Fox's new 'fair and balanced' Obama video

I could care less MSMBC is left and fox is right. What pisses me off is them honestly trying to say they are Fair and Balanced. They report, you decide? Really!!??

They have many more Liberals working for Fox news (which is what that means -fair and balanced).
Mainstream news has very few, if any Conservatives working for them. They have Conservatives come on their shows, but not much in the way of being hired.

How do you figure? CNN has hosts that basically sit back (Wolf Blitzer) and let the guests battle it out, which includes a pretty even mix from both sides. I'll give you that MSNBC is pretty liberal, but they're also open about that fact. They don't try to dress it up like Fox and claim a "fair and balanced" panel consisting of three conservatives and one mealy-mouthed liberal they found on the side of the road.

Wolf has guests.
Who is Conservative that works for CNN ?

Fox has
Geraldo Rivera
Ed Hill - who I think you are refering to as mealy mouthed.
Juan Williams
Martin Frost
Alan Colmes
Greta Van Susteren
Thay are many others, I just can't think of their names , right now off the top of my head.

'Fox And Friends' Anti-Obama Video Could Double As GOP Ad (VIDEO)

"Fox and Friends" aired a remarkable four-minute video on its Wednesday show.

The video, which the hosts of the show advertised as taking a "look back" at President Obama's four years in office, could easily be mistaken for a Republican attack ad. It was aired multiple times throughout the show.

"We decided to take a look back at the president's first term to see if it lived up to hope and change," host Gretchen Carlson asked at one point, introducing the video.

In the video —which is labeled as a "Fox and Friends Presents" production — viewers see images of Obama talking about jobs contrasted with footage of homeless people. There is dark, foreboding music, and statistics about the unemployment rate, the rise in the number of food stamps, and the national debt, among other things.

Some media critics were outraged by the video. The Baltimore Sun's David Zurawik denounced it, calling it reminiscent of "1930s propaganda":

As the guy who challenged the Obama administration two years when it tried to deny Fox News access to interviews and other opportunities offered to the media on the grounds that Fox was not a legitimate news operation, I have to tell you even I am shocked by how blatantly Fox is throwing off any pretense of being a journalistic entity with videos like this. Don't be fooled by Bret Baier's Boy Scout smile or all the talk about how some shows are news and some are opinion on the channel. Any news organization that puts up this kind of video is rotten to the core.

Has anybody mentioned the way Newsweek essentially became a cum-laden Obama groupie four years ago...?






All these cover stories were positive portrayals.
According to the OP - Examining Obama's record is propaganda!! It's not what he "does"- it's what he "says" and "feels" that counts! :lol:

Choom Gang Barry feels your pain......

In other news, birds still fly and fish still swim.

Fox News accused of crossing the line in attack on Obama [Video] -

A new Fox News video attacking President Obama and his handling of the economy has created a furor, with even conservatives saying that the slam job gives lie to the cable giant’s “fair-and-balanced” claims.

Although it appeared to be a hit produced by a rival candidate, the video was produced by Fox and aired on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday morning — with sharp critiques of Obama and graphics outlining lagging economic indicators, set to foreboding music.

The 4-minute piece was notable for clearly breaching Fox’s previously stated policy of restricting its advocacy programs — hosted by Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly — to the evenings.

“Clearly this is advocacy,” said Dan Schnur, director of the Unruh Institute of Politics at USC and a former Republican political consultant. “What this video does is make it clear that “Fox & Friends’” role on the Fox News channel is now similar to Hannity’s or O’Reilly’s on Fox or, for that matter, [Chris] Matthews’ or [Rachel] Maddow’s on MSNBC.”

At the conservative web site Hot Air, Ed Morrissey wrote that there had previously been valid critiques of media outlets that offered “biased perspective and hagiographies of Obama that go well beyond a single video.” He said that it was only valid to criticize a purported news report that clearly tilted politically in the other direction.

“If anyone wanted to look for evidence that the overall Fox News organization intends to campaign against Obama rather than cover the campaign, this video would be difficult to refute as evidence for that claim,” Morrissey wrote.

