Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Shit happens in the world of high stakes media. Fox makes a mistake and fails to verify a story and the entire left wing is ready to pounce. You can almost smell the disappointment on the left when Fox settled the lawsuit and you could almost hear them say "wait a minute, it was supposed to be the end of Fox". So they scrape up what little propaganda they can glean and go on attacking Fox. Meanwhile genuine fake news such as the "Steele Doctrine goes relatively uninvestigated
It's not the same. Some of the complaints about Smartmatic were accurate. They were started by Venezuelan's and they didn't have much of a reputation. Dominion had a better chance at prevailing since the lies, starred by Sydney Powell, were conflating Smartmatic with Dominion in order to tarnish Dominion, who had a bigger presence in the election than Smartmatic.
Everything said is true.

But Dominion would have <$100m in court... There company was only worth $80m before this all started.. Fox paid this money to not go through a trial. That $700m to not goto trial.

Smartmatic will be allowed the same depositions and bring up the same witnesses including Murdoch himself. So while the offences might be less the court case would be very similar. Fox employees would all have to take the stand and answer all the same questions, this was the real damage for Fox.

We could get lucky and they goto trial with Smartmatic...

BTW Smartmatic seems like a far bigger company than Dominon by size of revenue. So there potential losses could be argued higher..
You don't even realize that the "certain claims" means nothing, unless you specify what they are. But you don't know. Bottom line is, Fox did not admit anything about lying, and that is just your overzealous input, which is the only thing here that is is lying.
They stated that they agreed with the Judge in the case and he stated all those things...

Again they paid this massive claim because they didn't want to goto trial and tell the truth...

Nearly a billion dollars and they STILL NOT HAPPY!!!! Honestly i think Fox was happy to pay that whopping price for their stinking part in the stolen election and Dominion, greedy filthy pigs like any democrat elite simply want more. It's never enough.
That's not what the court established. They established nothing, because the case was SETTLED out of court, without any specifics being covered.

I already told you why they settled. You can take the blinders off now. Your willful ignorance blinds you.

Says you, citing you. And of course, you're clueless.

Meanwhile, the courts found that Fox had been lying and granted summary judgment for Dominion on the issue of falsity;

"The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none ofthe Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true. Therefore, the Court will grant summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity. "

As always, your willful ignorance is gloriously irrelevant to any legal outcome.
What are fails is this idiotic list of what you CLAIM to be FAILS, almost all of which are NOT fails, and are only fails within the context of leftwing BS, which you are obvioulsy DUPED by.

Ladies and OANN viewer.
Hey, if there's going to be defamation lawsuits based on false statements made about election tampering, how about some lawsuits against Jimmy Carter, Hillary Clinton, John Lewis, Jerry Nadler, and dozens of Democrats who shot their mouths off alleging Russian collusion, in the 2016 election ?

The DNC even went so far as to file a 66 page lawsuit against the Trump campaign, Russia, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and several relatives and associates of Donald Trump.

Democrats wanna play hardball. IT'S LAWSUIT TIME!

I'll see if I can dig up the montage video of all of them committing slander, that Mike Gallagher played on his radio show this morning, but really, the 2018 lawsuit is all the proof that's needed. Slam dunk, and a HUGE one.
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Nearly a billion dollars and they STILL NOT HAPPY!!!!
So after Fox News admitting to lying by agreeing to lying:

We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false. This settlement reflects FOX’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards. We are hopeful that our decision to resolve this dispute with Dominion amicably, instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial, allows the country to move forward from these issues."

So what did the Court say:
Last week, Davis ruled that Dominion had already proved the contested statements' falsity and that the jury won't have to weigh their validity; instead, the judge will instruct them that the statements are false and defamatory.

So Fox admitted to lying... Fox are just trying not to admit right out but they have admitted to lying by agreeing with the court.
...Fox themselves were quick to address the settlement in crafted language that appears to softly walk back the tone of their on-air claims that the 2020 election was stolen from incumbent Donald Trump.

“We are pleased to have reached a settlement of our dispute with Dominion Voting Systems,” a Fox spokesperson said after the agreement was announced. “We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false. This settlement reflects Fox’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards. We are hopeful that our decision to resolve this dispute with Dominion amicably, instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial, allows the country to move forward from these issues...”


"This settlement reflects Fox’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards..."

If this were true, there never would have been a lawsuit you fucking morons! If it were true, you wouldn't have settled, you'd have made your case and won!
And if Dominion had a case, they wouldn’t have taken less tha half of what they wanted you fucking moron! They would have demanded to go to trial and made their case.
Hey, if there's going to be defamation lawsuits based on false statements made about election tampering, how about some lawsuits against Jimmy Carter, Hillary Clinton, John Lewis, Jerry Nadler, and dozens of Democrats who shot their mouths off alleging Russian collusion, in the 2016 election ?

Democrats wanna play hardball. IT'S LAWSUIT TIME!

I'll see if I can dig up the montage video of all of them commiting slander, that Mike Gallagher played on his radio show this mornng.
Fucksake get the memo...

Trump Campaign Manager passed information to Russians, Russians helped Trump campaign.

Please sue, go on ahead... We need a good laugh..

Again you were lied to by Fox and others, how many times will you keep believing them... They have been caught lying and you are going back for more... Fox are not the fools in this story, it is the people who keep on believing them.
No they didn't. Post here a video link SHOWING them saying that. Go ahead. You're on the board, right now.

:link: .......:link:

Fox News-Dominion Settlement: Fox Not Required To Apologize For False Election Claims, Company Says
Fox News issued a statement after the settlement acknowledging “the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false,” before immediately pivoting to claim: “This settlement reflects FOX’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards.”

Dominion repeatedly made court filings suggesting top Fox News hosts didn’t believe fraud claims but aired them anyway—one filing revealed Carlson sent text messages calling the fraud assertions “insane” and “absurd,” and another showed Murdoch conceding some high-profile Fox News hosts had endorsed false voter fraud claims even as he insisted the company didn’t back the theories.

No matter how you call it, Foxnews lied their asses off even while knowing that they were telling lies. You can't change history to suit yourself. Who do you think you are, the Daughters of the Confederacy?
Ladies and OANN viewer.
I used to watch it. Lots of good content, that could deprogram the leftist DUPES in this thread. Only problem I had with OAN, was their broadcasts were about things that happened 2 weeks prior.
I used to watch it. Lots of good content, that could deprogram the leftist DUPES in this thread. Only problem I had with OAN, was their broadcasts were about things that happened 2 weeks prior.

You never saw this coming, Protectionist. Never. The talking heads that do your thinking for you never informed you that Fox had lost on falsity. That an ex-producer had admitted that Fox compelled her to lie. That she produced recordings about Dominion that Fox claimed didn't exist.


And you demonstrate for us yet again what the right wing echo-chamber is worth. Jack shit.
And if Dominion had a case, they wouldn’t have taken less tha half of what they wanted you fucking moron! They would have demanded to go to trial and made their case.
$1.6bn was never realistic... It is an aspirational total....

This is why $787m is such a high figure... They would have never won that in court but Fox couldn't afford to tell the truth...
Fox News loves rubes like you. They lie to you, they get caught lying to you, and you defend them.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

You are their bread and butter.
And you’re just a moron who worships CNN and MSNBC. You DESERVE to be mocked daily. Care to explain why Dominion gave up over half of what they wanted if they were so confident? And no, you can not just cry about appeals taking too long. Legitimate reasons only.

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