Fox News Poll: 60 percent of voters think implementation of ObamaCare is 'a joke'


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Democrat voters in this country are hopeless...this thing has been a disaster, money pit and they still stand with it...amazing and sad all rolled into one


Oct. 2, 2013: A man looks over the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare) signup page on the website in New York in this photo illustration.Reuters

Six voters in ten describe implementation of ObamaCare as “a joke,” and more voters than not say problems with the government’s health insurance website are so bad someone should be fired, according to a Fox News national poll.

The new poll, released Wednesday, also finds a majority continues to dislike President Obama’s signature achievement: 51 percent of voters use negative terms to describe the health care law, saying it is either “a step backward” or “disastrous.” That’s down two percentage points from 53 percent in August. On the other side, 44 percent describe ObamaCare positively, either as “wonderful” or “progress.” It was 43 percent two months ago.

Most Democrats continue to describe the health care law positively: 12 percent “wonderful” and 62 percent “progress,” while most Republicans continue to call it “a step backward” (20 percent) or “disastrous” (66 percent).

Meanwhile, 60 percent of voters say the way the law is being carried out is “a joke.” That’s up just a touch from the 57 percent who felt that way in August. Likewise, 31 percent say things are “going fine” -- unchanged from this summer.

Click here for the poll results.

all of it here
Fox News Poll: 60 percent of voters think implementation of ObamaCare is 'a joke' | Fox News
This has become a comedians/cable show hosts dream come true! just like during the clinton years. so much fresh/nightly material to deliver to millions every night!
here's a good one, not ONE of these asses have to use the websites or get on Obambamfailnocare, but they FWEEEL your sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...sniff sniff

Hill Democrats frustrated by Obamacare rollout

By JENNIFER HABERKORN and JONATHAN ALLEN | 10/23/13 11:37 AM EDT Updated: 10/23/13 11:22 PM EDT

House Democrats voiced growing frustration and anger with the broken Obamacare enrollment site on Wednesday as administration officials tried to reassure them that will be repaired.

Democrats, who labored to get the Affordable Care Act through Congress in the first year of the Obama presidency, said they wanted the administration to share details of what’s wrong and when it will be fixed.

“It’s screwed up,” Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) said, summing up the whole situation.

The disastrous rollout three weeks ago of was obscured initially by the government shutdown, but now it’s Topic A on the Hill. Republicans are pouncing on ineptitude — and demanding delays. They had demanded a briefing too —and House Speaker John Boehner’s office said HHS had agreed and details were being worked out.

“It’s not clear why Republicans were excluded in the first place, but we look forward to getting answers to how the administration botched this enormous use of taxpayer dollars so badly,” a spokesman emailed reporters.

all of it with more scathing comments at this worthless government at
Read more: Hill Democrats frustrated by Obamacare rollout - Jennifer Haberkorn and Jonathan Allen -
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This rube of a President was ushered into the White House dripping with FAIL, yet swathed in the bathing light of all that is the Liberal Lie.
This rube of a President was ushered into the White House dripping with FAIL, yet swathed in the bathing light of all that is the Liberal Lie.

sums it up nicely my dear
I don't see it getting any better until he is gone either...more suffering and hate coming our way from these people in his administration to look forward to
Obama has made every anchor working or who has worked on MSNBC look like a baboon with a banana stuck in their rectum. (being they have been praising Obama-Care since 2009).
Obama has made every anchor working or who has worked on MSNBC look like a baboon with a banana stuck in their rectum. (being they have been praising Obama-Care since 2009).

no kidding, it's been sickening watching all these people "grovel" at his feet as if he is more than some, President
so much so, I can't stomach watching any of it...reading their articles some write about him is bad enough...barf worthy
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and lately some Liberal Rat commentators are trying to blame this mess on Republicans cause they didn't want to fund it? Yah? what does that have to to do with the teckees trying to set up this failing web-sight?
maybe some are seeing the writing on the wall
links in article at site

CNN: Blowing up HealthCare.Gov and starting over still looking like their best option, say more tech experts

posted at 2:41 pm on October 23, 2013 by Erika Johnsen

There’s a growing consensus on the mid- to late-November time frame by which the Obama administration really, really needs to have ObamaCare’s online portal running smoothly to avoid inducing more death-spiral risks and subsequent industry panic, and all of their plans for public outreach and directing people to call centers and whatnot is only going to get them so far.

