France Knows Who Is And Is Not Their Enemy

They do screen and do background checks. The most extensive of any immigrant or refugee.

How Do Syrian Refugees Get Into the US

Potential refugees first apply for refugee status through the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), the international body in charge of protecting and assisting refugees.

The UNHCR essentially decides who merits refugee status based on the parameters laid out in the 1951 Refugee Convention, which states that a refugee is someone who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country."

If it's demonstrated that the refugee in question meets the above conditions, the applicant may be referred by the UNHRC for resettlement in a third country, such as the United States, where he or she will be given legal resident status and eventually be able to apply for citizenship.

After the UNHCR refers a refugee applicant to the United States, the application is processed by a federally funded Resettlement Support Center, which gathers information about the candidate to prepare for an intensive screening process, which includes an interview, a medical evaluation and an interagency security screening process aimed at ensuring the refugee does not pose a threat to the United States.

The average processing time for refugee applications is 18 to 24 months, but Syrian applications can take significantly longer because of security concerns and difficulties in verifying their information.

Once they've completed that part of the process, the refugee is paired with a resettlement agency in the United States to assist in his or her transition to the country. That organization provides support services, such as language and vocational training, as well as monetary assistance for housing and other necessities.​

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees
UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.​

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.​

And aren't you one of those extra crunchy buckets of Christian? Tell me, what refugees would Jesus refuse?

What do you not get about the FBI Director saying we can't do it properly.

That's not what he said you racist, homophobic shitstain on humanity.

The actual statement was "there are too many gaps in the data available to us". In other words, it can't be done properly you freak of nature piece of dogshit.

What he said, you racist, homophobic pussy, is this:

“I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

Can you give me an absolute assurance that someone that buys a gun in the United States will not use it against a bunch of kids at an Elementary School? No? Guess we don't let anyone have guns then, right?

What I posted is also what he said.

Oh, another one that thinks the gun is at fault. If you don't think we should have guns, my challenge is for you to try and take mine.

You want to keep all Syrian refugees from the United States because nobody can absolutely guarantee you that one maybe could become a terrorist (after two years of intensive screening to get into the US) and yet the idea of closing loopholes to keep people that should not have guns from getting them causes you to twist your pink panties into a wad and choke on your own flying spittle.

I don't want your guns, have plenty of my own. Do be careful. I worry about you using a rubber spoon to eat let alone walking around armed.
What do you not get about the FBI Director saying we can't do it properly.

That's not what he said you racist, homophobic shitstain on humanity.

The actual statement was "there are too many gaps in the data available to us". In other words, it can't be done properly you freak of nature piece of dogshit.

What he said, you racist, homophobic pussy, is this:

“I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

Can you give me an absolute assurance that someone that buys a gun in the United States will not use it against a bunch of kids at an Elementary School? No? Guess we don't let anyone have guns then, right?

What I posted is also what he said.

Oh, another one that thinks the gun is at fault. If you don't think we should have guns, my challenge is for you to try and take mine.

You want to keep all Syrian refugees from the United States because nobody can absolutely guarantee you that one maybe could become a terrorist (after two years of intensive screening to get into the US) and yet the idea of closing loopholes to keep people that should not have guns from getting them causes you to twist your pink panties into a wad and choke on your own flying spittle.

I don't want your guns, have plenty of my own. Do be careful. I worry about you using a rubber spoon to eat let alone walking around armed.

The FBI Director says the screening process has gaps in the data available. That means the screening process can't be as intense as it needs to be.

You couldn't get my guns is more like it.

Those loopholes you speak of closing to keep people who shouldn't have guns from getting them, how do they apply to the person that stole one out of my LOCKED vehicle? You want to keep people YOU say shouldn't have them from getting them yet none of you that support such laws have ever been able to tell me which one of those laws will apply to the thief and how it will apply.
There you go again saying we. You don't get to decide for me. I know you're doing nothing more than the bidding of your ****** President. You might think what he wants is good but that proves you're too stupid to think for yourself. Bend over and grab your ankles for your BOY.

what a racist shit stain you are. I think you missed the google result for the forum you really belong on. It starts w/ an "S"

The shit stain in on your lips from puckering up to Obama's ass.
this is the level that a rw racist brings to the conversation and you people wonder why you cant win nat'l elections :clap:
There you go again saying we. You don't get to decide for me. I know you're doing nothing more than the bidding of your ****** President. You might think what he wants is good but that proves you're too stupid to think for yourself. Bend over and grab your ankles for your BOY.

what a racist shit stain you are. I think you missed the google result for the forum you really belong on. It starts w/ an "S"

The shit stain in on your lips from puckering up to Obama's ass.
this is the level that a rw racist brings to the conversation and you people wonder why you cant win nat'l elections :clap:

Yet the statement to which I responded that you made did the same thing. Typical double standard by Liberals.

