Founder of Human Rights Campaign = Pedophile

One of Obama's best buddy's and a high profile "gay activist, Terrance Patrick Bean, has been arrested for homosexual assault on a child. He's a co-founder of one of America's largest anti-Christian, pro-queer, pro-abortion organizations -- the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Just more evidence that "gay" men are predators and that your sons are their targets.




Of course, Bean has learned his mantra from another known, high profile queer, Harry Hay, (founder of the modern “gay rights” movement) who said:

“It seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAM/BLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what 13-, 14-, and 15-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.”
– Harry Hay
So here we go again. Yet another high-profile “gay” activist has been arrested for homosexual assault on a child. This time authorities bagged a big fish (a rainbow trout?) in boy-loving real estate mogul Terrance Patrick Bean. Bean co-founded the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), which is one of the world’s largest, wealthiest and most powerful anti-Christian, pro-homosexual organizations. Bean is also a major bundler for the DNC and is BFF’s with Barack and Michelle Obama. He helped found HRC for the sole purpose of pushing the extremist homosexual political agenda. While, not surprisingly, HRC rushed to scrub its website of any reference to his existence, even now Bean remains on this extremist group’s board of directors.
Obama Buddy HRC Founder Charged with Sexually Abusing Boy CNS News

Expect more such stories coming to the forefront as the "gay" lifestyle becomes more prevalent. Gays are going to infiltrate Christian churches, schools, boy's clubs, the Boy Scouts of America, and any other places where they can find easy prey.

I'm sorry....has he been convicted?

When will Phil Robertson be arrested for paedophilia?

LOL. Phil's clearly talking about boys marrying girls their own age. He doesn't have his sights set on marrying a 15 year old. Your savior, Bean, on the other hand, got CAUGHT "pearl diving" and the law considers what he did "rape." Big difference. But I'm not surprised that you're trying to deflect attention away from one of your heroes.

He is? How old was he when he married his 15 year old?

21. He's a paedophile. Worse than that, he's encouraging and promoting paedophilia.

What a pig.

1) Were their any laws against marriage between a 15 and 21 year old.
2) Did both sets of parents agree to the marriage.
3) Did Phil's wife agree to the marriage, willingly?
4) Did both Phil and his wife wait until AFTER marriage before having sex?

Important and qualifying questions -- all.

All questions you will never know the answer to.

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