“Tech surge” or no tech surge, CNN reports that still more experts and computer engineers are piling on to the suggestion that fixing HealthCare.Gov’s major problems before the end of 2013 just isn’t a feasible task, and that rebuilding the system from scratch would be the administration’s easiest and safest bet:

all of it here
CNN: Blowing up HealthCare.Gov and starting over still looking like their best option, say more tech experts « Hot Air
well by golly, isn't our dictator king so generous? and look who has the say in thing, the INSURANCE
lets give our, all hail obama


After Insurance Industry Pow-Wow, White House Delays Obamacare's Individual Mandate By Six Weeks

Yesterday afternoon, chief executives of 12 major health insurers—including Aetna, Humana, WellPoint, and Kaiser Permanente—trudged to the White House to “discuss…ongoing implementation of the Affordable Care Act.” The meeting was off the record, but we have a pretty good idea of what happened. Insurers were likely to urge the White House to delay the implementation of Obamacare’s exchanges until the website,, gets fixed. And it appears that got their wish. Last night, the White House confirmed that it intends to delay the enforcement of the individual mandate by as much as six weeks.

“The White House is meeting with insurance industry executives,” a consultant to insurers told Ezra Klein, “and I can tell you what they’re talking about. [They’re saying] you need to get this fixed, because you’re setting us up for a real fall with our customers. [Patients are] not going to blame Kathleen Sebelius if they walk into their doctor’s office and the doctor doesn’t know who they are. They’ll blame the insurance company. And I’m sure what the insurers are telling the White House today is we will not let you put us in that position.”

Broussard: ‘The verdict’s out’ on healthy people signing up

I recently spoke to one of those CEOs, Bruce Broussard of Humana, at the Forbes Healthcare Summit. Broussard expressed optimism that the website would eventually get fixed. But he was more cautious about whether or not healthy and young people will pay lots more for health insurance in order to subsidize other people.

“The exchanges probably are a good thing,” says Broussard. “It’s expanding coverage for people, and we think that in the long run it will be the right thing to do. In the short run, it’s got some bumps, and the industry and the government expected that. But we are focused on fixing those bumps, and to work with the government to make it both a good experience [while] driving down health care costs and improving the quality.”

We know that sick people will sign up, because the law heavily subsidizes coverage for them. But will other people? “The verdict’s out on that, to be honest with you…the federal government and the states are trying to stimulate more and more people to sign up. I think as the penalty increases for not having insurance, probably you will see more people sign up. But in the short run, it could be [sicker] people that just need coverage.”

all of it here
After Insurance Industry Pow-Wow, White House Delays Obamacare's Individual Mandate By Six Weeks - Forbes
and like I mentioned in my other post,, 20 Million visits? really? maybe its 2 people making 10 Million visits? lol. {more like 10 million attempts to login}.
Obama and the Congressional Dumbos are busy playing damage control while the Republicans are sitting back with popcorn and watching the show.
Liberals? Is Fox News lying? Or are the respondents lying? Nope. That's no conspiracy, Obamacare just sucks. Period.
I really feel sorry for all of the Bigfoots and Chewbaccas living in Cally/Oregon who have been trying for 2 weeks to buy health-insurance.
Of course it's a joke, Obama must think it's a joke being he is running away from it with another vacation/fund raising tour.
Americans Losing Faith in Obamacare

Obamacare Polls: Faith in Health Care Exchanges Eroding |

The recent government shutdown may have distracted some Americans from the bungled rollout of Obamacare, but a new Pew survey shows many people are well aware of just how bad things are for the law’s new insurance websites. Forty-six percent of Americans polled on Oct. 9 to 13, while the shutdown was in full swing, said the Affordable Care Act’s online insurance exchanges were working “not too well” or “not working at all.”

While about 41% of Americans approve of the ACA, according to Pew, negative public perception of the exchanges could hinder the administration’s plan to enroll 7 million people in private health plans through the exchanges by the end of 2014. Before the error-riddled launch on Oct. 1, the White House promised the exchanges would be easy-to-use tools, allowing consumers to compare and buy insurance policies in the same way they book travel or buy books online. The harder the exchange websites are to use — or the harder consumers think they are to use — the less likely people are to log on or sign up. These persistent problems mean many of those who have enrolled so far have done so only after making multiple attempts to navigate slow and crash-prone websites.

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