When you pander to leeches, freaks, etc. that believe the government owes them something, you must be proud.
Don't count on France to accept another 30,000 "refugees". No doubt it was a deal the administration had to make with wimpy liberals to give the police the power to round up the terrorists in a series of raids. The fact that the clown face liberals can translate the situation in France to American "conservatives pooping in their pants" is a sign that the bi-polar left is really living in a fantasy world.
Don't count on France to accept another 30,000 "refugees". No doubt it was a deal the administration had to make with wimpy liberals to give the police the power to round up the terrorists in a series of raids. The fact that the clown face liberals can translate the situation in France to American "conservatives pooping in their pants" is a sign that the bi-polar left is really living in a fantasy world.

I agree.

They would much rather call conservatives coward, bigots, racists and say they are shitting their pants in fear.

That sounds better to their warped minds than saying conservatives are wary, cautions and prudent and not in favor of shelling out tax dollars to support non citizens.
There was a time when Republicans bragged about American Exceptionalism and how we set an example for the rest of the world

This is an example where we can do the right thing and help people who are suffering, people who may be slaughtered otherwise.
The rest of the world is doing the right thing and accepting these refugees

Republicans cower in fear of ISIS

Some Exceptionalism
Up to two years for complete screening process? Someone dropped the ball then.

BREAKING! First 10,000 Syrian Refugees Arrive In LA: Estimated Cost To Taxpayers For Family Of Four Is $257,480 »

The 10,000 Syrian refugees are first flown to the United States, according to the French news wire Agence France-Presse, with the State Department paying the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the airfare.

Then, once the refugees arrive in the country, they could be dispersed across the 180 cities listed above, where they are to aided within the first 30 to 90 days in settling and finding employment in the area.

After approximately 90 days, refugees are no longer eligible for the State Department-funded support that they were receiving through migrant and refugee services. However, they are able to join support programs through the Department of Health and Human Services.
Within the first 30-90 days the refugees are settling in among the US population and finding employment. So much for the complete two year screening process, eh? Did I mention that 70% of these refugees are MAM's - Military age Males? Yes, they are. Only 30% of these refugees are women and children. The truth is you do not know who these people are and neither do we.

The process is bring refugees into country, disperse refugees across the USA to 180 cities, give them aid for the first 30 -90 days in resettling and finding employment and then? Screen them (do background checks, etc.) for their eligibility to be here for the next two years!

So much for common sense!

They do screen and do background checks. The most extensive of any immigrant or refugee.

How Do Syrian Refugees Get Into the US

Potential refugees first apply for refugee status through the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), the international body in charge of protecting and assisting refugees.

The UNHCR essentially decides who merits refugee status based on the parameters laid out in the 1951 Refugee Convention, which states that a refugee is someone who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country."

If it's demonstrated that the refugee in question meets the above conditions, the applicant may be referred by the UNHRC for resettlement in a third country, such as the United States, where he or she will be given legal resident status and eventually be able to apply for citizenship.

After the UNHCR refers a refugee applicant to the United States, the application is processed by a federally funded Resettlement Support Center, which gathers information about the candidate to prepare for an intensive screening process, which includes an interview, a medical evaluation and an interagency security screening process aimed at ensuring the refugee does not pose a threat to the United States.

The average processing time for refugee applications is 18 to 24 months, but Syrian applications can take significantly longer because of security concerns and difficulties in verifying their information.

Once they've completed that part of the process, the refugee is paired with a resettlement agency in the United States to assist in his or her transition to the country. That organization provides support services, such as language and vocational training, as well as monetary assistance for housing and other necessities.​

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees
UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.​

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.​

And aren't you one of those extra crunchy buckets of Christian? Tell me, what refugees would Jesus refuse?

What do you not get about the FBI Director saying we can't do it properly.

That's not what he said you racist, homophobic shitstain on humanity.

The actual statement was "there are too many gaps in the data available to us". In other words, it can't be done properly you freak of nature piece of dogshit.

What he said, you racist, homophobic pussy, is this:

“I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

Can you give me an absolute assurance that someone that buys a gun in the United States will not use it against a bunch of kids at an Elementary School? No? Guess we don't let anyone have guns then, right?

Owning a gun is a constitutionally protected right. Syrians have no right to emmigrate to the United States. That's what morons like you fail to understand.
There was a time when Republicans bragged about American Exceptionalism and how we set an example for the rest of the world

This is an example where we can do the right thing and help people who are suffering, people who may be slaughtered otherwise.
The rest of the world is doing the right thing and accepting these refugees

Republicans cower in fear of ISIS

Some Exceptionalism

Our exceptionalism has nothing to do with being exceptional saps.

