FOX News Poll: Disapproval Of GOP Skyrocketing

Interesting that you didn't bother to mention this:

if we keep saying 'We wanted to defund it. We fought for that but now we're (Repubs) willing to compromise on this ...

The Dems refuse to negotiate, compromise, talk. Period. They are the ones demanding "my way or the highway". Period. Republicans are representing their constituents (half the country) and the Dems are just saying "fuck you, we won". Yeah, that's the right way to run things. :rolleyes: :eusa_hand:

What he's saying is it wasn't "poll tested". That's quit different.

I heard that when John Boehnor went to the meeting at the White House, he started with "we want to delay Obamacare a year" and the entire room erupted in laughter.


Yabut, everything he says is met with laughter.

And then he's ignored.
It's fun to watch all of our libturd morons wail, pull their hair and gnash their teeth.

Deep down, they know that the dimocraps will get hammered by this. Once word gets out, once responsible adults start explaining what's going on to the people, once voters look past the lies in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM and once America decides that they're tired of listening to the excuses by dimocraps....

Check this out:

Government Shutdowns: A History | National Review Online

Overall, the statistics might surprise: Of the 17 shutdowns in America’s history, Democrats controlled the House during 15 and had charge of both chambers during eight. Five shutdowns happened under unified government! This makes sense. Government shutdowns are caused by legitimate and welcome disagreement between equal branches. They are certainly more likely to happen in divided government, but it is not a prerequisite.

What stands out here is not the shutdown itself, but the president and Harry Reid’s public refusal even to engage with Republicans. As Matthews documents, most budget gaps are resolved by the participants’ compromising. The quaint notion that there is no obligation to come to a negotiated agreement because one branch of government “won” would be almost certainly regarded as somewhat odd not only by the architects of America’s constitutional order but by the major players in the previous few decades. Eleven shutdowns ended with a deal, five were resolved with an agreement temporarily to fund the government while debate continued, and one ended with Congress overriding a presidential veto. Stand firm if you want, Mr. President, but the history is against you here.

Deep down, libturds know they're gonna lose this one. They're just afraid to come out from their beds to confront the 'monster' they've created.

Apparently, you don't recognize gloating when you see it. I've been doing so all week.

Self Delusion is good for someone like you.

It's certainly better than facing your real life. :dunno:
What is sadly humorous is watching the wingnuts going into exactly the same denial rants that they posted prior to 6Nov12. The polls are accurately reflecting the opinions of the American Citizen. And that opinion is not at all favorable for the GOP.
The GOP isn't losing approval. They lost it long ago.

The people agree with them in large majorities but the media is painting them as a bunch of radicals.

The radicals are the low-lifes on the left, but you wouldn't know that unless you saw the other side of the story and you can't get that from the liberal media.

Still, the Democrats are looking like shit in this. They shut down memorials, they're being obstinate to the press, they come off as a bunch of do-nothing assholes. They've become the party of "NO" now.
In the end, it will be dimocraps who get HAMMERED for this.

I mean, absolutely HAMMERED.

People expect to see this little thing called 'Leadership' from their president and so far, he isn't showing any.

Not just here, I mean anywhere on anything.

You know, it's really funny these people smash Obama at every turn and talk of him "getting hammered"

He's in his second term, he constitutionally cannot get reelected again....he's DONE. Why "bother" attacking Obama anymore? If you want to attack anyone at least attack Harry Reid or someone with some significance to the 2016+ elections.

Keep telling the rw's that cuz they just don't get it. They don't understand that he was elected (TWICE!) to the very top of the world. There is nothing higher than president of the United States.
The GOP isn't losing approval. They lost it long ago.

The people agree with them in large majorities but the media is painting them as a bunch of radicals.

The radicals are the low-lifes on the left, but you wouldn't know that unless you saw the other side of the story and you can't get that from the liberal media.

Still, the Democrats are looking like shit in this. They shut down memorials, they're being obstinate to the press, they come off as a bunch of do-nothing assholes. They've become the party of "NO" now.

Pretty much every mainstream poll disagrees with you...including Fox News.
The Dems are the ones who will not compromise/negotiate/talk ... they are as much at fault for the shutdown as the Repubs.

Wouldn't it have made more sense for the Dems to pass a budget in the past five years so they wouldn't even need to do a cr? Oh, they were too busy shoving the aca down our throats to do their job. You don't see how hypocritical this sentence is, do you? :lol:

Both sides are to blame. Republicans are more than willing to negotiate and have presented numerous solutions. The Dems have done nothing but insist things be done "their way".

