from a birth certificate to Ben Ghazzi to silly hysteria over a website


Posting a picture of a graph is suppose to somehow convince people? :lol:

You're certainly free to post whatever you believe to be "convincing".

By all means - prove the numbers are wrong.

Facts get in the way :lol:
The End is Here!

American Greatness Over!

Economic Meltdown and End of Capitalism and Democracy.

There was a chance for american greatness and for us to be a country with a government of the people,for the people,and by the people again and to get back to the constitution of the united states and be a free country again instead of having corporations control the government like they do now,we were headed back in that direction 50 years ago,but all that changed and the country was altered forever on nov 22nd 1963.

That was our last great president we had.We'll never have one anything like him who wasnt a puppet for the establishment that stepped on some very powerful toes in washington and paid the price for it.

Every single president we have had since then has been more corrupt than the previous one and will continue as long as we have this corrupt two party system which is actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.
.from a birth certificate to Ben Ghazzi to silly hysteria over a did tbe Republican Party get reduced to this? It can't be Obama alone or even Obama and Clinton before him.

Any ideas? Seriously...

Diversionary tactics the Republicans have to keep fires going so the middle class doesn't figure out how they (Republicans) have screwed them.

Dude, I hate to throw cold reality in your face but the Middle Class is currently figuring out how badly Barry, Harry and Nancy screwed them with ObamaCare! The website is the least of your worries! When the average American making between $30,000 and $70,000 sees what their new premiums are going to be under the ACA, they are going to take to the streets with torches and pitchforks looking for the Democrats responsible for it.

The website is just typical Obama Administration incompetence. That they'll be able to fix after spending twice as long and three times as much as the Private Sector would have done it for. The problem for you folks who thought this was SUCH a great that the numbers never worked, even when you guys cooked the books. ObamaCare is going to crater and the Republicans have NOTHING to do with it's failure! The Democrats OWN this turkey!
Was America better off before Obama?

a little,but not much.Obama is worse than Bush which i did not think was going to be possible,but he is.He has not only contiuned Bushs policys,but he has expanded and accelerated them..every president who gets in from here on out we'll be worse than the previous one just like they have been the past 50 years.

The reason is each time a new president gets in,the establishment ante up's their agenda against mankind.If you dont do what they tell you to do and be their willing puppet,then you end up like Kennedy.

example.Clinton by nature isnt quite as corrupt and evil as George Herbert Walker Bush.The Bush family has a long history of corruption and atrocities starting with Bushs father Prescott Bush.

However,Clintons atrocities he committed as president were even worse than Bush's were and that again is because the establishment ante upped their agenda when he was president like they always do when a new president gets in which is why Clinton appears to be more corrupt than Bush sr since was because like all of them from the last 50 years,he was their willing puppet willing to do their bidding as well.the atrocites they asked him to carry out were even worse than Bushs but he filfilled them like the obediant puppet he was.

Nex president that gets in-probably will be HELLARY since she is even worse than Bill "according to his aides that served in the e clinton white house under him,they said that Bill could be pleasant to chat with at times but Hellary scared them and they tried to avoid being around her at all costs." Next one will carry out atrocities against mankind even worse than Obama has.count on it.
I see your handlers sent you here quickly to fart immediately after my first post Trollstyle.

They sure are getting worried the truth is being posted here that they sent you here to fart so quickly.:lol: you will fart again in your next post very soon also no doubt.:lol:
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Public relations failure. Not working as hoped and having issues does not equal failure. Because the media sells with anecdotal stories of frustration

Like I said before...

Get a life.


If you consider 6 people signing up on day one as a win, party down there Dante!


Actually, the measure of success cannot be decided until well into the enrollment period.

How far away is the deadline? When we get there the rightwing will have sunk it's venomous fangs into another "scandal" that most normal Americans are paying no attention to.

This is all about keeping the pathetic wingnut base engaged.


And for the media? Selling ads. :lol:

So "normal" Americans aren't paying attention to the abysmal roll out of ObamaCare? You've gone from amusing to farcical with that contention, Dante.

I'm beginning to think that you referring to yourself in the third party is a subliminal attempt to distance yourself FROM yourself. I think even your subconscious knows how full of shit you are!
Posting a picture of a graph is suppose to somehow convince people? :lol:

You're certainly free to post whatever you believe to be "convincing".

By all means - prove the numbers are wrong.

Facts get in the way :lol:

Dude, that graph is nonsense. All it shows is the "increase" in spending from one President to another. Barack Obama took over right after we spent an unprecedented amount of money on stimulus the last year of W's second term. That was supposed to be a short term "fix" but Barry has increased the amount spent each and every year that he's been in office. Trying to paint him as a "non-spender" with a graph like that is about as bad a misrepresentation of the facts as you could make. You know it too...don't you? All of which makes you who you are Dante...a propagandist.
But hey...the "fart guy" thinks you're you've got THAT going for you! LOL
You're certainly free to post whatever you believe to be "convincing".

By all means - prove the numbers are wrong.

Facts get in the way :lol:

Dude, that graph is nonsense. All it shows is the "increase" in spending from one President to another. Barack Obama took over right after we spent an unprecedented amount of money on stimulus the last year of W's second term. That was supposed to be a short term "fix" but Barry has increased the amount spent each and every year that he's been in office. Trying to paint him as a "non-spender" with a graph like that is about as bad a misrepresentation of the facts as you could make. You know it too...don't you? All of which makes you who you are Dante...a propagandist.

define "short term fix" in the real world after Financial crisis of 2007?08 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :eusa_whistle:

The financial crisis of 2007–2008, also known as the Global Financial Crisis and 2008 financial crisis, is considered by many economists the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.[1] It resulted in the threat of total collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas, the housing market also suffered, resulting in evictions, foreclosures and prolonged unemployment. The crisis played a significant role in the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in trillions of U.S. dollars, and a downturn in economic activity leading to the 2008–2012 global recession and contributing to the European sovereign-debt crisis.[2][3] The active phase of the crisis, which manifested as a liquidity crisis, can be dated from August 9, 2007, when BNP Paribas terminated withdrawals from three hedge funds citing "a complete evaporation of liquidity".[4]
The Obamacare fiasco isn't inspiring people that government can run healthcare.

It could cost the Democrats the Senate.
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make that 3 farts in a row from you agent TROLLSTYLE.:9:

yep,your handlers are obviously worried some lurkers will see those trueful faccts I been posting the way they keep sending you here to fart one after another.:lol:
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till we get a third party president in office who will serve the people instead of the bankers like every president we have had for the past 50 years has,nothing will ever change and we'll always remain the police states of america.

Obama is not the problem like many people want to believe.The international bankers and this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM is.
Obama is not the problem like many posters want to believe.The international bankers him and Bush and the incoming president and this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM they belong to are.nothing will ever change till we get a third party president in office who will serve the people instead of the bankers like every president from the past 50 years has.

where is all that hope and change? all i see that Obama has done is just accelerate the policys that Bushwacker got started.:cuckoo:
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