Fourth PP video released, it's bad

... But if we want to stay on topic then part of that commitment is to provide poor teenage females with good sex education and long acting contraception so that they can complete their education and find good jobs.

Yes... because whatever ya do, do not train females to BE females as God designed them, to be respectful of their bodies and the mind-numbing responsibilities intrinsic to such.[/QUOTE]

Education provides preparation for the intellectual equation. Sexual behavior is emotional.

Trying to solve an emotional issue with intellect is like trying to swim in a suit if armor... you're well protected from everything except the threat... plus, ya look foolish.

God designed the human being and human answers are found in the human pursuit of kinship, with God.
The mother only gets labeled a slut and a parasite if she's a slut who has multiple children by multiple baby daddies. She is only labeled a parasite, because she expects others to fulfill her responsibilities for her.
Conservatives aren't about to let children starve, but we will do what we feel necessary to prevent more children being born into poverty.
If that means making living off the labor of others uncomfortable, so be it.

"Conservatives aren't about to let children starve, but we will do what we feel necessary to prevent more children being born into poverty."

You change "more children being born into poverty" to more UNWANTED children being born into poverty and I'll agree to the rest of that. Except that -- lacking cooperation and personal responsibility from those MULTIPLE "slut" offenders --- abortion is one tool that accomplishes that goal.. Isn't it?

It wasn't your choice or my choice -- wasn't a good choice at all.. "We" didn't make those baby-daddy choices.. Heck it wasn't even "HER" choice to get pregnant multiple times. It's a reflection of some hefty deeper dysfunctions that need to be fixed. And (Listen carefully Lefties !!!! )) You're not gonna fix that with a check from Wash, D.C.
The census says that African-Americans make up 12-13% of the US population.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons says that African-Americans make up about 38% of the US prison population. I've heard some say that's proof of racism when you consider number 1.

Approximately 36% of abortions are done on black women. Draw your own conclusions.

And what conclusions have you reached?

The Black community has been seriously injured by the pursuit of self... which is sold exclusively by the debauched franchises of Left-think. They murder their children because they're inconvenient and if they'll murder their own children because they're inconvenient, there's NO reason to believe that they will not murder another who is to them 'less than their children, for far less.

There's nothing complex about any of this... .

The problem exist because people are subject to succumbing to evil and Left-think is the means by which evil is manifested in people.
... But if we want to stay on topic then part of that commitment is to provide poor teenage females with good sex education and long acting contraception so that they can complete their education and find good jobs.

Yes... because whatever ya do, do not train females to BE females as God designed them, to be respectful of their bodies and the mind-numbing responsibilities intrinsic to such.
Education provides preparation for the intellectual equation. Sexual behavior is emotional.

Trying to solve an emotional issue with intellect is like trying to swim in a suit if armor... you're well protected from everything except the threat... plus, ya look foolish.

God designed the human being and human answers are found in the human pursuit of kinship, with God.

Thank you for that wonderful sermon, Pastor Ted.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All of the libel comes from those editing the videos.

PP is not doing anything illegal.

It is the perverts who put these videos together that are talking about the body parts.

These idiots are just now learning how to operate the video on their iPhones. They have no idea how film editors can weave a perfect lie when they have enough footage.
You do know the long version is posted as well, don't you?

Really....So you know for a fact that's it's the full, unedited version? Because....? The film maker said so? Tool.

I just spent 2 months working with a documentary film maker, someone I've worked with for over 10 years. I researched the stills and sat as he put together a 1-hour video using the images I gathered, painstakingly, from copyright owners, public domain and private archives.

Grow up, get a Mac and download Adobe Premiere. Then maybe you'll get a clue, too how one can create a video that appears seamless even though there is editing that can occur literally from one frame to the next.
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It's a reflection of some hefty deeper dysfunctions that need to be fixed. And (Listen carefully Lefties !!!! )) You're not gonna fix that with a check from Wash, D.C.