There is nothing left to negotiate...the budget is already agreed on, a budget written by the GOP House!

What can the GOP offer the Dems?? NOTHING! The terms are set and the only thing left is the GOP wanting to delay ACA. They have played all their cards and don't have anything to put on the table.

A 'budget'?

What budget?

Republicans agreeing to a budget? When?

dimocraps are so stupid, it's hard to fathom.

All they've been doing on this Board during the entire shutdown is crowd the Board, post after post with meaningless drivel, insults, false narratives, lies and misdirects.

fucking idiots.

We come on a thread, try to make a point and all they do is attack the person or what they believe with lies and hate.

Which is why I decided a long time ago that I won't take it anymore, I'm going to give what I get.

ALL Republicans should try that. It's refreshing :) it a CR bill, big difference. The terms were set by the GOP house, the senate agreed. Now the GOP has nothing to negotiate with, it has an empty hand.
A GOP Rep is even on record as stating they have to get something out of all of this, they just haven't figured out yet what it is that they want. This is government by temper tantrum, and the American Citizen recognizes it.
I would expect nothing else.
The entire media for the past week has been in a full force anti-republican blitzkrieg.
The ill-informed fall for it hook line and sinker

The media should be on the Republicans for their shenannigans. Don't whine, your party wants to play, they need to suck it up and see it through. Everyone knows and is very upset they Repubs are using these tactics to get rid of Affordable Healthcare.

How blatantly obvious can they get?.
I would expect nothing else.
The entire media for the past week has been in a full force anti-republican blitzkrieg.
The ill-informed fall for it hook line and sinker

The media should be on the Republicans for their shenannigans. Don't whine, your party wants to play, they need to suck it up and see it through. Everyone knows and is very upset they Repubs are using these tactics to get rid of Affordable Healthcare.

How blatantly obvious can they get?.

You're a liar. Republicans only want for the Individual what the Stuttering Clusterfuck of a miserable piece of fucking shit has already given to his pals in Big Business....

A one year delay.

So which is it?

Are you a pathological liar or an idiot?

tired of lying dimocraps already
Boehner is letting the rope out for the TeaPs. He is knowing exactly what he is doing and what the end game is for the TPM. So, guys, which this unfold unto the bitter end when JB pulls the rope up short and calls for an up and down vote in the House. The TeaPs will be in the air with no footing and will be left twisting, twisting in the air.
I would expect nothing else.
The entire media for the past week has been in a full force anti-republican blitzkrieg.
The ill-informed fall for it hook line and sinker

The media should be on the Republicans for their shenannigans. Don't whine, your party wants to play, they need to suck it up and see it through. Everyone knows and is very upset they Repubs are using these tactics to get rid of Affordable Healthcare.

How blatantly obvious can they get?.

You're a liar. Republicans only want for the Individual what the Stuttering Clusterfuck of a miserable piece of fucking shit has already given to his pals in Big Business....

A one year delay.

So which is it?

Are you a pathological liar or an idiot?

tired of lying dimocraps already

Po' intellectually challenged Edgy. Have you ever considered posting anything above adolescent level? The ACA is the Law. Will remain the Law. And, thanks to people like you that supported this attempt at extortion, will be a Law that will be vastly improve upon in the next 10 years.
Rather interesting the link by the Op was not to FOX News I wonder why that was? If your going to cite a FOX poll shouldn't your link be to FOX ? Unless of course your looking for cherry picked numbers to support a false narrative.
The media should be on the Republicans for their shenannigans. Don't whine, your party wants to play, they need to suck it up and see it through. Everyone knows and is very upset they Repubs are using these tactics to get rid of Affordable Healthcare.

How blatantly obvious can they get?.

You're a liar. Republicans only want for the Individual what the Stuttering Clusterfuck of a miserable piece of fucking shit has already given to his pals in Big Business....

A one year delay.

So which is it?

Are you a pathological liar or an idiot?

tired of lying dimocraps already

Po' intellectually challenged Edgy. Have you ever considered posting anything above adolescent level? The ACA is the Law. Will remain the Law. And, thanks to people like you that supported this attempt at extortion, will be a Law that will be vastly improve upon in the next 10 years.

Point out to me where 'the law' gives the Stuttering Clusterfuck the power to delay the Employer Mandate by one year.

The fact is -- It doesn't.

