Fox News - Best Year Ever...!!

I wonder why people think that ratings and quantity equal quality?

Does everything popular trump all else?

Is Beyoncé a greater musical talent than Mozart? Popularity tells us so.

It's called ratings, stupid
It's not a fucking popularity contest
The Nielsen ratings have been around since the 1950s
bully for the ratings. But ratings is no indicator of quality.
I assume, Libshitbrownstains, everyone who watches their "lies" is an "uneducated racist," correct?


Fox News Having Highest-Rated Year Ever; Tops Cable Primetime So Far

LOL You really think white people sit around watching the news all day long? You are one racist piece of shit.
Not only do you mindless fucks live eat and shit while watching Fuk News all day, the only time you take a breath of fresh air is to spit tabacci on you coon dog!!LOLOLOLOOL
Do other niggas find you as funny as you do? Axe them and let us know.
I wonder why people think that ratings and quantity equal quality?

Does everything popular trump all else?

Is Beyoncé a greater musical talent than Mozart? Popularity tells us so.

It's called ratings, stupid
It's not a fucking popularity contest
The Nielsen ratings have been around since the 1950s
bully for the ratings. But ratings is no indicator of quality.

--- or any kind of "approval". All they do is measure attention, i.e. how many people are in the room. That's why I asked the OP if he buys or sells TV ads, because that's the one and only function of ratings.

He ran away, like last time. :gay:
I wonder why people think that ratings and quantity equal quality?

Does everything popular trump all else?

Is Beyoncé a greater musical talent than Mozart? Popularity tells us so.

By their logic, a McCardboard burger must be the most exquisite food in the world, fake wrestling must be High Art, and there can be no more noble calling in life than following naked people around on an island to see if they survive.

There's a reason it earned the description "vast wasteland" over half a century ago. And it still flies over the heads of those at the shallower end of the gene puddle.
I wonder why people think that ratings and quantity equal quality?

Does everything popular trump all else?

Is Beyoncé a greater musical talent than Mozart? Popularity tells us so.

It's called ratings, stupid
It's not a fucking popularity contest
The Nielsen ratings have been around since the 1950s
bully for the ratings. But ratings is no indicator of quality.

--- or any kind of "approval". All they do is measure attention, i.e. how many people are in the room. That's why I asked the OP if he buys or sells TV ads, because that's the one and only function of ratings.

He ran away, like last time. :gay:

I'm SHOCKED to see you making idiotic statements.

Nielsen ratings don't measure how many people are in a room, they measure how many TVs are tuned to specific channels.

And of course they are an indication of approval you moron. People don't generally watch channels, eat food, watch movies, read books, or post on message boards that they don't approve of.

Does anyone here doubt that if Fox News ratings dropped that Pogo the idiot would be on here crowing about how unpoular Fox News had became? LOL
Nielsen ratings don't measure how many people are in a room, they measure how many TVs are tuned to specific channels.

It was a metaphor. Sorry it sailed over your pointy little head. I gotta remember to dumb down to a minus-second grade reading level. I'll make a note.

And of course they are an indication of approval you moron. People don't generally watch channels, eat food, watch movies, read books, or post on message boards that they don't approve of.

Uh--- yes they do, stupid. That's how the medium WORKS. That's why your local fraction news leads off with a deadly apartment fire -- it's in some area you never heard of but the important thing is "we got video". That doesn't mean anybody watching "approves of" apartment fires. That's why everybody on the freeway slows up to gawk at the overturned tractor trailer in flames --- doesn't mean they "approve of" overturned tractor trailers in flames.

Attention --- approval --- KNOW the difference. The media manipulators who play your emotional heartstrings lke a three-dollar banjo know it, and they play that tune all the way to the bank.

You see child, whether you "approve" or not is completely irrelevant. The point of emotional manipulation is you're invested --- whether it's in hair-on-fire news, apartment-on-fire news, fake wrestling, paternity tests, it matters not a whit --- the point is they have your ATTENTION, which is measured in ratings, and that means they can shove a commercial in front of your face, sell you deodorant and make money.

THAT Is what it's all about. PERIOD.

Here's a guy who sums it up nicely:
"If two guys are talking and one guy says 'I know how to bring peace to the Middle East', and the other guy falls into the orchestra pit ---- which one do you think is going to be on the evening news?"

Know who said that?

Roger Ailes, President of Fox Noise.

He knows the game and you don't. Look up and see the puppet strings. What the fuck do you think "if it bleeds it leads" means?
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Nielsen ratings don't measure how many people are in a room, they measure how many TVs are tuned to specific channels.

