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Forget “collusion”, it’s ALL about obstruction…..

And what is this troll work you speak of? I've never heard that charge before.

Yes you have and your sophistry here is very telling; your feigned ignorance of Russian trolls would seem to indicate you're one of those trolls. Your profile was created right in the middle of the Putin troll ramp-up. Your semi-literate posts read like they were fed through an internet Google Cyrillic-to-English translator. I bet if we went through all your posts with a fine tooth comb, we'd find several of those FSB-created memes you shared on these message boards.
/----/ View attachment 171102

Trump Tower Moscow meeting in June 2016.

There's your collusion.
/-----/ OOOOPSIE - you were hoping we forgot how democRATS lined up to vote for the war.

No, in fact. We were banking on you bringing them up. Because bringing them up shows that they should have known better than to trust the information Bush and the Conservatives were giving them. And it's precisely that argument why we cannot trust anything you Conservative say today.

So thanks for bringing up the fact that Democratic senators were wrong to trust Bush and the Conservatives. Let's apply that to you as well.
And what is this troll work you speak of? I've never heard that charge before.

Yes you have and your sophistry here is very telling; your feigned ignorance of Russian trolls would seem to indicate you're one of those trolls. Your profile was created right in the middle of the Putin troll ramp-up. Your semi-literate posts read like they were fed through an internet Google Cyrillic-to-English translator. I bet if we went through all your posts with a fine tooth comb, we'd find several of those FSB-created memes you shared on these message boards.
/----/ View attachment 171102

Trump Tower Moscow meeting in June 2016.

There's your collusion.

And no one has any idea what was discussed. Based on what we DO know, it seems like not much. If you want to talk collusion why are you ignoring that really huge elephant in the room?
And no one has any idea what was discussed.

Actually, you're wrong about that too.

Mueller has Manafort's contemporaneous notes from that meeting.

Whoopsie poopsie!

See, you're not doing your job as a moderator on these forums because you are willfully ignorant of facts. You say things that are demonstrably untrue. You spread lies and bullshit and innuendo. Then you shift threads that reveal how badly your argument is losing to different categories to push them out of sight.

What an intellectual weakling.

Based on what we DO know, it seems like not much. If you want to talk collusion why are you ignoring that really huge elephant in the room?

So again, here's an example of you not doing your job as moderator.

We know from Uday Trump's emails (which Mueller also has now) that he was agreeing to meet with the Russians to get damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
That's because you post almost all of your threads in Politics whether they deserve to be there or not. This one clearly didn't.

REALLY???..................The president of the U.S. possibly being charged with Obstruction of Justice is NOT a political topic???

(Wow....the things one learns from some a tiny bit biased moderators on here)
Yes, I just noticed it upon my return. I am a member of many sites and I have never seen as dishonest a group of moderators that exist on this site.

As has happened a few times before, I expect to be "punished" and sent to the corner for a while by some (not all) of these beloved mods.

So, I best behave.....LOL
Trump Tower Moscow meeting in June 2016.

There's your collusion.

let me add.......

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.
Trump Tower Moscow meeting in June 2016.

There's your collusion.

A few more tidbits (darn those Trump kids' big mouths......LOL)

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...
Collusion was apparently just the ruse to get an investigator trying to dig up dirt. We're not supposed to wonder about that or whether the FISA warrants were based on falsehoods or anything like that. We're just supposed to get outraged over whatever new comes out.

What FISA warrants and what falsehoods are you alleging they were based on?

I think you're just obfuscating the thread because you know Trump's guilty af, but your pride won't let you admit it.

Now I'm prescient? Wow, nobody's proven Trump guilty of anything, yet I know he is? Man, I am powerful.
That's because you post almost all of your threads in Politics whether they deserve to be there or not. This one clearly didn't.

REALLY???..................The president of the U.S. possibly being charged with Obstruction of Justice is NOT a political topic???

(Wow....the things one learns from some a tiny bit biased moderators on here)
/----/ ".The president of the U.S. possibly being charged with Obstruction of Justice is NOT a political topic???"
I might possibly be holding the next Powerball winning ticket but don't hold your breath for either one coming true.


  • hold your breath.jpg
    hold your breath.jpg
    12.2 KB · Views: 17
/-----/ OOOOPSIE - you were hoping we forgot how democRATS lined up to vote for the war.

No, in fact. We were banking on you bringing them up. Because bringing them up shows that they should have known better than to trust the information Bush and the Conservatives were giving them. And it's precisely that argument why we cannot trust anything you Conservative say today.

So thanks for bringing up the fact that Democratic senators were wrong to trust Bush and the Conservatives. Let's apply that to you as well.
/----/ democRATS fooled by the moron Bush. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I could say the same about dems..

No you can't.

Dems weren't honest about obamacare

No, you weren't honest about Obamacare, and it started when you dishonestly cut off half of Pelosi's statement "we have to pass it so you know what's in it outside the fog of controversy".You deliberately leave out the bolded part in order to paint a dishonest picture of the ACA. The irony is that by doing that, you end up proving the entire statement true. And from there, the rest of the Conservative narrative about Obamacare crumbles. All of it. In fact, there exists not one single credible victim of Obamacare. Not one. In the nearly 8 years the law has been on the books, you clowns have been unable to provide one single credible claim of Obamacare victimhood. Because you can't find one, you either make these victims up out of thin air and relay them as unverifiable anecdotes, or you deliberately inflict harm on yourself in order to claim the victimhood status you so desperately need.

So fuck you, you fucking liar.