And it most certainly isn't going to fixed by disenfranchising the poor and eliminating school programs either.
Far better, though, to move those programs to the local level.

And states like Mississippi, where approx 45% of their GDP is federal welfare, are going to support these programs how? I've asked twice now, specifically how are poor states/communities going to help poor people?

I know its a feel good talking point, but please be specific.
1. Let each state and locality work out the best way to meet the needs of their communities. Eliminate the overhead of the federal programs and pass the savings on to the states in the form of block grants.
2. Reduce said grants over time.

There are many ways to do it, that's just one. Now, if you want me to name every project and program along the way, and give detailed staffing profiles and project timelines, that's a whole different ball of wax.
The mother only gets labeled a slut and a parasite if she's a slut who has multiple children by multiple baby daddies. She is only labeled a parasite, because she expects others to fulfill her responsibilities for her.
Conservatives aren't about to let children starve, but we will do what we feel necessary to prevent more children being born into poverty.
If that means making living off the labor of others uncomfortable, so be it.

"Conservatives aren't about to let children starve, but we will do what we feel necessary to prevent more children being born into poverty."

You change "more children being born into poverty" to more UNWANTED children being born into poverty and I'll agree to the rest of that. Except that -- lacking cooperation and personal responsibility from those MULTIPLE "slut" offenders --- abortion is one tool that accomplishes that goal.. Isn't it?

It wasn't your choice or my choice -- wasn't a good choice at all.. "We" didn't make those baby-daddy choices.. Heck it wasn't even "HER" choice to get pregnant multiple times. It's a reflection of some hefty deeper dysfunctions that need to be fixed. And (Listen carefully Lefties !!!! )) You're not gonna fix that with a check from Wash, D.C.
The census says that African-Americans make up 12-13% of the US population.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons says that African-Americans make up about 38% of the US prison population. I've heard some say that's proof of racism when you consider number 1.

Approximately 36% of abortions are done on black women. Draw your own conclusions.

And what conclusions have you reached?
That if you insist high incarceration rates for black men is evidence of racism, you should also consider why so many black babies are being aborted. Where are the PP clinics primarily located? Are they targeting black females?
Why would I say that? Can you say straw man? Have fun knocking it down, but be careful. I hear they jump out of the way at the last moment.

We've spent trillions on the war on poverty. We still have poverty.
We spend more per student on education than anyone else. Our government education system sucks.

And on it goes. Why do people persist in believing that more government spending is actually going to accomplish desired goals in the face of reality?

There's NO straw man.

You said you want to strengthen communities that support the less fortunate.

I simply asked how, and for you to give specific examples.

Can you not do that?
You said, and I quote, "Next, will you tell us why you think it's a sin for Government to try to end hunger in this country?". That is a straw man. Do you disagree?

Once again, you said you want to strengthen communities that support the less fortunate.

I simply asked how, and for you to give specific examples.

Can you not do that?

How is it a straw man when you are clearly against the Government spending money on poverty? A straw man would me misrepresenting you on your stance, when I have done no such thing.
The straw man is your attempting to divert the discussion into the arena of sin.

Now, as for government spending on poverty, it obviously isn't working, because no matter how much we confiscate from the productive sectors of the economy, poverty continues. It is incumbent upon us, therefore, to consider alternative solutions for dealing with poverty. I believe money raised and spent at the local level to be much more efficient in dealing with local concerns. Utilizing the federal government to deal with poverty is much like using a sledge hammer to eliminate a fly infestation. You might hit some flies, but you're going to miss an awful lot of them, do nothing to the population, and mess up your house. I believe if two things were to happen, we would see a reduction in poverty. One, get the federal government out of the poverty war, because it's not working. Two, return the money previously confiscated from the economy to the people in the communities. One of the reasons charities are not getting a lot of donations today is people don't feel any obligation to help their neighbors. Why should they? They don't know their neighbors and they pay huge taxes that the government is supposed to use to help. More money in the hands of the people who earned it is a good thing. If a community can't raise enough funds voluntarily, they can vote at the local level on the issue of taxes and fees. Local administrators know a whole lot more what their communities need than do bureaucrats insulated in Washington, DC.