It was a metaphor. Sorry it sailed over your pointy little head. I gotta remember to dumb down to a minus-second grade reading level. I'll make a note.

And of course they are an indication of approval you moron. People don't generally watch channels, eat food, watch movies, read books, or post on message boards that they don't approve of.

Uh--- yes they do, stupid. That's how the medium WORKS. That's why your local fraction news leads off with a deadly apartment fire -- it's in some area you never heard of but the important thing is "we got video". That doesn't mean anybody watching "approves of" apartment fires. That's why everybody on the freeway slows up to gawk at the overturned tractor trailer in flames --- doesn't mean they "approve of" overturned tractor trailers in flames.

Attention --- approval --- KNOW the difference. The media manipulators who play your emotional heartstrings lke a three-dollar banjo know it, and they play that tune all the way to the bank.

You see child, whether you "approve" or not is completely irrelevant. The point of emotional manipulation is you're invested --- whether it's in hair-on-fire news, apartment-on-fire news, fake wrestling, paternity tests, it matters not a whit --- the point is they have your ATTENTION, which is measured in ratings, and that means they can shove a commercial in front of your face, sell you deodorant and make money.

THAT Is what it's all about. PERIOD.

OMG you are stupid.

The local news has stories on fires and murder and shit, not because people approve of that stuff, but because they approve of receiving NEWS about such events.

What a fucking moron. Of course you're the same idiot who claimed that being a TV talent wasn't a job.
Such as.... here
And here.....
and here.....
and here...

Summa y'all's memories must stretch back like fifteen minutes. Well they say the memory is the second thing to go....

Pogo you are a libtard tool. I perused your links and two of the four go to the same op and the other two is full of liberal whack jobs crying about getting their ass kicked in the cable news arena...
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Nielsen ratings don't measure how many people are in a room, they measure how many TVs are tuned to specific channels.

It was a metaphor. Sorry it sailed over your pointy little head. I gotta remember to dumb down to a minus-second grade reading level. I'll make a note.

And of course they are an indication of approval you moron. People don't generally watch channels, eat food, watch movies, read books, or post on message boards that they don't approve of.

Uh--- yes they do, stupid. That's how the medium WORKS. That's why your local fraction news leads off with a deadly apartment fire -- it's in some area you never heard of but the important thing is "we got video". That doesn't mean anybody watching "approves of" apartment fires. That's why everybody on the freeway slows up to gawk at the overturned tractor trailer in flames --- doesn't mean they "approve of" overturned tractor trailers in flames.

Attention --- approval --- KNOW the difference. The media manipulators who play your emotional heartstrings lke a three-dollar banjo know it, and they play that tune all the way to the bank.

You see child, whether you "approve" or not is completely irrelevant. The point of emotional manipulation is you're invested --- whether it's in hair-on-fire news, apartment-on-fire news, fake wrestling, paternity tests, it matters not a whit --- the point is they have your ATTENTION, which is measured in ratings, and that means they can shove a commercial in front of your face, sell you deodorant and make money.

THAT Is what it's all about. PERIOD.

OMG you are stupid.

The local news has stories on fires and murder and shit, not because people approve of that stuff, but because they approve of receiving NEWS about such events.

What a fucking moron. Of course you're the same idiot who claimed that being a TV talent wasn't a job.

Once again for the shortbus kids--- "approval" is irrelevant. ATTENTION is what they're after, and they'll get it any way they can. The way to do that is fear and loathing and scandal and disaster. Nobody's going to watch little Tabitha's great sixth birthday party -- they want fake wrestling, they want people stranded on an island forced to eat bugs, and in this case they want angry white guys pounding on tables in contrived outrage flanked by bimbos in short skirts.

That's all emotional mining, and it's there to keep you enthralled long enough to sell you Viagra. And that's as deep as it goes.

That's why the Weather Channel, in prime time, doesn't bother with what the weather is, which is supposedly its mission -- it runs pseudo-documentaries on how some tornado in 1998 tore a family apart, or how a tsunami could wipe out New York. Fear and loathing. IT SELLS.

It's ALL manipulation, and you're the tool.

I've been in media all my life, I know *exactly* how this works. That's why I took by own TV and threw it out the window.
Such as.... here
And here.....
and here.....
and here...

Summa y'all's memories must stretch back like fifteen minutes. Well they say the memory is the second thing to go....

