Free? That Is A Laugh.


In order to prosecute him, the gun seller will have to have broken a law. What law will that be? Failing to have a working crystal ball?

uh, no. We throw people in prison every day for shit they didn't do. We sent 152 people to DEATH ROW for murders they didn't commit.

We throw people in prison for life for stealing tube socks and slices of Pizza under our utterly insane "Three Strikes" laws.

You can make a case against gun sellers as "Accessory to Murder". Maybe you won't convict them, but you'll bankrupt the shit out of them, which is just as good.

Yeah, your viciousness and hatred is plain to see. But the system is not meant to be a tool to bankrupt legal businesses simple because you hate them. Perverting the system to have "Big Brother" do your dirty work is sick.
I'm not kidding when I say that he needs to be locked up. The dude is absolutely batshit on the level of Stalin.

I agree. If he is anything like this in real life, he is a danger to society.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that he is a meek little man who is scared of everything, and vents his frustration online.

Not really.

I have this image of you being a sociopath who probably has everyone a little afraid of him.

You have quite an imagination. lol Quite an inaccurate one too. I am a loving, compassionate, and friendly guy. I am quite well liked. Life is best when shared with good people. And my life is good!

No, your idea is to put people in prison for not knowing someone was crazy.

How would the gun seller know? The federal gov't ok'd the sale. Tell us how the seller would know someone was crazy?

Yeah, there's just no way to tell THESE guys were crazy.


No, your idea is to put people in prison for not knowing someone was crazy.

How would the gun seller know? The federal gov't ok'd the sale. Tell us how the seller would know someone was crazy?

Yeah, there's just no way to tell THESE guys were crazy.


Yeah, you want a business to base their sales on whether someone LOOKS crazy or sane. You are an idiot. Your nonsense is worthless. And even when you aren't lying, you have little to offer.

This "Send gun sellers to prison whether they broke the law or not!" idea you have will never happen. And rightfully so.

Yeah, your viciousness and hatred is plain to see. But the system is not meant to be a tool to bankrupt legal businesses simple because you hate them. Perverting the system to have "Big Brother" do your dirty work is sick.

Not at all.

The gun sellers ARE a major component to the problem. In fact, a large part of their business is keeping people like Nancy Lanza scared so she'll buy enough guns and ammo to ward off the Zombie Apocalypse. So they WANT crooks to have guns.

Throw a couple of them in jail, they'll think twice about it.

Mission Accomplished.

Yeah, you want a business to base their sales on whether someone LOOKS crazy or sane. You are an idiot. Your nonsense is worthless. And even when you aren't lying, you have little to offer.

This "Send gun sellers to prison whether they broke the law or not!" idea you have will never happen. And rightfully so.

We throw people in prison for shit they didn't do all the time. The gun seller did do something. He sold a gun that was used in a mass murder.

Yeah, your viciousness and hatred is plain to see. But the system is not meant to be a tool to bankrupt legal businesses simple because you hate them. Perverting the system to have "Big Brother" do your dirty work is sick.

Not at all.

The gun sellers ARE a major component to the problem. In fact, a large part of their business is keeping people like Nancy Lanza scared so she'll buy enough guns and ammo to ward off the Zombie Apocalypse. So they WANT crooks to have guns.

Throw a couple of them in jail, they'll think twice about it.

Mission Accomplished.

The gun sellers are not why people are scared. Look to the national news media for that, and no one else.

I have known numerous gun sellers, and not a single one was ever in favor of criminals having guns. They do recognize that criminals have guns. But they are not in favor of armed criminals.

Throwing them in jail requires that they be convicted of a crime. What law did they break?

Yeah, you want a business to base their sales on whether someone LOOKS crazy or sane. You are an idiot. Your nonsense is worthless. And even when you aren't lying, you have little to offer.

This "Send gun sellers to prison whether they broke the law or not!" idea you have will never happen. And rightfully so.

We throw people in prison for shit they didn't do all the time. The gun seller did do something. He sold a gun that was used in a mass murder.

We don't do it on purpose, you idiot. Using mistakes to justify wholesale persecution is retarded.

The gun seller broke no laws. In order to send someone to prison they must have been convicted of a crime. The gun seller committed none. You can rant until you are red in the face and spittle covers your screen, but we will never do what you are saying. If a gun seller did get sent to prison without breaking any law, he would eventually be freed and get a HUGE settlement. Now he can open a chain of gun stores.
The gun sellers are not why people are scared. Look to the national news media for that, and no one else.

I have known numerous gun sellers, and not a single one was ever in favor of criminals having guns. They do recognize that criminals have guns. But they are not in favor of armed criminals.