It obviously is working.

The goal of the program is “to alleviate hunger and malnutrition … by increasing food purchasing power for all eligible households who apply for participation” as stated in the Food Stamp Act of 1977, as amended (P.L. 108-269).

The goal of SNAP is to feed hungry people. I'd say they are reaching their goal. In 2012 they lifted 4.9 million people above poverty line.

Infographic 50 Years of SNAP Food Research Action Center
A quote from your source:
The program’s mission is as necessary as it was 50 years ago
Obviously, reducing poverty is not a goal of the program. If it was, and it was successful, we should see LESS need for the program over time, not more.
All of the libel comes from those editing the videos.

PP is not doing anything illegal.

It is the perverts who put these videos together that are talking about the body parts.

These idiots are just now learning how to operate the video on their iPhones. They have no idea how film editors can weave a perfect lie when they have enough footage.
You do know the long version is posted as well, don't you?

Really....So you know for a fact that's it's the full, unedited version? Because....? The film maker said so? Tool.

I just spent 2 months working with a documentary film maker, someone I've worked with for over 10 years. I researched the stills and sat as he put together a 1-hour video using the images I gathered, painstakingly, from copyright owners, public domain and private archives.

Grow up, get a Mac and download Adobe Premiere. Then maybe you'll get a clue, too how one can create a video that appears seamless even though there is editing that can occur literally from one frame to the next.
So prove the long version was edited.
It's a reflection of some hefty deeper dysfunctions that need to be fixed. And (Listen carefully Lefties !!!! )) You're not gonna fix that with a check from Wash, D.C.


And it most certainly isn't going to fixed by disenfranchising the poor and eliminating school programs either.

Probably a whole nother topic, but NO program from Wash cures that kind of cyclical dysfunction. What cures it is HUMAN interaction and intense counseling. Something that DC sucks at but LOCAL orgs and religious orgs excel at. Give a man a checkbook and he'll probably starve. Teach a man how to BALANCE a checkbook and budget and he can feed himself kinda deal..

I've learned that every time I've volunteered. Whether is was Head Start in the 80s or the GED counseling that I've done recently.. THAT's the level of commitment required to even make a dent. And you don't BUY that with tax dollars..

I agree that just throwing money at the problem is ineffective.

And yes, it takes a commitment and dedication to change the next generation.

But if we want to stay on topic then part of that commitment is to provide poor teenage females with good sex education and long acting contraception so that they can complete their education and find good jobs.

That will take more than just a commitment, that also takes funding, which is being terminated even as it it proving to have an 80% success rate.

It's like a triage after a disaster. You have to sort out the survivors and the mortally wounded. Large majority of PP patients are probably white or black middle class college kids who will LEARN their lesson and never make the same mistakes. It's the ones who have largely turned their whole lives into a mistake that could bring down the abortion rate. And reaching them is an issue of volunteering and manpower and compassion and CULTURE --- not govt money and programs..
All of the libel comes from those editing the videos.

PP is not doing anything illegal.

It is the perverts who put these videos together that are talking about the body parts.

These idiots are just now learning how to operate the video on their iPhones. They have no idea how film editors can weave a perfect lie when they have enough footage.
You do know the long version is posted as well, don't you?

Really....So you know for a fact that's it's the full, unedited version? Because....? The film maker said so? Tool.

I just spent 2 months working with a documentary film maker, someone I've worked with for over 10 years. I researched the stills and sat as he put together a 1-hour video using the images I gathered, painstakingly, from copyright owners, public domain and private archives.

Grow up, get a Mac and download Adobe Premiere. Then maybe you'll get a clue, too how one can create a video that appears seamless even though there is editing that can occur literally from one frame to the next.