There was a time when Democrats actually cared about the security of the United States. Now they cheer for its destruction.
There you go again saying we. You don't get to decide for me. I know you're doing nothing more than the bidding of your ****** President. You might think what he wants is good but that proves you're too stupid to think for yourself. Bend over and grab your ankles for your BOY.

what a racist shit stain you are. I think you missed the google result for the forum you really belong on. It starts w/ an "S"

The shit stain in on your lips from puckering up to Obama's ass.
this is the level that a rw racist brings to the conversation and you people wonder why you cant win nat'l elections :clap:

Conservative65 isn't running for office, moron.
That's their call. It doesn't mean we have to follow their lead. This current President has completely dismantled our Immigration System. Most Americans have had it. It's time for change. It's time to rebuild our Immigration System and secure our border.
There was a time when Republicans bragged about American Exceptionalism and how we set an example for the rest of the world

This is an example where we can do the right thing and help people who are suffering, people who may be slaughtered otherwise.
The rest of the world is doing the right thing and accepting these refugees

Republicans cower in fear of ISIS

Some Exceptionalism

Our exceptionalism has nothing to do with being exceptional saps.

There was a time when Democrats actually cared about the security of the United States. Now they cheer for its destruction.

It seems to have little to do with being exceptionally brave for Republicans

The rest of the world is laughing at Republican cowardice...the French who were once mocked by Republicans are showing what it means to be exceptional
There was a time when Republicans bragged about American Exceptionalism and how we set an example for the rest of the world

This is an example where we can do the right thing and help people who are suffering, people who may be slaughtered otherwise.
The rest of the world is doing the right thing and accepting these refugees

Republicans cower in fear of ISIS

Some Exceptionalism

Our exceptionalism has nothing to do with being exceptional saps.

There was a time when Democrats actually cared about the security of the United States. Now they cheer for its destruction.

It seems to have little to do with being exceptionally brave for Republicans

The rest of the world is laughing at Republican cowardice...the French who were once mocked by Republicans are showing what it means to be exceptional
thats what happens when they pander to a xenophobic/nativist base. Sad.

How The Paris Attacks Turned Anti-Refugee Sentiment Into Full-Blown Hysteria

American conservative's pooping their pants.....while those weak, wimpy French show them how to demonstrate courage.

France Still Planning to Accept 30,000 Refugees, Hollande Says

That's stupidity, not "courage." Subjecting its citizens to unnecessary danger is not the proper function of government. Calling anyone who disagrees with this insane immigration policy a "coward" only proves that you're a moron.

The French aren't afraid of orphans. And they have first hand experience with children being rounded up by terrorists and never seen again. It was a time of terrible shame for Parisians. I guess they don't want to see it happen again.

France Reflects on Its Role in Wartime Fate of Jews
Vel d’Hiv Roundup
There was a time when Republicans bragged about American Exceptionalism and how we set an example for the rest of the world

This is an example where we can do the right thing and help people who are suffering, people who may be slaughtered otherwise.
The rest of the world is doing the right thing and accepting these refugees

Republicans cower in fear of ISIS

Some Exceptionalism

Our exceptionalism has nothing to do with being exceptional saps.

There was a time when Democrats actually cared about the security of the United States. Now they cheer for its destruction.

It seems to have little to do with being exceptionally brave for Republicans

The rest of the world is laughing at Republican cowardice...the French who were once mocked by Republicans are showing what it means to be exceptional

"Exceptionally brave" is a euphemism for "stupid." In the army, the heroes are all dead. This isn't the army and we aren't obligated to die for some stupid cause turds like you believe in.
The world knows republicans are cowards

As the rest of the world accepts refugees......Republicans cower in fear of ISIS
The world knows republicans are cowards

As the rest of the world accepts refugees......Republicans cower in fear of ISIS

What they're doing is EXACTLY what the terrorists want, reacting in fear and making it a "The West against Muslims" thing.

'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me....'

Fort Hood, Boston, Naval Recruiting Station...Benghazi.... Obama is a MORON, and he wants to bring in thousands of potential terrorists after having already admitted he allowed terrorists to slip through the cracks and into the US in the past.....

It's 'It wont' cost a dime / It will Pay for itself / If you like your plan you can keep your plan' all over again....except this time with deadly consequences.
The world knows republicans are cowards

As the rest of the world accepts refugees......Republicans cower in fear of ISIS
Declaring you have no firm terrorist plan after YEARS, declare your goal of CONTAINMENT has worked...just before the largest attack in France since WWII is neither courage nor intelligence.

Wanting to provide for our national security and protect American lives - something Obama has repeatedly FAILED to do - Is not cowardice.

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