Throwing them in jail requires that they be convicted of a crime. What law did they break?

Accessory to Murder. Done.

We don't do it on purpose, you idiot. Using mistakes to justify wholesale persecution is retarded.

The gun seller broke no laws. In order to send someone to prison they must have been convicted of a crime. The gun seller committed none. You can rant until you are red in the face and spittle covers your screen, but we will never do what you are saying. If a gun seller did get sent to prison without breaking any law, he would eventually be freed and get a HUGE settlement. Now he can open a chain of gun stores.

People get thrown into prison for mistakes all the time. Just ask anyone who got busted for a DUI.

and what you fail to realize is the government can only be sued if it ALLOWS itself to be sued.

trust me, all your whining about the second Amendment won't do a lot of good if the prosecution shows pictures of dead preschoolers to the Jury...

We don't do it on purpose, you idiot. Using mistakes to justify wholesale persecution is retarded.

The gun seller broke no laws. In order to send someone to prison they must have been convicted of a crime. The gun seller committed none. You can rant until you are red in the face and spittle covers your screen, but we will never do what you are saying. If a gun seller did get sent to prison without breaking any law, he would eventually be freed and get a HUGE settlement. Now he can open a chain of gun stores.

People get thrown into prison for mistakes all the time. Just ask anyone who got busted for a DUI.

and what you fail to realize is the government can only be sued if it ALLOWS itself to be sued.

trust me, all your whining about the second Amendment won't do a lot of good if the prosecution shows pictures of dead preschoolers to the Jury...

The gun seller didn't shoot anyone. And despite your laughable focus on dead school children, that kind of shooting accounts for less than 1% of the gun murders in a year.

No, the judge gives the jury instructions on the law. If there is no law broken, the seller does not go to jail.
The gun sellers are not why people are scared. Look to the national news media for that, and no one else.

I have known numerous gun sellers, and not a single one was ever in favor of criminals having guns. They do recognize that criminals have guns. But they are not in favor of armed criminals.

Throwing them in jail requires that they be convicted of a crime. What law did they break?

Accessory to Murder. Done.

Not even close. You are funny to now be focused on this attack point. I know you want all the gun sellers in jail or out of business, but it is not going to happen this way.

Was the figure quoted to you 74% or 76%???
The gun seller didn't shoot anyone. And despite your laughable focus on dead school children, that kind of shooting accounts for less than 1% of the gun murders in a year.

No, the judge gives the jury instructions on the law. If there is no law broken, the seller does not go to jail.

Guy, you work on the assumption that the judges aren't as tired of seeing the daily slaughter as I am. I suspect a lot of them are even more tired of it.

As far as dead kids goes...

Gun Violence Takes a Massive Toll on American Children
  • More than one in five U.S. teenagers (ages 14 to 17) report having witnessed a shooting.6
  • An average of eight children and teens under the age of 20 are killed by guns every day.7
  • American children die by guns 11 times as often as children in other high-income countries.8
  • Youth (ages 0 to 19) in the most rural U.S. counties are as likely to die from a gunshot as those living in the most urban counties. Rural children die of more gun suicides and unintentional shooting deaths. Urban children die more often of gun homicides.9
  • Firearm homicide is the second-leading cause of death (after motor vehicle crashes) for young people ages 1-19 in the U.S.10
  • In 2007, more pre-school-aged children (85) were killed by guns than police officers were killed in the line of duty.11
About Gun Violence Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Not even close. You are funny to now be focused on this attack point. I know you want all the gun sellers in jail or out of business, but it is not going to happen this way.

Was the figure quoted to you 74% or 76%???

Doesn't matter what the sheeple want. If you want to rule by polls, I'd get more of what I want than you would of yours.

ONce our prosecutors figure out the gun sellers are the weak link, that's when these sleazebags are going down.
The gun seller didn't shoot anyone. And despite your laughable focus on dead school children, that kind of shooting accounts for less than 1% of the gun murders in a year.

No, the judge gives the jury instructions on the law. If there is no law broken, the seller does not go to jail.

Guy, you work on the assumption that the judges aren't as tired of seeing the daily slaughter as I am. I suspect a lot of them are even more tired of it.

As far as dead kids goes...

Gun Violence Takes a Massive Toll on American Children
  • More than one in five U.S. teenagers (ages 14 to 17) report having witnessed a shooting.6
  • An average of eight children and teens under the age of 20 are killed by guns every day.7
  • American children die by guns 11 times as often as children in other high-income countries.8
  • Youth (ages 0 to 19) in the most rural U.S. counties are as likely to die from a gunshot as those living in the most urban counties. Rural children die of more gun suicides and unintentional shooting deaths. Urban children die more often of gun homicides.9
  • Firearm homicide is the second-leading cause of death (after motor vehicle crashes) for young people ages 1-19 in the U.S.10
  • In 2007, more pre-school-aged children (85) were killed by guns than police officers were killed in the line of duty.11
About Gun Violence Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Wow, you actually used data for a change. You are learning!!