Starting to sound as paranoid as the 9-11 truthers there. There's a conversation in these videos. Things were said that are appalling. Even PP has denounced them.. You still gonna believe it was an "inside job" like the 9-11 truthers do? They believe in the power of editing also...
Nobody wants to hurt another person's children. Just as it's wrong to force a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy it is wrong to force another woman to have an abortion. I don't think anyone here feels that is right.
I really hope you understand why that's not very convincing. If not, then that will be explained below.

And you will never be able to lay a hand on my children. I too, feel better knowing that you will never be able to hurt them. There, that makes us even. (Weirdo)
The difference between us is that I spend much of my time trying to protect babies and children from your people. You spend apparently all of your time justifying why my people are evil for doing so, because the baby isn't a person yet because the legal ruling your people tortured the right of doctor-patient confidentiality to generate says so. I believe our kids have the right not to be hurt from conception on. You make an exception where you think there's a window in which it's totally okay for you to do whatever you'd like to them. Some people are going to take that as a poorly veiled threat.

wow, good thing you got that off your chest...

thanks for the clear demonstration of your complete disconnect from reality. :uhoh3:
What I just told Carla. You can't expect to spend every waking moment for days on end telling everyone how babies under a certain age are morally acceptable to kill and how parents should oppose the personhood of their babies because it makes it harder to choose to kill them without anyone taking you at your word and thinking you actually believe what you're saying. You might use those talking points to hurt your own children. I can't stop you. I can stop you from acting on them in regards to those under my own protection. Know that I will.

Weird, because I keep hearing a fetus not a human life by those who favor abortion.

Name some names then meaty.
Carla, Paint My House, Derideo Te, Statistikhengst, Dragonfly, yourself, Skylar, Pogo... These are just the names that immediately come to mind from this particular forum. It's a fairly popular, mainstream talking point.

Part of the problem is that many who are against abortion are also against easy availability of contraception and science-based sex education. That usually means poor women are less likely to get contraception.

Texas Policy Evaluation Project

The Republican War on Contraception Mother Jones
I mean, Mother Jones is a fair and balanced news source. Anyway, this is totally true and one of the pro-life movement's major fuck ups. You either provide the contraception that prevents an unwanted pregnancy, or you pay for that pregnancy to be butchered. It's a one or the other thing.

I'm all for investing money in programs that will reduce the need for abortions and or public assistance.
Why would you care? Honestly? After spending all your time vociferously arguing why you shouldn't, I just don't understand why we're supposed to think you do.

Now, as for government spending on poverty, it obviously isn't working, because no matter how much we confiscate from the productive sectors of the economy, poverty continues. It is incumbent upon us, therefore, to consider alternative solutions for dealing with poverty. I believe money raised and spent at the local level to be much more efficient in dealing with local concerns. Utilizing the federal government to deal with poverty is much like using a sledge hammer to eliminate a fly infestation. You might hit some flies, but you're going to miss an awful lot of them, do nothing to the population, and mess up your house. I believe if two things were to happen, we would see a reduction in poverty. One, get the federal government out of the poverty war, because it's not working. Two, return the money previously confiscated from the economy to the people in the communities. One of the reasons charities are not getting a lot of donations today is people don't feel any obligation to help their neighbors. Why should they? They don't know their neighbors and they pay huge taxes that the government is supposed to use to help. More money in the hands of the people who earned it is a good thing. If a community can't raise enough funds voluntarily, they can vote at the local level on the issue of taxes and fees. Local administrators know a whole lot more what their communities need than do bureaucrats insulated in Washington, DC.
Poverty is the direct result of wealth inequality. Wealth inequality is an inherent bug/feature of capitalism. That economic system arranges society like a pyramid. The people on top will have gotten there by their own merits, or at least by skillful ass kissing or the merits of some distant ancestor. They have all the best, with sparkling cars and the latest wines flooding out of their multiple houses. The people below them probably includes you. They have all the basics down and a little extra besides. Everyone beneath them are my people. They're the ones building all of your goods in exchange for what they hope will be just enough of the basic ones to feed their family and survive. The only way you're going to make life easier for the bottom rung is to trade in some of the upper classes' luxuries for the lower class to have more basics. That's the effect of socialism in a nutshell: it reduces everyone to one rung roughly in the middle. That's your choice. Are you willing to give up your privileges and extras just so we can stop struggling to find enough food and shelter day to day? That's the only way you're going to get rid of poverty.

