuse for being on welfare instead of working.
Iā€™m not surprised youā€™d think that. A far shot from reality like most things I hear from you.
And I'm not surprised you would prefer a president who puts 13 million people on food stamps over a president who gives them jobs. I don't think my assessment of you is very far off the mark, nor is Jitss617's.
Thatā€™s a rather ignorant statement. The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that. And of course Iā€™d rather see people employed then on welfare. Your comparisons are either grossly dishonest or completely ignorant. Nice try though. Just donā€™t be so much of a partisan hack next time.
I know my job expanded because of tax cuts. Thanks trump
Good for you... tax cuts do give businesses more money so I hope they did some hiring gave some raises. Glad you got a piece of that
Oh yea definitely! Thank you trump!
And I'm not surprised you would prefer a president who puts 13 million people on food stamps over a president who gives them jobs. I don't think my assessment of you is very far off the mark, nor is Jitss617's.
Thatā€™s a rather ignorant statement. The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that. And of course Iā€™d rather see people employed then on welfare. Your comparisons are either grossly dishonest or completely ignorant. Nice try though. Just donā€™t be so much of a partisan hack next time.
I know my job expanded because of tax cuts. Thanks trump
Good for you... tax cuts do give businesses more money so I hope they did some hiring gave some raises.
Nah, they mostly used it for stock buybacks and executive hoarding.
Yeah, it wasnā€™t the smartest plan Iā€™ve seen but few of trumps plans fall under the ā€œwell thought outā€ category
Well this was very obviously bad, stupid policy. Any child reading Fiscal Policy 101 can tell us that, after taking on debt to ease a bad recession, you don't then lower taxes, once the economy is chugging along again.
You sound like a lazy bum who hates Trump because he took away your excuse for being on welfare instead of working.
Iā€™m not surprised youā€™d think that. A far shot from reality like most things I hear from you.
And I'm not surprised you would prefer a president who puts 13 million people on food stamps over a president who gives them jobs. I don't think my assessment of you is very far off the mark, nor is Jitss617's.
Thatā€™s a rather ignorant statement. The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that. And of course Iā€™d rather see people employed then on welfare. Your comparisons are either grossly dishonest or completely ignorant. Nice try though. Just donā€™t be so much of a partisan hack next time.
I know my job expanded because of tax cuts. Thanks trump
Good for you... tax cuts do give businesses more money so I hope they did some hiring gave some raises. Glad you got a piece of that
And who is responsible for the tax cuts, idiot?
Iā€™m not surprised youā€™d think that. A far shot from reality like most things I hear from you.
And I'm not surprised you would prefer a president who puts 13 million people on food stamps over a president who gives them jobs. I don't think my assessment of you is very far off the mark, nor is Jitss617's.
Thatā€™s a rather ignorant statement. The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that. And of course Iā€™d rather see people employed then on welfare. Your comparisons are either grossly dishonest or completely ignorant. Nice try though. Just donā€™t be so much of a partisan hack next time.
I know my job expanded because of tax cuts. Thanks trump
Good for you... tax cuts do give businesses more money so I hope they did some hiring gave some raises. Glad you got a piece of that
And who is responsible for the tax cuts, idiot?
Trump for the most part
And I'm not surprised you would prefer a president who puts 13 million people on food stamps over a president who gives them jobs. I don't think my assessment of you is very far off the mark, nor is Jitss617's.
Thatā€™s a rather ignorant statement. The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that. And of course Iā€™d rather see people employed then on welfare. Your comparisons are either grossly dishonest or completely ignorant. Nice try though. Just donā€™t be so much of a partisan hack next time.
I know my job expanded because of tax cuts. Thanks trump
Good for you... tax cuts do give businesses more money so I hope they did some hiring gave some raises. Glad you got a piece of that
And who is responsible for the tax cuts, idiot?
Trump for the most part
Then I guess that makes your comment about presidents having little to do with job creations wrong. Admit it. C'mon, you can do it.
Thatā€™s a rather ignorant statement. The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that. And of course Iā€™d rather see people employed then on welfare. Your comparisons are either grossly dishonest or completely ignorant. Nice try though. Just donā€™t be so much of a partisan hack next time.
I know my job expanded because of tax cuts. Thanks trump
Good for you... tax cuts do give businesses more money so I hope they did some hiring gave some raises. Glad you got a piece of that
And who is responsible for the tax cuts, idiot?
Trump for the most part
Then I guess that makes your comment about presidents having little to do with job creations wrong. Admit it. C'mon, you can do it.
Haha... what comment was that... quote me
That is funny.....I thought that about obama
No you didn't. You just saw a post that reflected poorly on Trump and your Obama Tourette's Syndrome overtook you immediately, causing you to invent something to soothe yourself.