Now, be aware that the figure for the children killed by guns includes every member of the military under the age of 20, so it slants it a bit.

Oh, and the only way guns are the second leading cause of deaths is if you include suicides, and we have already discussed why that is inaccurate.

Also, I have said I have no problem with requiring safe storage of firearms. That takes care of the children accidently shooting themselves or others.

Are you going to hold gun sellers responsible for all of the children dying too? Like the ones where the adult left a loaded gun out? I would be VERY interested to know how a gun seller would determine whether the customer will do that or not.

Look, I get that there are issues with guns. But, other than this post, you have harped on prosecuting gun sellers for not having a crystal ball, gone on and on about Nancy Lanza prepping for a zombie apocalypse, and claimed gun sellers want criminals armed. And your solutions are bullshit.

Oh, and I have no doubt judges are tired of it, as is everyone else. But to remove the constitutional rights of 65 million gun owners because of it is NOT the answer that will fly.

Not even close. You are funny to now be focused on this attack point. I know you want all the gun sellers in jail or out of business, but it is not going to happen this way.

Was the figure quoted to you 74% or 76%???

Doesn't matter what the sheeple want. If you want to rule by polls, I'd get more of what I want than you would of yours.

ONce our prosecutors figure out the gun sellers are the weak link, that's when these sleazebags are going down.

The prosecutors cannot prosecute the gun sellers if they do things by the book. If they break the laws, burn them. But they will not go to jail because someone else broke the law.

But the shrinks can be prosecuted for not reporting potentially dangerous patients. And according to one source, it is either 74% or 76% of the population that is against handgun bans. So your side will lose.
Look, I get that there are issues with guns. But, other than this post, you have harped on prosecuting gun sellers for not having a crystal ball, gone on and on about Nancy Lanza prepping for a zombie apocalypse, and claimed gun sellers want criminals armed. And your solutions are bullshit.

Oh, and I have no doubt judges are tired of it, as is everyone else. But to remove the constitutional rights of 65 million gun owners because of it is NOT the answer that will fly.

My solutions are perfectly fine. Every other industrialized Nation limits or bans private gun ownership, and they have less gun murder than we do if you combine ALL Of them.

But when you have a gun industry that looks at Nancy Lanza as a prime customer instead of a woman with a serious fucking problem, you are going to get disasters.
The prosecutors cannot prosecute the gun sellers if they do things by the book. If they break the laws, burn them. But they will not go to jail because someone else broke the law.

But the shrinks can be prosecuted for not reporting potentially dangerous patients. And according to one source, it is either 74% or 76% of the population that is against handgun bans. So your side will lose.

Again, guy, you work on the assumption we are going to play by the rules.

Prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich. And maybe we won't convict the fuckers, but bankrupting them and making them pariahs in their communities works.
The prosecutors cannot prosecute the gun sellers if they do things by the book. If they break the laws, burn them. But they will not go to jail because someone else broke the law.

But the shrinks can be prosecuted for not reporting potentially dangerous patients. And according to one source, it is either 74% or 76% of the population that is against handgun bans. So your side will lose.

Again, guy, you work on the assumption we are going to play by the rules.

Prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich. And maybe we won't convict the fuckers, but bankrupting them and making them pariahs in their communities works.

That you favor that strategy shows you to be a nutball.

No, they will not pursue that avenue, because after the first one there would be plenty of outside money coming in to9 help the gun dealers.

Plus, prosecutors plead out most of their cases so they can avoid trials. They are certainly not going to go after a trial they know they cannot win.
Look, I get that there are issues with guns. But, other than this post, you have harped on prosecuting gun sellers for not having a crystal ball, gone on and on about Nancy Lanza prepping for a zombie apocalypse, and claimed gun sellers want criminals armed. And your solutions are bullshit.

Oh, and I have no doubt judges are tired of it, as is everyone else. But to remove the constitutional rights of 65 million gun owners because of it is NOT the answer that will fly.

My solutions are perfectly fine. Every other industrialized Nation limits or bans private gun ownership, and they have less gun murder than we do if you combine ALL Of them.

But when you have a gun industry that looks at Nancy Lanza as a prime customer instead of a woman with a serious fucking problem, you are going to get disasters.

And we have much more non-gun related violent crime than they do. So it is obvious that teh guns themselves are not the problem. But you really don't care what the actual problem is, you simply want an unarmed population.

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