It's a "war on women" when people don't want to pay for someone else's birth control? Why should anyone be forced to pay for either an old geezer's boner pills OR a law student's birth control pills? A "war" would be laws forbidding the use of contraception and eliminating rape as a crime. This is no more a "war" than refusing to force taxpayers to subsidize pron is a war on art. A box of condoms is easy to get at any drug store in the nation.
And here we see the same principle. She's going to have sex. Simply telling her not to is going to be completely in effective. She also lives in abject poverty and can't afford that birth control birth control. She's probably going to get pregnant. If that happens, the abortion industry will target her as a potential client. If she lives in a state where your side has successfully removed any of the support programs she could have used, then she'll most likely bite. You face here a variation of the exact same choice from above. Either you pay what she can't or you accept that she's going to abort her child. It's completely an either/or thing.

These idiots are just now learning how to operate the video on their iPhones. They have no idea how film editors can weave a perfect lie when they have enough footage.

Really....So you know for a fact that's it's the full, unedited version? Because....? The film maker said so? Tool.

I just spent 2 months working with a documentary film maker, someone I've worked with for over 10 years. I researched the stills and sat as he put together a 1-hour video using the images I gathered, painstakingly, from copyright owners, public domain and private archives.

Grow up, get a Mac and download Adobe Premiere. Then maybe you'll get a clue, too how one can create a video that appears seamless even though there is editing that can occur literally from one frame to the next.
I concur with flacaltenn here, though PP has more denied them than denounced them.
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Too bad we now know all this false outrage is a hoax by people who made totally fraudulent videos because I was really hoping to buy a baby heart for my mantle.
Well, yeah. Of course we know the taped interviews are a totally fraudulent false hoax. Cecile Richards herself said so. That's the only proof we need that they didn't really happen. Those weren't real PP executives. They were just actors. Those interviews never happened. And the CMP only managed to get interviews with PP executives through false identification. That's why we need to block the remaining videos, destroy the videos already released, and lock up the activists for perpetrating this crime of deception. That's how we do it in America.
Anyway, guy, are you seriously arguing that there isn't an institutionalized abortion industry in this country?

No, but clearly the big words were too complicated for you. Point is, you are going to have abortions no matter what the law is. You can only have slavery when you have laws supporting slavery. That was the point I was trying to get across to you, but now that I've explained it to you, you probably still won't understand.

Guy, or her boyfriend, husband, or pimp to decide. Guy, or she does want to be pregnant and just can't afford it. Guy, or... Giuy, yeah, that's kind of a no-go.

Wow, that was convoluted. I do love when I make the Wingnuts Crazy.

Guy, we understand that there were abortions being performed before Roe made what she acknowledges was the worst mistake of her life in helping you people. Guy, we understand (probably more than most) just how rife blatant profiteering and disregard for ethics is in the medical sector. Guy, that doesn't change our view on it. Guy, relatedly, our understanding that slavery still exists despite being legal doesn't see us looking to make it "safe,l legal, and rare".

Just because the Roe Lady found religion doesn't take away from the fact that the abortion laws before 1973 were largely ignored and unworkable, which is why the courts struck them down. That's what you don't get. The Courts realized abortions were going to happen regardless of what the law was, might as well get it all above table.

Guy, drinking alcohol (when not pregnant) has no direct affect on anyone else but yourself. Guy, drinking one glass of beer isn't going to kill your child. Guy, there's a difference between something that gets you pleasantly buzzed and something that turns you into a bloodstain in pan.