Starting at 1:00 PM ET, and not ending until 11:00 PM ET, every weekday, not even interrupted for reporting actual news, MSNBC is a constant and never-ending mouthpiece of President and the Democratic Party.

During that time the appearence of any conservative/Republican on their shows is about as rare as teeth in a chicken's beak or spine in an MSNBC hosts' back.

On the other hand, the "Fair and Balanced" slogan on FOX is demonstrated time after time, with liberal/Democrat guests on all FOX opinion shows, sometimes even two liberals.

Can anyone recall the last time a conservative appeared with Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, Martin Bashir, Rachel Maddows, Tamron Hall, Alex Wagner, Lawrence O'Donnell or Ed Schultz?

Can anyone recall when the above-mentioned worthies did not promote Obama?
with . Can anyone recall the last time these people and/or any of their guests said anything worth remembering, or anything that was not a snickering denigration of anything and everything conservative?

Compared to MSNBC, FOX may not be totally fair, but it is definitely more balanced. Which is not saying much, because MSNBC is not balanced at all.
It's "accurate" in the sense that they didn't make up any numbers, but it's presented in a highly misleading fashion. Key example: the claim that gas prices have risen from $2.50 a gallon when Obama took office to $3.68 today. That's true, but leaves out that oil took a nosedive in late 2008 due to the decline in industry activity. Before that decline, gas prices were pushing $4 a gallon. Gas being near that level today doesn't show that Obama is incompenant, it shows that demand for gas is higher because we're not flying off a cliff.

Main stream news does the same thing. They leave out a whole bunch more things that is misleading, than Fox does.
In other news, birds still fly and fish still swim.

Fox News accused of crossing the line in attack on Obama [Video] -

A new Fox News video attacking President Obama and his handling of the economy has created a furor, with even conservatives saying that the slam job gives lie to the cable giant’s “fair-and-balanced” claims.

Although it appeared to be a hit produced by a rival candidate, the video was produced by Fox and aired on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday morning — with sharp critiques of Obama and graphics outlining lagging economic indicators, set to foreboding music.

The 4-minute piece was notable for clearly breaching Fox’s previously stated policy of restricting its advocacy programs — hosted by Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly — to the evenings.

“Clearly this is advocacy,” said Dan Schnur, director of the Unruh Institute of Politics at USC and a former Republican political consultant. “What this video does is make it clear that “Fox & Friends’” role on the Fox News channel is now similar to Hannity’s or O’Reilly’s on Fox or, for that matter, [Chris] Matthews’ or [Rachel] Maddow’s on MSNBC.”

At the conservative web site Hot Air, Ed Morrissey wrote that there had previously been valid critiques of media outlets that offered “biased perspective and hagiographies of Obama that go well beyond a single video.” He said that it was only valid to criticize a purported news report that clearly tilted politically in the other direction.

“If anyone wanted to look for evidence that the overall Fox News organization intends to campaign against Obama rather than cover the campaign, this video would be difficult to refute as evidence for that claim,” Morrissey wrote.

Starting at 1:00 PM ET, and not ending until 11:00 PM ET, every weekday, not even interrupted for reporting actual news, MSNBC is a constant and never-ending mouthpiece of President and the Democratic Party.

During that time the appearence of any conservative/Republican on their shows is about as rare as teeth in a chicken's beak or spine in an MSNBC hosts' back.

On the other hand, the "Fair and Balanced" slogan on FOX is demonstrated time after time, with liberal/Democrat guests on all FOX opinion shows, sometimes even two liberals.

Can anyone recall the last time a conservative appeared with Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, Martin Bashir, Rachel Maddows, Tamron Hall, Alex Wagner, Lawrence O'Donnell or Ed Schultz?

Can anyone recall when the above-mentioned worthies did not promote Obama?
with . Can anyone recall the last time these people and/or any of their guests said anything worth remembering, or anything that was not a snickering denigration of anything and everything conservative?

Compared to MSNBC, FOX may not be totally fair, but it is definitely more balanced. Which is not saying much, because MSNBC is not balanced at all.

