Force Congress And Obama To Use Obamacare

“It is a shoddy and sloppy piece of work, as if written on the back of a napkin,” writes right-leaning Washington Post pundit Jennifer Rubin.

[“T]he net result of Senator Paul’s proposed amendment would probably mean that Congress would revert back to the employer-provided insurance system in place before the [Affordable Care Act],” writes Steven Schwinn, an associate professor at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago, on the "Constitutional Law Prof Blog."

A shoddy and sloppy piece of work, indeed – thank goodness it will never be ‘ratified.’

Paul’s ‘amendment’ is clearly a bad faith effort on his part to only stir up partisan conflict.
It is a retarded bill.
And what is "retarded" about it? Are you saying you have no problem with government forcing laws upon you that they themselves will not live by?

No. I have a problem with empty attempts to grandstand and get dummies to pump their fists and pledge votes. This idea is half-baked and designed to rile up populism for this idiot's 2016 Presidential run.

I am satisfied that, once the insider trading shit was fixed, our elected officials are being held to the same laws that we are. No need for this dopey amendment.
It is a retarded bill.
And what is "retarded" about it? Are you saying you have no problem with government forcing laws upon you that they themselves will not live by?

No. I have a problem with empty attempts to grandstand and get dummies to pump their fists and pledge votes. This idea is half-baked and designed to rile up populism for this idiot's 2016 Presidential run.

I am satisfied that, once the insider trading shit was fixed, our elected officials are being held to the same laws that we are. No need for this dopey amendment.
Are you actually saying that Congress and the president abide by all the same laws we do? Seriously?
And what is "retarded" about it? Are you saying you have no problem with government forcing laws upon you that they themselves will not live by?

No. I have a problem with empty attempts to grandstand and get dummies to pump their fists and pledge votes. This idea is half-baked and designed to rile up populism for this idiot's 2016 Presidential run.

I am satisfied that, once the insider trading shit was fixed, our elected officials are being held to the same laws that we are. No need for this dopey amendment.
Are you actually saying that Congress and the president abide by all the same laws we do? Seriously?

Name the ones that they don't abide by.....and we can discuss them in turn. Pick the three that you are most outraged about.
No. I have a problem with empty attempts to grandstand and get dummies to pump their fists and pledge votes. This idea is half-baked and designed to rile up populism for this idiot's 2016 Presidential run.

I am satisfied that, once the insider trading shit was fixed, our elected officials are being held to the same laws that we are. No need for this dopey amendment.
Are you actually saying that Congress and the president abide by all the same laws we do? Seriously?

Name the ones that they don't abide by.....and we can discuss them in turn. Pick the three that you are most outraged about.
Minimum wage laws, sexual harassment laws, age and disability discrimination laws, insider trading, Obamacare. Of course, being the hack that you are, you will deny all of them, so unless you're willing to acknowledge facts, I'm not gonna waste any more time "discussing" it with you. The passing of this amendment would be of great benefit in protecting the people from government abuse, both now and in the future. Think of it as an "insurance policy".
Are you actually saying that Congress and the president abide by all the same laws we do? Seriously?

Name the ones that they don't abide by.....and we can discuss them in turn. Pick the three that you are most outraged about.
Minimum wage laws, sexual harassment laws, age and disability discrimination laws, insider trading, Obamacare. Of course, being the hack that you are, you will deny all of them, so unless you're willing to acknowledge facts, I'm not gonna waste any more time "discussing" it with you. The passing of this amendment would be of great benefit in protecting the people from government abuse, both now and in the future. Think of it as an "insurance policy".

Deny what. You gave me nothing. Be specific.
Force Congress And Obama To Use Obamacare
You and others on the right are so remarkably ignorant it defies words.

There is no ‘Obamacare,’ it’s not some kind of ‘health insurance’ or ‘government health delivery system,’ where one must go to an ‘Obamacare’ doctor only or an ‘Obamacare’ hospital only.

The ACA merely establishes a marketplace with subsidies to allow citizens to purchase private health insurance policies from the same health insurance companies that other individuals and employers use, with the same doctors, hospitals, and clinics, and with the same quality and level of care any other customer would receive if he were purchasing the insurance himself or as a member of an employer group.