You are just an ignorant little lying sack of shit that toes the party line no matter what.

eat shit
I suggest one read the actual poll rather than the cherry picked opinion of the survey from PoliticusUSA "Real Liberal Politics"

19. Which one of the following comes closest to what you would like to see lawmakers do with the new health care law -- would you like lawmakers to repeal the law entirely, repeal parts of the law, expand the law, or leave it as is?

Repeal it entirely 30%
Repeal parts of the law 24%
Expand it 15%
Leave it as is 26%
(Don't know) 5%

21. Which do you think would be better for you and your family -- the new health care system or the system that was in place before the new health care law?

The new health care system 36%
System that was in place before 52%
(Don't know)12%

22. Several provisions of the health care law have already been delayed. Setting aside how you feel about the law, do you think implementation of it should be delayed for a year until more details are ironed out, or not?

Yes 57%
No 39%
(Don't know) 3%

Question 37 is kind of scary,
This poll states Cruz hurt his cause.
And I have no idea why they thew in the football question. :lol:
here's the problem with fox noise polling... they get their polling from republicans viewers responding to their questions... so to say there is only a 4% difference between pulling obama care and keeping it, I would say you guys are in trouble ... big time

they get their polling from republicans viewers responding to their questions

No they don't, idiot.
I would expect nothing else.
The entire media for the past week has been in a full force anti-republican blitzkrieg.
The ill-informed fall for it hook line and sinker

That's ^^^ a ridiculous comment. The R's are in decline even though they have ample opportunity to make their case on the TV. Radical Republican members of the House lineup to speak to the public and to the man and women they say the same thing, use the same language and universally tell us - the American People - what we believe. Such arrogance is foolish, but as a GOP talking point it is ubiquitous.
I suggest one read the actual poll rather than the cherry picked opinion of the survey from PoliticusUSA "Real Liberal Politics"

19. Which one of the following comes closest to what you would like to see lawmakers do with the new health care law -- would you like lawmakers to repeal the law entirely, repeal parts of the law, expand the law, or leave it as is?

Repeal it entirely 30%
Repeal parts of the law 24%
Expand it 15%
Leave it as is 26%
(Don't know) 5%

21. Which do you think would be better for you and your family -- the new health care system or the system that was in place before the new health care law?

The new health care system 36%
System that was in place before 52%
(Don't know)12%

22. Several provisions of the health care law have already been delayed. Setting aside how you feel about the law, do you think implementation of it should be delayed for a year until more details are ironed out, or not?

Yes 57%
No 39%
(Don't know) 3%

Question 37 is kind of scary,
This poll states Cruz hurt his cause.
And I have no idea why they thew in the football question. :lol:
here's the problem with fox noise polling... they get their polling from republicans viewers responding to their questions... so to say there is only a 4% difference between pulling obama care and keeping it, I would say you guys are in trouble ... big time

How do you know?

It's obvious you're a practiced liar.

As is the polls shows that they blame Obama and the Repugs almost equally 24-25%.
The media should be on the Republicans for their shenannigans. Don't whine, your party wants to play, they need to suck it up and see it through. Everyone knows and is very upset they Repubs are using these tactics to get rid of Affordable Healthcare.

How blatantly obvious can they get?.

You're a liar. Republicans only want for the Individual what the Stuttering Clusterfuck of a miserable piece of fucking shit has already given to his pals in Big Business....

A one year delay.

So which is it?

Are you a pathological liar or an idiot?

tired of lying dimocraps already

Po' intellectually challenged Edgy. Have you ever considered posting anything above adolescent level? The ACA is the Law. Will remain the Law. And, thanks to people like you that supported this attempt at extortion, will be a Law that will be vastly improve upon in the next 10 years.

Knob-slurping dimocrap scumbag.

Get somebody to read this to you

Yes, Delaying Obamacare?s Employer Mandate Is Illegal | Cato @ Liberty
You're a liar. Republicans only want for the Individual what the Stuttering Clusterfuck of a miserable piece of fucking shit has already given to his pals in Big Business....

A one year delay.

So which is it?

Are you a pathological liar or an idiot?

tired of lying dimocraps already

Po' intellectually challenged Edgy. Have you ever considered posting anything above adolescent level? The ACA is the Law. Will remain the Law. And, thanks to people like you that supported this attempt at extortion, will be a Law that will be vastly improve upon in the next 10 years.

Point out to me where 'the law' gives the Stuttering Clusterfuck the power to delay the Employer Mandate by one year.

The fact is -- It doesn't.

You are just an ignorant little lying sack of shit that toes the party line no matter what.

eat shit



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