:eek: Are you saying MSNBC is unbalanced?? Holy moley!! How could you?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Uh oh:

"Bill Shine, Fox's executive vice president of programming, issued a statement Wednesday saying the segment was unauthorized. “The package that aired on FOX & Friends was created by an associate producer and was not authorized at the senior executive level of the network. This has been addressed with the show’s producers,” Shine said."

Fox News Airs Segment Resembling Campaign Attack Ad - Yahoo! News

doesn't seem to say management disagrees with the contents. Did I miss that part of the piece?

Oh, and Fox& Friends isn't 'news'.
Fox & Friends doesn't cover the news?
awwwwwwwwwwww..... did the big bad FOX News upset wittle Obamabot JosephK with a dose of reality?


I could care less MSMBC is left and fox is right. What pisses me off is them honestly trying to say they are Fair and Balanced. They report, you decide? Really!!??

They have many more Liberals working for Fox news (which is what that means -fair and balanced).
Mainstream news has very few, if any Conservatives working for them. They have Conservatives come on their shows, but not much in the way of being hired.
Really? Which Liberal is given a 3 hour show on FOX each weekday?
They have many more Liberals working for Fox news (which is what that means -fair and balanced).
Mainstream news has very few, if any Conservatives working for them. They have Conservatives come on their shows, but not much in the way of being hired.

How do you figure? CNN has hosts that basically sit back (Wolf Blitzer) and let the guests battle it out, which includes a pretty even mix from both sides. I'll give you that MSNBC is pretty liberal, but they're also open about that fact. They don't try to dress it up like Fox and claim a "fair and balanced" panel consisting of three conservatives and one mealy-mouthed liberal they found on the side of the road.

Wolf has guests.
Who is Conservative that works for CNN ?

Fox has
Geraldo Rivera
Ed Hill - who I think you are refering to as mealy mouthed.
Juan Williams
Martin Frost
Alan Colmes
Greta Van Susteren
Thay are many others, I just can't think of their names , right now off the top of my head.


Martin Frost!!! Yeah, because Texas Democrats are always the most Liberal! :lol:

According to the OP - Examining Obama's record is propaganda!! It's not what he "does"- it's what he "says" and "feels" that counts! :lol:

Choom Gang Barry feels your pain......


That is why the left thinks it is propaganda because it makes them feel, (angry).
Propaganda uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented.
Fox reported facts, facts is not propaganda.
Nothing on Fox is. That's a beauty of it. A news-free news channel.

Shepard Smith and Brett Baer present the news every bit as well and every bit as objectively as any news anchors anywhere else.

Too bad the left-wing icons, who departed much much much later than their "best before" date, you know, Walter Cronkite, who convinced America that the Viet Cong was far more noble than America and Peter Jennings who never missed an opportunity to mock and denigrate President G W Bush, are not here today learn from them and to see the inevitable demise of the President that they would have never approved or supported, being the racist pricks that they were. Especially Jennings who was not even an American.
Fox News gave up on being a legitimate news source a decade ago. They saw more money could be made being the Professional Wrestling of news.

News Entertainment is where the ratings are at
If those three people on Fox and Friends were allowed to collaborate on an IQ test, they would score about 60.

They are an embarrassment to conservatism. If they are the best we can do for conservative journalism, then we are hard and truly fucked. The dumbing down of the base is well underway.

Did you happen to catch Jeopardy when Chris Mattews (MSNBC) was on?
He lost, 0 money for his charity. He didn't get hardly any answers right. Great intelligence there. :lol:
Chris Wallace (Fox News) won, big money for his charity.

George Will should have reserved his description "bloviating ignoramus" for the truly deserving recipient of the honor: "Chris Matthews". Sometimes I wonder how the children of this punk, Chris Matthews, don't disown him.
awwwwwwwwwwww..... did the big bad FOX News upset wittle Obamabot JosephK with a dose of reality?


I could care less MSMBC is left and fox is right. What pisses me off is them honestly trying to say they are Fair and Balanced. They report, you decide? Really!!??

