Fri morn, 3 days after WWII vets kicked out of memorial, barricades now WIRED SHUT


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
I thought I had heard that the government, after their embarrassment at being caught kicking 90-year-old WWII veterans out of a WWII Memorial in a public area that cost the govt nothing to keep open, had relented and opened the memorial up again.

Turns out it's not so.

The government has now REINFORCED the barricades, tying them together with wire so the WWII vets who pushed them aside a few days ago, can't do it now.

This Obama administration isn't just vain and mean-spirited. They're STUPID.


WWII Memorial Barricade Wired Shut | The Weekly Standard

WWII Memorial Barricade Wired Shut

10:22 AM, Friday Oct 4, 2013

On Tuesday morning, seven National Park Service employees were seen erecting and tending to a barricade around the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C. One NPS employee was operating a forklift. There usually aren't any NPS employees working at the World War II memorial.

A couple hours later, when an Honor Flight of World War II veterans arrived, accompanied by Democratic and Republican members of Congress, the fences blocking the memorial were easily moved away, allowing the veterans to enter.

But the barriers are still at the memorial, and they've been reinforced. This morning, I walked by the memorial and noticed that wires had been used to tie the fences together:

Don't want them vandalized with a bunch of backwards "B"s. Right? :D
So Obama thugs paid people to barricade an open air museum- He's such a megalomaniac!

What a god damned embarrassment this asshole in chief is!
Does it bother you Republicans that you're getting played as such rubes, or are you proud of your gullibility?
Good luck with your messaging.

Most of the country still blame the GOP for hostage taking. Vets visiting their memorial included. Children being denied their cancer treatment.......
Good luck with your messaging.

Most of the country still blame the GOP for hostage taking. Vets visiting their memorial included. Children being denied their cancer treatment.......

A President Of The United States Of America calling the opposition party names is real mature, huh?

What an incredible embarrassment this piece of shit is

White House Official: We're Winning, So It Doesn't Matter How Long This Shutdown Lasts (or How Many Cancer-Stricken Children Don't Get Medical Help)

And bear in mind the Democrats' public position is that they just hate that politics has been brought into this by The Damned Tea Party, and all they want is for the government to open so that it can work its governmental magic.

But here's what they say when they've got a drink in them.

Said a senior administration official: "We are winning...It doesn't really matter to us" how long the shutdown lasts "because what matters is the end result."

The Washington Post asks if this is a potential "game-changer."

They don't think the "We're winning" part is important, because obviously someone is going to win and lose, and Rand Paul just also said that he thought the GOP could win this. But they do think the part about not caring how long the government remains shut down is a problem for the White House.

The first part -- "We're winning" -- is indeed important because the Democrats position, endlessly trumpeted by the media, is that they're sickened by the politics of this. Well that was always, obviously, bunk, and a six year old could see that.

But the media pushed that line anyway, uncritically. "We're winning" complicates their jobs on that front. (Their jobs being to carry water for Democrats, of course.)

Comically Evasive Obama Mouthpiece Jay Carney says the White House "utterly disavows" that thing that a "senior White House official" said, that thing that clearly represents the actual feeling in the White House.

So if someone confesses the truth which undermines your dishonest public relations strategy, all you have to do is "disavow" the truth and then you can go back to lying about everything.


Shows what I've been saying all along.

dimocraps really don't care about the American People
A President Of The United States Of America calling the opposition party names is real mature, huh?

You're actually crying about "extremist"? After all the truly vile shit you've flung at the president and the Democrats?

It's not just that you're a hypocrite. It's that you're a pansy, a whinyasstittybaby. You're one of the reasons why nobody wants to be associated with the GOP any longer.

What an incredible embarrassment this piece of shit is.

I'm embarrassed that you're an American, due to your bedwetter act. Our enemies see you, and thus assume all Americans must be equally wimpy. Please stop encouraging our enemies to attack us.
I think it says

"Park is Closed"

You do know it is taking more effort and government resources to close a park that isnt desgined to be closed, then to just do nothing, right?

Same as all the other places that are getting "closed" just to make it look like the government actually does something at these places.
Good luck with your messaging.

Most of the country still blame the GOP for hostage taking. Vets visiting their memorial included. Children being denied their cancer treatment.......

A President Of The United States Of America calling the opposition party names is real mature, huh?

What an incredible embarrassment this piece of shit is


Aww, does the word "extremist" harm you and your parties sweet delicacies dearie?

Ironic, isn't it?
I think it says

"Park is Closed"

You do know it is taking more effort and government resources to close a park that isnt desgined to be closed, then to just do nothing, right?

Same as all the other places that are getting "closed" just to make it look like the government actually does something at these places.

Afraid it isn't

Closed means closed. Not a piecemeal attraction by attraction decision Millions of Americans are being inconvenienced a lot more than a bunch of tourists

Please explain what makes a monument an essential government service?
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I think it says

"Park is Closed"

You do know it is taking more effort and government resources to close a park that isnt desgined to be closed, then to just do nothing, right?

Same as all the other places that are getting "closed" just to make it look like the government actually does something at these places.

Afraid it isn't

Closed means closed. Not a piecemeal attraction by attraction decision Millions of Americans are being inconvenienced a lot more than a bunch of tourists

Please explain what makes a monument an essential government service?

Its an open air monument, under normal circumstances there are no fences or gates, people can come and go as they please.

This is sick political game being played by a corrupt asshole named BHO. There is no cost to the govt to have the monuments open, but there is a cost to put up barriers and locks----where did that money come from?
A President Of The United States Of America calling the opposition party names is real mature, huh?

You're actually crying about "extremist"? After all the truly vile shit you've flung at the president and the Democrats?

It's not just that you're a hypocrite. It's that you're a pansy, a whinyasstittybaby. You're one of the reasons why nobody wants to be associated with the GOP any longer.

What an incredible embarrassment this piece of shit is.

I'm embarrassed that you're an American, due to your bedwetter act. Our enemies see you, and thus assume all Americans must be equally wimpy. Please stop encouraging our enemies to attack us.

Isn't that the whole point?

I am not the president.

I did not stand for election to the most powerful and (until now) respected position on Earth.

What I say means nothing. I'm not even using my real name unless you're stupid enough to believe I really am Beowulf's Father... You may be.

I sit back in my safe anonymity and call people names. So what?

I don't have the power to launch a Nuclear Strike.

I don't have the power to control the FBI, the CIA, the IRS (as Patriots have learned the hard way).

I am not Commander in Chief of the United States Army, Navy and Air Force (I think the Marines are still part of the Navy).

I don't have people around me that will 'rid me of that meddlesome priest' (Shakespearean reference..... Ask an Adult what it means)

For you to use a logic fallacy by invoking the most juvenile tu quoque equivalency test simply illustrates to me that you are not a serious person.
Good luck with your messaging.

Most of the country still blame the GOP for hostage taking. Vets visiting their memorial included. Children being denied their cancer treatment.......

A President Of The United States Of America calling the opposition party names is real mature, huh?

What an incredible embarrassment this piece of shit is


Repubs shut down govt and they are crying about name calling while people don't have a paycheck. Guess which is more important to voters...Money or names?

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