Fetuses aren't babies. Women don't consider an unwanted pregnancy to be "their child". They consider it "That thing I need to take care of."

Guy, I literally buy condoms to pass around to people. Guy, I'm completely supportive of all measures to provide real healthcare to people. Guy, I'm an atheist. Guy, I'm still against ripping apart babies and selling them for human experimentation. Guy, I guess I'm just a nutjob like that. 25% is still passing.

Yes, you have some serious sexual hangups you need to get over if you are really worried about what women are doing with their sex organs, guy.

Guy, the fertility rate has dropped and it's still going. Guy, teenagers aren't getting pregnant just like nobody else is getting pregnant. Guy, you do realize we're just barely pushing replacement level across the board, right?

That's not necessarily a bad thing. The planet already has too many humans on it.

Guy, the thing is, that reflects more on your shitty NCO. Guy, it's also evidence of why we need a better structure and culture in place for single mothers. Guy, that kind of thing is always going to happen. Guy, it always has, and human nature hasn't changed much in the last 20,000 years. Guy, the difference is that now we understand (or at least should understand) better and more empathetic ways of handling it.

I think the guy was a shithead, but the alternative you would want is for him to have a shotgun marriage, and he'll spend every day looking at her fat ass thinking, "You bitch, you fucked up my life!!!" That would have been better, how? Oh, yeah, the fetus wouldn't be sucked into a sink.

Guy, that's the problem with our culture. Guy, we see virginity as something important to a woman's identity - as "proof" that she's "pure". Guy, this is exactly why we need a pro-life, pro-human, pro-sex dialogue. Guy, this is why we need things like free and abundant contraception, free and no questions asked sterilization, a strong welfare state, and an unfucked adoption system. Guy, these are the exact things I fight with my fellow pro-lifers about all the time - they don't see that it really is an either/or thing.

Again, I look at a pro-lifer, I look at someone who has serious sexual hangups. You are wonderfully proving my point.
But Woodward and Bernstein were heroes for bringing down that bastard Richard Nixon

Woodward and Bernstein didn't secretly record Nixon, misrepresent who they were, and then spliced the tapes to make it look like Nixon had done something illegal when he hadn't.
Well, yeah. Of course we know the taped interviews are a totally fraudulent false hoax. Cecile Richards herself said so. That's the only proof we need that they didn't really happen. Those weren't real PP executives. They were just actors. Those interviews never happened. And the CMP only managed to get interviews with PP executives through false identification. That's why we need to block the remaining videos, destroy the videos already released, and lock up the activists for perpetrating this crime of deception. That's how we do it in America.

Works for me.

THe CMP people committed a number of crimes to get tapes that proved no illegal activity.
The mother only gets labeled a slut and a parasite if she's a slut who has multiple children by multiple baby daddies. She is only labeled a parasite, because she expects others to fulfill her responsibilities for her.
Conservatives aren't about to let children starve, but we will do what we feel necessary to prevent more children being born into poverty.
If that means making living off the labor of others uncomfortable, so be it.

okay, the highlited sentence is interesting.

If you aren't about to let children starve, why do you guys keep trying to cut food stamps, school lunches, and WIC?

If you are so keen on preventing more children from being born into poverty, why do you keep trying to either defund Planned Parenthood?
In all absolute honesty, the longer I stay here the happier I am to I live behind an extraordinarily well guarded fence patrolled by a lot of nice folks armed with M4s - especially since it's nowhere near any of you people. My only, sincere hope is that I can get the fuck away from this country as soon as I lose that protection.

Well, given your attitudes towards women, I think you should maybe look into moving to Iran. They treat women just the way you'd like to.
No, but clearly the big words were too complicated for you. Point is, you are going to have abortions no matter what the law is. You can only have slavery when you have laws supporting slavery. That was the point I was trying to get across to you, but now that I've explained it to you, you probably still won't understand.
Guy, now you're denying that slavery still exists just because it's illegal? Guy, seriously?