No.....I knew about bill ayers from my college days....and when it turned out ayers was behind obama, I knew then that obama wasn't just another dumb ass, tax and spend democrat asshat....that he was an honest to goodness vile human being... that is when I knew he was someone who had to be kept from the White House...and his term in office proved me correct.....iran thanks him for the 150 billion in cash they have been using to fund terrorism and their quest for a nuclear weapon.

Obama was a despicable excuse for a human being. Not only a dumbass but morally reprehensible. These Moon Bats were absolute morons electing him. What the hell were they thinking?

The pathetic thing is the same idiot Moon Bats that voted for that worthless asshole Obama doubled down on their stupidity and lack of moral clarity and voted for that Crooked Hillary scumbag.

Then you look at the current slate of Democrat Presidential candidates you see that they all are pieces of shit.

Democrats can't help themselves choosing stupid assholes.
I know my job expanded because of tax cuts. Thanks trump
Good for you... tax cuts do give businesses more money so I hope they did some hiring gave some raises. Glad you got a piece of that
And who is responsible for the tax cuts, idiot?
Trump for the most part
Then I guess that makes your comment about presidents having little to do with job creations wrong. Admit it. C'mon, you can do it.
Haha... what comment was that... quote me
"The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that".
Good for you... tax cuts do give businesses more money so I hope they did some hiring gave some raises. Glad you got a piece of that
And who is responsible for the tax cuts, idiot?
Trump for the most part
Then I guess that makes your comment about presidents having little to do with job creations wrong. Admit it. C'mon, you can do it.
Haha... what comment was that... quote me
"The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that".
Thank you. Nowhere in that quote did I say that presidents have little to do with job creation. Thatā€™s something you just made up to try and get a cheap debate victory. Honesty man... itā€™s a virtue. Try it.
And who is responsible for the tax cuts, idiot?
Trump for the most part
Then I guess that makes your comment about presidents having little to do with job creations wrong. Admit it. C'mon, you can do it.
Haha... what comment was that... quote me
"The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that".
Thank you. Nowhere in that quote did I say that presidents have little to do with job creation. Thatā€™s something you just made up to try and get a cheap debate victory. Honesty man... itā€™s a virtue. Try it.
Wow, right there for everyone to see and you still deny it. You think maybe this is why no one takes you seriously?
Trump for the most part
Then I guess that makes your comment about presidents having little to do with job creations wrong. Admit it. C'mon, you can do it.
Haha... what comment was that... quote me
"The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that".
Thank you. Nowhere in that quote did I say that presidents have little to do with job creation. Thatā€™s something you just made up to try and get a cheap debate victory. Honesty man... itā€™s a virtue. Try it.
Wow, right there for everyone to see and you still deny it. You think maybe this is why no one takes you seriously?
What do you think Iā€™m denying? My quote speaks for itself. The point being that jobs come from the private sector which is influenced by many factors. Some in the presidents control and many others that arenā€™t. Itā€™s not as simple as Trump giving out jobs. I followed that statement up by saying that Trumps tax cuts freed up funds for businesses to grow, hire and increase wages. So what exactly are you trying to prove?
That is funny.....I thought that about obama
No you didn't. You just saw a post that reflected poorly on Trump and your Obama Tourette's Syndrome overtook you immediately, causing you to invent something to soothe yourself.

No.....I knew about bill ayers from my college days....and when it turned out ayers was behind obama, I knew then that obama wasn't just another dumb ass, tax and spend democrat asshat....that he was an honest to goodness vile human being... that is when I knew he was someone who had to be kept from the White House...and his term in office proved me correct.....iran thanks him for the 150 billion in cash they have been using to fund terrorism and their quest for a nuclear weapon.

Obama was a despicable excuse for a human being. Not only a dumbass but morally reprehensible. These Moon Bats were absolute morons electing him. What the hell were they thinking?

The pathetic thing is the same idiot Moon Bats that voted for that worthless asshole Obama doubled down on their stupidity and lack of moral clarity and voted for that Crooked Hillary scumbag.

Then you look at the current slate of Democrat Presidential candidates you see that they all are pieces of shit.

