Francis Keys bridge hit by ship. Bridge collapses, mass casualty event.

I think they meant how fragile the infrastructure is, not the bridge. This takes out the beltway around Baltimore and severely impacts the Port of Baltimore. It will be months to clear the debris and rebuild the bridge, almost impossible with the muddled regulations we have imposed on ourselves. The economic impact will be huge. I don't think many people are aware of how easy it is to disrupt power, communications, water, and the supply chain is already teetering. It just doesn't require much effort to interrupt service because things are engineered to provide normal service in a benign environment, which we aren't anymore. This should be a heads up, and as you should know by now it's like Rahm Emanuel (remember him from Obama?) says "
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

That's a Chinese proverb about opportunities in crisis.
I'm not so sure yet.
1. every ship has a US pilot to guide the ships thru the channels.
2. channels are marked with buoys, but at night there are light houses to keep ships in the channel
3. so what happened to the US pilot?
4. the containers were stacked pretty high, did wind push the ship out of the channel?
There's no lighthouse for that bridge. There are guide and warning lights on top of the bridge, beneath the bridge, and on the piers. In addition, there are buoys (with lights) that mark the channel.
Some crazies are more worried about some kind of economic impact over the lives of those affected.
Beyond sorrow for those lost and maimed...

And conceding that hindsight is a marvelous thing...

I'm wondering if the bridge was built using poorly conceived, designed and constructed support pillars?

I would have thought that any bridge in such a high traffic area would have 'buffer' pier-bases to absorb any crash shock.

When looking at an aerial view in Wikipedia I don't see any elongated elliptical sort of base to deflect or absorb such shock.

Only squarish base-supports very close to the steel pillars themselves... one good nudge and the whole thing goes over.

As indeed it did.

I'm no engineer... so maybe I'm thinking about this in the wrong way... but that was my first shoot-from-the-hip reaction.
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Dont hold your breath waiting for the incompetent lib drones in the news media to get off their ass and do their job

I’m guessing drugs or alcohol were the cause of this diaster
Where is American Stinker when you need them?
Major bridge stuck by cargo ship and the bridge collapses…… of the collapse…..

Biden's useless "Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" and his worthless Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg have struck again.

They're doing more damage to this country than ISIS.

Biden's useless "Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill" and his worthless Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg have struck again.

They're doing more damage to this country than ISIS.

I doubt the bridge was built during Biden's time in office.
Here is the stream of the Port of Batilmore Webcam.

Go to 1:28am to see the crash.

I have been on that bridge many times. It makes it really weird when you know the place where one of these disasters occur.

Had to have been some kind of mechanical failure.
Beyond sorrow for those lost and maimed...

And conceding that hindsight is a marvelous thing...

I'm wondering if the bridge was built using poorly conceived, designed and constructed support pillars?

I would have thought that any bridge in such a high traffic area would have 'buffer' pier-bases to absorb any crash shock.

When looking at an aerial view in Wikipedia I don't see any elongated elliptical sort of base to deflect or absorb such shock.

Only squarish base-supports very close to the steel pillars themselves... one good nudge and the whole thing goes over.

As indeed it did.

I'm no engineer... so maybe I'm thinking about this in the wrong way... but that was my first shoot-from-the-hip reaction.
sounds logical
How fragile our modern infrastructure is.! It takes so little for enormous damage to be done.

A massive container ship ain't exactly little. it probably weighs more fully loaded than the section of bridge that went down.
This is why we need Biden's Build Back Better plan, however the Russia-first Republicans are obstructing.

We need to vote all their asses out!

Sorry, but unless the bridge is made entirely of solid concrete blocking the river, the ship would have taken it out.

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