According to the CBO, the stimulus created and/or saved millions of jobs lost thanks to the disastrous Bush the Dumber policies you supported for 8 fucking years. Now, you're trying to pretend you never supported them which we all know is disingenuous bullshit since you're parroting the very same people you pretend you oppose. Who buys this shit you're pushing anyway? It's about as transparent as cellophane. Do you think that just because you're a lazy, easily fooled, gullible dupe that everyone else is too?

war in ME, benghazi

YOU'RE THE ONES WHO LIED ABOUT IRAQ. You're the ones who are now lying about Benghazi. You're the ones who cut security funding for embassies and consulates. You're the ones who left the middle east in tatters thanks to your shitty invasion and occupation of Iraq. Benghazi!? HOW COME YOU ASSHOLES CUT SECURITY FUNDING FOR OUR FORIEGN OFFICERS, HMMMMMMMMM?!?!? Of course, crickets on that point. But whatever, I don't expect you to be honest about anything. In fact, you told me yourself that we should have known better than to trust what Conservatives were telling us. So what makes you different from them? Nothing.

emails etc.

So now you're reduced to just spitting out random words because you can't formulate thoughts on your own. What I also find interesting is how the deeper we get into this thread, the less articulate your posts become. Almost as if you're following a script and when forced to improvise, it just exposes the emptiness and hollowness of this persona you're trying to convince everyone is genuine. But guess what? We know it's disingenuous and you're not to be trusted. You told me as much earlier in this thread.

The list goes on. R's werent honest about repealing obamacare. Blah blah blah.

No. This isn't a "both sides" thing. This is a you being disingenuous thing. This is you being a shameless liar thing. This is you trying to socialize blame thing. This is you being a typical Conservative.

Wrong, wrong, and wrong. You're delusional and a continual worthless hack. Precisely why you're to be ignored and shamed. You just proved my point.
I could say the same about dems..

No you can't.

Dems weren't honest about obamacare

No, you weren't honest about Obamacare, and it started when you dishonestly cut off half of Pelosi's statement "we have to pass it so you know what's in it outside the fog of controversy".You deliberately leave out the bolded part in order to paint a dishonest picture of the ACA. The irony is that by doing that, you end up proving the entire statement true. And from there, the rest of the Conservative narrative about Obamacare crumbles. All of it. In fact, there exists not one single credible victim of Obamacare. Not one. In the nearly 8 years the law has been on the books, you clowns have been unable to provide one single credible claim of Obamacare victimhood. Because you can't find one, you either make these victims up out of thin air and relay them as unverifiable anecdotes, or you deliberately inflict harm on yourself in order to claim the victimhood status you so desperately need.

So fuck you, you fucking liar.

According to the CBO, the stimulus created and/or saved millions of jobs lost thanks to the disastrous Bush the Dumber policies you supported for 8 fucking years. Now, you're trying to pretend you never supported them which we all know is disingenuous bullshit since you're parroting the very same people you pretend you oppose. Who buys this shit you're pushing anyway? It's about as transparent as cellophane. Do you think that just because you're a lazy, easily fooled, gullible dupe that everyone else is too?

war in ME, benghazi

YOU'RE THE ONES WHO LIED ABOUT IRAQ. You're the ones who are now lying about Benghazi. You're the ones who cut security funding for embassies and consulates. You're the ones who left the middle east in tatters thanks to your shitty invasion and occupation of Iraq. Benghazi!? HOW COME YOU ASSHOLES CUT SECURITY FUNDING FOR OUR FORIEGN OFFICERS, HMMMMMMMMM?!?!? Of course, crickets on that point. But whatever, I don't expect you to be honest about anything. In fact, you told me yourself that we should have known better than to trust what Conservatives were telling us. So what makes you different from them? Nothing.

emails etc.

So now you're reduced to just spitting out random words because you can't formulate thoughts on your own. What I also find interesting is how the deeper we get into this thread, the less articulate your posts become. Almost as if you're following a script and when forced to improvise, it just exposes the emptiness and hollowness of this persona you're trying to convince everyone is genuine. But guess what? We know it's disingenuous and you're not to be trusted. You told me as much earlier in this thread.

The list goes on. R's werent honest about repealing obamacare. Blah blah blah.

No. This isn't a "both sides" thing. This is a you being disingenuous thing. This is you being a shameless liar thing. This is you trying to socialize blame thing. This is you being a typical Conservative.

Im not a typical conservative but you are an ignorant idiot. You are to be pitied.
No, I was against invading Iraq. W wasn't too bright. He could have used hussein as a hedge against iran.

I find that very hard to believe given your bellicose and Conservative arguments.

You find it hard to believe because you automatically assume and try to paint with a broad brush without knowing. You're not alone. Most people do.

No, I find it hard to believe because Conservatives aren't honest people. This whole thing is about how we can't trust Conservatives to be honest because they weren't about Iraq. So what makes you different from all the other Conservatives out there? What makes you so special?
/----/ Here are the Democratic Senators who voted YEA on the Iraq War in October 2002.

Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Yea
Breaux (D-LA), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), Yea
Carnahan (D-MO), Yea
Carper (D-DE), Yea
Cleland (D-GA), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
Daschle (D-SD), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Yea
Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Edwards (D-NC), Yea
Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Hollings (D-SC), Yea
Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Miller (D-GA), Yea
Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Reid (D-NV), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Schumer (D-NY), Yea
Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea

Derp is a dishonest hack who will say anything to defend libs.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. You're delusional and a continual worthless hack. Precisely why you're to be ignored and shamed. You just proved my point.

So you lied about Obamacare. You lied about your previous support of Bush. You lied about supporting the Iraq War, which was entirely built on lies too.

So with all that lying, why the fuck should anyone trust anything you say?
I wasn’t fooled by anyone. Bush was a decent man and a strong war time president.

Moron..... actually it was Cheney the warmonger, Haliburton douche.....GWB was a decent man who couldn't find the bathroom in the West Wing without a map.

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