Wow, that was convoluted. I do love when I make the Wingnuts Crazy.
Guy, it's simple. Guy, what I'm saying is that her boyfriend, husband, pimp, or slaveowner just might be the one deciding. Guy, I forgot tho. Guy, you don't believe sex slavery exists because slavery is illegal.

Just because the Roe Lady found religion doesn't take away from the fact that the abortion laws before 1973 were largely ignored and unworkable, which is why the courts struck them down. That's what you don't get. The Courts realized abortions were going to happen regardless of what the law was, might as well get it all above table.
Guy, it's funny how you go from praising her to attacking her when you discover that she realized how badly she fucked up in aiding you.

Fetuses aren't babies. Women don't consider an unwanted pregnancy to be "their child". They consider it "That thing I need to take care of."
Guy, if a fetus (literally an unborn baby) isn't a baby but "a thing to take care of" then please walk up to the nearest pregnant woman and offer to "take care of" her "thing". Guy, I know why you won't tho. Guy, you realize just how fucked up that would be. Guy, don't you?

Yes, you have some serious sexual hangups you need to get over if you are really worried about what women are doing with their sex organs, guy.
Guy, you think giving people condoms is worrying about keeping women from having sex? Guy, I'd happily buy you a box too. Guy, what I'm saying is that you can fuck who you want, just don't kill someone else because you didn't mean to create them.

That's not necessarily a bad thing. The planet already has too many humans on it.
Guy, see. Guy, this is why I could never be a liberal. Guy, your sect is just waaay too misanthropic for me.

I think the guy was a shithead, but the alternative you would want is for him to have a shotgun marriage, and he'll spend every day looking at her fat ass thinking, "You bitch, you fucked up my life!!!" That would have been better, how? Oh, yeah, the fetus wouldn't be sucked into a sink.
Guy, I didn't say anything about him having to marry her. Guy, I said that we have other ways of handling it that doesn't necessitate ruining people's lives. Guy, those alternatives are exactly what we should be investing our time, money, and effort into supporting. Guy, by "we" I mean you and myself as much as a "society" kind of thing.

Again, I look at a pro-lifer, I look at someone who has serious sexual hangups. You are wonderfully proving my point.
Guy, I literally just said that we need to get over our sexual hang ups - such as equating a woman's worth with her virginity and being uncomfortable with birth control in schools - to solve this problem. Guy, that's what you just dismissed as being a "serious sexual hang up". Guy, this is why I can't take you seriously. Guy, it's like you rewrite what people say in your head to prove your preconceived notion of them to yourself. Guy, what I said above. Guy, feel free to fuck who you want. Guy, just be respectful of how powerful that act really is.

Well, yeah. Of course we know the taped interviews are a totally fraudulent false hoax. Cecile Richards herself said so. That's the only proof we need that they didn't really happen. Those weren't real PP executives. They were just actors. Those interviews never happened. And the CMP only managed to get interviews with PP executives through false identification. That's why we need to block the remaining videos, destroy the videos already released, and lock up the activists for perpetrating this crime of deception. That's how we do it in America.

Works for me.

THe CMP people committed a number of crimes to get tapes that proved no illegal activity.
Guy, you do realize that I was being sarcastic, right? Guy, that's the exact opposite of the American way of handling situations like this. Guy, that has more in common with the way Castro or Pinochet would handle it.

In all absolute honesty, the longer I stay here the happier I am to I live behind an extraordinarily well guarded fence patrolled by a lot of nice folks armed with M4s - especially since it's nowhere near any of you people. My only, sincere hope is that I can get the fuck away from this country as soon as I lose that protection.

Well, given your attitudes towards women, I think you should maybe look into moving to Iran. They treat women just the way you'd like to.
Guy, you really need to stop projecting your beliefs and prejudices onto people. Guy, I already mentioned this problem of yours twice in regards to your other post.
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