When you say that you could care less, it means two things:

First: Your knowledge of your mother tongue (I presume it's English) is so scant that one can't help thinking that you received your "education" in a public school.

Second: You never watched either FOX or MSNBC.

'Fox And Friends' Anti-Obama Video Could Double As GOP Ad (VIDEO)

"Fox and Friends" aired a remarkable four-minute video on its Wednesday show.

The video, which the hosts of the show advertised as taking a "look back" at President Obama's four years in office, could easily be mistaken for a Republican attack ad. It was aired multiple times throughout the show.

"We decided to take a look back at the president's first term to see if it lived up to hope and change," host Gretchen Carlson asked at one point, introducing the video.

In the video —which is labeled as a "Fox and Friends Presents" production — viewers see images of Obama talking about jobs contrasted with footage of homeless people. There is dark, foreboding music, and statistics about the unemployment rate, the rise in the number of food stamps, and the national debt, among other things.

Some media critics were outraged by the video. The Baltimore Sun's David Zurawik denounced it, calling it reminiscent of "1930s propaganda":

As the guy who challenged the Obama administration two years when it tried to deny Fox News access to interviews and other opportunities offered to the media on the grounds that Fox was not a legitimate news operation, I have to tell you even I am shocked by how blatantly Fox is throwing off any pretense of being a journalistic entity with videos like this. Don't be fooled by Bret Baier's Boy Scout smile or all the talk about how some shows are news and some are opinion on the channel. Any news organization that puts up this kind of video is rotten to the core.

Looks pretty fair to me, they told the truth....

They have many more Liberals working for Fox news (which is what that means -fair and balanced).
Mainstream news has very few, if any Conservatives working for them. They have Conservatives come on their shows, but not much in the way of being hired.

How do you figure? CNN has hosts that basically sit back (Wolf Blitzer) and let the guests battle it out, which includes a pretty even mix from both sides. I'll give you that MSNBC is pretty liberal, but they're also open about that fact. They don't try to dress it up like Fox and claim a "fair and balanced" panel consisting of three conservatives and one mealy-mouthed liberal they found on the side of the road.

Wolf has guests.
Who is Conservative that works for CNN ?

Fox has
Geraldo Rivera
Ed Hill - who I think you are refering to as mealy mouthed.
Juan Williams
Martin Frost
Alan Colmes
Greta Van Susteren
Thay are many others, I just can't think of their names , right now off the top of my head.

Alan Colmes, Geraldo, and Juan Williams are all mealy-mouthed as well.
Conservatives at CNN? Let's see... Erick Erickson, David Gergen, Alex Castellanos. There are more, but I don't watch CNN often enough to give a full list. In terms of conservatives with their own shows, Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs both previously had shows on CNN.
Nothing on Fox is. That's a beauty of it. A news-free news channel.

Shepard Smith and Brett Baer present the news every bit as well and every bit as objectively as any news anchors anywhere else.

Too bad the left-wing icons, who departed much much much later than their "best before" date, you know, Walter Cronkite, who convinced America that the Viet Cong was far more noble than America and Peter Jennings who never missed an opportunity to mock and denigrate President G W Bush, are not here today learn from them and to see the inevitable demise of the President that they would have never approved or supported, being the racist pricks that they were. Especially Jennings who was not even an American.

I'll give Shep Smith credit as being a newsman, but Bret Baier is one of the biggest hacks in the industry. Baier's coverage is heavily biased to the right. Compare his interviews with Bush and Obama. He had a lot of hard-hitting question for Obama. His questions for Bush were basically "tell me why you're so awesome".
Lets at least agree that Geraldo Riviera sucks balls no matter what network he's on. He's a embarrassment for whoever his employer is.

He should be moved to MSNBC so at least nobody would ever see him.

Lets at least agree that Geraldo Riviera sucks balls no matter what network he's on. He's a embarrassment for whoever his employer is.

He should be moved to MSNBC so at least nobody would ever see him.


I'll drink to that. He is effective comic relief though.

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