It’s therefore idiocy to try to ‘force’ members of Congress or the president to ‘use Obamacare’ because there’s nothing to ‘force’ them into as they already have health insurance.

Again, the ignorance of conservatives, likely willful, on this subject is astonishing.

Nope, you are forced to have healthcare or pay a penalty and millions are being cut from their healthcare right now only to be faced with higher premiums and deductibles.
You and others on the right are so remarkably ignorant it defies words.

There is no ‘Obamacare,’ it’s not some kind of ‘health insurance’ or ‘government health delivery system,’ where one must go to an ‘Obamacare’ doctor only or an ‘Obamacare’ hospital only.

The ACA merely establishes a marketplace with subsidies to allow citizens to purchase private health insurance policies from the same health insurance companies that other individuals and employers use, with the same doctors, hospitals, and clinics, and with the same quality and level of care any other customer would receive if he were purchasing the insurance himself or as a member of an employer group.

It’s therefore idiocy to try to ‘force’ members of Congress or the president to ‘use Obamacare’ because there’s nothing to ‘force’ them into as they already have health insurance.

Again, the ignorance of conservatives, likely willful, on this subject is astonishing.
Then why do they need exemptions from it? Hmmm? Maybe you should brush up on this subject before making a fool out of yourself again.

You and others on the right are such blind, ignorant partisans, you don’t even bother to learn the truth – you just continue to wallow in the lies:

This Congressional exemption to Obamacare talking point is simply another way to attack the federal workforce, and like many talking points it is false.

Congress, the Affordable Care Act, and the Myth of the 'Exemption' | Brookings Institution

it always amazes me when a "partisan" calls others "partisans" are one of the most "partisan" fuckers on this site Jones....take your head out of that Far Left Anal cavity you have it in and you may actually see that.....
Congress is having to use ObamaCare. They're just not getting screwed with the massively higher costs of it because they decided to let us pick up the tab for them.
What citizen (from any party) could be opposed to this? Even liberals.

S.J.RES.25 -- Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to applying laws equally to the citizens of the United States and the Federal Government. (Introduced in Senate - IS)

SJ 25 IS

1st Session

S. J. RES. 25
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to applying laws equally to the citizens of the United States and the Federal Government.

October 11, 2013

Mr. PAUL introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to applying laws equally to the citizens of the United States and the Federal Government.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States:

`Section 1. Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to Congress.
`Section 2. Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to the executive branch of Government, including the President, Vice President, ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and all other officers of the United States, including those provided for under this Constitution and by law, and inferior officers to the President established by law.
`Section 3. Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, including the Chief Justice, and judges of such inferior courts as Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.
`Section 4. Nothing in this article shall preempt any specific provision of this Constitution.'.

Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

I wonder if you know where Rand got the wording for this "new" bill? Any guesses?

Oh yeah. He can't even write for himself. The big dummy.

So, you can't talk about equality or the bill either?????? Interesting. Not one liberal can talk about the bill or equality with the people.
All liberals want everyone to be treated equally under the law. This is ANOTHER case of a nutter grabbing the banner of a universally accepted ideal and pretending to champion it.....and in doing so.....suggesting that his political opposition is opposed to said ideal.

You losers fall for it every fucking time. You do not own justice, assholes.
1. Name one example of anyone being treated equally under this healthcare law. Go on. I dare you. What if I told you that the example is right in front of your face?

2. Wasn't Obamacare a "universally accepted ideal" too? Weren't you liberal automatons "championing it" too?

3. Actually, you were the one that fell for it. You fell for the 'affordable' part of this healthcare law.
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Name the ones that they don't abide by.....and we can discuss them in turn. Pick the three that you are most outraged about.
Minimum wage laws, sexual harassment laws, age and disability discrimination laws, insider trading, Obamacare. Of course, being the hack that you are, you will deny all of them, so unless you're willing to acknowledge facts, I'm not gonna waste any more time "discussing" it with you. The passing of this amendment would be of great benefit in protecting the people from government abuse, both now and in the future. Think of it as an "insurance policy".

Deny what. You gave me nothing. Be specific.
What, you can't read?

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