Pogo you are a libtard tool. I perused your links and two of the three go to the same op and the other two is full of liberal whack jobs crying about getting their ass kicked in the cable news arena...

No, I just have a long enough memory to remember exactly what the fuck Aaron's referring to and I don't believe in going on a message board and denying what I already know to be true.
Nielsen ratings don't measure how many people are in a room, they measure how many TVs are tuned to specific channels.

It was a metaphor. Sorry it sailed over your pointy little head. I gotta remember to dumb down to a minus-second grade reading level. I'll make a note.

And of course they are an indication of approval you moron. People don't generally watch channels, eat food, watch movies, read books, or post on message boards that they don't approve of.

Uh--- yes they do, stupid. That's how the medium WORKS. That's why your local fraction news leads off with a deadly apartment fire -- it's in some area you never heard of but the important thing is "we got video". That doesn't mean anybody watching "approves of" apartment fires. That's why everybody on the freeway slows up to gawk at the overturned tractor trailer in flames --- doesn't mean they "approve of" overturned tractor trailers in flames.

Attention --- approval --- KNOW the difference. The media manipulators who play your emotional heartstrings lke a three-dollar banjo know it, and they play that tune all the way to the bank.

You see child, whether you "approve" or not is completely irrelevant. The point of emotional manipulation is you're invested --- whether it's in hair-on-fire news, apartment-on-fire news, fake wrestling, paternity tests, it matters not a whit --- the point is they have your ATTENTION, which is measured in ratings, and that means they can shove a commercial in front of your face, sell you deodorant and make money.

THAT Is what it's all about. PERIOD.

OMG you are stupid.

The local news has stories on fires and murder and shit, not because people approve of that stuff, but because they approve of receiving NEWS about such events.

What a fucking moron. Of course you're the same idiot who claimed that being a TV talent wasn't a job.

Once again for the shortbus kids--- "approval" is irrelevant. ATTENTION is what they're after, and they'll get it any way they can. The way to do that is fear and loathing and scandal and disaster. Nobody's going to watch little Tabitha's great sixth birthday party -- they want fake wrestling, they want people stranded on an island forced to eat bugs, and in this case they want angry white guys pounding on tables in contrived outrage flanked by bimbos in short skirts.

That's all emotional mining, and it's there to keep you enthralled long enough to sell you Viagra. And that's as deep as it goes.

It's ALL manipulation, and you're the tool.

I've been in media all my life, I know *exactly* how this works. That's why I took by own TV and threw it out the window.

My God you are a fucking idiot. People pay attention to that which the APPROVE of.

So, attention ratings ARE approval ratings. MORON.
Nielsen ratings don't measure how many people are in a room, they measure how many TVs are tuned to specific channels.

It was a metaphor. Sorry it sailed over your pointy little head. I gotta remember to dumb down to a minus-second grade reading level. I'll make a note.

And of course they are an indication of approval you moron. People don't generally watch channels, eat food, watch movies, read books, or post on message boards that they don't approve of.

Uh--- yes they do, stupid. That's how the medium WORKS. That's why your local fraction news leads off with a deadly apartment fire -- it's in some area you never heard of but the important thing is "we got video". That doesn't mean anybody watching "approves of" apartment fires. That's why everybody on the freeway slows up to gawk at the overturned tractor trailer in flames --- doesn't mean they "approve of" overturned tractor trailers in flames.

Attention --- approval --- KNOW the difference. The media manipulators who play your emotional heartstrings lke a three-dollar banjo know it, and they play that tune all the way to the bank.

You see child, whether you "approve" or not is completely irrelevant. The point of emotional manipulation is you're invested --- whether it's in hair-on-fire news, apartment-on-fire news, fake wrestling, paternity tests, it matters not a whit --- the point is they have your ATTENTION, which is measured in ratings, and that means they can shove a commercial in front of your face, sell you deodorant and make money.

THAT Is what it's all about. PERIOD.

OMG you are stupid.

The local news has stories on fires and murder and shit, not because people approve of that stuff, but because they approve of receiving NEWS about such events.

What a fucking moron. Of course you're the same idiot who claimed that being a TV talent wasn't a job.

Once again for the shortbus kids--- "approval" is irrelevant. ATTENTION is what they're after, and they'll get it any way they can. The way to do that is fear and loathing and scandal and disaster. Nobody's going to watch little Tabitha's great sixth birthday party -- they want fake wrestling, they want people stranded on an island forced to eat bugs, and in this case they want angry white guys pounding on tables in contrived outrage flanked by bimbos in short skirts.