Democrats can't help themselves choosing stupid assholes.
Smells like jealousy...
Then I guess that makes your comment about presidents having little to do with job creations wrong. Admit it. C'mon, you can do it.
Haha... what comment was that... quote me
"The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that".
Thank you. Nowhere in that quote did I say that presidents have little to do with job creation. Thatā€™s something you just made up to try and get a cheap debate victory. Honesty man... itā€™s a virtue. Try it.
Wow, right there for everyone to see and you still deny it. You think maybe this is why no one takes you seriously?
What do you think Iā€™m denying? My quote speaks for itself. The point being that jobs come from the private sector which is influenced by many factors. Some in the presidents control and many others that arenā€™t. Itā€™s not as simple as Trump giving out jobs. I followed that statement up by saying that Trumps tax cuts freed up funds for businesses to grow, hire and increase wages. So what exactly are you trying to prove?
I don't need to prove anything, you just did. You didn't want to give him credit for creating jobs, then you admitted that his policies created jobs. You're a joke and I've given you more time than you deserve.
Haha... what comment was that... quote me
"The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that".
Thank you. Nowhere in that quote did I say that presidents have little to do with job creation. Thatā€™s something you just made up to try and get a cheap debate victory. Honesty man... itā€™s a virtue. Try it.
Wow, right there for everyone to see and you still deny it. You think maybe this is why no one takes you seriously?
What do you think Iā€™m denying? My quote speaks for itself. The point being that jobs come from the private sector which is influenced by many factors. Some in the presidents control and many others that arenā€™t. Itā€™s not as simple as Trump giving out jobs. I followed that statement up by saying that Trumps tax cuts freed up funds for businesses to grow, hire and increase wages. So what exactly are you trying to prove?
I don't need to prove anything, you just did. You didn't want to give him credit for creating jobs, then you admitted that his policies created jobs. You're a joke and I've given you more time than you deserve.
I literally gave him credit in the post a made after the one you quoted. My first post was making the point that their are many factors that go into job creation and a national economy than the Simple actions of a president. Youā€™re trying too hard.
"The only jobs a president gives are government jobs. Private sector jobs are given by businesses and many factors out of the presidents control go into that".
Thank you. Nowhere in that quote did I say that presidents have little to do with job creation. Thatā€™s something you just made up to try and get a cheap debate victory. Honesty man... itā€™s a virtue. Try it.
Wow, right there for everyone to see and you still deny it. You think maybe this is why no one takes you seriously?
What do you think Iā€™m denying? My quote speaks for itself. The point being that jobs come from the private sector which is influenced by many factors. Some in the presidents control and many others that arenā€™t. Itā€™s not as simple as Trump giving out jobs. I followed that statement up by saying that Trumps tax cuts freed up funds for businesses to grow, hire and increase wages. So what exactly are you trying to prove?
I don't need to prove anything, you just did. You didn't want to give him credit for creating jobs, then you admitted that his policies created jobs. You're a joke and I've given you more time than you deserve.
I literally gave him credit in the post a made after the one you quoted. My first post was making the point that their are many factors that go into job creation and a national economy than the Simple actions of a president. Youā€™re trying too hard.
Bullshit, you called him a "piss poor president". I pointed out his record on jobs creation and you said he had little to do with it because you couldn't bring yourself to admit I was right. Now you're trying to walk it back as you always do. We're done here.
Thank you. Nowhere in that quote did I say that presidents have little to do with job creation. Thatā€™s something you just made up to try and get a cheap debate victory. Honesty man... itā€™s a virtue. Try it.
Wow, right there for everyone to see and you still deny it. You think maybe this is why no one takes you seriously?
What do you think Iā€™m denying? My quote speaks for itself. The point being that jobs come from the private sector which is influenced by many factors. Some in the presidents control and many others that arenā€™t. Itā€™s not as simple as Trump giving out jobs. I followed that statement up by saying that Trumps tax cuts freed up funds for businesses to grow, hire and increase wages. So what exactly are you trying to prove?
I don't need to prove anything, you just did. You didn't want to give him credit for creating jobs, then you admitted that his policies created jobs. You're a joke and I've given you more time than you deserve.
I literally gave him credit in the post a made after the one you quoted. My first post was making the point that their are many factors that go into job creation and a national economy than the Simple actions of a president. Youā€™re trying too hard.
Bullshit, you called him a "piss poor president". I pointed out his record on jobs creation and you said he had little to do with it because you couldn't bring yourself to admit I was right. Now you're trying to walk it back as you always do. We're done here.
he is a piss poor president and Iā€™ll ask again for you to quote where I said he had little to do with anything? The quote you posted didnā€™t say that.
Trump was responsible for a tax cut which lead to more jobs and higher wages in some cases. It was not responsible for all the jobs that have been created or the overall state of our economy. there are many factors that extend outside of the actions of the president that effect that. Thatā€™s basic economics.

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