That's all emotional mining, and it's there to keep you enthralled long enough to sell you Viagra. And that's as deep as it goes.

It's ALL manipulation, and you're the tool.

I've been in media all my life, I know *exactly* how this works. That's why I took by own TV and threw it out the window.

My God you are a fucking idiot. People pay attention to that which the APPROVE of.

So, attention ratings ARE approval ratings. MORON.

Nope. Not at all and never have been.

How much "ratings" did Katrina get? How much did 9/11 get?

You actually think that's because the public "approves" of floods and terrorist attacks?

You're a moron beyond morons. Advertising just loves sheep like you and hopes and prays that you don't listen to me.

You show 'em, Goober. Dumbass.
Bottom line is still -- and always was -- this:

What Fox Noise's ratings are .... or what any commercial broadcater's ratings are ...... is a measure of how much they can charge for ad time, because it tells the advertiser how many listeners/viewers will hear or see it.

That's it. The end. That's what they mean, that's all they mean, and it's why they were invented in the first place --- to make money.

There is NO objective to be had in a system that would measure how many people "approve of" what you're doing. That's idiotic. This is commercial enterprise, not a politiican.
Nielsen ratings don't measure how many people are in a room, they measure how many TVs are tuned to specific channels.

It was a metaphor. Sorry it sailed over your pointy little head. I gotta remember to dumb down to a minus-second grade reading level. I'll make a note.

And of course they are an indication of approval you moron. People don't generally watch channels, eat food, watch movies, read books, or post on message boards that they don't approve of.

Uh--- yes they do, stupid. That's how the medium WORKS. That's why your local fraction news leads off with a deadly apartment fire -- it's in some area you never heard of but the important thing is "we got video". That doesn't mean anybody watching "approves of" apartment fires. That's why everybody on the freeway slows up to gawk at the overturned tractor trailer in flames --- doesn't mean they "approve of" overturned tractor trailers in flames.

Attention --- approval --- KNOW the difference. The media manipulators who play your emotional heartstrings lke a three-dollar banjo know it, and they play that tune all the way to the bank.

You see child, whether you "approve" or not is completely irrelevant. The point of emotional manipulation is you're invested --- whether it's in hair-on-fire news, apartment-on-fire news, fake wrestling, paternity tests, it matters not a whit --- the point is they have your ATTENTION, which is measured in ratings, and that means they can shove a commercial in front of your face, sell you deodorant and make money.

THAT Is what it's all about. PERIOD.

OMG you are stupid.

The local news has stories on fires and murder and shit, not because people approve of that stuff, but because they approve of receiving NEWS about such events.

What a fucking moron. Of course you're the same idiot who claimed that being a TV talent wasn't a job.

Once again for the shortbus kids--- "approval" is irrelevant. ATTENTION is what they're after, and they'll get it any way they can. The way to do that is fear and loathing and scandal and disaster. Nobody's going to watch little Tabitha's great sixth birthday party -- they want fake wrestling, they want people stranded on an island forced to eat bugs, and in this case they want angry white guys pounding on tables in contrived outrage flanked by bimbos in short skirts.

That's all emotional mining, and it's there to keep you enthralled long enough to sell you Viagra. And that's as deep as it goes.

It's ALL manipulation, and you're the tool.

I've been in media all my life, I know *exactly* how this works. That's why I took by own TV and threw it out the window.

My God you are a fucking idiot. People pay attention to that which the APPROVE of.

So, attention ratings ARE approval ratings. MORON.

Nope. Not at all and never have been.

How much "ratings" did Katrina get? How much did 9/11 get?

You actually think that's because the public "approves" of floods and terrorist attacks?

You're a moron beyond morons. Advertising just loves sheep like you and hopes and prays that you don't listen to me.

You show 'em, Goober. Dumbass.

No you fucking idiot, they got coverage because people approve of seeing that kind of news.

If people didn't WANT news about hurricanes (IE didn't approve of stories about hurricanes) no news channel would ever cover one again.

MSNBC and Fox News are good examples of this moron. Largely, they cover the same stories. Albeit from different perspectives. If all people wanted was the news stories, the respective ratings of each network would be roughly equal, but WAY more people APPROVE of the way Fox presents the news than do MSNBC, so MSNBC has ratings that are in the fucking toilet even though they are largely presenting the same news stories.
I believe I have this figured out. Several years back Pogo with his substantial accomplishments in Television submitted a resume to FNC. It was determined at that time he wasn't as accomplished as he thought he was. Bitterness and doltishness has run amuck in his life.
Condolences Pogo
It was a metaphor. Sorry it sailed over your pointy little head. I gotta remember to dumb down to a minus-second grade reading level. I'll make a note.

Uh--- yes they do, stupid. That's how the medium WORKS. That's why your local fraction news leads off with a deadly apartment fire -- it's in some area you never heard of but the important thing is "we got video". That doesn't mean anybody watching "approves of" apartment fires. That's why everybody on the freeway slows up to gawk at the overturned tractor trailer in flames --- doesn't mean they "approve of" overturned tractor trailers in flames.

Attention --- approval --- KNOW the difference. The media manipulators who play your emotional heartstrings lke a three-dollar banjo know it, and they play that tune all the way to the bank.

You see child, whether you "approve" or not is completely irrelevant. The point of emotional manipulation is you're invested --- whether it's in hair-on-fire news, apartment-on-fire news, fake wrestling, paternity tests, it matters not a whit --- the point is they have your ATTENTION, which is measured in ratings, and that means they can shove a commercial in front of your face, sell you deodorant and make money.

THAT Is what it's all about. PERIOD.

OMG you are stupid.

The local news has stories on fires and murder and shit, not because people approve of that stuff, but because they approve of receiving NEWS about such events.

What a fucking moron. Of course you're the same idiot who claimed that being a TV talent wasn't a job.

Once again for the shortbus kids--- "approval" is irrelevant. ATTENTION is what they're after, and they'll get it any way they can. The way to do that is fear and loathing and scandal and disaster. Nobody's going to watch little Tabitha's great sixth birthday party -- they want fake wrestling, they want people stranded on an island forced to eat bugs, and in this case they want angry white guys pounding on tables in contrived outrage flanked by bimbos in short skirts.

That's all emotional mining, and it's there to keep you enthralled long enough to sell you Viagra. And that's as deep as it goes.

It's ALL manipulation, and you're the tool.

I've been in media all my life, I know *exactly* how this works. That's why I took by own TV and threw it out the window.

My God you are a fucking idiot. People pay attention to that which the APPROVE of.

So, attention ratings ARE approval ratings. MORON.

Nope. Not at all and never have been.

How much "ratings" did Katrina get? How much did 9/11 get?

You actually think that's because the public "approves" of floods and terrorist attacks?

You're a moron beyond morons. Advertising just loves sheep like you and hopes and prays that you don't listen to me.

You show 'em, Goober. Dumbass.

No you fucking idiot, they got coverage because people approve of seeing that kind of news.

If people didn't WANT news about hurricanes (IE didn't approve of stories about hurricanes) no news channel would ever cover one again.

MSNBC and Fox News are good examples of this moron. Largely, they cover the same stories. Albeit from different perspectives. If all people wanted was the news stories, the respective ratings of each network would be roughly equal, but WAY more people APPROVE of the way Fox presents the news than do MSNBC, so MSNBC has ratings that are in the fucking toilet even though they are largely presenting the same news stories.

Nope. It's not a question of "approving whether a news source exists". It's a question of the CONTENT THEREIN. Again, as I asked you before, what the fuck do you think "if it bleeds it leads" MEANS? You actually think it means people "approve of" bleeding?

No child, it means that blood will GET YOUR ATTENTION. And attention is ratings, and ratings is ad dollars.

I don't know what either of those channels' ratings are since I am not involved in buying or selling ads and never would be, but what they reflect is how well each channel manipulates viewer attention. If Fox has the higher ratings, then that means by definition it's doing a more effective job of manipulation, and therefore if you want to buy a TV ad it's going to cost you more, because they will deliver more eyeballs.


Now how either of them get that manipulation is up to them. They could, for example, play on old white people's racial fears by playing up an endless diarrhea of fake-news stories about The Scary Black Man featuring Van Jones, Jeremiah Wright, the "New Black Panthers", Shirley Sherrod, "hip hop barbecues at the White House", the "knockout game", etc etc. That would be one way they could keep you cowering in fear and locked in so they can sell you a truck you don't need that's capable of hauling a meteor.

Stop me when you start to get what's going on here.
OMG Pogo is stupid

Pogo, ALL THREE networks carried coverage of the Turkey bombing. Same fucking story, same blood. Which do you think attracted the most viewers? Oh that's right, no doubt it was FOX NEWS because viewers APPROVE of the way they present the same news over the way the other two cable news networks do.


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